Chapter 87 They Heard My Words
"Then, what is that?" Luna from the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group tightened her grip on the staff in her hand. Under the moonlight above her head, the cold light reflected by the monster's sharp limbs made her shudder all over just seeing it.

Magicians have always been the most sensitive to assassins.

As the "assassin" of the demon clan, the sword demon gave Luna a suffocating sense of oppression. Even though the two sides were still more than ten meters apart, Luna already felt her neck was cold, as if she would be cut open easily at any moment. , blood spurts out.

Every cell in the sorceress' body is sending out a strong warning. The feeling that she has been locked by the other party and her life does not belong to her makes Luna feel like she is on pins and needles.


Just the killing intent emanating from the Sword Demon, and the souls of countless strong men who died under the Sword Demon, are simply a source of fear for the magician adventurers of the Horned Eagle Mercenary Corps.

Luna was trembling all over, and unknowingly, her fingers had clenched the staff so tightly that her joints turned white.

Her breathing became more and more rapid, and the sword demon standing quietly on the ground like a scarecrow in the distance seemed to be getting closer, and the stabbing blades of the monster's hands and feet seemed to penetrate her body in the next moment.

"no no."

The fluctuation of spells began to condense on Luna's body. This was an instinctive reaction. Under extreme panic, she threw out whatever spells she could.

"Luna stop!" Fortunately, Haihu sensed Luna's mistake at this moment, pulled her awake, and yelled at her in a low voice.

Only then did Haihu's voice pull Luna back, and the sorceress realized after she regained her composure that the knife-point monsters were still more than ten meters away and hadn't moved at all. The previous ones were just hallucinations of her imagination.

Do not.
That is no hallucination.

Luna's forehead and palms were covered in cold sweat.

At this moment, she realized that it was the killing intent emanating from the monster.

Condensed like a real killing intent.

The other party did it on purpose?

No, no.

These knife point monsters didn't even look at her.

So those killing intents were just... the other party's unconscious emanation?

Luna, who noticed this, was filled with even greater fear.

How many people did these monsters kill to condense such a terrifying killing intent?
"Sea tiger! Quick! Run! Stay away from them! These monsters are different from skeletons, they are them!" Luna was extremely frightened.

All she wanted to do now was turn around and run.

She would rather face the skeleton soldiers in the venue, she never wanted to, even if it was within a hundred meters of these knife-point monsters.

Luna relies on the intuition of the magician.

And the other person in the team felt similar to Luna's now, she was also terrified, and the fear in her heart was even more intense.

That's Wilsey.

"Professor, is that... Sword Demon?"

Sword Demon?
Although Haihu didn't know the name.

But from Luna's panic and Versie's trembling voice, it is not difficult to understand that this name is probably another kind of monster, which is much stronger than the skeleton soldiers in front.

"That's not a monster, that's a demon. A demon."

Haihu was stunned by Wei Erxi's words.


He did have an impression of this word, but didn't it all exist in ancient history in myths and legends?And the demons in myths are all inferior races that are easily defeated by humans, right?
But looking at it now, history seems to be...completely wrong.

"Miss Wilsey, what should we do now? Is there any way to deal with the demons? We, we can't really turn back, can we?"

If you want to go out again, this is the only way to go.

If you think about it again, it's no surprise that these sword demons will appear here. They were arranged to prevent people from escaping, and to intercept and kill them who slipped through the net!

After figuring this out, Welsh felt a little desperate.

Because it means two things.

One, this group of sword demons will not let them go.

Second, in this coup, the demons also participated. It may even be said that the coup itself was planned by the demons.

Why is this happening?

Didn't all the demons in history come directly in large numbers, and use millions of demons to push wave after wave?
When did the demons start playing tricks too! ?

Although Vercy also knew that among the demons, there was indeed a race called "wisdom demons".

But the wise demons in history are mainly reflected in the formation of troops, and rarely play tricks.

Then, think about it further along this line of thought.

A violent lunatic is scary enough.

But if this lunatic has learned reason, learned to lurk, and even learned to pretend.
Wilhelm gasped.

"Don't worry about them, just keep moving forward. As long as you don't take the initiative to attack, they won't hurt you."

Liao Yu's voice sounded in such a nervous and panic atmosphere.

It looked out of place.

This time, even Wilhelm, who had always trusted the professor the most, stopped Liao Yu.

"Professor! That's a demon, a sword demon! What are you talking about? How could they not, don't go there!!"

Liao Yu ignored the elves' anxious obstruction, but stopped waiting for everyone this time, and continued to walk forward alone, towards the sword demons who stood quietly like scarecrows under the night.

Haihu led the horned eagle mercenary group, and stopped at the same place and did not dare to follow. Versey was the first to catch up with Liao Yu because of her heart. Seeing this, Sophia gritted her teeth and stepped forward quickly.

ten meters five meters three meters
As the distance got closer, Versy could even clearly see the purple-black demon lines on the sword demon's skin, the sword demon's front that alienated the hands and feet and used the blade as a body organ. In history, it has been the nightmare of many high-ranking people.

The number of this group of sword demons is double digits, and they are located in a deeper place. Although one of them is slightly thinner, whether it is the color of the blade or the age of the magic patterns on its body, it is completely different from other sword demons. completely different.

As for that particular one, Wei Erxi just glanced at it from the corner of her eye, and felt like falling into an ice cave, and goosebumps all over her body were about to rise. She quickly shifted her gaze and stopped looking into the depths. The suffocation gradually improved.

The elf could hear her heart beating violently, especially when the distance between the two sides was less than one meter. If Liao Yu was not in front, Versy would definitely not be able to restrain her instinct and would turn around and run away.

But fortunately.
As the professor said earlier, nothing happened, the sword demon really didn't attack them.

In fact, I don't know if it was Versie's illusion, but in the middle part, she felt a little more relaxed, just like those sword demons, intentionally or unintentionally, restrained the aura on their bodies, reducing the pressure on them up.

This was the case for Welsh and Sophia, and the same was true for the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group who followed closely after seeing them survive.

Luna in the middle was too scared, so she covered her mouth and closed her eyes. However, without paying attention, her body brushed against a certain sword demon, frightening the female sorcerer so hard that her legs He immediately went weak and almost fell to the ground unable to stand up.

Haihu was still calm and alert. He grabbed Luna and sped up. No matter what, he had to go gently and slowly to let the mercenary group speed up, because he remembered what Liao Yu said, as long as he didn't attack, This kind of monster called "Sword Demon" will not hurt them.

Finally, everyone in the team got through the sword demon group safely.

Several people were really unable to stand still. They had to sit on their knees on the ground and gasp for breath for a while, and it seemed that they could slow themselves down.

"Professor. Why? Does the sword demon still have this kind of trait? No, it won't take the initiative to attack?"

Human beings don't know the sword demon, but as a princess with elf inheritance, for Versey, Liao Yu's approach is simply unimaginable. If she doesn't actively attack the demons, the demons won't hurt them?

How can it be!

Are those countless worlds destroyed by demons all fake?But on the other side, the facts are in front of our eyes, the sword demon is really still motionless, even if the female adventurer has encountered the sword demon, and has physical contact with the sword demon, she has never seen these terrifying monsters in history, showing her body. tusks.

Liao Yu shook his head and said, "The Sword Demon has never had such a characteristic."

"Then, why can we still..."

"Because they heard me."

(End of this chapter)

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