Chapter 151

The Taoist Taoist Immortal looked in disbelief at the full blow he had made. He looked up at the list of gods in the sky that was quietly posted on the mountain. A smile appeared on his face, and then he rushed out from the gap exposed by the ancient ruler and headed towards The outside world rushes away.

"Wushi, your seal has finally failed under the passage of time. Today I am free."

The Immortal Taoist laughed loudly, and rushed to the outside world without even caring about the body embedded in the mountain. After nearly 10 years of captivity, now that he is about to escape, he just wants to leave the holy cliff as soon as possible and take the first breath of the outside world. fresh air.

The undead Taoist looked at his body getting closer and closer to the boundary, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter. Until now, there is still no movement on the list of gods, and he is more determined at the moment. At this moment, after all, he lost the power of the seal.

However, at the moment when the Immortal Taoist was about to leave the scope of the mountain, the divine light suddenly shone brightly on the list of gods that had been silent, and streams of Tao without beginning containing the power of time continuously overflowed from the list of gods and emerged in the void, making attempts to The undead Taoist who left immediately hit his head and was bleeding, and was blocked back into the holy cliff by the sealing power of the Canon of Gods.

"Your uncle bullied me too much, I hate it, sooner or later, after I go out, I will kill you bastard..." This sudden change and tens of thousands of years of imprisonment finally broke the immortal Taoist's defenses, Seeing that he failed to get out of trouble again, he no longer cared about the seven human emperor soldiers who were staring at him. He looked at the list of gods in the sky with his eyes, and cursed at the Wushi Great Emperor who sealed him here forcefully.

In the face of the undead Taoist's wanton insults, the list of gods remained silent. It was quietly posted on the mountain, floating in the eternal time and space, as if quietly watching a defeated dog howling unwillingly.

After cursing for a long time, the Immortal Taoist still had more to say, but unfortunately the imperial soldiers who came to kill him again interrupted him.

Jiang Taixu came fiercely with the sun furnace in hand. "The dog thief dares to insult me, the great emperor of the human race, and it will cost him his life."

After the Sun Divine Furnace, Taihuang Sword surpassed the Divine Furnace that should have been in front of him with a lightning speed, and took the lead in fighting the immortal Taoist.

In front of him is the Taihuang Sword, which is said to be the first in attack and full of murderous intent. On the left and right are Chaos Qinglian and Jiuli Tu. Jiang Taixu is holding the Sun God Furnace and is surrounding and killing the Taoist Immortal, while Li Ran is holding the With the help of the Void Mirror, the dragon-patterned black gold cauldron and the Ancient Hua Ruler from the Guhua Dynasty suddenly shot out from angles that the immortal Taoist could not predict, hitting the undead Taoist who was caught off guard.

Even though he has the strength of the emperor realm comparable to the immortal emperor, he is just an incomplete primordial spirit after all, and he is facing the joint attack of seven imperial soldiers. Exhausted.

At this time, Taoist Undead also understood the intention of the Conferred Gods List. He looked at the motionless Conferred Gods List in the sky and thought to himself: "No wonder I can use power at will in the holy cliff without being sanctioned by the Conferred Gods List. I just want to use these emperors The soldiers dragged themselves to death."

After repelling the joint attack of the seven imperial soldiers again, the immortal Taoist looked at the numerous scars left on his body in this short time. , especially a few of the sword wounds made his injuries worse. The powerful royal dragon energy on the sword wounds continued to destroy his body and drain his primordial spirit and divine power. The divine power in Yuanshen was consumed to a great extent.

The undead Taoist stood in the void and panted continuously. Taking advantage of the moment of recovery, he looked up again at the list of gods in the sky and yelled at Wu Shi.

"Hmph!" Jiang Taixu snorted coldly, seven imperial soldiers joined forces to attack, they didn't need to revive the gods of the imperial soldiers and exhaust the precious and rare divine power in the imperial soldiers, they could slowly grind to death the undead Taoist like this.

In a short period of time, the Taihuang Sword, which was repulsed by the Immortal Taoist, was urged by the Great Xia Dynasty to kill the Immortal Taoist again. This time, many dynasty families joined forces to besiege the Immortal Taoist, and the Great Xia Dynasty worked hardest. The emperor's weapon gods revived several times, fully activating the power of the Emperor's Sword, and dealt a heavy blow to the immortal Taoist.

Looking at the Daxia Dynasty, which had no spare hand, Jiang Taixu praised continuously: "It is indeed one of the strongest forces in our Beidou human race. The Daxia Dynasty can really be regarded as a model for our human race."

Under the joint attack of the seven imperial weapons, the immortal Taoist gradually could no longer hold on. He kept spitting out golden divine blood from his mouth, his breath continued to wane, and his offensive magical powers became increasingly weak. He gradually fell into a disadvantage in the constant battles.

Seeing the state of the undead Taoist, Jiang Taixu's spirits were greatly lifted, and the Sun God Furnace moved with his heart, and once again fired a monstrous divine fire, which dealt a heavy blow to the undead Taoist.

"Come on everyone, this undead Taoist is almost exhausted, let's work harder."

As Jiang Taixu finished speaking, a powerful Taoist divine light suddenly erupted from the seven imperial weapons. They lined up in the sky one after another, and the seven divine lights combined in one place to strike at the immortal Taoist to give him the final blow.

The Immortal Taoist looked at the divine light that was hitting him, and there was a sad smile on his face. He looked up at the sky, with divine blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and he shouted helplessly: "Wu Shiyou won. trust."

After all, he opened his arms to welcome the divine light that was killing him, and waited quietly for death.

However, just when everyone thought that the situation will come to fruition and the overall situation has been settled, a supreme heavenly sword that overwhelms the galaxy appears from a certain place in the Big Dipper, and beside the heavenly sword, a heroic figure stands quietly in the universe with his hands behind his back, stepping on his feet. Staring at the land of stars and rivers, he proudly despises all living beings.

This majestic figure slowly held the heavenly sword in his hand, and the divine light appeared in his eyes. He lightly slashed forward, and in an instant, a powerful sword energy that shattered the world and killed all living beings in the nine heavens appeared, facing the holy cliff. The posted list of gods struck with a powerful sword.

At the same time, the golden mace, the gilded phoenix wings, the unicorn staff, and the Yuanhuang gourd all shot at the same time to emit four powerful imperial prestige in the direction of Zishan, deterring the Wu Shizhong among them.

I don't know why, but facing the four ancient emperor's weapons, Wu Shi Bell swayed slightly, and tried to rush out of Zishan several times, but in the end he still didn't take action.

The sword of the Immortal Heavenly Sword is indestructible and indestructible. It cuts directly on the list of gods. The two powerful imperial soldiers clashed and shot out powerful magic flowers of law in the void. In the end, the sword of the immortal sword was slightly better and destroyed the list of gods. A hole was opened in the seal, and the immortal Taoist who was lingering inside was led out.

(End of this chapter)

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