Chapter 150
This volume of the list of gods is a sealed treasure that was specially refined in order to suppress the undead Taoists back then. The golden list of gods was posted on the black mountain, and Wu Shi, who was waiting to be at his peak, pressed one of his hands on it.

With Wu Shi's strength back then, this palm pressed down, but how could a mere immortal Taoist who believed in the body resist?

Now Li Ran and others came with the emperor's soldiers, intending to completely wipe out the immortal Taoist. Under Jiang Taixu's pleading, the Fengshenbang felt his heart, and it opened a gap, leaving a gap for Li Ran and others to go straight to the heart of the mountain. .

Along the passage opened by the Conferred Gods List, Li Ran and others moved forward with the imperial weapons in hand. The seven imperial weapons were like seven bright suns, illuminating the dark mountains all year round like daylight. Under the shock of the imperial soldiers, those who had once None of the ghosts and snake gods who died in the form of corpse demons dared to come out to die. Soon they came to the depths of the mountain, where they saw a figure blocking the way.

The Taoist robe on his body is quite ancient. I don’t know what era it was left over. Under the traces of time, half of the Taoist robe turned into fly ash. There was a dull purple gold crown on his head. Mutually.

"Are they here to deal with the immortal Taoists who were suppressed in this mountain in the past?

The poor Taoist knows where the immortal Taoist is hiding and can help you. "

The Taoist's face was full of light and holy.

In this sacred cliff full of demons and ghosts, such a person suddenly appeared, which made these powerful men of various races who came to join hands to strangle the Undead Emperor startled, not knowing whether it was a friend or an enemy.

In the end, the master of arts was bold, and seven imperial weapons joined forces to attack. The strong man of the Great Xia Dynasty stood up without fear, holding the Emperor's Sword in his hand. He looked at the Taoist blocking the way in front and saluted: "If Brother Dao is willing to help, I, the Great Xia Dynasty, will be grateful."

With the Great Xia Dynasty's opening, the other great families and dynasties thought about it, and finally looked at the seven inherited emperor soldiers around them like ancient stars. After all, their courage overwhelmed everything, and they also nodded like the Great Xia Dynasty. Please ask the Taoist in this holy cliff to lead the way.

Seeing that the seven people in front of him believed in him, the Taoist's eyes dimmed and a gleam flashed, and he smiled secretly.

This emotional touch of the Taoist was captured by Li Ran, who is proficient in the Dao of Heaven and Demon. After noticing the inexplicable joy that suddenly appeared in the Taoist heart, Li Ran thought of something. past.

"Don't be fooled. He is the Immortal Taoist who believes in the Immortal Emperor. Let's join forces to kill him."

Li Ran's words startled the other people in the scene instantly. Seeing Li Ran who had already pulled out the black gold tripod with dragon pattern and killed him, Jiang Taixu immediately activated his own sun god stove, and a powerful god fire appeared in the holy cliff, extremely The intense high temperature burned the nearby black rocks into molten molten material in an instant. Seeing the king of gods, he did not hesitate to take action. Even though they didn't trust Mo Luo in their hearts, they still waved the emperor's soldiers and rushed forward.

"Cut!" Seeing his whereabouts revealed, Immortal Taoist showed a disappointed expression on his face. Facing Li Ran who came forward with the emperor's weapon in his hands, especially the Six Paths Emperor Wei who followed him, he did not dare to force himself After resisting the past, he turned into a cloud of green smoke and disappeared in place.

"Sure enough!"

After seeing the actions of the Immortal Taoist, these people confirmed that what Li Ran said was true, and they were even more convinced that the Immortal Emperor was suppressed here.

An elder of the Ji family held the empty mirror on his head, and his heart was surging: "The Immortal Emperor must be in it, you all go in together, and for the sake of the overall situation of our human race, this trouble will be eliminated."

Following the traces of the immortal Taoist's departure, they used the imperial soldiers to clear the way and entered directly.

Soon in the center of the mountain, they saw a lifeless corpse suppressed in the center of the mountain. The corpse was dressed exactly like the undead Taoist Li Ran and the others had just seen, and an extremely powerful emperor's power was It came out from the corpse and dispersed in the mountain.

"How could it be a corpse?" Everyone used the emperor's soldiers from each family to resist the emperor's power from the corpse, but they came here for the immortal emperor, and now they only saw one in this mountain. How could they be reconciled to the dead body.

Especially the Great Xia Dynasty was the most unwilling. A powerful sword energy that killed all living beings in the world was cut out from the sword body. The Emperor's sword clanked, seeming to be unwilling and angry. The emperor's soldiers and gods resurrected on their own and howled crazily. , he fired the dragon-shaped sword energy and stabbed the corpse in front of him, intending to smash it into ashes to vent his anger.

The Peacock King stood alone on Yan Ruyu's side. He stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the lifeless body embedded in the mountain. He said calmly: "Since there is only one dead body, we people can't come in vain today. We will not kill the Emperor." Divide this corpse into seven, take one piece each, continue to chase and kill the undead Taoist lurking in this mountain, and then go back home."

"Ha, ha, ha." At the same time the Taihuang Sword pierced out the sword energy, a loud laugh appeared, and then the undead Taoist who had just blocked them in front appeared again, and he shot a colorful light to stab the Taihuang Sword out. The sword energy is easily blocked.

He looked at the people in front of him with a trace of disdain in their eyes. "Only you people dare to surround and kill His Majesty the Emperor. If I hadn't been divided into two parts by Wu Shi's suppressed soul and corpse, you all would have died here today."

"This is your body?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the news from the undead Taoist. They looked at the corpse lying quietly next to the undead Taoist.

Jiang Taixu was holding the sun god stove, and he was illuminated by the golden light like a god coming down to earth. Jiang Taixu looked at the immortal Taoist in front of him and asked, "Where is your master, the Immortal Emperor?"

"What are you talking to him about? After killing him, the rest will be clear." Before Jiang Taixu could finish asking, the Great Xia Dynasty couldn't bear to attack the Undead Taoist with the Taihuang Sword.

Then Guhuachi, Jiulitu, Chaos Qinglian, and the Void Mirror, several emperor soldiers, were shining brightly, and various emperors with different auras floated in the void and surrounded the undead Taoist in the middle.

Seeing this, Jiang Taixu felt helpless, he and Li Ran exchanged a glance, the last Sun God Furnace and Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron also exuded a powerful imperial prestige at this time, each appeared above and below the undead Taoist, driving him from all directions completely surrounded.

The Taoist Taoist Immortal shouted, how could he be willing to be captured like this? He raised his head and looked fearfully at the list of gods in the sky, which was emitting endless golden light. After hesitating for a moment, he finally couldn't hold it any longer. The weak Gu Huachi hit his strongest blow.

The Emperor Dao Emperor with countless killing lights shot Gu Hua Chi out of the black mountain in an instant. Gu Hua Chi's body shook slightly and hit an invisible void barrier behind him. Gu Hua Chi's defeat Let a gap appear in the siege in front of the immortal Taoist.

(End of this chapter)

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