I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 136 Drawing Big Cake for Huolin Cave

Chapter 136 Drawing Big Cake for Huolin Cave

Li Ran also didn't expect Huo Lin'er to agree to him so easily. Looking at Huo Lin'er who was easily held by him, he told Huo Lin'er what he knew about the whereabouts of the Ancient Emperor Qilin.

When Huo Lin'er heard that her father might be sleeping in the Taichu Ancient Mine in the forbidden area of ​​Beidou, she suddenly felt endless longing in her heart, and she couldn't wait to see her father who had been separated from her for millions of years.

At this moment, Huo Lin'er was suddenly grabbed by Li Ran and held in his arms again. "Master Yuezhang slept in the ancient mine in the early days to wait for the opening of the road to immortality in this life. Lin'er, you have gone there now and disrupted his old man's plan.

Now that you know that your father-in-law is not dead, you might as well wait a little longer. The road to becoming an immortal once in a million years will soon begin. Then it will naturally be the time for you and your father-in-law to get together. "

When Huo Lin'er heard Li Ran's words of "father-in-law", he surprisingly did not refute, seeming to have accepted the marriage agreement with Li Ran.

And Li Ran's words also forcibly suppressed Huo Lin'er's eagerness to see her father again.

Huo Lin'er held Li Ran's generous body with both hands and asked curiously: "Qianlang, when will the road to immortality begin this time."

Li Ran gently pressed Huo Lin'er's head and whispered: "As far as I know, there are still about 300 years."

"What? 300 years!"

Huo Lin'er hugged Li Ran's waist, and when she heard him say that there were still 300 years away from Chengxian Road, she immediately refused to give up and shook Li Ran's body vigorously with both hands. "300 years is too long, I haven't seen my father for a long time, I really miss him, can I go to see my father earlier."

Li Ran hugged Huo Lin'er's soft waist, looked at the earth confidently, and felt proud in his heart: "Of course it won't take 300 years, the throne of this life will be mine, and then I will rule the nine heavens and ten lands, and I will take you there." How difficult is it for the ancient mine in the early days to meet Yuezhang.

Since I married his daughter, I naturally have to do something. I plan to collect the magic medicine and refine a nine-turn elixir for my father-in-law to help him renew his 2000-year peak imperial life.

And at that time, with the power of the peak emperor in my life, I will definitely be able to help Yue Zhang fulfill his wish and enter the road to immortality, and lead us to become immortals together. "

"Well, well, Ganlang, I will listen to you in everything." Huo Lin'er was infected by Li Ran's heroic aura. Listening to the magnificent blueprint Li Ran drew for her, she was immediately obsessed with it and thought of herself. By then, being able to stay with the ancient Emperor Qilin and talk to him about the love between father and daughter, Huo Lin'er wished that Li Ran could become the great emperor now.

Seeing that Huo Lin'er had been persuaded by him, Li Ran smiled slightly and added again: "Lin'er combines the power of the two royal families of you and me, and we work together, who in the world can rival him?
This road to immortality is difficult to open once in a million years. I don’t know how many ancient emperors in the past hid in the forbidden area and waited for the road to immortality. These are our competitors. From now on, we must work hard to unify the ancient clan first. Occupy Beidou again, and when the road to immortality opens, we can also help Mr. Yuezhang. "

Huo Lin'er nodded in agreement: "What my husband said is that we will defeat the emperor first, and help my husband sweep away all obstacles on the emperor's road, so as to prepare for the opening of the road to immortality in the future."

"Well, children can be taught!" Li Ran nodded with satisfaction as he looked at Huo Lin'er who was drawing inferences.

When getting to know each other with Li Ran, Huo Lin'er discovered that Li Ran was so humorous and personable, as if he and her were destined for each other, which made Huo Lin'er feel that the two were so suitable Gradually, she looked at Li Ran with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

The two came to the entrance of Huolin Cave, arm in arm, where the Great Sage Yanlin had already been waiting. When he saw Huo Lin'er coming arm in arm with Li Ran, there was a hint of unexpected look on his face. Smile.

When Huo Lin'er came to the entrance of the cave, Great Sage Yan Lin pretended to be suspicious and looked at the two people who were close to him. He looked at Huo Lin'er: "Your Highness, what is this?"

Huo Lin'er blushed a little at the attention of Great Sage Yanlin, remembering that she was reluctant to marry Wanlongchao in every possible way before, but now she held Li Ran reluctantly, and couldn't help but bury her little face in Li Ran's arms Avoid the eyes of Great Sage Yanlin.

"Great Sage, let's go in first." Holding Huo Lin'er who bowed his head silently, Li Ran looked at Great Sage Yanlin.

"Yes, yes, let's go in first." Yan Lin pretended to suddenly realize, apologized to Li Ran several times, and led him and Huo Lin'er to the Huolin Cave.

Here Li Ran met the ancient prince of Huolin Cave, Huo Qizi.

Before Li Ran could speak, Huo Lin'er couldn't wait to stand up. She looked at her brother and remembered what Li Ran had just told her, and was eager to share the good news with her own brother. The two were happy together.

Soon Huo Lin'er told his brother Huo Qizi and the Great Sage Yanlin exactly what Li Ran had just said in Nanshan.

Huo Qizi looked very calm after hearing this. He had sensed it as early as when Poyuan was born, and guessed that his father might not have passed away. Through the blood connection between father and son, he had already passed away. He guessed that the Ancient Emperor Qilin might be hiding in the Taichu Ancient Mine, and Huo Lin'er's words just confirmed his guess again.

On the other side, the Great Sage Yanlin was really shocked after hearing this. He looked in the direction of the Taichu Ancient Mine and immediately fell to the ground in reverence. He kowtowed nine times to the Taichu Ancient Mine and then stood up.

At the same time, Huo Qizi had already noticed Li Ran's meaning in his sister's statement, he raised his eyes and looked at Li Ran intently: "Are you really sure that you will become the emperor within 300 years?"

Li Ran raised her chest proudly, looked up to the sky and laughed confidently: "In the whole world, I am the only one.

Looking at the confident Li Ran, thinking of his identity as a true dragon, Huo Qizi was silent. True dragons are rare. He has never heard of the birth of a true dragon in the nine heavens and ten earths. With this kind of fairy, maybe It is true that he can become the emperor within 300 years, and Huo Qizi thought of his father who had always wanted to enter the road of becoming immortal. After hesitating for a moment, he seemed to have made a decision in his heart.

Huo Qizi raised his head and looked at Li Ran firmly, "Since you have such confidence, I will give up the throne in this life, and I, Huo Lindong, will do my best to help you achieve the throne of the ancient emperor in this life. I hope you can do what you promised to Lin'er before, When the road to immortality opens, I can help my father to break into the immortal realm."

"It's natural." Li Ran smiled slightly and made a promise.

Seeing Li Ran agreeing so readily, Huo Qizi quickly got into his role. He looked in the direction of Zishan as if he wanted to see the Emperor of Heaven inside through the void.

Huoqizi looked at Zishan and smiled grimly: "Then let's get rid of the emperor who is in the way first."

(End of this chapter)

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