I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 170 Li Ran Banquet Recounts the Past, Taiqing Mountain Forms an Alliance

Chapter 170 Li Ran Banquet Recounts the Past, Taiqing Mountain Forms an Alliance
Only in Li Ran's arms did Yan Ruyu understand the extent of his current cultivation. She and Qingluan transformed into the vitality of heaven and earth with Li Ran, formless and invisible, so that the ancient tribe could only watch them. Leave peacefully.

The vitality fluttered with the wind, and when she regained consciousness, she had already arrived at Taiqing Mountain.

It took only one breath before and after, and she had already traveled hundreds of thousands of miles from the core area of ​​the ancient tribe to Li Ran's cave mansion. Even the void formation patterns they used to arrange on the road were not as fast as Li Ran's way of traveling.

"What kind of magic method is this?" Lying in Li Ran's arms, Yan Ruyu asked curiously.

"As the practice of Yuanshen continues to deepen, this way of traveling will naturally be learned, and there is no need for any secret method."

"Tch, forget it if you don't tell me!" Yan Ruyu made a face to Li Ran, expressing her "dissatisfaction."

Following her trip to the Valley of the Spirits, Yan Ruyu discovered that Li Ran had unknowingly left an indelible trace in her heart.

"Oh, evil fate."

With the flood of love flooding her heart, Yan Ruyu finally chose to face up to her own heart.

The two stepped down on the top of the mountain, and Qingluan went down the mountain first. At this time, Li Ran naturally took Yan Ruyu's hand, and walked with her in the direction of the banquet.

Li Ran had already sent invitations to the great families of the Holy Land half a month ago, so most of the guests had already been invited.

Taiqing Mountain, which used to be quiet, seemed a bit noisy under the gathering of many guests. People came and went incessantly. These guests from major holy places naturally knew Yan Ruyu, the demon princess, and looked at her and Li Ran. They have a loving relationship, and everyone is surprised.

"Aren't they incompatible enemies?"

Ye Fan also looked at the golden boy and jade girl in surprise. He hurriedly got out of the conversation with Ji Ziyue and Pang Bo, came to Li Ran, and looked at Li Ran carefully.

After a moment, Ye Fan suddenly patted Li Ran and laughed: "Taoist Master, that's really good. Princess Yan, a peerless beauty who is famous all over the East Wasteland, was captured by you without knowing it. You are really good at it."

"Really?" Li Ran smiled playfully, staring at Ye Fan with malicious intent: "Ye Zi, what's going on between you and Little Moon?"

"Uh." Ye Fan's face suddenly turned red when he heard this, and it was rare for him to feel embarrassed with his thick face and dark heart. "We are just friends now."

"Really?" The smile on Li Ran's face became wider: "Yezi, I heard that the generation of Miaoyu Temple in the Holy City has a famous descendant, who seems to be called An Miaoyi, this descendant of Miaoyu Temple What do you think."

"Master Dao, there's no need to talk, I just sat and watched." Ye Fan's face was extremely sincere and calm, with awe-inspiring righteousness.

"How about we take Little Moon with us to meet An Miaoyi another day?" Li Ran said while looking at Ye Fan.

Hearing this, Ye Fan finally couldn't hold back anymore. He nervously pulled Li Ran aside, looked at Ji Ziyue's side, and saw that she didn't pay attention to this side, so he was relieved.

In the past few years of practicing in the Qinling Mountains, he and Ji Ziyue have secretly developed a love affair, and they are only one step away from achieving a positive result. At this time, if Ji Ziyue knows about her romantic past, it will be fine.

"Master Dao, I was wrong, why not?" Ye Fan hurriedly begged for forgiveness.

Li Ran laughed when he saw this, and walked to the banquet with Ye Fan.

Now that Ye Fan has practiced in the Qinling Mountains, he has already opened up the entire secret realm of transforming dragons. He has already stopped at the second realm of immortals, and soon he will be able to cut the road and cross the catastrophe. The people of the same generation who pulled him down a lot.

He originally thought that the cultivation level between him and Li Ran should be reduced, but when they got together today, Li Ran's aura still made him feel unfathomable. It was obvious that Li Ran had not fallen behind in cultivation over the years, and his cultivation level had risen again. to an unspeakable level.

Seeing Li Ran racing like a dragon and a tiger on the road of cultivation, Ye Fan finally became curious about his golden elixir.

"Daozhang, what level of cultivation has you reached now?"

Li Ran pursed her lips and smiled, with a look of complacency on her face. "I'm still in Yangshen, but I'm about to reach the realm of Yuanshen and True Immortal. After a few more transformations, I can try to break through to Yuanshen and True Immortal."

"Are you going to become a fairy?" Ye Fan was shocked when he heard the words. Now that he has been in the practice world for so many years, he is no longer a practice novice. Too heavy, which represents true immortality.

