Chapter 84 The Savior
"Professor! Help! Help!!"

People can always stimulate their potential in dangerous situations, just like the little princess who really managed to run to Liao Yu's side now.

Sofia seemed to have finally seen her savior.

"Professor, you must have some way to keep these skeleton monsters from approaching, right!"

"Quick, let's run! Professor! Hurry up! There are more and more skeletons! If we don't run out, it will be too late!!"

"Professor, I'm talking to you, do you hear me! Do you hear me, run away!!"

Seeing how nervous the little princess is now, Liao Yu was quite surprised.

He didn't expect that the first person who noticed his side and knew that it was Sophia who came to hug his thigh.

"Miss Sophia, run away by yourself and leave me alone."

Liao Yu shook his head.

The little princess had invited him back then, probably because she wanted to play him some tricks.

But after all, the other party hasn't done any substantial bad things to him, so Liao Yu's attitude towards Sophia is indifferent and neutral.

Tell Sophia to leave quickly.

Stay away.

It's just that it's more civilized.

As a result, to Liao Yu's surprise again, when the little princess heard that she didn't intend to run away, she didn't go alone stupidly, but stayed behind as if she had bitten herself to death.

"Miss Sophia?"

"No! I'm not leaving! The professor must have some way, I know! You, you are very knowledgeable, you must know these skeleton monsters! Please, professor, save me. Help me, I will give you A lot, I can give you whatever you want!"

It may be that after being kicked by the thugs of the Five Flowers Alliance, after being treated so roughly by the other party, the arrogance and nobility of the little princess were really kicked away.

Maybe even his brain was kicked back.

Now Sophia, begging Liao Yu bitterly, steadfastly never leaves, and will never run alone, even if new skeletons are pouring into the venue every moment.

She also seemed to realize that Liao Yu didn't like her, so she just begged, and didn't say anything to hug or hold Liao Yu.

Sophia suppressed her fear and shrank in the corner diagonally behind Liao Yu, trembling.


Really don't say it.

Now the bloodshed in the venue has entered a white-hot stage, and the thugs of the Five Flowers Alliance have become the former hunters and the same prey as the royal family and nobles.

But even they couldn't resist. Skeleton soldiers with magic resistance and almost no pain perception began to suffer a large number of casualties. Most of them had no fighting spirit and wanted to escape.

But those who panicked and tried to escape would end up being surrounded by skeleton soldiers without even realizing it, and were hacked to death with random swords.

The only people who can survive in the field now are seven or eight people huddled together, back to back, forming a formation. Only in this way can they barely resist the skeleton soldiers.

Of course there are exceptions.

Just like the very dazzling Welsh.

Everyone in the venue is able to persist until now, and Velxi definitely deserves the first credit.

It can be said that nearly half of the skeleton soldiers were attracted by the elves, and one after another third-order spells were shot from Versy's hands to resist the skeletons.

She was like an army of one.

Around her, hundreds of nobles and royal families who had escaped from the disaster all regarded Vercy as their savior.

It is not difficult to see that more and more nobles have discovered that such a "hero" is there, and they are desperately trying to run to Vercy's side.

As a result, of course, more and more skeleton soldiers were attracted.

Although Welsh is still able to handle it with ease now, it will be difficult to say in the future.

"Miss Sophia, why don't you go to my student, she is so powerful, she will definitely be able to escort you out safely."

Liao Yu, who had been paying attention to Vercy all the time, was whispering like a devil, and then persuaded the little princess.


Sophia only hesitated for a moment, then shook her head wildly.

Although it seemed that Welsh's side was indeed safer.

But aren't they here?

Although there are indeed unremarkable factors in the corner, but after so long, no skeleton has yet approached.

Moreover, Sophia, who was extremely focused in order to survive, even discovered that it seemed that every skeleton that had deliberately come here, after reaching a certain critical range, seemed to suddenly realize something and change direction directly.

Can't go wrong!

Although this professor's strength is poor, he can serve as the mentor of the third-tier magician after all. There must be something outstanding somewhere, and it may be in the study of these weird monsters!

follow him!
If you want to survive, you must follow him! !

Liao Yu sighed.

It's not that there's nothing he can do with Sophia, who has recognized him.

Rather, she is quite kind, even this little princess can grow up and grow a brain, but why is her own elf, Welsh, still such an idiot?
Growth comes from pain.

It's like after the demons were tortured by their own savior and suffered pain, Leon became extremely cautious and careful.

It was as if Sophia was kicked in the stomach by the thugs, and only after crying and screaming did she realize the reality that she was a worthless trash.

So should the elves.

However, pain doesn't have to be physical.

It can also be spiritual.

Liao Yu noticed himself while looking at the other wave. The adventurers who came towards him already had an idea in his mind.

"Hurry up, follow closely! Luna! Flame impact, head towards six o'clock!"

Haihu's strong body held a big sword, and after he chopped down a skeleton blocking the way in front, the scorching flames from behind were briefly charged, and very accurately hit another skeleton behind Haihu's blind spot in his field of vision.

There are many more tacit cooperations like this. If the only one among the adventurers who is still alive without any casualties, I am afraid it is the A-level mercenary group - the Horned Eagles.

They were indeed worthy of the A-level. Each member remained calm in the face of danger and cooperated with each other. With the leader Hai Hu opening the way and the assistance of the magician Luna, they actually gained the upper hand among the skeleton soldiers for a while.

But certainly not in the long run.

Haihu desperately looked for a breakthrough, and he naturally noticed Wei Erxi. However, Haihu frowned deeply when he saw the large group of nobles that Wei Erxi was protecting.

Haihu shifted his gaze and looked for another person. Soon, his eyes lit up and he also found Liao Yu in the corner.

At this moment, Liao Yu gave Haihu the feeling that it was as if he was alone.

An outsider at this feast of horrors of blood and killing.

The intuition sharpened by many years of experience as an adventurer told Haihu that if he wanted to survive, he must go to that professor!
"Go! Follow me!!"

Haihu gritted his teeth, led the horned eagle mercenary group, and gave up breaking through, but went back inside again, in the direction of Liao Yu.

It was tough at first.

But as they got closer to Liao Yu, whether it was Hai Hu's illusion, they became more relaxed, and there were fewer and fewer skeleton soldiers.

Until the end, after arriving at Liao Yu's side completely, Haihu was already ready, so he had to defend and counterattack quickly, and apologized to Liao Yu.
The adventurers of the horned eagle mercenary group were all dumbfounded.

What about skeletons?
All, all turned back?

(End of this chapter)

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