I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 119 Removing Obstacles, Sneak Attacking the Ruthless One

Chapter 119: Clear the obstacles and sneak attack on the ruthless lineage

Yangshen slowly walked out of Yaoguang's immortal platform. Yaoguang didn't even have the slightest right to object, so Li Ran took over the control of his body.

Li Ran controlled Yaoguang's body and walked comfortably in the Yaoguang Holy Land. The power of the void spread all around him. The Yaoguang disciples who were coming and going around him were facing the people standing in front of him so brightly. Li Ran turned a blind eye and couldn't even notice anything strange.

Standing on a peak in the Yaoguang Holy Land, in front of him is a mountain peak full of inspiration. Feeling the imperial prestige on the mountain peak in front of him covering the entire area of ​​the Holy Land, a strong light reflected in Li Ran's eyes. The corners of his mouth slightly opened, his gaze Piercing through the void, a simple and unsophisticated imperial tripod floats quietly on the square on the top of the mountain.

Li Ran looked at the imperial cauldron from afar, with a flash of possessiveness in his eyes: "From today on, Yaoguang Holy Land will change its surname to Li."

After the words fell, Li Ran continued to walk forward. Her body shape and aura gradually changed along the way, and finally a figure that looked exactly the same as when she was a man appeared.

Li Ran went up the mountain grandly and came to a huge square.

At this time, there were nearly a thousand Yaoguang disciples in the square, sitting cross-legged on futons with their eyes closed. In front of them, an imperial cauldron that suppressed eternity was quietly placed in the center of the square.

"The emperor cauldron that shakes the light of the Holy Land." Li Ran looked at the two gloomy black air in the eyes of the emperor cauldron, penetrating into the emperor cauldron.

At this time, the divine sense that was shaking light in Xiantai looked at the dragon-patterned black gold tripod in front of him, and persuaded Li Ran: "God, this emperor tripod is a real emperor's weapon, and I have been shaking the light holy land for tens of thousands of years." It was only after unremitting and painstaking sacrifices that he was able to control the power of the emperor a little more freely.

Don't underestimate it. "

Li Ran naturally also knew that although the Holy Land of Light boasted that this imperial cauldron was made from dozens of generations of sages who had sacrificed it day and night, and finally gathered the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, and turned the dragon-patterned black gold cauldron into an imperial weapon in a dark night of thunder and light, But in fact, this cauldron was actually an imperial weapon left by a ruthless man to the Yaoguang Holy Land in a certain life, using dragon-patterned black gold as material.

In Fluttering Light's narrative, every generation in the Holy Land, from the sages to the ordinary disciples, has to go to the Emperor's Cauldron every day to purify and offer sacrifices to the Emperor's Cauldron. After tens of thousands of years of ups and downs, they finally break into the Emperor's Cauldron. He took the mark of the Holy Land of Light and made it an inherited treasure that others cannot take away.

But since Li Ran dared to have the confidence to seize this weapon, he naturally had his own method. As early as two years ago, he used demon seeds to lure Yao Guang to come every day and join the army of sacrificial emperor cauldron.

Whenever Yaoguang sits on the futon and silently inputs his divine power to refine the dragon-patterned black gold cauldron, the demon species will sneak into the imperial cauldron without anyone noticing, and use secret techniques to destroy the treasures that Yaoguang Holy Land has laid down over tens of thousands of years. The brand was worn away bit by bit, and instead he carved his own traces in the cauldron. For two years, he worked diligently and uninterruptedly to sneak into the imperial cauldron like a hamster hoarding food. Now it is finally the harvest season.

At this time, Li Ran turned his head and glanced at the many disciples and elders around Yaoguang Holy Land, and suddenly asked Yaoguang a question in his mind.

"You said that if I destroyed all the people in this square in one fell swoop, would the Shaking Light Holy Land still exist?"

"What?" Yaoguang didn't understand the meaning of Li Ran's words for a while.

At this time, Li Ran spit out an invisible demon seed from his mouth, and the demon seed flew leisurely to the sky, revealing black threads that wrapped around all the disciples.

When the silk thread connected every disciple in the square, the demon seed exploded, and the deep demon energy instantly poured into the bodies of all the disciples. A series of fiery red karma fires were generated from the desires deep in their hearts, constantly arousing their deepest desires. Seven emotions and six desires.

Once they are unable to eliminate the karmic fire that arises deep in their hearts, desires will fill their brains and occupy their hearts. At this time, these disciples will become slaves of their own desires and become the most loyal slaves of Mara.

Soon some disciples were captured by desire. Their eyes were shining red and their faces were filled with thick black energy.

They stood up from meditating, looked at the other disciples around them who were still resisting the erosion of the karma fire, a cruel laugh appeared on their faces, and then they moved the butcher knives on the other disciples.

The killing suddenly rose in the square.

Soon the news reached the ears of some elders guarding in front of the emperor's cauldron. They looked at the disciples in front of them who were killing madly.

These elders went forward to stop the behavior of these disciples, but soon discovered that the strangeness was spreading. More and more disciples raised their butcher knives like crazy to kill their former fellow disciples. Infested, began to join their ranks.

As the situation intensified, it gradually spread to the entire square. At this time, the Supreme Elder who was responsible for guarding the Emperor's Cauldron finally came forward.

I saw him shoot a divine light, and instantly all the disciples who had become evil were fixed in place by him and could not move.

"Yaoguang, look at why these disciples suddenly lost their temper."

After controlling the situation, the Supreme Elder looked at the "Luoguang" who was still rational, and ordered him to confirm the situation. After hearing this, Yaoguang smiled and stepped forward.

The Supreme Elder looked at Luuguang's movements with satisfaction, and nodded his head. Suddenly, he realized that something was wrong. On the field, Luuguang didn't walk towards those disciples, but walked straight towards him.

"Yaoguang, what's your problem?" the Supreme Elder asked standing on the sky.

An evil smile appeared on Yaoguang's face. He walked leisurely to the Supreme Elder and stopped in front of him. He paused quietly for a long time. Just when the Supreme Elder was confused about his actions, Yaoguang suddenly struck out with his palm and took advantage of the elder's absence. He was prepared to hit him directly on the chest with a palm. A divine power that far exceeded the elder's expectation instantly spread from his chest to his whole body, knocking him out of the square.

"伱!" The Supreme Elder looked at Yaoguang in disbelief, raised his fingers tremblingly, and was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

Yaoguang smiled evilly and secretly transmitted a divine voice into the elder's ears.

"Master, I thought about it, since I am the hope of our lineage.

Brothers and uncles have more or less practiced the Heaven Swallowing Devil Kungfu and Immortal Heaven Kung Fu, so why not just let me devour the senior brothers and uncles directly, this way, it will save me a lot of time in finding special physiques, with these In time, I have already practiced to the realm of a saint, or even a great saint. "

"You are practicing Immortality Heaven Kungfu, and your mind is crazy!" Taishang Elder pointed at Yaoguang and was shocked, he couldn't believe that Yaoguang would say such words.

A crazy smile appeared on Yaoguang's face, and he looked at the Supreme Elder in front of him as if he were looking at a peerless delicacy.

"I'm not crazy, I just understand the true meaning of Kung Fu practice. The big fish eats the small fish. The weak are not qualified to practice this kind of supreme heavenly skill. It is the greatest value of your existence to turn it into nutrients for me on my way to becoming an emperor."

 I went to busy with major life events today, I am not in the mood, maybe the writing is a bit poor, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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