Chapter 89 Seed
After nodding to Arpad, Liao Yu turned his head and looked at Wei Erxi's position.

Unsurprisingly, the elf took half a step back towards him.

It's actually quite surprising.

Is it only half a step?

"Professor, you. It. You..." Now Versy's mind is in chaos, and she can't even speak a complete sentence, but Liao Yu can understand the general meaning.

Wilsey longed for an explanation.

Why do the demons listen to their own words.

Why the sword demon obeys himself.

And why...the apostles would call him, king.

Obviously, there is nothing to explain.

"Everything is as you see it, Velsey."

"No, no, you, you clearly told me that you want to fight against the demons with me, and you want to protect the world, and more." Welsh tried hard to recall every detail of her relationship with Professor Liao Yu.

It's like not being able to accept reality.

"Yes! You also said that you want to help me and help the elves to revive. These are all fake!"

"No, these are all true."

Liao Yu shook his head for the heart-piercingly screaming elves, and he was fulfilling all the promises he had made to Wilhelm.

Whether it is to help the elves revive.

Still fighting against the demons with Wilhelm.

In other words, it is precisely because of the second clause that he now chooses to tell the truth to the elves.

"Professor, come back, hurry! Come to my side, you must be brainwashed by demons, come, me, I will take you out! I'm here to save you, I will take you out!"

Seeming to be insane, the crazy elf began to approach Liao Yu, and the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed. At first glance, Versey looked exactly like an elf who was still immersed in self-fantasy after suffering a major blow.

But actually.

Liao Yu knew about Wilhelm.

After all, they are their own students.

Just after the elf was almost half a meter away from Liao Yu, the weeping, begging, and humble and cowardly expressions on Versey's face in front of her disappeared completely.

What was replaced was another kind of determination, the killing intent to "stab" Liao Yu to death.

A green emerald blade, under the guise of the elf "suffering" in front, has already been condensed in the palm of Wilsey's palm, and now she is holding this dagger tightly, heading towards Liao Yu's heart. .

It's a pity that the elf's assassination obviously has no chance of success.

Not to mention the presence of Arpad, the sword demon apostle.

Another apostle, Shadow Demon Hill was hiding in the shadow of Liao Yu's back the whole time. Hill had been suppressing her dissatisfaction with this elf, this impostor who "replaced" her, without hesitation. shot.

The shadow technique turned into a big hand, and slapped the stabbing elf like a mosquito.

But for Welsh, the severe pain of being pumped all over her body was secondary.

With the appearance of Hill, the shadow demon apostle, everything for Liao Yu's identity and for the "professor" came to an end.

is her.

Of course Welch recognized Hill.

It was the shadow demon that attacked her back then, the powerful shadow demon that she and the professor "repelled" together.

How much Welch hoped that what she said earlier was correct.

Even if Liao Yu was brainwashed by demons.

But why the elves don't know that the aliens brainwashed by the demons are demon servants, and the demon servants are slaves among the demon clan, and no demon clan will bow their heads and submit to the demon servants.

But there is only one person who can make the demons obey their orders, can make the apostles protect them personally, and is willing to be sent at will. Looking at the entire demons, there is only one.

Not a genie.


Gritting her teeth tightly, taking advantage of the force of Hill's blow, she rolled in the air and changed her direction. Afterwards, she mobilized all the magic power in her body, turned into a dark green streamer, and fled into the distance.


This is the only option for Welsh at the moment.

And the premise of this option still has to be based on the fact that the two apostles behind her did not chase her.

Otherwise, on her own, no matter how hard she tried to escape, it would be of no avail.

When Hill and Arpad saw the elves fleeing, they really wanted to chase them immediately, but Liao Yu raised his hand and stopped the two apostles.

"No need to chase."

"Another apostle will help us find her."

Just said here.

Liao Yu asked Arpad: "Hercule is here too, right?"

"Yes, king, Leon let the five apostles, including me, participate in tonight's action in order to make the plan foolproof."

That's why Arpad and Hill are weird right now.

Who was the "another apostle" that the king was referring to who went after Vercy?
There are only three remaining apostles of their Demon Race.

Among them, Ulala is a demon cultivator, so she must not be able to move, and the magician Dadaya is building the tower of the devil king, so what is left is
Demon, Glordan?

It seems that this is the only possibility.

If you think about it this way, there seems to be no problem. What the demons are really good at is training and brainwashing those aliens who resist the demons.

It's just that Arpad and Hill were a little surprised that the king was finally willing to forgive Glordan and stop ignoring the demons?
Liao Yu did not explain to the two apostles in detail.

He took a few steps forward, and on the ground there was lying quietly the emerald blade that Vercy wanted to assassinate him earlier, but it was blown away by Hill, so the magic dagger also fall.

When Liao Yu bent down to pick up the "Emerald Blade", with a little force, the dagger, which seemed to be extremely powerful and condensed with powerful natural magic power, was shattered and disappeared as an afterimage.

In the eyes of the demons, it may be a symbol of Liao Yu's strength. Just using his hands can produce the same terrifying power to destroy weapons as the sword demon.

However, in fact, Liao Yu knew it himself.

He didn't use half of his palm at all.

The so-called "Emerald Blade" was nothing more than a false illusion fabricated by Versey with negligible magic power. The elves used this "dagger that shatters at the touch" from the beginning to the end. "Assassinated him.

After confirming this point, Liao Yu increased his confidence in the success of the temporary new plan after he saw the sword demon appearing.

Just imagine.

If he is a traitor, Liao Yu believes that the demon must be ready to move after he finds that all the main forces have been sent out, and no matter what he does, he will not be discovered by others.

With Glordan's character, he definitely can't stay in the rear obediently.

Gu Luodan must have tried his best to "find out" himself.

He had already discovered this point from Professor Yeno, who was captured at the time. At first, he thought that Professor Yeno arranged such a big battle for Wilhelm. Later, after capturing the professor, he learned that it was for him. .

Since Glordan had the first time, there will be a second time.

But the demons must not dare to use the power of the demons.

He definitely wants to find a third-party candidate who has strong hatred for him and strong hostile intentions.

It's better if it has potential, don't be easily dealt with by yourself like Professor Yeno, it's better that it can become your confidant in the future, that's what Grodan hopes.

That's why Liao Yu said that there would be another apostle who would retrieve the elves for him.

Wilhelm as his partner.

No matter where she goes, she can easily find it. What's more, she can also call up the elf's panel bar anytime and anywhere to check Wilchy's status.

As long as Glordan got close to Welsh, he would be able to notice it immediately.

From the moment Liao Yu made up his mind to take the demons to this strange world, Liao Yu has been looking for opportunities to get rid of the demons.

And now.
He planted the seeds of opportunity.

It depends on whether the seed can germinate smoothly.

Of course, Liao Yu's expectation for the seeds is not only to germinate, but also hope that the seeds can break through the ground, replace the old dead branches, and become a brand new, truly independent and self-reliant blooming flower.

It's a little far.

Liao Yu withdrew his thoughts, now he should deal with some chores right now.

For example, the adventurers from the horned eagle mercenary group trembling at themselves.

She didn't seem to be afraid of him, but looked at her eyes, the little princess Sofia with some indescribable emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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