Chapter 92 Devil
Mrs. Walker wrapped herself in the overcoat.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little cold in her body, this was the first time since she "cultivated the devil".

"Ma'am, what's wrong?"

Next to this lady who was nearly two meters tall and had an exaggerated plump figure, was another blond man who looked much more normal, with a strong build and a handsome face.

The "Goat's Head" coat of arms on the man's arm is the best indication of his identity. In this world, there is only one faction that uses the "Black Goat" as its banner.

Empire, Knox.

"It's nothing. Your Majesty, don't worry. Our Wuhua Alliance has been preparing this plan for a long time. There will never be any problems. The eldest princess will soon be rushed to our side as planned."

"Master Lingshi at that time, you can enjoy your "dinner"."

The Imperial Envoy, who was supposed to be the protagonist in the main hall and the nobles and royal families waited for, is now at the gate of the palace with Mrs. Volker.

As "black hands", they naturally have to stay "behind the scenes".

Especially Ling Shi, who has a habit of playing with prey, hoping to enjoy a game of cat and mouse, that's why the two of them appeared here.

According to the plan, after the bloody campaign in the hall begins, with the ability of the eldest princess, she should be able to escape with some knights and adventurers.

In this way, let the entourage of the Five Flowers Alliance chase the eldest princess all the way, and let the proud Her Majesty Yuffie show her embarrassment. When the eldest princess finally runs to the exit and seems to be successful, they will slowly appear, Giving Yuffie her final despair.

This is the script that Mrs. Walker arranged for the imperial emissary.

Judging from Chu Sheng's expectant expression now, it is obvious that he has successfully won his favor.

Mrs. Volker quietly glanced at her watch. It has been ten minutes since the scheduled time. It stands to reason that the eldest princess should have arrived, but now...
Moreover, did the movement in the main hall disappear too quickly?Why are there less chaotic sounds now?
Some returned to silence, and the quiet night made Mrs. Walker feel some bad premonition vaguely in her heart.

But fortunately.
With the sound of hurried footsteps, several flickering figures could be seen in the night not far away. After the distance was drawn closer, Mrs. Walker breathed a sigh of relief under the moonlight above her head.

The person in the lead is none other than Hai Hu, the head of the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group, and also the biggest trump card of the Great Empress's win over this time.

The appearance of the horned eagle shows that the plan is still successful, and it's the emperor's turn next, huh?Where's Yuffie?
Mrs. Walker just breathed a sigh of relief, and frowned again.

First of all, why do these horned eagles have no traces of battle at all? It is much different from the distressed appearance she imagined, but most of them look unscathed?

And most importantly, what about the eldest princess?Where is Your Highness Yuffie?
They waited here for so long to see the embarrassment of the eldest princess, but now the horned eagle came, but Yuffie didn't see it, what is this?
The envoy next to him also noticed it and began to frown. Mrs. Walker acted quickly. Her tall body jumped up and stopped all the horned eagles.

boom!Mrs. Volker's tall body, which looked like a mutant, was even more frightening in the dark. After she suddenly fell from a height, she immediately startled the horned eagle mercenary group, which was already highly concentrated.

However, in Mrs. Volker's imagination, these adventurers should be terrified, afraid, and afraid of her appearance as the "behind the scenes".

The sea tiger and the horned eagle were like this at first, but after taking a closer look, they found that it was Mrs. Walker, the leader of the Five Flowers Alliance.
Mrs. Walker wondered if there was something wrong with her eyes.

Because she actually saw a sigh of relief from the expressions of these adventurers, as if they were saying "It's okay, it's okay".

okay what?
Fortunately, she?

if not?Who else could it be?What are these adventurers still afraid of?Is there anything more terrifying than her in this bloody sport tonight?
Mrs. Walker didn't understand.

Even more annoyed.

You must know that Mrs. Lingshi is still watching from behind. The disappearance of the eldest princess is enough to upset her. These adventurers also "underestimated" her, which angered Mrs. Volker even more.

