Chapter 187
In the sun, Jiang Tong breathed in and practiced day after day, increasing his vitality. After building the foundation for a hundred days, he polished his vitality and condensed the spells, and finally the quantitative change produced a qualitative change.

On this day, Jiang Tong looked inside his dantian. In the eternal darkness, there were nine huge and solid talismans, which gradually appeared and converged in his dantian.

Outside the hibiscus tree, the infinite sun's true fire was attracted by Jiang Tong's breath. The real fire broke through the barrier of the hibiscus tree and poured into Jiang Tong's body continuously, forming a tiny golden vortex on top of his head, which finally became one with the truth.

Infused with the huge and pure true power of the sun, the aura on Jiang Tong's body became more and more powerful. He sat cross-legged on the star core and guided the vitality to travel around the sky according to the records of the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong. Every time he traveled, the sun in his body The holy power becomes stronger, and the true talisman becomes more solid. Finally, the charm of the sun's true fire permeates the true talisman.

At a certain moment, Jiang Tong's practice finally came to fruition. At this time, the mysterious light in his secret realm of the wheel and sea emitted. Infinite divine light appeared in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, the Life Spring, the Divine Bridge, and the other shore, as if four suns appeared in the world. The four divine lights were like four mysterious singular points that resonated with the nine true talismans above Jiang Tong's head, pulling the true talismans to the top of his head and circling around. The true talismans flew faster and faster, and began to get closer to each other.

In the end, the real fire of the sun was ignited on the real talisman, and the real fire burned blazingly, turning the real talisman into pure vitality. A blue smoke rose from the vitality, and entered into his sea of ​​suffering with Jiang Tong's breath.

After the green smoke poured in, Jiang Tong's sea of ​​bitterness became more and more turbulent, with huge waves surging into the sky. The spring of life was like a ferocious volcano erupting continuously. The huge divine power oscillated in the entire bitter sea. A wonderful change, a thick jade liquid was born.

The jade liquid rose from the sea of ​​bitterness, poured into Jiang Tong's head, rotated rapidly, and finally turned into a round pearl pill on Jiang Tong's head. The pearl pill broke through the barrier of the fusang tree and rose into the sky, where it gradually began to rotate on the sky. As the Pearl Pill rotates faster and faster, a powerful swallowing force appears from the Pearl Pill. It arbitrarily swallows the true fire of the sun that is swarming from all directions into the Pearl. As the Pearl Pill is swallowed, the Pearl Pill A golden divine light gradually appeared on the ground, and finally it jumped up and turned into a golden divine pill.

The moment the golden elixir appeared, Jiang Tong opened his eyes, he looked up to the sky and laughed, thunderclouds were forming between the sky and the earth.

Lightning strikes struck the golden elixir one after another, making the golden elixir more flawless and mellow. The golden elixir was bathed in thunder and calamity, and after undergoing baptism, an aura that would never wear out gradually appeared.

Seeing that the golden elixir was gradually becoming round and flawless, Jiang Tong rushed into the thunder calamity in one fell swoop, and swallowed the golden elixir that was undergoing transformation into his belly. The momentum on his body rose sharply, and finally there was an inexplicable connection between Jindan and Lunhai, and they cherished each other.

But at this time, Lei Jie was also angered by Jiang Tong's actions. Thousands of lightning beams crashed down at once, hitting Jiang Tong's body and destroying his body with holes.

Jiang Tong didn't care about this at all, he turned his mind, and the golden core autonomously circled around the whole body, and every time the golden core walked around the sky, a vigorous force of vitality would emerge from the golden core, To mend his injuries, every time Lei Jie inflicted a wound, Jin Dan spit out vitality to repair the injury, and finally the cycle went back and forth, making Jiang Tong always in a peak state.

After about an hour of thunder and calamity, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and Jiang Tong's aura was still strong. He stood flying in the sky, surrounded by golden divine fire.

"It's done!"

Jiang Tong looked at the golden pill in his body that he had cultivated according to the nine-turn Xuangong, with a big smile on his face.

Now he can be regarded as a golden core cultivator. Jiang Tong's spiritual consciousness is all over his body, and he feels a powerful force lurking in the golden core of Dantian. This power is extremely powerful, far surpassing Lunhai cultivator, supporting him Supernatural powers, practicing Taoism.

However, this was only the simplest first step. Forming elixirs is easy but breaking elixirs is difficult. Jiang Tong continued to practice. He crouched under the hibiscus tree, absorbing the endless true sun fire from the big sun star, and advanced the practice of golden elixirs. About half a year has passed like this. With the help of the huge sun energy, Jiang Tong's aura has reached the most extreme level. Now he has almost reached the extreme of what he can go on this road. If he wants to continue to make breakthroughs, except To break the elixir into a baby and evolve the primordial spirit, the only way to reunite the shattered elixir is according to the scriptures.

But for Jiang Tong, he has only practiced the Nine Turns Mysterious Art at the most dangerous time.

Now that his cultivation has reached a critical point, he also needs to re-knot the Broken Pill.


Jiang Tong looked at the golden elixir in his body and fell into confusion for a moment, how should he smash the golden elixir in his body.

Still unable to make up his mind, Jiang Tong raised his head and looked at Li Ran for help, hoping to get a hint. Li Ran sat cross-legged on the other side of the hibiscus tree leisurely, took out his fishing rod again, and the end of the rod went deep into the sun At the core, he started fishing again.

"It seems that Master will not tell me the solution, and I can only rely on myself."

Jiang Tong understood what Li Ran meant. He stared blankly at the golden elixir in his body, and finally thought of a solution that was not a solution.

