I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 145 The Emperor's Past

Chapter 145 The Emperor's Past


The Prince of Heaven looked at this very familiar figure in front of him, and could no longer control himself. Tears burst out from his eyes again. No matter how much he was comforted by the shadow that appeared from the Immortal Heavenly Sword, he could not stop the tears in his eyes. tears.

The phantom floated quietly in the air, listening to the crying prince about the grievances he had suffered.

After the prince finally finished crying about the grievances he had been feeling in his heart, Xu Ying lifted him up from the ground and said truthfully.

"My child, I am not the emperor, but the god of the immortal sword."

Hearing this, the Emperor of Heaven glanced at the shadow blankly, and after a long time, his eyes revealed a look that was indeed the case.

"Father, do you still like your younger brother more?" Thinking of this, a trace of sadness and jealousy suddenly appeared in the heart of the Emperor.

Tiandao looked at the constantly changing expression on the face of the emperor, guessed his thoughts at the moment, sighed and said: "Son, don't think too much, His Majesty the emperor is in Nirvana at the moment, so he can't separate himself before He came to see you, but when he learned that you were in danger, he immediately ordered me to cross the galaxy to rescue you."

"Really?" The Emperor was really overjoyed when he heard this, and the trace of grudge that had just arisen in his heart immediately dissipated.

At this time, the god of the Immortal Sword slowly fell from mid-air to the ground. He led the Emperor to walk in the hall, just telling him some past events of the Immortal Emperor.

There was once a little phoenix. He was just born and was so ignorant about everything. He lived in a fairyland, carefree, where he had his dear parents, his friends, and the mountains and rivers he loved. , but Phoenix, he is too young and loves to play. He is extremely curious about everything in the world and can't help but explore things he doesn't know.

One day, little Phoenix saw a small dark hole in a corner of the mountain. He was curious, so he couldn't help but want to see what good things were in the hole, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be a passage to another world.

Finally, Little Phoenix paid the price for his recklessness. He left the hometown he loved forever and came to a world that made him feel strange and fearful. Everything around him was so strange, and he didn't even have a single acquaintance.

This world is so barren and backward, with scarce and inferior aura, full of war and turmoil, everything is so annoying to him, little Phoenix wants to go home, but he is so young, and his strength is so low, even his I don't even know where my home is.

Slowly, he traveled around the galaxy, looking for a way to return home, but in the process of finding his home, his blood was missed by some people, and these people began to hunt him down and steal his blood.

Little Phoenix ran and ran, but he couldn't get rid of these hateful people. He was constantly being chased and killed, and he kept running away. He narrowly escaped death several times. His origin was exhausted in the pursuits, and finally he At the most dangerous time, he met a man who influenced his life. He was a human being, a very charming human being. With a wave of his hand, he killed all the powerful creatures who were chasing him, easily killing those who were more powerful than him. Several times stronger, dozens of times the chaser is wiped out.

This human being is so profound in knowledge and so powerful in strength, he seems to know everything, and there is always such a confident and fearless smile on his face, as if there is nothing in the world that can stump him.

The first time this human saw him, there was a smile on his face that he would never forget. Little Phoenix only remembered that the human looked down at him, touched his head and said, "What a little fairy phoenix!" ,where u from?"

The smile on this human's face was so kind and kind that Little Phoenix couldn't help but feel good about him. Little Phoenix told him everything he encountered.

After hearing the story of Little Phoenix, the human beings only pondered for a moment, then looked at him again and said with a smile: "It turns out that it is the little fairy Phoenix who fell from the crack in the fairyland to the mortal world."

"Is it the fairyland?"

It was the first time that Xiao Fenghuang knew that the place where he lived was called Xianyu. Since the man in front of him could tell his origin, he must be able to take him home, Xiao Xianhuang thought in his heart.

So he looked at the humans begging and asked, "Can you take me home?"

Hearing Little Phoenix's request, this human showed an extremely confident and arrogant smile. It was a smile that Little Phoenix would never forget. He looked up at the sky and said, "Of course, that's okay, that's what I want to go to." place, and I can definitely go there.”

"Really?" For the human being he met for the first time in the new world, Little Phoenix had a great affection for him, so after the human agreed to take him home, Little Phoenix chose to worship him as his teacher and practice with him , Enter the fairyland with him, and finally return to the hometown of his dream.

This human being's wise gaze seems to be able to penetrate the long river of history, his wisdom knows the past and the present, and he has extremely lofty goals.

