I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 172 The Northern Immortal Light, Immortal Domain Energy, Immortal Light

Chapter 172 The Northern Immortal Light, Immortal Domain Energy, Immortal Light
Li Ran shook his head when he heard the words: "It has been said that the Immortal Land here has been abandoned, and it is now impossible to enter the Immortal Realm from here."

"Oh, what a pity." Yan Ruyu had a look of regret on her face when she heard this.

"What a pity, there is no need to enter the Immortal Territory from some road to immortality, and one day, I will make the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Lands a place of immortality just like the Immortal Territory.

Come on, let's keep going. "

Li Ran led Yan Ruyu to continue to the depths of the earth. They traveled tens of thousands of miles in one breath, and the vitality became stronger and stronger as they went deeper. fluctuations.

Gradually they stepped on a piece of land, which was illuminated by all kinds of fairy lights, like a fairy mansion in the world. There are many ruins underground, among which a huge stone gate is the most eye-catching. The light of essence and Yuanci is introduced into this underground world through the gap of the stone gate.

"Those who are not saints are not allowed to enter the Immortal Mansion."

Walking easily to the stone gate, Li Ran saw this sentence, and suddenly he slapped the stone gate with his palm, opening up a fairyland world with surging spirit and spiritual energy like the sea, but the vitality of this world is extremely violent, and all kinds of light beams intertwined.

With a strong sense of oppression, even if Yan Ruyu turned into vitality, a huge sense of oppression kept pressing on her heart and could not dissipate.

"It's terrible here, and I can't bear this kind of oppression if I continue to go inside."

"It doesn't matter." Li Ran held her palm at this moment, and a calm and serene vitality continuously flowed into her body, dispelling this oppressive aura for Yan Ruyu.

Through the violent vitality, what comes into view is a dilapidated and desolate place after the war. Many strong men who used to force their way to immortality left here the shocking killing formations after their death. These powerful killing formations, even if Li is now Ran didn't dare to fall in easily.

"Ruyu, a chaotic green lotus rises."

That's why Li Ran brought Yan Ruyu here, he needed Qinglian, the imperial soldier in Yan Ruyu's hands, to help him safely explore this abandoned road to immortality.

Upon hearing this, Yan Ruyu's chaotic green lotus came out of her body and slowly flew to the top of the two people's heads. A star-like clear light fell down to protect the two of them.

With the Chaos Green Lotus protecting his body, Li Ran was determined, and he continued to explore forward without any scruples, passing through the remnants of the Imperial Formation left by the ancient emperor when he forcibly entered the path to immortality.

It's just that there are broken mountains and rift valleys everywhere. This former pure land has been turned into ruins by successive wars. At the same time, it has blocked Li Ran's way of exploration, making it impossible for him to continue to search deeper. So Li Ran stayed. Exploring near this fairy mansion, he and Yan Ruyu stayed in this fairy mansion wasteland for half a year. They searched almost every corner of the fairy mansion, but they couldn't find even a trace of the arctic fairy light.

"I don't even have a hair. Where did the old woman on the North Pole Fairy Road find the North Pole Fairy Light?"

Half a year came back without success, no matter how good-tempered Li Ran was, he couldn't bear such a waste of time, and finally he couldn't help but want to vent his anger.

Yan Ruyu looked at Li Ran who was getting irritable, and comforted him patiently, calming his inner irritability.

"Li Lang, the entire Immortal Mansion has been blocked by heavy battles here. Maybe the Northern Fairy Light you are looking for is under the ruins. Or maybe we can find it if we use Chaos Green Lotus to slowly clean up these ruins. The one with the Northern Lights you want.”

Yan Ruyu's words made Li Ranmao suddenly enlightened. "Indeed, why should I look for the traces left by the old woman? She was only in the realm of the Great Sage when she explored this fairy mansion. I am far worse than her."

At this point, Li Ran finally understood. He took Yan Ruyu throughout the Immortal Mansion to explore the great dragon of the earth veins, and sorted out the chaotic earth vein energy bit by bit. Finally, a month later, he locked the location of the ancient road to immortality in the Immortal Mansion.

Standing in front of a rift valley, Li Ran held up the Chaos Green Lotus. In front of him was a misty and chaotic void. The chaos in front of him covered the ancient road to immortality. If he wanted to find the Arctic Fairy Light, he could only dig through the chaos and start a new journey. Only by opening the fairy road can we find the northern fairy light left on the way.

In his hands, the chaotic green lotus exudes fresh energy from all directions, hovering in the sky continuously, with its nine leaves supporting the heaven and the earth, a wave of emperor's majesty presses down on the galaxy, causing the chaos to vibrate.


Li Ran took a deep breath, and resolutely struck the chaotic green lotus in his hand into the hazy chaos ahead. The powerful power of the imperial soldiers caused the chaos to disperse, and the clear and turbid were separated. Half a meter long sheep intestines path.

The depths of the path were still wrapped in chaotic energy. Li Ran had not seen a trace of the arctic fairy light on the half-meter path that had been opened up.

"It's still inside."

Li Ran heaved a sigh of relief, mentioned Chaos Qinglian and continued to open up, the ancient road that had been buried gradually reappeared in the sky.

The huge movement of the emperor's soldiers bombarding Chaos shook the entire Immortal Mansion, and attracted the attention of a white-haired old woman. The old woman poked her head out of a deeply excavated ruin.

"Another comrade has entered this fairy mansion, let's go and see who it is?"

The old woman followed Li Ran's message to the rift valley, and she saw two young men, a man and a woman, in the front.

The woman cheered on the side, and the man held a lotus-shaped weapon in his hand and bombarded the hazy chaos ahead.

"Qingdidibing? A member of the demon clan?"

The old woman recognized the origin of the imperial soldiers in Li Ran's hands at a glance. Before she entered this fairy mansion, the ancient tribe had not yet been born, and the conflict between humans and demons was the mainstream of Beidou.

Out of caution, the old woman did not go out to meet Li Ran and the two immediately, but hid nearby and quietly watched Li Ran's every move.

I don't know how many days passed. In the eyes of the old woman, the young man who kept hammering away at the chaos suddenly shouted with joy at a certain moment: "Successful."

Then he and the woman leaned into the passage they had dug, and after a long time they took out a trace of fairy energy that shone with fairy light.

"Northern Fairy Light!"

Seeing the immortal energy taken out by Li Ran, the old woman was shocked. She did not expect to find the Northern Immortal Light, which is said to take 10 years to be born here.

The Northern Fairy Light is a precious treasure that can be encountered but not sought after in the world. Li Ran's harvest made the old woman finally unable to bear it anymore. She came out of her hiding place and came to Li Ran and Yan Ruyu.

It wasn't until she got closer that she realized that the man holding the Azure Lotus Emperor Soldier was also a member of her human race. This discovery made the old woman feel reassured.

She asked cautiously: "You two little friends, can I let the old man explore this fairy road with you, one more person and more strength."

Li Ran was thinking about it at this time, and suddenly a strange question came to his ears. He looked up and saw the old woman, and the smile on his face had not disappeared yet.

"Hey, it's her!"

(End of this chapter)

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