Chapter 91
The main hall is still resplendent and magnificent.

The chaotic banquet has been cleaned up, and all the blood stains on the floor and walls have disappeared. This is not a difficult task for Eileen, a simple combination of fourth-order wind and water spells can do it.

As the lover of the king, the mistress of the demon clan.

Elena also doesn't like killing and gore.

The violence is too low-level.

Not elegant.

It is her duty as the succubus apostle to prepare a clean and tidy environment for the king.

Now, the old king of Illinois sat on a chair in the center of the hall with his eyes closed. As for the remaining nobles who were lucky enough to stay, they were not treated so well.

They were all like poultry, and Eileen threw them into the fountain in the corner of the main hall. They crowded in the pool, each one still in shock, feeling terrified about their future fate.

Soon, new footsteps came from outside the hall.

It was Liao Yu and his party who came over.

Such a movement immediately made the tense nobles in the pool look over one after another. Although they didn't recognize Liao Yu, they recognized Sophia who was behind Liao Yu.

Many nobles' eyes lit up instantly, as if seeing some hope of survival, they waved their arms desperately, as if wanting to attract the attention of the little princess Sofia, some of them thought they had a good relationship with Sofia and shouted out.

"Sophia! Oh! My God! Did you do it all?"

"My lord! My lord! Let me out! I, I am willing to follow you!"

"Sofia, do you still remember me? I am your third uncle! I, I hugged you when I was a child! Sophia! Sophia!"

"Wuuuu Sophia, please let me out, I'm so scared, I was wrong, it's all because I was blind, when the emperor was elected, it was Yuffie who forced me to use my vote !"

"Yes, yes, yes! In fact, I also want to vote for Your Highness Sophia! You are the real princess of Illinois, your real Highness. Compared with you, Yuffie is not worthy of carrying shoes!"

"Sophia! Auntie is wrong. In the future, the Pooh Chamber of Commerce will operate around Her Royal Highness Sophia. Please, please let us go."

Listening to these nobles who are usually aloof, crying and praying to themselves.

Looking at those Illinois ministers and officials who once looked down on her and treated her differently because she was a "little princess" and didn't take herself seriously
Sofia is very proud now.

The heart has never been as cool as it is now.


Seeing that they were walking behind Professor Liao Yu, surrounded by monsters, these nobles took her for granted as the mastermind behind the scenes, so they took a big turn in their attitude towards her and begged her frantically.

That's right.

This is what she wants!

Even her elder sister, Yuffie, couldn't do it to make this group of extremely arrogant nobles submit, but she, Sophia, has done it now!Who said she was worse than her sister!

Who said she was inferior to Yuffie!

Now she is standing here intact, enjoying everything in the kingdom, and where is her sister, that stinky bitch Yuffie?

Sophia now especially wants to show off her might again.

Use your feet to step on those nobles and enjoy their faces licking you.

But the little princess is not that stupid.

She knows that now she is at best a fox pretending to be a tiger, so she can't be too proud yet.

These things had to wait until she truly attached herself to Professor Liao Yu, the demon "prince", before she could enjoy them and turn them into rights and status that truly belonged to her.

Thinking of Sophia here, she couldn't help speeding up her pace secretly, getting closer to Liao Yu's side.

In the eyes of the little princess, Liao Yu now seemed to be a combination of strength and imperial power. If possible, she wished she could have sex with Liao Yu tonight and get these with her body.

With such a mood, she met another object.

"King." Elena greeted Liao Yu like the most caring secretary.

The succubus glanced at the little princess who was following Liao Yu, but she didn't express too much, although as a succubus, she was the most sensitive to lust, and Sophia was still weak and weak even though she was on the bright side. She seems innocent, but in Elena's eyes, the inflated desire for Liao Yu and Wang in her heart can be clearly seen.

From this moment on.

Unbeknownst to Sophia, she had actually turned into a walking corpse.

And every move she makes next will add more chips to this ending.

Liao Yu nodded to Succubus.

In fact, I really like the well-behaved type of Elena.

The succubus would never say what to do to Sofia right away, that would be too low-level, and it would seem that she is jealous, only calmness and ignorance can show her demeanor as a hostess, which is the greatest self-confidence.

Liao Yu came to the old king of Illinois.

"His Majesty the King doesn't seem surprised by us at all?"

The old king was very flat from beginning to end.

He didn't panic like those nobles and royals. Even when he saw non-human monsters, he was still calm, more like... isn't it the first time he saw it?

Liao Yu's guess was correct.