In the process of following this man, Little Phoenix learned a lot. He regarded this man who taught him by words and deeds as a god, and he was both his teacher and his father.

On the way of following this man, they defeated countless enemies, and more and more people began to follow them. In the end, this man overwhelmed all the people in the world, and became the strongest in the world -- Tianzun.

He even worked with this man to establish the most powerful organization in history - Heavenly Court, and completely brought this world called Nine Heavens and Ten Earths under their rule.

Finally, at this time, the man he regarded as his faith shouted out to the whole world a slogan that made his blood boil for the first time. They wanted to teach people to become immortals, lead the entire heaven into the immortal realm, and share eternal life.

At this time, this man even changed his title. He called himself Emperor Zun, the Emperor of all gods, to show his determination and confidence.

Under this lofty and ambitious goal, Little Phoenix had a pursuit other than going home for the first time.

So Emperor Zun led him and other like-minded people, united with many ancient Tianzun who hid in the restricted area, and renewed their peak emperor's destiny in their previous life to jointly accomplish this goal.

For this reason, they penetrated the Kunlun clan, the strongest people outside of Heaven at that time, and captured their treasured land, the immortal land of Kunlun. Based on this, they refined their first immortal weapon - Chengxian. tripod.

Heavenly Court is constantly developing prosperously, absorbing more and more geniuses and powerful people, and everything is moving towards their goals. For this reason, Little Phoenix wakes up from his sleep with laughter from time to time, and is proud that he can participate in such a great cause. Happy.

But gradually he discovered that there seemed to be something else hidden under the goal of becoming an immortal by Emperor Zun, whom he regarded as his master.

He secretly inquired about this in every possible way, and finally one day he overheard Master talking to himself.

"The Immortal Realm, can I really break into the Immortal Realm?"

This sound contained too much despair and hesitation, and this sound shattered the little Phoenix's dream of returning home. Even his omnipotent master, whom he regarded as his faith, secretly despaired of entering the fairyland. What can be done.

At this time, Little Phoenix still didn't think much about it. After all, although he was born in the fairyland, the longest time in his life was spent in these nine heavens and ten places. Here he met many like-minded people and many friends.

Just when Little Phoenix wanted to give up his dream of going home, and decided to live a good life in nine days and ten days, continue to develop Heavenly Court, and bring him into a more prosperous era, he heard something from his master that made him desperate and sad. Difficult news.

"Since you can't enter the Immortal Realm in this life, it seems that you can only use the life origins of these enlightened people to lay a deeper foundation for your next life. Maybe you can hope to enter the Immortal Realm in the next life.

Fortunately, there is still Little Immortal Phoenix. With the immortal realm origin of his immortal species and the imperial origin of other enlightened beings, I will definitely be able to refine a rare and unique divine elixir that will lay the foundation for my glory in the next life. "

"What?" Little Phoenix couldn't believe everything he heard at this moment. His belief in being both a teacher and a father meant that he adopted him, but it turned out that he was only interested in his blood. Little Phoenix's world view was completely shattered. .

"Heavenly Court is fake, teaching people to become immortals is also fake, and Master is even more fake and cannot be fake anymore."

At this moment, Little Phoenix didn't know who to believe or what to do. With his current cultivation level as a quasi-emperor, the day when the emperor set a goal of becoming an immortal was getting closer and closer. How could he, a mere quasi-emperor, resist the most powerful man and the most powerful organization in the world in such a short period of time.

Just when Little Phoenix was despairing about this, his eyes gradually became firmer. In the process of following Emperor Zun to practice, establish Heavenly Court, and complete the process of teaching and becoming an immortal, he had already tempered himself to the point of perseverance. Otherwise, he would not have been able to defeat such a great person. Many outstanding and powerful opponents were selected by the Emperor to be the next heir to the Heavenly Court.

Little Phoenix decided to resist. Even if he was just a quasi-emperor, he would die on the way to resist.

Fortunately, he is now in the dark, and Emperor Zun is in the light. He doesn't know that he has seen his conspiracy.

So in the next period of time, Little Phoenix found the survivors of Kunlun who were defeated and fled by them back then, and told them about his idea of ​​dealing with Emperor Zun and Emperor Zun's conspiracy, and thus succeeded in getting rid of those who wanted revenge. The Kunlun survivors obtained their inherited immortal treasure, the immortal bell that is more powerful than the immortal cauldron.

