I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 146 The battle between two parties, the choice of the powerful bull demon clan

Chapter 146 The fight between the two parties, the choice of the powerful bull demon clan

The god of the Immortal Heavenly Sword told the Emperor the story of the Immortal Emperor all the way. These stories were stories the Emperor had never heard from others before.

When he was born, it was the period when the Immortal God Dynasty was at its peak. At that time, the Immortal Emperor ruled the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The Supreme Emperor, who hid in a restricted area and killed himself, was shocked by his father's powerful strength. Ordinary people of all races were even more shocked. Everyone regards his father as a supreme god, and he, the son of a god, is naturally admired and respected by all races.

He had never heard of such a past incident involving his father.

At this time, the Heavenly Sword God turned to look at him: "Do you think you can compare with the former Emperor?"

The emperor shook his head when he heard the words, and lowered his head in shame. He always felt that his blood was his strongest support. As the son of the emperor, he should enjoy all the precious things in the world. If it weren't for Li Ran's lesson and humiliation , he couldn't even build up his current Dao heart.

It is rare for the emperor to have self-knowledge, which made the god of the sword show a trace of approval on his face. He can understand the reason why the immortal emperor asked him to come to this world to save his eldest son. How could the Emperor give him up.

Standing proudly in the sky, the God of Heavenly Knife suddenly revealed an aura of looking down on the heaven and earth. He looked at the emperor and said indifferently: "Compared to you in the past, you can do this now. You have surpassed me and me. His Majesty expected.

Now that I am behind you, if you go ahead and do it boldly, who in my opinion would dare to be your enemy? "

The extremely powerful self-confidence was vividly displayed in the Heavenly Sword God. This self-confidence instantly infected the Emperor's son and made him cheer up again.

With the support of the Immortal Heavenly Sword, the Emperor's confidence greatly increased. He joined forces with the Ancient Royal Family such as Blood Phoenix Mountain and began to take the initiative to fight against Li Ran's Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest.

The two parties gathered all the royal families of the entire ancient clan except Yuanhu Lake. They each ordered the ancient clans of Beidou, large and small, to mobilize their troops and generals, igniting war on the land of the Northern Territory, and fought four or five major battles in succession. During this period, various ancestral king soldiers were used one after another, and the war continued until the end. The immortal sword and the immortal iron rod were successively appeared on the battlefield to confront each other.

The intensity of the war gradually climbed from Lunhai, Taoist palaces to the four poles, transforming dragons, and finally to Xiantai, where powerful people emerged one after another, and even the ancestors of various clans fought each other under the orders of the two royal families.

Another day.

"The Dali Niu Demon Tribe sent out five hundred dragon-transforming monks, thirty Xiantai monks, and one ancestor king to come to Zishan to report. If he fails to do so, the entire clan will be destroyed!"

In front of the stronghold of the Dali Niu Demon Clan, a six-winged ancient clan with a powerful aura shouted loudly to the leader of the Dali Niu Demon Clan below.

The old ancestor king picked out some clansmen and left with the six-winged ancient clan who came to recruit soldiers, but before he could rest for too long, another thousand-foot dragon descended from the sky and shouted at him: "Prince Dragon! His Highness has ordered that the Vigorous Bull Demon Clan immediately send eight hundred elites and two ancestor kings of the clan to join our siege and suppression of the Emperor in the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest, and those who dare not obey the order of the emperor will be sent by the emperor's soldiers immediately."

Faced with the threat from Wanlong's Nest, how could the ancestor king dare not obey? After sending away the envoys sent by Wanlong's Nest, he saw that some of his clan members were missing again. He sat on a big mountain and sighed, full of hope for the future. lost.

At this time, a clansman came to the old ancestor king: "Patriarch, now the two royal clans are fighting hard, and now each clan can only choose one between the Dragon Prince or the Heavenly Prince, and those who refuse to accept will be punished by both parties." The royal family is destroyed.

