I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 137 Fishing Guys Never Air Force

Chapter 137 Fishing Guys Never Air Force

Under a lush Enlightenment tea tree, the emperor closed his eyes and sat cross-legged under the tree to meditate quietly. The tree is vigorous and powerful, covered with various mysterious patterns. Enter the heart of the prince and help him advance his practice.

Under the tree, the Emperor of Heaven was obsessed with his practice. His immortal platform turned into a huge tripod vat, and the infinite energy from the heaven and the earth was turned into flowing water, and it was continuously filled into the big vat to fill it up.

In this dark chamber, the Emperor of Heaven is like the core of this world, with divine light shining all over his body, illuminating the entire dark underground world, and a golden fairy phoenix walks around his eyebrows.

Soon as his practice reached a peak, the cauldron was finally filled with the influx of heaven and earth energy. The emperor opened his eyes, his eyes were like lightning, and two golden divine lights like black dragons shot from his eyes. Shoot out, piercing through the entire Purple Mountain.

"Finally, it's about to cut the way." The emperor smiled slightly on his face. He felt his own advanced cultivation, and the huge power was hidden under his body, swimming like a dragon and snake.

It is no longer possible for him to break through to the next level of cultivation until now, so the emperor got up from the cross-legged sitting. At this time, an ancient tribe with eight wings on his back rushed into the hall, trotted all the way to kneel down in front of the emperor He said: "Your Highness, Huolin Cave has agreed to form an alliance with me."


Qianyuan, I have united the three of the great royal families in the ancient times, what can you find out of ten thousand dragon nests. "

Immediately, the emperor's eyes surged with energy, and he looked at the ancient clan who was kneeling on the ground and said, "What is the current movement of Wanlong's Nest?"

The Gu Clan knelt on the ground and respectfully answered the Emperor's question: "Your Highness, since the three royal families of the Golden Clan, Xuehuang Mountain, and Huolin Cave have all allied themselves with Zishan Mountain, there have been frequent changes in the Wanlong Nest. Yuanhu contacted, and seemed to want to win them over."

The emperor laughed suddenly after hearing this: "Qianyuan, Qianyuan, you also have today, and want to unite Yuanyuan Lake to fight against me. This prince will completely smash your plan today."

After saying that, the Emperor of Heaven walked out of the Purple Mountain: "Contact the Blood Phoenix Mountain, the Golden Clan, and the Fire Lin Cave, and ask them to bring out imperial soldiers. Today, the Emperor of Japan will completely wipe out the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest."

At this time, outside Yuanyuan Lake, Li Ran was leading the great sage Qianlun and some of the ancestor kings of Wanlong Nest were sitting opposite a young man, and some ancestor kings gathered behind the young man.

"Prince Yuan Gu, now that the prince has gathered the three major royal families to support him, he is arrogant. He is also the biological son of the first emperor of our ancient clan, the Immortal Emperor. If he becomes enlightened, I am afraid that Yuan Yuanhu will not be able to turn around in the next tens of thousands of years. Why don't you and I join forces to fight against the Emperor's alliance?"

Yuan Gu didn't object when he heard the words, with a warm smile on his face, at this moment an old man stood up and came behind Yuan Gu, whispering something in his ear, which made him suddenly change his attitude .

I saw that Yuan Gu was still looking elegant, looking at Li Ran politely, but his eyes looked distant in comparison.

"The man just now is the great sage of Yuangu Lake." Qian Lun leaned into Li Ran's ear, pointing to the old man who changed Yuan Gu's attitude, and explained to Li Ran.

"No wonder!" Li Ranruo nodded with some understanding.

Sure enough, soon Yuan Gu looked at Li Ran and said: "Prince Dragon, please forgive me Yuanhu Lake for not being able to form an alliance with you Wanlong Nest. If the prince has three royal families to help out today, the difference in strength between the two of you is too great. Even if Yuanyuan Lake joins, it will change." Not the status quo.

So we can only choose to stand by and watch. "

Li Ran looked at Yuanhu, who refused categorically, and wanted to persuade him a few more words, but then a burst of laughter suddenly fell from the sky.

"Qianyuan, give up on Wanlongchao."

Li Ran frowned and turned his head to the sky. He saw three royal ancestors behind the Emperor of Heaven. Four young powerful men from the ancient clan, half a body behind the Emperor of Heaven, fell from the sky with him and came to the primitive state. In front of the lake.

"Golden Goddess, Huangxu Dao, Huo Qizi, Huo Lin'er." Li Ran frowned and read out the four people who were lined up with the Heavenly Prince one by one.

After Li Ran revealed his identity, the Emperor suddenly laughed and slapped his palm on the table between Li Ran and Yuan Gu.

He looked at the dignified Li Ran and laughed triumphantly: "Qianyuan, now I have the help of the great royal families, if you, the Dragon Prince, are willing to submit to me and lead Wanlong Nest to lead the ancient clan with me, I will forgive you You were presumptuous before, otherwise today would be the day when your clan will be wiped out in the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest."

The arrogant attitude of the emperor made the golden goddess and Huang Xudao frown slightly, but now that the several clans are in an alliance, it is hard for them to say anything, and they quietly watched Li Ran's next answer.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor's arrogant words aroused Li Ran's strong counterattack. He immediately stood up and slapped the table, looked at the Emperor and yelled: "Who do you think you are? The blood of the Immortal Emperor, now. Don’t you even dare to fight alone?”

Li Ran's words seemed to arouse the anger in the heart of the Emperor. Seeing the fire in Li Ran's eyes, he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Qianyuan, you are worthy of saying this. I was upright and upright in front of the Dali Niu Demon Clan that day." I have to compete with you, but you secretly attacked me with imperial soldiers, which is really shameful."

Before Li Ran could reply, Zilongnv had already descended from the sky: "My lord, don't frame my younger brother. I was the one who attacked you with the ten thousand dragon bells that day, and it has nothing to do with Yuan'er."

The arrival of Zilongnv seemed to intensify the conflict in the field. Li Ran protected Zilongnv behind her, and looked at the emperor lightly: "Sister, what are you doing with him so much nonsense? Let's see how big a storm this underdog can make."

"Really, until now you are still stubbornly resisting, this prince wants to see how you escape under my four royal families."

Following the emperor's code words, the golden goddess and others have already led people to secretly surround Wanlong's nest in the middle.

Li Ran let out a cold snort, and Wan Longling was taken out and held in the palm of his hand, wanting to summon the power of the emperor's soldiers.

With the help of the three royal families, the emperor felt that he had a chance to win, and he was secretly proud. He was already thinking about how to torture Li Ran in the future to relieve his hatred.

At this moment, a big black stick was suddenly thrown from nowhere, and it was inserted straight into the ground between Li Ran and the emperor, and then a golden-haired primordial ape descended from the sky, holding the stick in one hand. The iron rod on the ground glanced wildly around, full of endless fighting spirit.

"Holy prince? The emperor looked in surprise at the monkey who broke in suddenly with an expression of surprise.

After the Holy Prince pulled up the iron rod from the ground, he stared straight at the Heavenly Prince and laughed arrogantly: "No matter who is beating the Heavenly Prince, I, the Holy Prince, will help."

(End of this chapter)

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