Chapter 79

The former estate of Earl Vidler.

It is now the temporary residence of the Mozu.

A number of high-level intellectual demons were summoned by Leon, and the atmosphere in the room was a little serious, because something unplanned happened.

The shadow demon possessed by the human princess was supposed to return tonight to bring back the information.

But until now, there has been no news from Shadow Demon.

When they took the initiative to contact Shadow Demon, they seemed to have disappeared completely, or they no longer existed.

"Lord Leon, maybe it's just something happened to the shadow demon itself."

This is indeed a possibility.

Under the poor resources of the chaotic rift, even the quantity and quality of high-level demons have shrunk significantly, let alone low-level demons, many of which are "disabled" demons.

It's like an old machine that hasn't been used for a long time and will break down.

What's more, the high-level wisdom demon who is speaking now is Leon's deputy. Although he was ordered by Leon to send a shadow demon to lurk beside the princess, he didn't pay attention to it because of his disdain for human beings. The ones they sent were only the most inferior shadow demons, which meant that they were not only old machines, but they were also in dilapidated condition.

Now, Leon stared at the deputy, with a sharp cold light shining in the snake pupils.

Seeing this, the high-ranking sage demons present bowed their heads immediately, and the deputy, trembling with fright, got off his seat and knelt on the ground.

"If you tamper with my order next time, you can report directly to Alice."

In the normal period of the Demon Race, Leon would not give him any chance for such a subordinate.

But now, every high-level demon is a limited resource, Leon still pressed the killing intent.

When he heard that he was going to Alice's place, this high-level intelligent demon was trembling with fear. His fearful look was simply more tormenting than killing him.

"Lord Leon, with the current human power, it should be impossible to kill that Shadow Demon. Even if it can't escape, at least it should be able to send out information."

Another high-level Zhimo opened his mouth to analyze.

"Furthermore, there is no news like this. If he was killed by a human, it can only mean that the human died suddenly and suddenly without even giving the shadow demon time to react."

What he said did make sense.

Even if it is the lowest-level defective shadow demon, it is also a demon race, and it also has a strength of about 40. Looking at it now, the average may not even be 10, and the highest-level combat power is only three or four. Yili For the Kingdom of Nuo.
A level 40 shadow demon can indeed walk sideways.

It's no wonder that Leon's deputy in front is so careless and contemptuous, thinking that sending out more advanced shadow demons is a waste of resources and unnecessary.

Humans who can instantly kill a level 40 shadow demon must be at least level [-] or even level [-], how is this possible.

So the high probability is still that the low-level shadow demon has a "self-destruct" phenomenon with a very small probability.

After all, Shadow Fiends are different from other races. Sunlight is their biggest natural enemy. For low-level Shadow Fiends, exposure to the sun will cause physical mutations and mental confusion is not impossible.


Leon obviously didn't think so.

in contrast.

Looking at the current group of subordinates who still hold an attitude of not paying attention, Leon is very disappointed in his heart.

He once again deeply understood why the king kept the demon army in the chaotic rift and couldn't let the army come out.

The current wise demons are a microcosm.

Even wisdom demons are like this, so it can be seen that the vast majority of demons still don't understand why they failed thousands of years ago.

Still so arrogant and underestimated the enemy.

This is what worries Wang.

And when the king was in the chaotic rift, the first lesson he taught these apostles was four words-rigorous and prudent.

and so.

Leon took a deep breath.

Other demons may not be able to change it, but he, Leon, as an apostle of wisdom and demons, will never let the king down.

Next, he gave the order again in an unquestionable tone, and said in a deep voice: "Send a communication to Arpad and Hercule, let them immediately descend from the chaotic rift, and come to reinforce."

Dao Dao Demon and the Great Demon, two apostles?
Projection coming?

Such a big battle shocked several high-level Zhimo.

Although they didn't dare to say anything, it can be seen from their expressions that no one thinks this is necessary at all. With the power of this group of human beings, the projection of two apostles with the peak combat power of the demons descended
This is not killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

It's like, an ant that can be crushed to death with your feet needs a cannon.

But of course.

The high-level intelligent demons dare not speak out about these incomprehensions and doubts, nor dare to ask, nor dare to disobey Leon. The demon clan has a very strict upper-lower class system, and the orders of the apostles are absolute.

What's more, they also messed up the shadow demon on the eldest princess, and they have already made a mistake.

The high-level wisdom demons hurriedly left to carry out new tasks, preparing for the arrival of the two apostles, the sword demon Arpad and the great demon Hercule.

Leon, who was left alone in the house, was still thinking about whether it was not safe.

after all
The salvation relic of the Child of Destiny had already appeared on the elves.

Then he has every reason to believe that the human kingdom must have collected, and even said that many relics of salvation have been collected.

The common people at the bottom have no chance to come into contact with these. Perhaps the royal family above has formed, monopolizing spells and concentrating all the top power on the head.

They cannot treat the entire human race as weak just because ordinary humans are weak.

The child of destiny thousands of years ago is the best lesson.

even say.

What Leon is still worried about now is whether there are still a group of humans from thousands of years ago in the Kingdom of Illinois. After all, as his wise demons said before, it is not difficult to kill a low-level shadow demon. , Let the Shadow Demon have no reaction at all, such a clean and quick kill, this is not only relying on brute force, but also requires extremely rich skills and experience.

Leon doesn't think that after a thousand years, humans who have forgotten the demons will have this kind of experience.


Both Elena and Alice must be called.

If it weren't for the fact that the magician Dadaya was implementing and building the king's "Devil King Tower" plan, and he couldn't get away, Dadaya would also be one of the apostles mobilized by Leon.

Including him, there were five apostles in total.

It can be said that almost everyone was mobilized.

In this way, even in the worst case, Leon has the confidence to take down those brave companions who were once the Child of Destiny, their old opponents.

Leon hesitated for a while, but finally chose not to tell Wang the information about "the disappearance of the Shadow Demon", and chose to hide it from Liao Yu.

Zhimo considers two aspects.

Yu Gong, of course, thought that if he was worrying too much, there was no need to disturb the king at all, and if his worries were true, then in order to ensure the safety of the king, he should not be allowed to participate.

And in private.
In fact, this is more.

Leon hoped that he could maintain a perfect image of the wise demon apostle in front of the king.

Mistakes and omissions such as the disappearance of Shadow Demon, once told to the king, became his stain, Leon was very difficult to accept.

So, as long as you solve it quietly by yourself.

Don't let the king downgrade him!

Among the nine apostles, apart from Elena, Leon the Wisdom Demon should be the second one. He cares and values ​​Liao Yu very much about how he sees him.

Compared with Zhimo's complete preparations.

the other side.

It belongs to the highlight of tomorrow night, the cause of everything.

The envoys who came from the empire to conduct "diplomacy" showed a completely different attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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