Even the Great Emperor I, who represented the pinnacle of cultivation in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, could only live for more than 1 years, and could not be compared with the immortals at all.

Looking at Ye Fan, who was shocked, Li Ran knew that he had misunderstood him, and quickly explained to him: "That's not what Ye Zi thinks. My cultivation system does not pay attention to fighting. When I reach the realm of Yuanshen True Immortal, although I can do more As long as he survives for a while, he may not even be able to defeat some stronger quasi-emperors in terms of combat power.

There are pros and cons to each! "

"This is also very good. First seek longevity, and then prove the Dao. Daoist, I have a hunch that your system has a bright future. One day in the future, it may be able to replace the secret realm method and carry forward in the nine heavens and ten earths."

"Thank you, Ye Zi, for your good words. If there is such a day, even though I, Li Ran, die, I will not regret it." Li Ran laughed loudly.

The two of them entered the banquet while talking. Because the senior sister of Taiqing Mountain was not yet of age and could not preside over the overall situation without Li Ran, the banquet was hosted by Weiwei, Li Xiaoman, and Qin Yao. of.

The three of them were busy all the time, and finally returned to Li Ran, the head of the family. Overjoyed, Qin Yao and Li Xiaoman happily put down their work and rushed to Li Ran. They happened to see Li Ran hugging each other, with faces on their faces. Yan Ruyu was filled with a happy smile.

"The demon princess!"

"Your Highness!"

Seeing the intimacy between Yan Ruyu and Li Ran, Qin Yao was both happy and sad, as if thinking of her own situation, she had secretly expressed her feelings to Li Ran many times, but he always pretended not to know and did not give any feedback. Responding, Qin Yao didn't know what Li Ran thought about her, but she was afraid of being rejected, so she didn't dare to explain this matter directly to Li Ran.

Therefore, it has been delayed until now. Although Qin Yao feels a little sad about this, she is still sincerely happy that Yan Ruyu and Li Ran can get together.

"Congratulations to Your Highness and Young Master for forming a positive fruit."

Seeing Qin Yao, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, come over, Yan Ruyu had lost the anger she had back then, and now she only had the joy of meeting an old friend.

"Qin Yao, you haven't seen me for a long time." Yan Ruyu pulled Qin Yao to her side to greet her and talk about everything that happened between the two of them after so many years of separation.

After Qin Yao chatted for a few words, she had no intention of continuing the conversation. She hurriedly said a few perfunctory words to Yan Ruyu and left the banquet on the excuse of feeling unwell.

Li Ran naturally knows Qin Yao's intentions, but he himself is a ruthless and destructive person. For him, love is pale and illusory. Only the inheritance of the great avenue and the golden elixir immortal way is eternal and needs him to pursue it all the time. Go down.

If she really agreed to Qin Yao, the final result would be even more cruel for her. It would be better to just be like this.

As the last group of guests entered Taiqing Mountain, the banquet could finally begin. Li Ran took Yan Ruyu and sat at the table together. He raised his glass and smiled slightly at the invited Holy Land families under the table.

"Xiao Dao has achieved a small success after many years of retreat and painstaking practice. After being overjoyed, he suddenly thought of holding a banquet. He invited everyone to come and share this joy with Xiao Dao. You are able to come today, but you have given Xiao Dao a little bit. Thin noodles, thank you all."

After Li Ran finished speaking, he saluted and thanked everyone in the audience, and then he suddenly pulled Yan Ruyu's palm to face everyone, while looking at Yan Ruyu affectionately, he said to the audience: "There is another happy event, today, my fiancée and I Yan Ruyu, the princess of the Yao clan, settled their suspicions and continued their good relationship. From now on, His Royal Highness Yan Ruyu will be my mistress of Mount Taiqing, please let everyone know."

"Why are you like this?" Yan Ruyu was caught off guard by Li Ran's oath of sovereignty in front of a large audience, and her face flushed with embarrassment. Facing the people who were staring at her, she wished she could escape from the banquet immediately, but Li Ran Yan Ruyu held her hand triumphantly and did not give her a chance to leave. In desperation, Yan Ruyu could only lean in Li Ran's arms and accept everyone's attention.

At this time, a wave of applause came from the side of the god king Jiang Taixu: "Okay, Li Ran, you can have a good home, and that's one of the old man's concerns."

As Jiang Taixu finished speaking, countless rounds of applause sounded continuously on the court.

At this time, the Lishi maid who was serving at the side brought pots of fairy fruits and vegetables picked from Li Ran's orchard, as well as various delicacies, such as dragon liver and phoenix marrow, for the guests to enjoy.

After eating the delicacies at the banquet, everyone toasted to each other, drank and drank, and talked freely in twos and threes.Li Ran also kept toasting with acquaintances such as Jiang Taixu and Ye Fan.

"Master, please, uncle, please!"

