Chapter 78 Nirvana
Princess Yuffie walked in the quiet corridor.

This is the room leading to the king.

After entering the room, by a floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the royal city, you can see the back of the old king sitting on a chair late at night and not falling asleep.

The old king seemed to have expected that Yuffie would come.

He was not surprised at the sound of footsteps behind him.

The first one to speak is the eldest princess
"Father, before the envoy arrives tomorrow, I will tell other nobles and ministers that you have a sudden illness and will not be able to attend the dinner."

"Is this your last mercy?" The old king shook his head.

Afterwards, he turned around and looked at Yuffie, his eldest daughter, with eyes that were slightly cloudy due to age.

"Yuffie, I'm your relative, and so is your sister Sophia, as well as your cousins, the royal families of Illinois all have similar blood, do you... have to be like this?"

When the old king said this, it was more like he was mumbling to himself than he was trying to persuade Yuffie.

Because he knows his eldest daughter.

Once Yuffie makes up his mind to make a choice, no one can change it, as can be seen from Yuffie's unshakable, ruthless eyes now.

However, maybe Yuffie is still thinking about family affection.

She still respects her father very much.

Yuffie walked to the old king's desk, and read aloud the suggestions on national policy from the ministers and the royal families piled up on it.

"Reduce tariffs on the empire, increase the introduction of a large number of excellent goods from the empire, and improve the quality of life of the people of Illinois."

"Join the kingdom alliance led by the empire, and sign the "Prohibition of High-Level Magic Techniques Treaty"—all academies in the Kingdom of the Future will no longer offer courses above the third-level magic arts."

"The Five Flowers Alliance is deeply loved by the people, and deserves more rewards and awards. Don't let the hardworking nobles feel chilled."

"Open the Imperial Exchange College, use more subsidy policies to attract imperial students, and strive to keep the imperial high-talented students in the country."

"Abolish the establishment of the Royal Army and introduce the more advanced self-defense force concept from the Empire."

"It is recommended that tomorrow be set as a public holiday in the Kingdom of Illinois, and the imperial flag be distributed to the people of the royal city to show the importance of the arrival of the imperial envoy and express the people of Illinois' joy and welcome to the envoy."

"The maverick Illinois is destined not to go far."

Yuffie stopped reading.

There are many more suggestions like this.

Of course, they didn't write it so straightforwardly. It was Yuffie who simplified the core content.

It’s okay to say that such “reform” proposals are only a small part.

But in fact, Yuffie knew very well that among the nobles, even the royal family, such people accounted for the majority, and they were all those in power.

"Father, as a member of the royal family of Illinois, I have the blood of my ancestors. I don't think these people can be called my relatives. Their existence means to me and the ancestors of the royal family of Illinois. It’s a shame.”

"The stigma should be cleared, not thought, to turn them back."

There was no hesitation in Princess Yuffie's voice.

The old king sighed.

As if begging at the end, he asked, "Even your sister, Sophia?"


The eldest princess added with a blank expression: "I've given her many opportunities, but every time, she chose another path precisely."

The old king was silent.

As if he had aged many years, after a few seconds, he smiled wryly, seemed to give up, and said slowly: "I will attend the banquet tomorrow night, and the king won't come on the way, the emissary and other nobles are more or less Be suspicious, and it's not good for your plans."

"Let me, a failed king, do one last thing for you."

The Wuhua Alliance wants to take advantage of the arrival of the envoy to eliminate the royal family and seize power.

But why not, Yuffie will also use her tricks. This eldest princess not only wants to eliminate the Five Flowers Alliance, but also uses the Five Flowers Alliance to disappoint her. This group of Illinois royal maggots also borrowed a knife to kill people clean.

"Yuffie, you must be careful about Lingshi. The Lingshi from the Empire is not as powerful as you imagined... Let me finally know what kind of hole card gave you such confidence and made you Can you make such a risky move?"


The old king believed that his eldest daughter was definitely not the adventurer she appeared to be. Based on his understanding of Yuffie, she must have some infallible deeper power.

Regarding this, Yuffie hesitated for a while, but finally said:

"Please rest assured, father, I have mastered the power from thousands of years ago."

Yuffie didn't say the whole thing.

This is the limit of what she can reveal.

But even so, it was enough to shock the old king. He even stood up from his chair and stared at his grown-up daughter with disbelief.

"No wonder."

"No wonder." The old king repeated twice tremblingly.

He seemed to be completely relieved, and sat back on the chair again, and he could use it as a bait for his eldest daughter and Yuffie, to play the last bit of value of his old thing and bring hope to Illinois.


The purpose of Yuffie's visit this time is not just to have a heart-to-heart talk with her father.

She also wanted to get a truth, a secret from the old king.

About the secret of a hundred years ago.

"Father, when the empire changed its emperor for the seventh time, a rebellion war broke out in the world. Those anti-imperial forces from the underground once caused the empire to be embarrassed in one fell swoop."

"The subsequent empire united many other kingdoms to wipe out this rebel force, and our Illinois was one of them at that time."

Yuffie gently recounted this history.

She didn't care about this before.

But following the "Grey Canopy Man" told her the truth, allowing her to peek into more history, she discovered the strangeness in it, and because of this, she really wanted to ask, asking her about her experience in the rebellion war the old king.

"Father, what exactly was the rebellion war that year? Who were the rebel forces that were fighting against the empire?"

Regarding the eldest daughter's question, the old king shook his head.

"Yuffie, don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

"That is not a level we can touch. I can only tell you that it is a terrifying power that only exists in "ancient history", or as you put it, it is a power that existed thousands of years ago."

"But even so, they still couldn't compete with that emperor, and even the ending of those rebels, those ancient heroic spirits who were extremely powerful in my eyes, ended up being thrown into a dungeon by that emperor. reduced to a prisoner of imprisonment."

The old king's eyes showed memories, and it seemed that he could still see the fear and fear of the past.

Seeing the emperor who looked down on him, that's why he completely lost his fighting spirit and was completely decadent. He chose to let Illinois join the ranks of the imperial army in the "rebellion war" that year, and stand in line with the empire.

That's why Illinois is what it is today.

It is for this reason that the country of Illinois still exists.

And those countries that had helped the "rebels" in the past, now their royal families, nobles, ministers, and even their people have all become slaves who will never be able to stand up, for other countries in the world to play with.

The original intention of the old king was actually to remind Yuffie, warn Yuffie not to go too far, there is only one end for resisting the empire.

But Yuffie's focus is all on
"Father, are you saying that those ancient heroic spirits, the leaders of the rebel army, did not die? Instead, they were imprisoned in the imperial dungeon?"

"The dungeon is just an adjective. I don't know exactly how the emperor dealt with it, but I can be sure that the emperor on the battlefield at that time did not kill them, but just captured them. However, he declared that in order to promote the empire's Victory, so it is recorded in history that those rebel leaders have all been beheaded."

"I understand. Thank you, father, for being willing to tell me this."

After the eldest princess got the information she wanted, she was ready to turn around and leave. She still had a lot of things to prepare for tomorrow night.

The old king looked at his daughter's retreating back, moved his lips, and gave his last "father" advice.

"Yuffie, some powers are beyond your control. If you do this, you will just play with fire and set yourself on fire."

The eldest princess paused.

The last words after leaving the room echoed in the lonely room of the old king.

“In ancient history, there was another name for self-immolation.”



(Reading helper: If you forget about the history of the empire, the rebellion war, etc., you can go back to Chapter 39 for more information)
(End of this chapter)

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