Chapter 88 Wang, all enemies have been wiped out

Liao Yu answered very naturally and calmly, but the listener, Welsh, didn't turn his head around, or maybe, he never thought about it.

Did the sword demon understand what the professor said?

What, what do you mean?
It seems to be to demonstrate to Wilhelm again, so that the elves can recognize a certain truth.

Liao Yu stared at the position where they had just arrived.

I saw there, just to keep up with them, there was a small group of people who had also escaped from the venue.

Although most of the nobles are full of wine and meat, but a small number of them are still capable.

Those who managed to survive the siege of the skeleton soldiers, some of them, according to Liao Yu's impression, were the four earls of the Five Flowers Alliance and their rebel thugs.

Although they looked a little embarrassed, they didn't see many injuries on their bodies. As Liao Yu expected, after all, the top leaders of Wuhua Alliance basically had "worm species" living in their bodies.

These people were also very shrewd and discovered the specialness of Liao Yu and the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group, so they followed them all the way and knew the path they took, so they would definitely be safe.

Until now
"Let's go, don't be afraid! Just follow the example of the professor in front of them, don't make any noise, don't attack these monsters, we will go over too!"

One of the earls from the Wuhua Alliance imitated Liao Yu and conveyed orders to his thugs.

Although the thugs were afraid, after all, there was a precedent of the horned eagle mercenary group before. These adventurers have survived safely, and they will certainly be able to.

So next, under the watchful eyes of Wilhelm and the horned eagle mercenary group, the members of the five-flower alliance slowed down one by one, walked lightly, and started to pass through the sword demon with a low level of movement.

ten meters five meters three meters
The earl, who was also unconsciously emanating the killing intent from the sword demon, and was terrified, now heaved a sigh of relief, and finally calmed down, because these knife-tip monsters, exactly the same as before, still stood up with the scarecrow at a glance, motionless, and did not show any signs of death. attack them.


As long as they follow that professor and imitate each other's actions, they will be able to survive this bloody turmoil that has already exceeded their plans.

That's great, try harder, it's almost there, as long as it gets there
What broke the earl's fantasy of survival was the professor's voice from the opposite side in the dark night.

"Kill them."

When Liao Yu spoke, Wilsey could hear it, the people in the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group could hear it, and everyone in the Wuhua Alliance not far away could hear it, and
The sword demon can also hear it.

next moment.

The monster who was standing opposite the Count, standing upright like a scarecrow with his arms spread out and holding the blades, suddenly crossed his arms and closed them. The whole process was so fast that even the Count himself had not reacted.

what happened?

Did the knife-tip monster opposite him just now move?

Why is my neck itchy?
The earl subconsciously reached out and touched it. It was actually okay. There was just a little blood on his hand. But when he lowered his head again and wanted to see where the blood on his hand came from.
The bloodline on the neck could no longer hold up, and as the earl lowered his head, his head fell accordingly.

It's like a prelude to a waltz.

Under the shocked and horrified gazes of the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group and Wilsey in the distance, these knife-tip monsters, these knife demons, really started to move. The sharp edges of their arms became the most ruthless killing machines. The terrified members of the Five Flowers Alliance tried to resist, but what they got was crushed like despair.

The flustered Wuhua magician, like Luna of the horned eagle at that time, started throwing magic spells all over the place. Among them was a third-level magician who condensed a huge burning fireball.

Fireball, a third-order flame technique with powerful lethality.

But with this fireball, when it shot at the sword demon, the sword-tip monster in their eyes just seemed to raise their hand casually, and the fireball technique was cut in half from the middle, splitting into two.

Cut. Cut off the technique! ?

It was obviously the first time this third-tier magician had encountered such a situation, and his eyes widened. Unfortunately, he had no chance to be shocked again, because the next moment, his body was also divided into two parts from the middle.

"Damn it! Why. We have nothing wrong, why. Why are you attacking us!!"

A warrior from the Wuhua Alliance raised his shield high and shouted with reluctance. The shield was made of extremely strong stainless steel. In previous meetings, it had helped them block the bone blades of skeleton soldiers many times and helped them get out of trouble.

But now, in front of the sword demon, the steel shield is still as simple as cutting tofu, directly dividing the shield guard warrior, together with his shield, into two halves.

Obviously, there is no suspense in this battle.

One of the characteristics of the sword demon is that in battle, it will cause great wear and tear not only to the character, but also to the weapons on the character.

Liao Yu, who was in the first game, had a deep understanding of it.

After time travelling, seeing the battle scenes of sword demons in reality, I understood better how powerful this kind of demon arm is.

When you attack the sword demon's weapon, but it turns around before it reaches the opponent, and is chopped up by the opponent, the outcome of the battle is doomed.

This is true for the five-flowered thugs who have no fighting spirit, and it is even more so for the horned eagle mercenary group watching from a distance.

If it is said that when the sword demon went to cut the spell, most of the adventurers who were not magicians could not understand it.

Now, seeing this scene with their own eyes, they have a deep understanding of the horror of this knife-tip monster.

Haihu subconsciously wiped the hand shield on his arm. The old buddy who once helped him block countless blades can no longer give him a sense of security.

The killing ends as quickly as it comes.

It's less than 3 minutes.

The elite team that brought together the top leaders of the Five Flowers Alliance was completely wiped out. The four counts died at the hands of the Sword Demon before they even broke out their "insect seeds".

As an assassin, it would be too shameful if you can't make a quick decision and let the opponent activate his abilities.

He made a fool of himself in front of the king.

The blood-stained sword demons now turned around collectively and walked towards Liao Yu's position. The murderous aura permeating their bodies, coupled with the blood after the killing just now, made the adventurers of the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group continue to rush. I didn’t even have the courage to stand up and run.

Fortunately, the sword demons just approached.

To be precise
Come and report back to one of them.

The terrifying monsters just now have all returned to silence. Quietly, just like they did at the beginning, like a scarecrow, they close the blades of their legs and open the sharp thorns of their arms, as if they are on standby.

And on the other side, the special sword demon that made Wei Erxi feel suffocated at a glance, the blood in his body was coagulated, and brought deep fear, now moved and continued to walk towards Liao Yu's position.

It's like among this group of monsters, he is the only one who deserves to communicate with Liao Yu.

Under the gaze of Vercy's pupils trembling.

The special sword demon finally stopped half a meter in front of Professor Liao Yu. Then, he knelt down half-kneeling, lowered his head deeply, and made a faint low sound at the same time.

"King, all the enemies have been confirmed and wiped out." The fifth devil's apostle, the sword devil Arpad, said.

(End of this chapter)

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