Chapter 93 The tip of the iceberg

Hercule jumped off the bone dragon and determined that the panicked Mrs. Walker opposite was his target.

For tonight's operation, the four apostles were assigned their respective tasks by Zhimo.

Leon specially handed over the lady, whose appearance was easiest to distinguish and had the most special appearance, to the big devil. He even lent the bone dragon to the big devil because he was afraid that Hercule would not be able to find the target.

However, Hercule had been circling in the air for a long time, but he didn't notice it. It wasn't until here that Mrs. Volker released the undead warriors in order to attack the horned eagle mercenary group, and he made such a noise that he caught it. Come here immediately.

So remiss.

Hercule shook his head to himself from the bottom of his heart.

the other side.

"Who are you, who are you? The Empire? The guards of Lord Lingshi?"

In Mrs. Volker's cognition, if such a terrifying monster is really powerful in this world, it can only be the most mysterious and powerful empire.

While trying to delay time with words, she backed away quietly. Regardless of the identity of the other party, her most beloved treasure, the undead warrior summoned after exhausting her efforts, is now a piece of broken bones. Keep any goodwill.

Seeing that the huge monster with red skin and giant claws on the opposite side did not answer her, Mrs. Walker seized the opportunity, activated her strength, and fled away.

It's a pity that before he even took half a step, the bone dragon next to Hercule flicked its tail, and for humans, the bone dragon's tail, which was like a steel bar, slammed into Mrs. Volker's body, throwing her She was thrown back directly, and rolled several times in a row. Mrs. Volker was slowed down for three or four seconds before she managed to get up from the ground.

At this time, Mrs. Volker no longer had illusions. She immediately burst out with all her strength, and she must have sensed the danger of the "host". The "worm species" in her body no longer parasitized, but instead manipulated the host. Let Mrs. Volker's body squirm and change.

In just a few breaths, the former tall lady who was close to two meters tall and with a plump body has now turned into a flesh and blood insect like a "big moth".

Her mouth turned into an oval mouthpart, opened suddenly, and sprayed out a stream of filthy toxins. Then, in an attempt to use the toxins to delay time, Mrs. Walker unfolded the downy wings covered with mucus on her back, and was about to Escape and fly into the air.

Obviously, even if it is controlled by the "worm species" in the body, it has no desire to fight at all, and just wants the host to run away.

But the next moment, Mrs. Walker's ankles were grasped by giant claws. No matter how hard she struggled, the claws underneath were like the strongest iron pincers.

Afterwards, Hercule swung it vigorously, and the "moth" that had just lifted off less than half a meter was pulled off by the big demon, and then violently swung it, smashing it to the ground.

It's like the kind that slaps a blood-sucking mosquito to the ground. Now Mrs. Walker in "worm form" looks extremely miserable. The big devil's slap directly puts her abdomen on the ground The pulp exploded, and large pieces of insect juice splashed onto the ground.

These "worm juices" are the precious essence obtained by Mrs. Volker's continuous abduction and trafficking of people through the five-flower alliance, and blood sacrifices. They are precious chips for her future breakthroughs.

Now that everything was ruined, Mrs. Walker also knew that there was no hope of survival. She was also a ruthless character. She no longer ran away, but opened her sharp mouthparts as wide as possible and flew towards Hercule, seemingly trying to bite her before she died. Take a bite out of the big devil.

It is a pity that Mrs. Walker, who has shrunk in size due to the explosion of the insect's belly and the loss of insect juice, can now be held by the big demon with one hand in her claws.

When the "moth" flapped its wings and struggled up and down, Hercule exerted a little force and clenched its claws tightly.
"Uh, pine, pine."

This time it's not just the worm's stomach, Mrs. Volker's whole body was crushed by the big devil's claws, and the overflowing blood was left along the claws, and the scarlet flesh and blood were crushed by Hercule. With a wave of his hand, blood rained down on the ground.

This is nothing to the Archdemon.

Having experienced countless battles in several worlds, he has long been accustomed to these.

But in the eyes of others, the horned eagle mercenary group at the scene, such a bloody and terrifying scene, Mrs. Volker was forced to burst, making it impossible for them to realize it.

The sorceress Luna was the first to retch subconsciously, but soon she quickly covered her mouth, trying to keep herself quiet in panic, for fear of attracting the attention of the big demon.

But how is it possible.