Li Ran held up a wine glass to pay respects to Zhao Xuanzhen who was sitting on the table beside him, with no bounds.

Zhao Xuanzhen picked up a wine glass, looked at Li Ran who was sitting at the head, who already had the demeanor of a patriarch, and was deeply moved.

"Ran'er, I know that the little Taixuan sect will not be able to leave you as a big bird to spread its wings and fly high, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon to you today. I still feel like I am in a dream. ,It is really……"

Zhao Xuanzhen gradually felt uncomfortable as he spoke. Li Ran naturally knew the reason for his discomfort. He said with emotion: "Master's words make me feel that I have been expelled from Taixuan Sect. Once I am a teacher, I will always be a father." , I was a disciple of Taixuanmen for one day, and I will be for the rest of my life. It was Taixuanmen that gave me the foundation to stand in the world of Beidou cultivation, and it was Master who supported me from behind that made me what I am today.

I will never lose sight of the great kindness and virtue of you and Taixuanmen. I said back then that we would make Taixuanmen the number one holy place of Beidou. This is absolutely true.

Come and have a toast, Master!
Cheers, uncle! "

Li Ran's affectionate words also moved Zhao Xuanzhen and Bian Wuya.

Bian Wuya picked up his glass and drank it down. He looked at Li Ran and said, "Nephew, I could tell at a glance that you would be extraordinary in the future. If Old Ghost Zhao hadn't taken the lead, I would have decided not to let you join Lan Haifeng’s.”

After a few drinks, Zhao Xuanzhen and Bian Wuya seemed to be infected by the enthusiastic atmosphere on the field, and slightly drunk.

At this time, Li Ran suddenly clapped his hands, and then a yellow scarf warrior brought jade plates one by one, with a crystal clear jade pill placed on each jade plate.

The warriors placed these elixirs in front of each guest in turn.

Li Ran raised his glass and said to everyone in the audience: "Everyone do Ran a favor, come to today's banquet, Ran doesn't have any other good things to entertain, the only thing he can offer is this alchemy technique.

Therefore, these life-prolonging pills have been refined. No matter you are young or old, this one can last for 500 years. I invite you to taste it. "

Li Ran's glance immediately caused a fiery light to shine in the eyes of everyone present. They stared at such a clear magic pill in their hands with piercing eyes, and swallowed it without thinking.

Sure enough, after the magic elixir entered the stomach, some old men with thick gray hair suddenly grew back black hair, and the wrinkles on their faces were smoothed and eliminated under the force of abundant vitality.

"Sacred pill, divine pill." The effect of the pill that Li Ran brought out exceeded everyone's expectations, especially for some elderly people who had only a short lifespan. Getting a new life, roughly looking at it, Li Ran used up nearly a thousand longevity pills in this banquet, and this big deal immediately stunned all the leaders of the Holy Land present.

Looking at the silent field, Li Ran raised his hand, with a smile in his eyes, and said softly: "Everyone is here with delicious food and wine, why don't you have a good drink?"

"Yes, yes, yes, what Leader Li said is true. Come, come, come, let's toast the host together." Then nearly a thousand people on the field raised their glasses to Li Ran at the same time.

Li Ran's Longevity Pill pushed the atmosphere of the banquet to the extreme. After drinking for three rounds, Li Ran finally explained his other meaning to everyone.

He straightened his posture and looked at everyone, coughed intentionally, and directed everyone's eyes to himself: "Everyone should also know that the ancients are aggressive now, and our human race, as the overlord of the Big Dipper, how can we allow these picky bastards to be so presumptuous.

However, the heritage of the ancient clan is too deep. The seven ancient royal families have joined forces and there are many imperial soldiers. Among them, there are all kinds of saints, saint kings, and even powerful ancestral kings in the realm of great saints. The strength of the ancient clan has made all the fellow Taoists in the northern region miserable. I said, so I invite you all to come here today, so that we can unite together to fight against the ancient clan.

I do not know how you feel? "

With the sound of Li Ran's landing, there was no sound at the scene, and many great clans in the holy land were silent. These big clans are all in other regions except the northern region, and they can't feel the sharpness of the ancient clan for the time being. If they want to fight against it, they will mobilize their family background, which makes them willing to do so.

Seeing everyone with their own evil intentions, Li Ran secretly said: "It's true."

However, he also had his own back-up plan. Li Ran coughed again and said, "Xiaodao is good at refining some elixirs. We can still refine some of the life-extending elixirs like just now. If anyone is willing to join the resistance, For the ancient clan’s refining, just send someone to me to refine the life-extending pill like this.”

After Li Ran finished speaking, the audience suddenly became enthusiastic.

Many holy places even slapped the table and shouted: "The little ancient people dare to be enemies with our human race. They are so bold. Our so-and-so holy place is incompatible with them."

Looking at the excited crowd, Li Ran showed a controlled smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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