"Your Highness Yuffie, where are you? Answer me, you may still have a chance to survive."

"I don't know. Princess Yuffie has been separated from us since the riot in the hall. We don't know anything about what happened next. Mrs. Walker, if you have the time to stop us, I advise you to worry more about yourself. good."

Haihu could tell at a glance that Mrs. Volker was probably still kept in the dark, thinking that the plan was perfect, so she deliberately didn't tell about Liao Yu and the demons.

Not only because he promised Liao Yu not to reveal it, Haihu himself also hates the Five Flowers Alliance. Most of their members have been persecuted by the Five Flowers, so they wish Mrs. Volker would also be attacked by those monsters.

"Leave her alone, let's go."

Haihu continued to lead the horned eagle and wanted to retreat. He didn't want to get entangled with Mrs. Volker, and just wanted to leave the palace where the terrifying monster was hidden.

boom!From behind Mrs. Volker, a skeleton taller than the lady and three to four meters slowly walked out. It held a giant axe and was wearing bone armor. The ghost fire in its eye sockets was beating violently and bloodthirsty.

That is the undead warrior.

Tier [-] undead.

It is the biggest hole card of the Five Flowers Alliance, and it is also given to them by the imperial envoy. Tonight, it is the strongest fighting force just in case.

This undead warrior was originally reserved for Princess Yuffie, but looking at this group of horned eagle adventurers, they didn't pay attention to her at all, with a look of contempt, Mrs. Volker decided to take them first. , can't let her lose face in front of Lord Lingshi.

And Chu Sheng, who was sitting on a high place and enjoying the leisurely rebellion of this small country, also became a little bit interested.

In a country like Illinois, he doesn't care at all how much blood is shed or how many people die. To him, it's like watching a drama. He enjoys this feeling of being a chess player behind the scenes and enjoying it. He also enjoys the struggle of the ants. The effort he showed during the time.

Just think of it as an appetizer.

The battle below has already begun. Unexpectedly, this group of adventurers saw the fourth-order undead and undead warriors and ran away without turning around. They even panicked a little and calmed down soon?

It seems that this mercenary group called Horned Eagle has a good heart.

Lingshi Chusheng was watching a show, but Mrs. Walker was very upset. What's the matter? Those adventurers in China seem to be
Doesn't seem to panic about the undead warrior?
Didn't they see the huge body of the undead warrior?Haven't you seen that sharp and terrifying battle axe?
Why don't they shudder at such a terrifying monster?Roar!The undead warrior seemed to be angry too. It looked up to the sky and roared in the dark night. One skeletal hand clenched its fist and slapped its chest fiercely. The other hand held the battle ax and set off a whistling wind, slashing down towards the leader of the sea tiger.

boom!The ax of the undead warrior can cut a hundred-year-old tree into a deep hole. For Haihu, even if he uses a hand shield to resist it, it is still useless. The whole person is like a kite with a broken string. It was bounced away by a huge force.

Seeing this, the female sorceress is also the second in command of the horned eagle. Luna chanted angrily, holding up her staff, and the third-order spell, Frost Arrow, condensed on her chest, and the sharp frost blade shot straight at the undead warrior.

However, the undead have extremely high spell resistance. For them, taking a third-level ice arrow just delayed their steps. It shifted its target and ignored the ground in the distance, which was vomiting blood. Sea Tiger, began to charge towards Luna.

"Run! Avoid it!"

Even Haihu, as a warrior, can't take an ax from an undead warrior, let alone Luna's small body.

The members of the horned eagle mercenary group also showed loyalty. A recent member pushed Luna away, and he blocked the giant ax of the undead warrior.

Blood spurted out, and the battle ax tore apart the adventurer mercilessly.

This seems to have stimulated the undead warrior even more. It continued to roar excitedly, like a wolf in a flock of sheep. A dozen adventurers with horned eagles were killed or injured in less than half a minute under the swing of its giant axe. Most of it.