When Hercule fell, of course he had already discovered other humans, these harpy eagle adventurers, besides Mrs. Walker.

After killing the main target and completing the task successfully, Hercule turned around, lowered his head and stared at the remaining Horned Eagles with his red-orange devil eyes.

Soon, Hercule stretched out his claws, and grabbed the leader of the horned eagle, the head of the sea tiger.

"no, do not want!"

"Please let him go! Commander! No!"

Seeing that Captain Haihu was about to be taken away, Luna thought of the scene where Mrs. Volker was pinched and burst by the red claws. The sorceress cried out, her face full of pleading.

Hercule, of course, paid no heed to humanity's pleas for mercy.

Rather, he had heard too many similar things on the battlefield.

But after the big devil grabbed Haihu, he was indeed just holding the opponent's clothes, and did not do any harm. Then, the other claw, cautiously, very cautiously and lightly, stretched out the sharp tip of the claw towards Haihu's neck, and then...
A bronze necklace was hooked out by the big devil with its claws.

This scene is actually a bit funny from the outside.

The big devil who was so violent, bloody and ruthless before now seemed to be doing needlework, his movements were extremely gentle and meticulous, and the purpose was for that bronze medal.

Luna, who was a little stunned, only reacted at this time.

Yes, yes!

That sign!

The bronze medal given to them by Professor Liao Yu!

After Haihu got it, he immediately replaced his own "platinum" plate, which symbolizes an A-level adventurer, and put Liao Yu's bronze medal on the necklace.

"You can go."

The big devil put down Haihu, just like at the beginning, handled it with care, and returned Liao Yu's bronze medal to Haihu at the same time.

The words "You guys can leave" from the big devil are simply the most beautiful sounds in the world that all the members of the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group have heard.

In addition to their gratitude for "surviving", they were even more shocked. Obviously, the big devil let them go after seeing the sign. This big devil is also one of the "professor"'s subordinates.

A member of the faction called "Demon Race".

Compared with the previous sword demon Arpad, the great demon Hercule brought far more shock in terms of size and the violence of the battle.

Today's Liao Yu, today's Demon Race, is like the tip of the iceberg to the horned eagle. Every time the "tip" is exposed, they can be shocked and look up to them. How huge is the real "iceberg"? .

The big demon, and counting the knife point monster in front, there are two horrors.

But Captain Haihu suspected that there might be more than this, and there would definitely be a third one, or even a fourth one.

"Sir, we are no longer able to leave. Can you please, please, please the demons to give us protection?"

When Haihu said these words, he knew that there was no turning back for them. The Horned Eagle was destined to be unable to return to human society and join the monster side.

But so what.

Luna looked at the members who were slaughtered by the undead warriors, and thought about the family members and villagers who were killed by the Five Flowers Alliance. They wanted revenge, wanted to make Illinois better, and wanted to fight against monsters. People, they also have to become monsters.

"I understand."

Hercule nodded without refusing.

Being able to be given tokens by the king shows that these human beings are valuable for cultivation. In this case, they are also the property of the demons. As an apostle, he should protect them.

Seeing that the big devil promised, the adventurers of the horned eagle, since tonight, have never been so relaxed as they are now, that is true, there is no need to be nervous about the danger at all, it is really thorough, and they can feel at ease .

But the horned eagle is down-to-earth.

The other person in the distance is just the opposite, the imperial envoy, the former handsome blond man, Chu Sheng witnessed the whole process. It took more than half a minute, this time, he just recovered from the shock.

run!run now!
The monster gave him a feeling that it was ten thousand times more terrifying than the "hunters" of the empire. For people in Illinois who are still in the "countryside" and have little knowledge, as an imperial envoy, he has a wider vision. He can also better understand the power of Hercule.


Don't talk about the big devil.

That skull dragon was already unheard of, and it would definitely cause an incomparable sensation in the entire empire.

Gotta take this news back!
quick!Seeing that this human envoy is about to activate the magic power in his body and use the wind spell to escape, a certain existence that has been hiding in the dark seems to finally be unable to bear it.


Gu Luodan cursed, and immediately under Chu Sheng's feet, a miserable green demon formation rose up. The next moment, the formation flickered, and Chu Sheng disappeared in place before he could react.

At the same time, the great demon looked at the high place far away where the former imperial envoy was hiding, but he turned his head quickly because he didn't find anything.

(End of this chapter)

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