Only because our Dali Niu Demon Clan is among the royal family, we can barely remain neutral. But if this continues, I am afraid that the blood of the entire clan will be drained out soon. In the past two or three months, our Dali Niu Demon Clan has After being called upon by both sides nine times, the number of sons and daughters was reduced by nearly [-]%, and not one of them could come back.

If this continues, my Vigorous Bull Demon Clan will cease to exist. "

Upon hearing this, Patriarch Wang's face became even more sad: "But which side can we choose?"

After hearing this, the clansman raised his head and suggested with uncertainty: "Why don't we fall to His Royal Highness the Emperor?
He is the biological son of His Majesty the Emperor, and even the Imperial Soldier Sky Sword came out to help him. Three major royal families also formed an alliance with him, and his power is at its peak. "

The patriarch thought for a long time and finally shook his head: "Although the emperor is powerful now, he is not a very outstanding superior. Compared with the domineering, decisive and heroic Dragon Prince, the emperor is really far behind.

Besides, although His Royal Highness the Dragon Prince has a small number of people, he is rarely at a disadvantage in the battle with the Heavenly Prince. Comparatively speaking, I admire His Royal Highness the Dragon Prince even more. "

After hearing what the ancestor king said, the clan members nodded repeatedly: "Clan leader, in that case, let's join His Highness the Dragon Prince's side."

At this time, the ancestor king shook his head: "Although the Dragon Prince has greater stamina, today's prince is more powerful, and he is ruthless and too small-minded. Look at the ancient clans who have rejected him and taken refuge with the Dragon Prince these days. Which of us didn't receive the special care from His Highness the Emperor on the battlefield? The clan members suffered heavy casualties.

After we choose His Highness the Dragon Prince, we are afraid that our people will die faster. "

After weighing the left and right, the patriarch sighed repeatedly. He just wanted to pass on the race with peace of mind and didn't want to cause trouble, but now he couldn't even realize this extravagant wish.

Suddenly he thought of a person, and his eyes lit up in a certain direction.

At this time, Li Ran was sitting on the top of Taiqing Mountain and playing chess with the visiting guest God King Jiang Taixu. With the continuous practice of Jindan Dao, his cultivation has become more and more advanced, and now his strength has reached a level that Jiang Taixu can't see. It's the limit.

Seeing Li Ran who has far surpassed himself in just a few years, Jiang Taixu couldn't help sighing, but today he came here to discuss something important with Li Ran.

"Li Ran, do you know about the ancient tribes that have been born in recent days?"

Li Ran thought about it, and said casually: "I heard a little bit!"

"Really?" Jiang Taixu looked at Li Ran with a half-smile but not a smile: "A few days ago, your sect's Saint Yaoguang became very popular in the Northern Territory. She mastered the magic of the devil. I don't know how many holy sons of the Holy Land were influenced by her. Playing with her in the palm of her hand, I heard not long ago that she sneaked into a certain ancient royal family and caused wanton trouble, forcing the powerful ancestor of the royal family to hunt down and kill her.

Have you heard a little bit about this? "

Hearing this, Li Ran looked at Jiang Taixu pretending to be puzzled: "What is the meaning of the king's words? That Yao Guangming is obviously under the command of the demon Dao Moluo, so what does it have to do with me, Li Ran? Don't slander good people with blood. "

"Hey, you!" Seeing Li Ran's appearance, Jiang Taixu couldn't help persuading him: "Li Ran, could it be your demonic nature that suppressed you again? You really went too far before, quietly It is unavoidable that Yaoguang, the Holy Land of the Southern Territory, was born and destroyed..."

Before Jiang Taixu finished speaking, Li Ran stretched out his hand to stop him.

"The king of gods is here as a guest today, let's not talk about other things, come and drink tea!"

Jiang Taixu sighed secretly when he saw this, but now Li Ran was no longer Wu Xia Amen, and he could not control it easily. But after all, he was Li Ran's elder, and he still had the intention to persuade him not to do too many unprovoked killings. .

Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Tingting suddenly went up the mountain and said to Li Ran: "Master Taoist, the Dali Niu Demon Tribe is here."

"Really?" Li Ran was surprised and happy when he heard this, and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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