Chapter 86 Wilhelm wants to declare sovereignty

As the leader, Liao Yu did not "retreat" quickly. The horned eagle mercenary group and little princess Sophia who were following behind were in a hurry, but they would have run away if they were in a hurry. It's not like Liao Yu's side. take a walk.

But none of them dared to speak out, let alone say that they left Liao Yu, and instead ran away by themselves, even though they have all come out of the venue now.

It wasn't just the meeting place that suffered the riots. The entire palace was now ablaze. It was supposed to be a quiet night, and the sounds of fighting and screams could be heard everywhere.

It can be seen from this that the tragic scene of massacre in the main hall venue at that time was just a microcosm.

Right now, the palace in the royal city of Illinois is already filled with blood flowing everywhere.

No one dares to bet whether another skeleton soldier will suddenly appear in the shadow somewhere, or something else, a more terrifying monster.


The little princess Sofia knows this best.

Skeleton soldiers are not all the trump cards of the Five Flowers Alliance. In the hands of Mrs. Volker, there is an even more terrifying killing machine - the undead warrior

Now that I know, the Five Flowers Alliance is using her at all, and after making her a hunting target, Sophia is terrified. The only person who can give her a sense of security now is Professor Liao Yu in front of her.


Now this sense of security for the little princess has also ushered in a major crisis.

It's not that there are any new monsters.

From the way they came just now, there was the sound of howling wind from behind, and a green glow approached rapidly, and after the figure in the night sky fell from the sky, it was Versie.

It is worth mentioning that the elf here has already changed her attire and put on the cloak that Liao Yu gave her before.

After landing, Vercy fell silent.

For a while, I didn't even know how to talk to Liao Yu.

What should she say?
Could it be that he was asking Professor Liao Yu why he abandoned her and why he didn't call her to retreat?
At this time, it was Haihu, the head of the group, who spoke first, breaking the slightly silent atmosphere.

"Miss Welch, that's great! Professor Liao Yu led us along very slowly, just waiting for you!"

Haihu, as the captain, can lead an A-level adventure group, so naturally he also understands the relationship between partners, and can take good care of everyone's emotions.

He could clearly see at a glance that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between professors and students, Liao Yu and Versi. He immediately stood up and spoke for Liao Yu, which could be regarded as comforting Versi.


Hearing Haihu's words, Wei Erxi's dim eyes immediately lit up again.

She was like that kind of loyal dog who was abandoned by her master. She didn't say anything when she was sad, and she just drooped her tail, but when she realized that the master still remembered her, she immediately became emotional and wagged her tail again.

The professor still pays attention to me!
Maybe it was just because the situation was too urgent, so I didn't call me!

Indeed, with the normal retreat speed, she should have gone very far, so Haihu did not lie to her. The professor was indeed slowing down and waiting for her!Very good!
Very good!Joy welled up in Versie's heart.

The little emotions towards Liao Yu before also dissipated.

even say.

Professor Liao Yu must have thought that there was a tacit understanding between them and no words were needed, so he ignored her.

And I. Not only did I fail to understand the professor's hint, but I also ended up doubting the professor.

She. She is such a poor student!

After comforting herself in this way and convincing herself that she had never been "abandoned" by Liao Yu, Wilxi's previous sense of justice seemed to have returned.

The elf immediately said to Haihu: "Mr. Haihu, let's divide into two teams! Let the wounded retreat first, those of us who still have fighting power, go back now, there should be time!"

"I just saw that there are still many adventurers who are still fighting against the skeleton monster. Let's go back and help them! It's not too late now!"

Welsh still wanted to go back and save people.

This time, it was not the royal family and nobles who were rescued, but the adventurers who were with them.

how to say.

In Liao Yu's opinion, it can be considered an improvement.

And put it in the ears of others, Haihu frowned first, then shook his head quickly at Welsh.

"I'm sorry, Miss Versy, to me, everyone in the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group is more important than anyone else. The first thing I want to ensure is our own safety. I'm sorry that we can't do anything to help Versy miss."


The elf was at a loss for words for a while, she naively thought that everyone was like her, thinking of saving people, but in reality, she found that this was not the case.

Finally, Wilhelm looked at Liao Yu.

The same is true for the group of Haihu and the horned eagle mercenary group.

Everyone knows that Professor Liao Yu's opinion is the biggest here. Once Liao Yu says he wants to go back, Haihu bites the bullet and probably follows him.

Facing Weil Xi's hopeful gaze, Liao Yu shook his head and asked calmly:
"Wilch, what is important to you?"

"Important...?" The elf murmured and repeated, his face full of confusion and incomprehension.

Liao Yu said again: "For me, Versie, you are my student. Your safety is more important than anything else. You are the most important. No one else can compare to you. If you can exchange the lives of strangers for Wei's For your safety, I will do it without hesitation."

After finishing speaking, Liao Yu ignored Wei Erxi.

Just turn around and keep walking forward.

The people of the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group were also silent, especially the leader Hai Hu.

If it is said that before he was only in awe of Liao Yu, an intellectual and a powerful professor, now, Haihu also has a sense of identification with Liao Yu, and his evaluation of Liao Yu has risen several times again. steps.

