Chapter 90 Pass

"Relax, leader, you and your horned eagle will be fine. During the journey just now, thanks to the companionship of you, leader, Versie has made my students grow a bit, so as a thank you, We can leave now."

Liao Yu will not be merciful to those who are part of the plan, just like those thugs from the Five Flowers Alliance, those who hindered his control of Illinois, and the nobles who are indeed rotten to the core.

But for other irrelevant issues, Liao Yu would still choose to resolve them in a "peaceful" way.

Just like now.

When the people of the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group heard Liao Yu's promise, their hearts finally dropped a little. Several adventurers even almost knelt down to Liao Yu to thank Liao Yu for his support. Be merciful.

After all, in the previous scene, those elites of the Five Flowers Alliance were slaughtered cleanly by those knife-pointed monsters behind Liao Yu, but I can still vividly remember it.

When those bloodthirsty sword demons surrendered to Liao Yu, the impact of that scene on the adventurers of the horned eagle was no less than that felt by Wilhelm.

In particular, they also regarded Liao Yu as a savior and a hero in their own camp.

As a result, the sudden reversal at the back turned from a savior to a mastermind behind the scenes.

Turned into a monster monster boss?

In the eyes of the people of the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group, Professor Liao Yu is completely unfathomable. Many adventurers even suspect that Liao Yu is actually some kind of monster, just wearing human skin.

Thinking about it this way, they became even more creepy.

"Professor, the horned eagle will always remember your kindness. Regarding what happened tonight, the horned eagle will never reveal anything. We just escaped by chance. We don't know anything about the rest, and we haven't seen anything."

Other members of the Horned Eagle can be afraid and nervous, but Haihu, as the group leader, cannot. No matter how scared and nervous he is, he has to stand up and talk to Liao Yu as a representative.

Haihu knew that there was a huge power gap between their two camps, so he didn't say anything like "If there is a need in the future, the Horned Eagle will help."

In other words, Haihu is very smart and astute. He knows the sensitivity of Liao Yu's identity. Judging from the previous conversation between Liao Yu and Wilsey, even the female student was kept in the dark. It can be seen that the identity of the leader of this monster, Liao Yu I didn't think about making publicity.

Haihu still understands the reason why Huaibi is his crime.

Now they are the ones who know Liao Yu's identity. This secret is so hot that it can drag the Horned Eagle into the abyss of eternal destruction. At that time, Haihu completely thought that they, the Horned Eagle, were definitely doomed and the other party would not let them go.

In the end, Liao Yu really let them leave, Haihu immediately expressed his attitude this time, he was telling the truth, even if Liao Yu didn't pursue it, if any member dared to violate it in the future, Haihu would be the first to get rid of the other party.

The subsequent group leader knew that this was not a place to stay for a long time, and was probably afraid that Liao Yu would change his mind, so he immediately called out to his adventurers to leave quickly.

But I haven't walked a few steps yet.

"Oh yes, wait a minute."

Liao Yu stopped the Eagle Eagle people.

Just such a sentence made all the adventurers frightened again, including Haihu. Fortunately, Liao Yu's actions below made them relieved and even surprised.

I saw that the next Liao Yu took out a bronze medal in his chest pocket, and then handed it to the nearest sword demon, and asked the sword demon to send it over.

The sword demon crossed his arms. Because he had no hands, he used the intersection of the blades to place the "bronze medal" respectfully, and then followed Liao Yu's instructions and came to the head of the group, Haihu.

"Thank you."

Haihu's throat moved slightly, and he swallowed hard to smear it. He tried hard to keep his hands from wandering, and took off the "bronze medal" from the sharp double blades of the sword demon.

Seeing that the sword demon turned around after Haihu finished taking it, Haihu was relieved, only to realize that his back was already wet with cold sweat with just such a small movement.

But after the tension, there is a kind of excitement coming from the adventurer.

So he was just
I "communicated" with that scary monster once! ?

Did his hands touch the sword demon? The feeling was ten thousand times better than the sharpest sword blade he had ever touched!After calming down his inner emotions, Hai Hu now looked at the bronze medal given to him by Liao Yu in his hand.

这 是
The professor's brand as an "adventurer"?

Haihu recognized it at a glance, there is no mistake, it was issued by the Adventurers Association, and they also have it, but as an A-level adventurer, his brand is platinum, and this bronze medal is the lowest and most common.

What did Professor Liao Yu mean by giving him this?

