Chapter 171

At the end of the banquet, under the temptation of Li Ran's bait of longevity pill, a total of 38 holy land great religions joined the alliance that Li Ran said, and sent people to the Northern Territory to fight against the ancient clan. The pressure on the human race was immediately reduced.

With the support of Li Ran Yanshou Pill, the family heritage sealed in the divine source in each holy place was also revealed one after another and became active on the battlefield.

After the banquet was over, Li Ran stayed with Jiang Taixu for a while, Li Ran looked at Jiang Taixu and said with a smile: "God King, now you don't have to worry about the troubles of the ancients anymore!"

The God King looked at Li Ran's large-scale efforts to win over these holy land families at the banquet, and was filled with emotion: "After all, you still have the solution. For the sake of the overall situation of the human race, I have invited them again and again to come to the front line of the Northern Territory to resist the ancient tribe.

However, for the sake of the family's own agenda, these Holy Lands tried every means to obstruct it, fearing that their Holy Land heritage would be wasted in the Northern Territory, causing the sect to decline. "

"Hey in the world, all for profit;

Everyone in the world is benefiting.

Human nature is selfish, and it’s not surprising that they think about themselves. "

After saying that, Li Ran suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Yan Ruyu, looked at Jiang Taixu and said: "God King, now that these new troops have joined the battlefield, there is no need for me to take action for the time being. I will deal with some private matters first, and then I will talk to Gu The clans compete against each other.”

"Go!" Jiang Taixu nodded.

Li Ran took a step, and the sun, moon, and stars were reversed, and he stepped into Zhongzhou. After entering the North Plains, Li Ran went all the way north, and gradually came to a huge ice field.

This is the Arctic Icefield, located in the northernmost area of ​​Beidou. It is subject to wind and snow all year round. The vast icefield is endless as far as the eye can see. The sky and the earth are expanse of white, and towering glaciers can be seen everywhere.

The environment of the Arctic ice sheet is so harsh that few living creatures live here. This is the bitter cold land.

"Why did you come to this place?"

Yan Ruyu walked with Li Ran on the Arctic ice sheet. After thousands of miles, she didn't even see a bird or animal. All she saw was white and desolate. Yan Ruyu didn't know why Li Ran came to this ghost place. Still confused.

Finally she couldn't hold it any longer and asked Li Ran. Li Ran led her on foot and explained to her: "You and I are one husband and wife, and there are some things about me that you should understand.

Over the years, you should be able to feel that my cultivation system is very different from yours. "

Yan Ruyu thought for a moment and nodded to Li Ran: "It's indeed different."

Li Ran looked at the vast snow-white world and sighed leisurely: "This is a very new way of cultivation. I named it Jindan Dao. This kind of cultivation system has never appeared before me. I am here It is No.1 in the world of cultivation, and everything must be developed by me.

So I am different from you, I have no previous experience to learn from, and I need to experience and comprehend it step by step.

Now my practice has reached a critical point, I need a special kind of vitality, but I have never seen this kind of vitality, I don't know what it looks like, I don't even know what kind of characteristics it has, This made me want to reverse this vitality, but I couldn't do it. "

I needed something to draw on, so here I am. "

"Is it here?" Yan Ruyu asked curiously.

This time Li Ran didn't answer her. He walked forward intently. When he came to a place full of colorful mist and mixed lights and shadows, Li Ran and Yan Ruyu stopped. The place in front of them was blurry, beautiful and... Danger.

When Yan Ruyu felt the powerful field coming from the front, she frowned. This field was extremely terrifying, and it was difficult for her body, with her current level of immortal cultivation, to face this field.

"There is such a powerful field in front of me. I am just on the periphery, and my golden body is about to be torn apart by the power of this field."

Li Ran smiled at Yan Ruyu and said confidently: "It doesn't matter, since we can't get through it physically, let's find another way."

After speaking, Li Ran cast a stream of clear light and enveloped the two of them. Under the clear light, Yan Ruyu found that her body had been assimilated into a piece of vitality and merged into the world.

Yan Ruyu saw that she had become vitality, and remembered that Li Ran used this method when she took her away from the Valley of the Gods.

This feeling of incarnation of vitality is very wonderful. Yan Ruyu feels as if she has become a part of the world at this time. Wherever her mind goes, there is nowhere she cannot go and nowhere she cannot go.

She played with her transformed body wantonly, curious about this feeling.

Li Ran looked at her who was so playful and couldn't help but say a few words.

"Don't play anymore, it's important to do business first."

Yan Ruyu then withdrew her thoughts and continued walking with Li Ran.

Sure enough, as the two of them transformed into the purest vitality, this terrifying scene seemed to regard them as a part of itself, and the terrifying murderous intention dissipated from Yan Ruyu's heart.

Li Ran led her through and entered the center of the North Pole. The mist on the ice field gradually dissipated, revealing a huge vortex inside, which was constantly rotating. The moment the rocks and ice fell into it, they would be torn into powder by the terrifying power contained inside. .

Li Ran and Yan Ruyu walked into the center of the vortex comfortably like a pair of Bi people, and stepped into one of the ancient wells.

After entering the ancient well, the world changed instantly. Yan Ruyu felt as if she had entered an ice cave. The infinite energy was rising here. The concentration of the energy was hundreds of times stronger than that of Beidou today. The moment the thick energy rushed into her nose, Yan Ruyu fainted. A little drunk, she actually had a drunk oxygen reaction to the huge vitality here.

It was Li Ran who secretly sent out a burst of true energy to isolate her from the huge vitality in the ancient well, which kept Yan Ruyu from falling asleep.

"What kind of fairy land is this, the cultivation environment is so superior."

"Are you sure this is a good place?"

Li Ran pointed to a certain place in front, looked at Yan Ruyu and smiled without saying a word.

Yan Ruyu looked in the direction of his finger, and there were hundreds of corpses up and down in front of him. Most of these corpses had been frozen into pieces by the cold icy air, floating with the vortex, and many of them had reached the level of cultivation. The realm of saints made Yan Ruyu a little scared, and then she realized that this place was not just a treasured place for cultivation, but also contained an astonishing murderous intention.

Yan Ruyu looked at Li Ran and was not surprised by everything here. He was walking around in the depths of the ancient well, obviously knowing the place very well.

She was once again curious: "Ran, what is this place, and why so many ancient strongmen died here."

"This is an abandoned immortality place."

As soon as Li Ran said this, Yan Ruyu was shocked: "Then go straight from here, could it be that you can enter the legendary fairyland?"

(End of this chapter)

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