I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 118 Desperation and Extinction

Chapter 118 Desperation and Extinction
After Yao Xi opened the door of Lord Yaoguang's room, he looked at what happened inside in shock.

In her eyes, a strange woman she had never seen before, whose strength was only in the realm of transforming a dragon, actually held a black gold sword and stabbed to death her master, Li Daoqing, the lord of Yaoguang in the realm of power. middle.

At this time, the strange woman was piercing the black gold sword in her hand directly between the eyebrows of her master, thousands of sword qi were urged out of the sword, and rushed into the fairy platform of Lord Yaoguang. The secret realm of Sendai was pierced into tattered ruins, and the consciousness in the Sendai of Yaoguang Holy Master was completely crushed into powder by the sword energy, losing all possible chances of resurrection.

After doing all this, the strange woman looked coldly at Yao Xi and Weiwei standing outside the door, with a cold murderous look in her eyes.

"Take your life." Suddenly encountering this shocking change, Yao Xi was immediately confused. In desperation, she didn't care whether her own strength was the opponent's opponent. She raised her magic weapon Jasper Bell and shot out a green light. He went towards the strange woman in the room, wanting to kill her and avenge his master.

The strange woman raised the Wujin sword and put it lightly on her chest to block it, a sword qi pierced out, knocking Yao Xi to the ground, looking at Yao Xi who couldn't even block it, the strange woman shook her head lightly, she even The desire to kill and silence was gone, and he walked straight to the gate.

Yao Xi lay on the ground, vomiting a mouthful of blood. She put her hands on the ground and looked at the strange woman who didn't look back with hatred: "Since you don't kill me today, I will definitely come to kill you in the future. If you have the courage, how dare you Leave your name, and one day I will succeed in my cultivation and seek revenge."

Hearing Yao Xi's words, the strange woman instantly turned her head to look at her, with a surprised look on her face, as if wondering why Yao Xi didn't recognize her.

Yao Xi didn't understand why the other party gave such a surprised look. At this time, Weiwei looked at the strange woman very familiarly, and she always felt like someone she was familiar with.

So Weiwei's eyes emitted fairy light, and her pair of fairy eyes shone all over the strange woman's body. Suddenly she seemed to have discovered something, and she looked at the strange woman in front of her in disbelief, and her face changed drastically: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible.

You... how could you be Brother Yaoguang?"

"What!" Yao Xi was shocked when she heard this. She looked at the beautiful woman in front of her and couldn't believe that she was the high-spirited and heroic Saint Son of Yaoguang, whom she regarded as her lifelong rival.

"Weiwei, are you mistaken? This is clearly... clearly a woman."

Weiwei also couldn't believe her eyes, but her fairy eyes told her that the woman who killed the Lord Yaoguang in front of her was indeed the Son of Yaoguang.

However, what the strange woman did at this time confirmed Weiwei's judgment.

I saw the other party raised his hands, looked at his white and delicate skin in amazement, looked at his puffed chest, and uttered a clear question like an oriole: "How did I become a woman?"

At this time, a black air appeared from her celestial platform, manifesting a human figure in a black robe, standing in front of her with his hands behind his back.

"This Taishang Wangqinglu is a magical power that generates yin from yang and destroys nature without emotion. It uses the spiritual energy of people's seven emotions and six desires as nourishment. It first reaches the extreme of love, and then breaks away from it. Through the extreme changes of love, one can clearly understand the true meaning. , and thus seek to prove the Great Dao, so that when you practice it, you will have unfathomable abilities, which is truly mysterious and unparalleled."

Yao Guang looked at Li Ran who was manifested in front of her, and bowed to him: "God, I understand all these principles. What I don't understand is why I turned my disciple into a woman."

Li Ran smiled softly, stepped forward and his figure suddenly changed from a heroic man to an extremely charming and stunning beauty. He lay on Yao Guang's body and breathed out bursts of orchid breath into Yao Guang's ear: "Now that it's already If you decide to pursue the great path, what impact will being a man or a woman have on you? Even the White Bone Concept can't see through it. It's hard to believe that you can achieve anything on the road of cultivation.

If you can't hold on, how about this deity help you recover your magic power, turn yin into yang, and let you regain your male body?"

Li Ran's words were like magical sounds, flowing endlessly into Yao Guang's heart, and finally made her change her mind.

Seeing Yao Guang's face suddenly enlightened, she looked at Li Ran's phantom with admiration, and shouted devoutly: "God, I have enlightened, so what can I do if I have a body of white bones, as long as it can help me reach the pinnacle of cultivation, So what if you become a beast to practice?
From today, I, Yao Guang, will no longer face the world as a man. "

"Well, children can be taught!" Li Ran looked at Yao Guang who suddenly realized after being "unlocked" by himself, and satisfactorily withdrew the demonic energy and returned to Yao Guang's eyebrows.

After being baptized, Yaoguang no longer sticks to her own gender distinction. Holding the black gold sword in her hand, she looked at Yao Xi and Weiwei in front of her, and said in a deep voice, "I am the Son of Yaoguang."


Even though she had heard the news from Weiwei a long time ago, Yao Xi still seemed very shocked. She didn't understand how he turned into her.

At this moment, Yao Xi thought of the Holy Master Yaoguang who died tragically in the house, and suddenly stood up and rushed to Yaoguang, grabbing her by the collar.

Yao Xi pointed to Li Daoqing's corpse in the room and cried bitterly: "That's the master who raised you with one hand, you are so cruel to commit such a crime of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors."

Facing Yao Xi's question, Yao Guang clasped his hands behind his back as before, exuding the ultimate holy light. His beautiful face looked hazy and blurred under the cover of the holy light. He replied in a calm tone: "I only care about the great road. , any relationship between master and disciple is an obstacle on my road to success.

As long as there is a threat to my pursuit of Dao, he will kill even my father. "

Yao Guang's heartless words completely shocked Yao Xi. She didn't expect that the person she had known for more than 20 years would be such a person.

He loosened his grip on Yaoguang's collar, and stood there sluggishly, not even knowing when Yaoguang left.

After a long time, Yao Xi stumbled away from the room where Li Daoqing died. Along the way, the entire sky of the Yaoguang Holy Land was covered with black shadows, and an extremely evil figure of a demon god stood upright in the sky, enveloping the entire Holy Land. Karma fires arose and killings occurred everywhere. The familiar brothers and sisters in the past killed each other under the shadow of the devil.

"Fake, it's all fake.

I don't believe it, no, I don't believe it. "

Yao Xi stared blankly at what she saw in the Holy Land. She hugged her head in pain and screamed. She couldn't believe what she saw with her own eyes. In the end, she broke down emotionally and lost her will. Leaving the Yaoguang Holy Land where she was born.

(End of this chapter)

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