"It's still some way away from the outer edge of the palace. Bringing this may help you."

Liao Yu's words instantly awakened the horned eagle.


Just now they were only thinking about being let off by the "monster professor" Liao Yu, but they didn't think about what to do in the second half of the escape after they lost Liao Yu's biggest support.

In case of encountering this kind of knife-point monster again, or any other monster, even if there is only one, it will be enough to wipe out their horned eagle.

If they just left so simply, wouldn't it be no different from going to die!

But it's different now.

With the bronze medal certificate given by Liao Yu, no one will underestimate it because it is the lowest level of adventure badge.

On the contrary, in the eyes of all horned eagle adventurers, this is simply like the top pass, a piece of their most reliable and powerful amulet.

"Thank you Master Liao Yu!"

"Your gift, the horned eagle will never forget it!"

The title changed directly from professor to adult.

"Just this sign."

"You can keep it as a souvenir." Liao Yu waved his hand nonchalantly.

After taking control of Illinois, the local Adventurer's Association became his personal, and the identity of an adventurer no longer meant much to him.

After tonight in Illinois, the country will be extremely turbulent. Liao Yu still wants to restore stability as soon as possible, so for Illinois' ecological niche, whether he can keep it or not is like this A-level adventure group.

Liao Yu gave them this brand, not only gave them the identity token of "exemption from death", from the time they accepted the gift, they were also destined to become vassal forces under the demon clan.

Although about this, the people of Hippogriff are lucky enough not to realize it.


"What? Is Miss Sophia still leaving? If you follow Captain Haihu, you should be able to retreat safely."

Liao Yu looked at the little princess who was completely motionless beside her.

The horned eagle man also stopped when he heard it, as if waiting for Sophia to come over.


"No! Professor, I, I want to be by your side!"

Sophia made a decisive decision, kept shaking her head, and even glared at the horned eagle, as if urging these adventurers to leave quickly and not hinder her good deeds.

Everyone can see from the little princess's appearance that she wants to take risks, takes this as an opportunity, wants to show her loyalty to Liao Yu, and even puts on a loving look in her eyes, as if she is at her mercy. Pick.


Whether it was her previous alliance with Wuhua, planning a coup, or her desire to marry an imperial emissary and become pregnant with the blood of the empire, it was nothing more than that she did not want to work hard on her own and wanted to rely on the strong to gain a higher status.

Now, with the appearance of Liao Yu, especially after revealing his identity as the "King of the Demons", although Sophia does not know what the Demons are, in her eyes, the Demons are similar to the undead tribe summoned by the Five Flowers Alliance before. It is also a summoning object.

So she automatically regarded Liao Yu as the prince of a powerful country based on what she could understand. Wasn't such a high-ranking person what she longed for?
A blessing in disguise!

Especially after that stupid and silly local girl of Welsh chose to run away, Sophia couldn't laugh to death.

That's it?

If she were Versie, she would be so happy to learn that her teacher was behind the scenes, even the leader of the evil forces.

What happened to evil?At worst, she will also become evil. Is justice and evil more important than the strength and power it brings?Not important at all!
When Liao Yu saw that the little princess insisted on following him, he said no more.

He has always respected the choices and fates of others.

In fact, if you are someone, a righteous protagonist of the lawful good side, then someone like Sophia who knows how to hug the protagonist's thigh tightly is actually quite smart and wise, just like in the novel, the teammates of the protagonist's team, no matter what It won't be too miserable.

Liao Yu shook his head in his heart.

"Arpad, how is the situation over there in the main hall?" He returned to the topic and asked the Sword Demon Apostle.

"King, Elena is in charge of the main hall. It has been cleaned up. The human king of Illinois has taken control. According to Leon's plan, we have retained about [-]% of the nobles as prisoners."

"Okay, let's go back and meet the king." Liao Yu didn't like blood, which was one of the reasons why he chose to leave the hall temporarily. After it was over, he would go and count the harvest.

"As you order, king."

Seeing Liao Yu's action, Sophia followed Liao Yu closely. Now she is a little excited when she thinks of seeing her father and the captured nobles next.

She seems to regard herself as a member of Liao Yu's camp, that's why she has this victor's mentality.

Sounds like a feminine name too?

Is a competitor.

Sophia made a note of it secretly, and decided to study the other party carefully later, and think about how to squeeze this one, like the previous Welsh, away from the professor!
(End of this chapter)

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