Because Haihu asked himself.

If he was asked to make a choice, between strangers and the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group, he would definitely choose the latter, even if it meant sacrificing the former.

Wilhelm froze on the spot for several seconds.

Then he chased back again and followed the team at the end.

Yes, only at the end too.

The elf's head was now lowered, and the expression on his face could not be clearly seen, but the inner struggle of the elf could still be seen from Velxi's clenched palms.

Undoubtedly, Liao Yu's last words had a great impact on her.

This is different from the "elven education" she has received all along.

But what really made Wilsey shaken was.
If you replace the object in Liao Yu's words.

When one day, she is forced to choose between "justice" and "Professor Liao Yu", which side will she choose?

the most important.
What is the most important thing to her.
Wilsey was still undergoing a change in her thinking. When she was going through the most difficult period, another figure quietly approached and came to the elf's side.

That's right.

It was Sophia.

"Miss Welsh, don't be sad, I think you are right!"

The little princess has returned to her original softness and frailty, like a little sister.

She was cheering for the depressed and frustrated Welsh.

"I have admired those great heroes since I was a child, and those brothers of the Knights who are willing to help others! Miss Welsh, please continue to maintain this kind and righteous spirit! Now Illinois has been hit hard, and the future of the country , what we need most is people like Miss Wilsey!"

Talking about the last little princess, she lowered her head shyly, put her fingers together, then raised her head courageously, looked at Wilhelm with eyes shining with admiration, and continued:
"I, I will take Miss Welsh as a role model!"

"So I also want to follow Professor Liao Yu and become a student of the professor. When I have the strength in the future, I will be the companion of Sister Welsh! Let's contribute to Illinois and help those who are suffering! "

This is what Sofia is best at.

Under the seemingly innocent words, she quietly spread deeper hints to achieve her goal.

Under the face of the little princess who cared so much for Vercy at this moment, there was actually disgust and deep jealousy in her heart.


Why is this stinky woman still chasing after me?

Is it not good to continue to be your messenger of justice?

And that professor Liao Yu too.

What to say, this kind of silly country girl is the most important thing.

Is he blind?

The hint is obvious when a royal daughter is leaning against her like this. Why do you still miss this female student with broken glasses and freckles on her face?
Wouldn't it be [-] times stronger to be the professor and tutor of the imperial concubine?
So people are like this.

Once you feel a little safer, your true nature begins to be exposed, and some of the intelligence and brains you had originally recovered will go offline again.


What Sophia didn't expect was that she thought that her speech skills could make Versie dizzy, and she would do more things that Professor Liao Yu hated earlier, and lower her favorability so that she could take over.

How did you expect the result.
"Thank you, Miss Sophia." Welch first politely replied to the little princess.

Afterwards, the elf paused, put on another expression, and said coldly: "However, the professor has no plans to accept any more apprentices for the time being. With me as a poor student, the professor is enough to worry about, so I'm sorry Sophia Miss, it may have made your wish come true."

After saying these words, Wilsey looked at the surprised, unbelievable, and even annoyed expression of the little princess opposite, and felt for the first time that it was so cool to be pissed off.


"Also, Miss Sophia, please stay away from Professor Liao Yu. I don't want you, who is so dirty now, to meet Professor Liao Yu."

"In case the professor's clothes are soiled, I have to come and wash them when I go back at night. If Miss Sophia really wants to help me, please don't add to the workload of the professor and me at night."

After finishing speaking, Versie glanced at the originally gorgeous and beautiful dress of the little princess, but now because of the previous escape, it was stained with a large amount of wine, vegetable juice, and grease. She shook her head and showed a disgusted expression.

After that, without giving Sophia a chance to speak, she left quickly, trotted towards Liao Yu, and stayed in place before recovering, the little princess who was out of breath and could only be incompetent and furious.

Hearing the footsteps chasing behind him, Liao Yu smiled.

Of course he had also heard the episode between Wei Erxi and the little princess.

Did not see it
This silly elf in my family is not that stupid. He has a good way of teasing people.

Or is this the instinct that females inspire in each other?

As a joke.

Liao Yu deliberately asked the elf who followed behind: "How did Miss Welsh know that I have no plans to accept any more disciples?"

Welsh wasn't cowardly this time, she seemed to have really grown up, and she actually asked back.

"Is the professor there?"

"No, at least not until I teach you, a poor student, to the church."

After hearing this, the elf's face changed from a bit angry to a sweet smile like eating a honey pot.

Of course, this smile soon turned into panic and shyness.

Because Liao Yu followed with a sentence:
"But compared to this, I am more interested in what Miss Wilsey mentioned about my workload at night. Can you please expand on it and talk in detail?"

Fortunately, it didn't take too long for Welsh to feel the embarrassment of blurting out words in front of her head and trying to find a crack in the ground.

Because as everyone took a few more "escape" steps, a group of figures emerged from the dark night.

That is also a monster.

But not a skeleton.

It was a strange species whose limbs seemed to be completely turned into blades, with sharp leg blades standing on the ground in a strange balance, a strange species that even Haihu thought to be well-informed, he had never seen before.

(End of this chapter)

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