Chu Sheng in the high place is very satisfied with the performance of the undead warrior. It is indeed the relic of salvation given to him by the great sage. The races included in the illustrated book can be summoned and restored, which is really amazing.

Undead warriors are nothing to him, but there are also undead mages and even undead lords behind the illustrated book, if he can restore them and emerge.
Chu Sheng became excited just thinking about it.

It can only be said that the name of the "relic of salvation" from thousands of years ago is indeed terrifying.


"Baby, it's all right." Seeing that if this continues, the horned eagle will be wiped out. At this moment, the satisfied Mrs. Walker called out to stop the undead warrior.Although the undead warrior was dissatisfied, he stomped another dying adventurer to death in front of Luna and Haihu before putting away his ax and standing beside him.

"Little girl, I recognize you. When the Five Flowers Alliance went to help the poor in our village, everyone was very happy, but you ran out."

"Bah! You bastard! A bastard who is not worthy of being a human being! You can say that you killed a village so grandly, I will send you to hell one day sooner or later!"

Faced with Luna's scolding, Mrs. Walker came forward, pinched the neck of the little sorceress with her palm, and lifted it up like a chicken.

Seeing Luna suffocating in pain and kicking her feet, Mrs. Walker giggled.

She leaned over to Luna's ear, like revenge, and said softly: "Do you know, your sister, she was played to death like this, the nobleman who bought her from us, just like her This kind of suffocation method, when you enjoy it, strangle your sister to death."

"You bastard." Luna was stuck in the neck and couldn't make a sound, but she still couldn't block her angry and hateful gaze.

"Okay, Haihu, let me ask you one last time, where is the princess, if you hide anything from me again, hehe, this sorceress of your horned eagle will really go with her sister too."

Mrs. Walker used Luna to interrogate and coerce Haihu.

This time, she finally got her wish, and saw fear and panic from Haihu's face, but, why did Haihu's gaze not seem to be on her, but more like her eyes?

With such doubts in mind, Mrs. Walker also raised her head and looked towards the night sky.
The moon in the sky dimmed.

It's not extinguished.

It was covered by a huge shadow.

The shadow soaring in the night sky opened its shocking bone wings made up of hundreds of thousands, maybe even more bones. The ferocious skeleton dragon head seemed to be the undead master, and the beating scarlet flames in the eye sockets brought a strong sense of shock. Coercion.

Is that a dragon?
Bone. Bone Dragon?

Mrs. Volker was stunned, and the Imperial Envoy, who enjoyed the drama, was also stunned.

The only one who wasn't stunned was the undead warrior.

The eagle that had been looking at it before and killed it was the first one whose legs became weak and fell to its knees with a plop. It dropped its most beloved giant ax and trembled on the ground. I wish I could press its big head to the ground.

Bone Dragon.

Seventh level undead.

The pinnacle of the pyramid of undead creatures.

Just the air waves created by the landing of the ten-meter-long wings made Mrs. Walker unable to open her eyes, forcing her to let go of Luna. She had to use her arms to resist the air waves.

After falling to the ground with a "bang" sound like thunder, he took a closer look to see that there were no undead warriors, but only a piece of crushed bone under the bone dragon's claws.

of course.

This is not the most shocking.

What frightened Mrs. Volker the most was that the landing bone dragon lowered its head, and there was actually a person on the back of this powerful undead creature! ?
Who can use a bone dragon as a mount? ?


That's not human.

The whole body is covered with blood-red skin, and on the large and bulging muscles, there are lines like magma and fire flowing, giving people a sense of absolute power.

The horns on the head are like oxen but more ferocious, like a devil, and the water chestnuts on the body are distinct, as if cast from hell, the weight of the armor makes people shudder.

The swollen black giant claws on the hands seem to be able to easily crush boulders. The red and black wings on the back are also slightly broken and have some holes, but this seems to further explain that its owner has fought countless battles. With the breath of infinite destruction.

That, that's not human at all.

A word automatically popped up in Mrs. Walker's mind.

That's the devil!


(End of this chapter)

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