The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 85 Professor Liao Yu's side belongs only to her!

Chapter 85 Professor Liao Yu's side belongs only to her!

This scene of the horned eagle mercenary group also made Sophia, who was the first to Liao Yu's side, more convinced of her previous speculation.

This professor
There must be some way to stop the monster!
Haihu also quickly realized this.

Just when he was still thinking about how to communicate with Liao Yu, Liao Yu took the initiative to speak.

"Captain Haihu is still willing to help me, thank you very much."

"This is not a place to stay for a long time, let's go."

Liao Yu got up and walked out first, as if turning a blind eye to the terrifying skeleton monsters in the chaotic venue, walking straight towards the back door of the hall, defenseless, as if delivering food to the skeletons .

Anyway, if Haihu chooses, he will never take such a conspicuous escape route.

Haihu still hesitated and struggled.

Sophia reacted very quickly.

The little princess seemed to have lost her mind about Liao Yu, she didn't care about anything, she would follow Liao Yu wherever he went, even if there were those monsters in front of him.

Seeing this, Haihu finally made up his mind.

"Let's go! Let's follow the professor!"

And the following facts proved that his decision was extremely correct.

After Liao Yu, who was the leader in front, led the way, Liao Yu did nothing but walked slowly, but it seemed as if a halo enveloped them, making them invisible. Those vicious skeleton soldiers seemed to be completely blind. None of them came to attack them.

even say.
The most exaggerated thing is that there are several skeletons on the road they must pass, and they even took the initiative to avoid them, as if they were making way for them. One of the skeletons, which was facing Liao Yu with its back, didn't notice Liao Yu's skeleton, and was killed by the other. The skeleton kicked violently, as if saying to stay out of the way.

This surprised Haihu and all the adventurers of the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group.

It wasn't until they were safe and sound, and they were about to reach the back door without any fighting, that it was like a dream, Haihu seemed to come back to his senses, and asked Liao Yu quickly, which should be regarded as a reminder:

"Professor Liao Yu, you, your student is still there"

Of course, Haihu was referring to Welsh.

Liao Yu shook his head.

"Don't worry about her, I'm sure she will follow."

Liao Yu didn't even glance in the direction of Wilhelm.

Continue walking towards the back door.

Seeing this, the members of Haihu and the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group couldn't say anything, and continued to follow silently.

Instead, Sophia.

Now she doesn't have to worry about the danger of her life, and she is a little more at ease, but she is very concerned about the direction of Wilhelm.

how to say.

It's as if after suddenly gaining a strong support, I don't want to let go, let alone be separated by others.

So Sophia stared at the still-fighting Werxi, a student of Professor Liao Yu.

Especially, the group of royal families and nobles who were saved by Vercy and are protecting them.



It's best for you to die here, don't follow me!
Although Sophia's IQ is online.

But the essence of her heart will not change.

The little princess issued a vicious curse to Wilsey.

She did wish Versie was dead.

Just like she would assist the Wuhua Alliance in carrying out this massacre coup.

A radish and a pit.

Now that Wilsey is dead, will she have a chance to replace this silly country girl who seems to have a sense of justice?

Become a new student next to Professor Liao Yu?
From the current point of view, Professor Liao Yu, even if he is not strong, definitely has erudite knowledge and is a powerful person. Wilxi can become a third-level magician. Maybe it is not her efforts but Professor Liao Yu. .

If so then.
In the future, if she can also be accepted by Professor Liao Yu as an apprentice, even if she climbs the big tree of Professor Liao Yu, will she also be able to become a powerful and enviable third-order magician like Wilhelm! ?

When she thought of this, Sophia looked at Liao Yu in front of her with even more intense eyes.

The gaze towards Val's hope became more and more repulsive and jealous.

Sophia thought she had hidden all this well.

But actually
Uh-huh!Wilsey shot another forest arrow, piercing through several of the attacking skeleton soldiers. Taking advantage of this short fighting gap, while taking a breather, the elf immediately turned his head and looked at the man who was leaving towards the back door. The location of Liao Yu and others.

to be frank.

When seeing Liao Yu and the horned eagle mercenary group retreating, Wilsey felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Teach.Professor! ?
The professor is obviously capable, why not save everyone!Why do you have to sit back and watch.

Why didn't the professor even say anything to her when he was retreating?
as if. as if
forget about her?

A strong sense of abandonment swept over Versey, even overpowering her inner sense of justice.

Wilhelm felt as if she was losing something very important.

That kind of thing is far better than her current sense of justice, compared to the ones she protects now, with flustered expressions, big ears, heavy makeup, she doesn't even recognize these nobles who are strangers to her .

"Quick! What are you doing!"

"Those skeletons are coming up again! You idiot, stop being dumb! Shoot your arrows quickly!"

"Hey! Let's talk to you again! You, did you hear that? As the Minister of Finance, I order you, hurry up! Protect us!"

"Damn! Are you deaf! You should be a student of the Royal Academy! Who is your tutor! If you dare to hurt us, we will let you go tomorrow, no, let your whole family go to jail!!"

"They are coming. They are killing them. Help!!"

Seeing that Vercy stopped unexpectedly, those nobles who were so anxious that they were counting on the elves shouted anxiously, and they didn't even know if it was because they were used to being pampered, and they still gave Vercy commands like orders .

But for Wilsey, these are secondary matters.

What really made Versie's heart ache, as if her heart was beating half a beat at a time, was...
That's right.

It still came from Liao Yu's side. Sophia thought she was very hidden, but in fact, under the perception of the elves, she could see it all at a glance. It came from the little princess's jealousy towards her, competition towards her, and viciousness towards her...wishing to die quickly.

Do not.
Must not
She doesn't want others to take away the position next to Professor Liao Yu!

that position
It belongs to her!It's obviously hers! !

In an instant, all the entangled emotions in her heart burst out in Wilsey.

Sophia's jealous gaze was like a catalyst, like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Let the elf princess understand her inner feelings.

Can you say you like it?Wilsey didn't know.

But what she knew was that when she thought about it, if someone else became Professor Liao Yu's new student instead of her, just thinking of that scene would make Wilsey's heart shudder.

It hurts too much.

"What are you doing!! Can't you see that we are all injured!!" At this moment, a nobleman with a neck full of gold necklaces squeezed his head and finally came to Versy's side.

His oily hand actually directly grabbed the corner of the elf's cloak, causing Vercy to come back quickly, and even wanted to hug the body of Vercy, the great savior.


Wilhelm made a breakthrough.

From the moment that vulgar and filthy words blurted out from the mouth of the elf princess, Versey actually completed a certain change.

The elf slapped the noble who wanted to hug him away with a slap.

The screaming noble fell into the pile of skeleton warriors, and within a few seconds, he was slashed into holes.

Do not know why.

It's sinful though.

But in the bottom of Wei Erxi's heart, there was a tinge of pleasure.


She must have fallen.

Wilhelm knew this very well.

Seeing the figures of Liao Yu and the others, they were about to disappear through the back door. Seeing that they were about to retreat completely, Wilhelm didn't hesitate at all.

As soon as the elf turned around, it turned into a streamer, and chased after Liao Yu's position frantically.

Only the dumb-eyed nobles who were begging and yelling to tell the elves not to go away, without the protection of Vercy, the group of skeletons who were completely slaughtered started a new round of bloodshed. .

(End of this chapter)

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