Little Phoenix kept running around, secretly lobbying some ancient Tianzun who were attracted by Emperor Zun to join the Heavenly Court, and truthfully informed them of Emperor Zun's plot to refine them on the road to becoming immortals, and even used the nine-turn elixir refined by Emperor Zun as a Bait, luring some restricted areas Gu Tianzun to join his ranks.

Finally, on the day when he was taught to become an immortal, he followed the emperor like a shadow, as if he was his most loyal companion, exploring the road to immortality with him first, and clearing the way for the next army of heaven.

When Emperor Zun shattered many obstacles on his way to immortality and gradually began to relax, Little Phoenix made a move. He found the most suitable time, held the immortal bell, and brazenly exerted the strongest power with his life's cultivation, from Emperor Zun Zun attacked him from behind.

Emperor Zun didn't expect Little Phoenix to sneak up on him at all, and even though his current cultivation had surpassed the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, he was seriously injured by the power of the Immortal Bell.

And just when the little phoenix succeeded, the ancient celestials of the heavenly court made a move. They teamed up with other celestial beings ambushing in the side penalty area. A total of more than a dozen powerful celestials joined forces to attack the emperor who was seriously injured by the sneak attack of the little phoenix.

Little Phoenix rushed to the forefront as a quasi-emperor, completely ignoring the huge strength gap between himself and the Emperor. In the end, he paid a huge price. Most of the besieging Tianzun strong men were killed and injured, leaving only the last three or four. The little Immortal Phoenix was seriously injured, and the Immortal Bell he was holding was half-broken. Only then did he finally blow up Emperor Zun's body and kill him.

Looking at Emperor Zun who was jointly killed, Little Phoenix, who was seriously injured, smiled. He had accomplished an almost impossible thing.

After Emperor Zun's death, Immortal Bell fulfilled the agreement and left. Many remaining Ancient Heavenly Lords rushed into the heaven to snatch the treasures left by Emperor Zun inside. However, all of this had nothing to do with Little Phoenix. He used the divine source in a hidden place to Bury yourself, stay away from this era ruled by the gods, and wait quietly for your own era to come.

At the end of the Age of Mythology, the era of the coexistence of emperors disappeared, and the suppression of the emperor's way disappeared. The era of the little phoenix finally arrived. He relied on his talent to testify strongly.

In order to show the difference from Emperor Zun, he called himself the Emperor, ended the mythical age of the emperor, established the ancient era that belonged to all the races under his command, and created the extremely brilliant Emperor God Dynasty.

In this era, his career is hardly weaker than the heaven created by Emperor Zun, but at this time, the emperor, who has enjoyed all the glory and wealth, gradually feels a sense of loneliness. He feels that he is incompatible with this world, and he does not belong to this world. He ruled the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, but in his dreams he often thinks of the hometown he lived in when he was a child. He is homesick, wants to return to the Immortal Realm, and see his old relatives and friends again.

However, the previous example of Emperor Zun is vivid in his mind. He has witnessed the strength and talent of Emperor Zun with his own eyes. Home is the only goal.

For this reason, the Immortal Emperor thought that his Phoenix clan was best at nirvana and rebirth. He decided to use his racial talents to survive tenaciously in this world where immortality was extremely rare, and find his way home step by step.

However, the phoenix's nirvana requires extremely precious treasures to extend its life. But how many suitable treasures can he find in this world with thin spiritual energy? At this time, he thought of the many ancient gods in the self-proclaimed restricted area in the mythical era, and thought of them launching darkness Turmoil, the act of sucking the essence of living beings to extend their longevity.

Since the origin of the blood of ordinary living beings can help Tianzun prolong his life, then the most powerful Tianzun Ancient Emperor must be able to do so, so the Immortal Emperor found the best treasure to assist in the implementation of Nirvana, and that is the blood of the ancient emperor.

For this reason, the Immortal Emperor retired and faked his death when the divine dynasty was at its peak, leaving the era to others. He cultivated ancient emperors one after another and used them to extend his life. In an era when no ancient emperors were born, the Immortal Emperor could not be found. When he found the treasure to extend his life, he relied on his tenacious will to survive to extend his life, waiting for the next ancient emperor to appear. No matter what, for him, he had to live until the day he returned home.

In this life after life, for millions of years, the Immortal Emperor has never killed himself. He has witnessed the rise and death of powerful and amazing ancient emperors, and has witnessed many things in the world, even in the nine heavens and ten places. He was tired of living, almost paralyzed by life, but in order to be able to go home, he still lived tenaciously and alone, just for the only goal in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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