The old king shook his head, staring at Liao Yu, the mastermind behind the scenes, and slowly said: "I have already foreseen the current ending since Yuffie told me that she has mastered the power of a thousand years ago."

After listening to the old king's words, Liao Yu was not the one who reacted the most.

It's Sophia.

The little princess really couldn't hold back, she was furious and furious.

"You old bastard! Give Yuffie everything that is good! Give it all to sister! You deserve it! And sister too! Damn you all! This is the retribution for your favoritism!!"

"Professor, hurry up! Kill this old thing! After that, I will take his place and become the new king of Illinois. I will bring all of Illinois to you, to your demons? Surrender! I promise ! If you don’t believe it, I can give you my most precious thing tonight!”

Sophia couldn't hold back after all.

Look at that posture, it seems that she can't wait to kill the old king, her father, for Liao Yu.

And the old king.
The old king did not blame Sophia. Instead, he looked at Sophia and his little princess with a sad and self-blaming expression.

"I know what you want."

"From Yuffie, you can get everything. The power of thousands of years ago belongs to Yuffie. She has always been independent of this. Even my father knew it last night."

"I know your goal is the empire, and so does Yuffie. She will be willing to assist you and can be your true help."

For Liao Yu, the words of the old king contained a lot of information.

Power from thousands of years ago?And why did the other party conclude that their goal is the empire?
Before Liao Yu could speak, the old king continued talking on his own.

It should be his last sentence.

"People who really do things in Illinois are not qualified to attend tonight's banquet, so... it's my last request to you. Clean up all these moths in Illinois. This is for Yuffie's good, and for the sake of Hello."

After the old king finished speaking, black blood came out from the corner of his mouth. It turned out that he had hidden the poison in his teeth a long time ago. He committed suicide by taking the poison, but there was no pain on his face, but relief.

Death is the best way to apologize for turning Illinois into this state.

It is his atonement to exchange his death for Yuffie's position and to bring new hope to Illinois.

Obviously, the old king knew that after his death, Liao Yu would not kill Yuffie for the sake of secrecy and to find a new king on the surface. He was using his death to exchange for Yuffie's safety.

As for Sophia.
Obviously, the old king had not been counted among them.

Liao Yu admitted that the old king had indeed succeeded, and in exchange he became interested in Yuffie, and he also paid great attention to the so-called "thousand years ago" behind Yuffie.

"Professor, wait for me!" Seeing that Liao Yu was about to leave again, Sophia hurried to catch up.

After the death of the old king, she became even more excited. As a result, she was the only one left with the royal family around the professor. Although there were some accidents in the process, the final result remained the same. She would still become the greatest in Illinois. female
Huh?Sophia looked down at the thorn whip tied to her waist.

After that, the whip began to pull, deliberately not using full force, but dragging Sophia on the ground little by little.

"What is this! Let go, let me go!!"

"Professor! Professor! Help! Help!"

"I belong to the professor! You can't treat me like this, you can't, wait for me, don't go, don't go, professor. Huh huh!"

The little princess struggled to claw the ground with both hands and feet, twisting and crawling, trying to resist the drag of the whip from behind, but no matter how she struggled and shouted for help, Liao Yu's back that never looked back just kept getting farther away, and she Step by step, she was dragged into the abyss of despair. This time, Sophia finally began to regret why she didn't follow the Eagle Eagle and why she still followed Liao Yu.

devil!They are all devils!
Sofia realized this too late.

Taking out the trash at home is also one of the responsibilities of a hostess.

Looking at the little human princess who was dragged here, Irene hated human beings in the first place, and the malice that she had been enduring and that did not explode in front of Liao Yu finally blossomed at this moment.

kill her?


From what the old king said before, it is obvious that there is no need for these nobles left behind. Since they are all garbage, why not throw them away together.

The pink mist began to envelop the nobles in the pool, causing them all to grimace, breathe faster, and become puppets of desire, as if at this time, they could swarm up even if a sow was thrown into it.

Elena nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, as the little princess frantically shook her head and begged for mercy, Eileen smiled, and flicked the whip, and Sofia, who was bound on it, was immediately thrown into the air, and then fell into the nobles who had been poisoned by the succubus.

The nobles will drain all life force in madness.

And this human princess can also get her wish and become a puff.

The only thing that makes Elena a little regretful is that the elf who is following the king is not here. That elf is lucky.

Sooner or later one day.
Jealousy flickered in Succubus' eyes, she would turn that elf into the same puff elf as Sofia is now.

This is the fate of the opposite sex who dared to approach Wang behind her back!

(End of this chapter)

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