I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 147 The Immortal Emperor's Trace and the Human Race's Plan

Chapter 147 The Immortal Emperor's Trace and the Human Race's Plan
The ancestor Wang stood respectfully on the mountain of Taiqing Sect. In front of him was Li Ran, who came to conquer his powerful bull demon tribe a few months ago.

Li Ran stood in front of the Ancestor King. After looking at him carefully for a long time, a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Why, you have finally thought about it clearly and are you willing to follow me?"

Seeing that Li Ran didn't show obvious dissatisfaction on his face, the Patriarch King was relieved when he knew that the other party was still willing to accept him, and his tense heart settled down.

He looked at Li Ran, who was dressed in white in front of him, and said in a compliment: "I saw your lord's fairy appearance that day, and it was deeply imprinted on Lao Niu's heart, which made Lao Niu feel overwhelmed. Niu had already bowed his head and worshiped, and fell into the command of the adults.

But it’s not too late now. From now on, the entire Dali Niu Demon Clan is willing to respect you as our lord, and we will live and die without regrets! "

When he came, the ancestor king had already inquired about Li Ran's situation, and knew that the most beloved person in the entire mountain was the little girl next to him who had just delivered a message for him.

Seeing Jiang Tingting standing beside Li Ran, Patriarch Wang smiled knowingly, and he pulled out a human body bull head from behind, covered in snow white, with two cute little horns on top of her head, an extremely beautiful little cow girl.

"Little master, this is Lao Niu's granddaughter Yuanyuan, why not let her follow the little master as a playmate and bodyguard."

Jiang Tingting followed Li Ran every day, accepted his influence, her hobbies had been instilled by Li Ran long ago, and she was almost like him, so she saw the cute little cow girl who timidly hid behind the patriarch king and looked at her curiously and timidly. , immediately fell in love with it.

Jiang Tingting pulled the timid snow-white calf and led her to the side. The two started playing. Under Jiang Tingting's intentional guidance, the calf quickly became familiar with her, and the two happily caught her near a mountain forest. Hide.

Seeing that his granddaughter really won Jiang Tingting's favor, Patriarch Wang showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Cough, cough!"

However, at this moment, a coughing sound came suddenly, which woke up the ancestor king. He quickly turned his head to look at Li Ran, but saw that he was facing the ancestor king with his hands behind him, with an inscrutable back facing him. Said: "You Dali Niu Demon Clan is an ancient royal family, there is no special reason, how could you easily choose me here, let me tell you carefully, what made you change your mind."

"Sure enough, I still can't hide it!" The ancestor king smiled bitterly, remembering the huge war between Li Ran's true dragon clone and the Heavenly Prince, and told all the reasons why he came.

"Is that so?" Li Ran nodded thoughtfully and thought to himself: "It was originally just to deal with the emperor, but I didn't expect there to be an unexpected surprise. It's really good."

He looked at the uneasy Ancestor King in a pretense of contemplation, and seemed to have thought about it for a long time. Finally, he looked at the Ancestor King with a straight face and a serious expression. This expression almost made the Ancestor King think that he was about to be rejected.

However, at this time Li Ran showed a bright smile like a spring breeze, and he stretched out his hand to pull the old ancestor king to him: "Since you are willing to follow me, Li Ran naturally welcomes you."

Then Li Ran took off his gourd from his waist and put it in the palm of the patriarch Wang: "These are some pills that I usually make casually, and you can take them back to make your home safe. The eight peaks are all blessed lands with powerful aura, after your Vigorous Bull Demon Clan moves here, you can choose a few of them at will for your shelter."

The old ancestor king casually opened the gourd Li Ran handed over to him. There were countless pills in it. The strong fragrance of pills came from the gourd. After a few sips, his cultivation level, which had not made any progress for a long time, started to climb again.

"What a wonderful elixir." Although the ancestor king has not taken it yet, he knows that these are peerless elixirs just by the fragrance of the elixirs in the gourd.

He followed the direction of Li Ran's finger and looked at the camp that Li Ran had arranged for his people. He saw that the mountain peaks were surrounded by aura, and the mountains were beautiful. At the bottom of the mountain, there is a peerless dragon buried in it, breathing out majestic dragon energy.

He exclaimed in admiration: "Sure enough, it is a blessed land of the cave, an excellent place for cultivation. This place is full of inspiration and is almost comparable to the clan land of my Great Bull Demon Clan in the ancient times."

After watching this, the old ancestor king was secretly moved. From these few places, he could see how much Li Ran cared about them, and he didn't have to worry about the situation of his whole family after they came here.

"My lord, Lao Niu will go back and migrate his clan members right now. Three days later, a certain person will come with his entire clan to say goodbye!"

After all, the old ancestor king turned into a ten thousand zhang green bull and ran towards the direction he came from, stepping on the clouds and booming.

Li Ran looked at the departing figure of the ancestor king and laughed proudly. At this time, Jiang Taixu came to Li Ran with a strange look on his face and looked at him carefully.

"Li Ran, did you set up another trick?

The powerful bull demon clan is one of the royal clans among the ancient clans. They have profound heritage and powerful power. How could they suddenly surrender to you? "

Li Ran grinned slightly and did not explain the reason to Jiang Taixu: "The God King is naturally because of my strong personality charm, Li Ran, which convinced the entire Dali Niu Demon Clan and made them vote as a clan."

Jiang Taixu rolled his eyes at Li Ran, with an expression of whether I believe you or not.

At this time Li Ran suddenly looked at Jiang Taixu and asked: "God King, you suddenly mentioned the ancient clan just now, and you came to Taiqingzong specially today, not to drink tea and play chess."

Hearing Li Ran's question, Jiang Taixu suddenly looked up and looked around, and after making sure that there was no one around, he whispered to Li Ran in a secret voice: "Li Ran, have you received any news recently?"

"What news?" Li Ran asked calmly.

Jiang Taixu paused, and quickly said again: "Not long ago, there was a news from the Yaozu that the god of the ancient clan, the Immortal Emperor, is said to be alive and is being suppressed in Shengya at this moment.

Now that the ancient clan was born, they are eyeing the land of our Beidou human race, and the Immortal Emperor is like the supreme god in the hearts of the ancient clan. At this juncture, we must not allow such a confidant to exist nearby.

Therefore, recently my many holy land families have united and decided to invite the emperor soldiers of each family to refine the immortal emperor to death in the holy land, and never let him have a chance to escape. "

"The Immortal Emperor?" Li Ran deliberately pretended to be shocked. He looked at Jiang Taixu in "shock" and confirmed again: "The Immortal Emperor attained enlightenment millions of years ago. How could he still be alive today? God King Are you kidding me?"

Jiang Taixu looked at Li Ran and said: "Not necessarily, according to some records left by my emperor, the Immortal Emperor may have really lived from ancient times to the present.

Moreover, the groundless rumors may not be unreasonable. Even if the person suppressed in the Holy Land is not the Immortal Emperor, he must be someone very close to him. Considering the overall situation of our human race, we cannot allow that person a chance to escape safely.

I came here to find you this time, just to ask you to send out the dragon pattern black gold tripod that you seized to go with us to Shengya to suppress the Immortal Emperor. "

"Okay." After thinking for a while, Li Ran decisively agreed to Jiang Taixu's request.

(End of this chapter)

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