I saw Jiang Tong exerting all his divine power and turning it into a magical weapon. Bee pupae swarmed towards the golden elixir in his dantian. Under the continuous impact of the divine power, cracks appeared on the surface of the golden elixir, and cracks appeared one after another. Endless true energy poured out from the golden elixir, and the powerful true energy exploded in an instant, impacting his internal organs.

In an instant, Jiang Tong spat out a mouthful of blood, and his young body was blown away like a broken branch and leaf. At this time, his breath was sluggish, his internal organs became pieces, and the sea of ​​bitterness was even more dilapidated.

"It really works!"

But Jiang Tong didn't take his injuries seriously at all, and was even secretly happy for the method he came up with. He laughed and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, got up from the ground again, and continued to meditate.

He circulated the mantra and, according to the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique, directed the true energy that emerged after the golden elixir was broken to the wheel sea bit by bit, repairing the wounds caused by the explosion of the golden elixir.

Soon Lunhai recovered. At this time, Jindan's true energy poured into the bitter sea one after another, pushing the bitter sea to open up its territory and continuously expand its scope. Finally, it changed from the size of a lake to the size of a sea.

Li Ran looked at what Jiang Tong did and nodded secretly: "Although it was a bit reckless, but after all, the broken pill succeeded, and it doesn't matter if the meat on the left and right is rotten in the pot."

Just like this, six years passed quickly.

Somewhere in Luzhou, Beiju, at this time, a young man of thirteen or fourteen years old had a deep breath. His eyes were bright and his energy was exposed. He was staring ahead like a wild beast. Opposite the young man, an ancient beast with golden wings appeared. The divine bird Dapeng is confronting the young man in the sky.

"Human boy, this king has tolerated you for a long time, don't go too far!"

The golden-winged roc looked at the young man in front of him with apprehension for a long time, seeing that he had been silent all this time, he finally couldn't help but say something.

The golden-winged roc was in a mess at this time, its feathers like god iron were sparse, and the feathers on half of its body had been plucked clean. It completely lost the overwhelming aura of the top predator in the wild.

Seeing the golden-winged roc speak, the boy showed a look of disgust on his face: "Monsters like you deserve to die!"

The young man stretched his hands forward, and a divine sun appeared. Thousands of true sun fires burst out from the divine sun, aiming directly at the golden-winged roc in front of him.

"It's this move again. Don't you have other moves?" The golden-winged roc shouted with hatred. He had no enmity with this young man, but the young man in front of him inexplicably set his sights on him. Since March, The other party has been chasing him since the beginning, trying to kill him.

It’s not that the golden-winged roc has never thought of killing the young man, but this young man’s strength is extremely terrifying. He is only at the dragon-transformation realm, but with his energy and blood, he can almost become a big dragon shaking the world, and his physical body is more ancient than his. The Dapeng Bird on the Demon Saint Road was even more terrifying. He fought against the opponent several times, but was defeated every time with hatred. He had no choice but to rely on the Dapeng clan's quick escape to avoid becoming the opponent's meal.

Every time the young man fought with him, he always used this divine sun to make the final decision, pressing him to the ground and beating him. The divine sun condensed by the young man in front of him was really like the sun, with the terrifying real fire of the sun gathered in it. , this true fire is extremely powerful, and contains the true meaning of the divine fire that melts all things in the world. His beautiful feathers were burned by the true sun fire in his hand during the fight with the boy.

Hearing the scream of the golden-winged roc, the young man just smiled slightly. He put his hands behind his back and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he was proud and smiling scornfully. Standing in the clouds, he felt indescribably chic and confident.

"Okay, I'll give you the chance to choose your own death.

I heard that you, the Golden-winged Dapeng clan, are the most arrogant and have always looked down on other demon clansmen. This is especially true for you demon clansmen who have followed the path of ancient demon gods. You firmly believe that this tempered body is comparable to divine gold and immortal iron. It can suppress everything. I will let you die under the sharp claws of my big roc bird today. I think you will be able to rest in peace under Jiuquan. "

As he spoke, the young man formed a mysterious hand trick with his hands and evolved into the shape of a great roc. Then he moved forward and instantly transformed into a hundred-foot-sized golden-winged roc. The divine bird howled in the sky with divine power. The countless beasts on the ground were immediately suppressed and all surrendered. They covered their eyes, ears, mouths and noses and hid in the haystacks, crouching low and not daring to raise their heads. There was silence for thousands of miles, and the birds did not dare to raise their heads to glance at the blue sky.

Seeing the Miraculous Divine Bird in front of him whose aura was almost the same as his own, it was really like his own race. The Golden Winged Dapeng really couldn't tell that this young man was still a human race.

"Are you also from my Roc clan?" Gold-winged Roc finally asked the boy tentatively.

The young man didn't reply. He flapped his wings and flew, looked up to the sky and let out a long groan. He looked at the golden-winged roc in front of him with murderous eyes and charged towards the golden-winged roc with two sharp claws.

Seeing the young man waving his wings to kill him without any worries, the Golden-winged Dapeng put aside other thoughts in his heart: "Even if you are from my Golden-winged Dapoc clan, with your actions, I will kill you here. .”

Immediately, they also flapped their wings and swung towards them. The two great roc birds, which had cultivated to an extremely advanced level, fought on the sky in an almost primitive and barbaric way.

Golden-winged Dapeng originally thought that with his second-level cultivation in Xian'er Terrace, the young man in front of him would never be his opponent if compared to his physical body.

But soon he found out that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake. At the moment when the two sharp claws of the two sides clashed, the golden-winged roc felt a heartbreaking pain from the sharp claws, and the four claws on the claws The claw finger was instantly split by the boy opposite.

He felt that what he was facing was not the claws of birds and beasts, but the magical weapons made of fairy gold, and the golden-winged roc retracted his claws in pain.

Before he could respond again, the young man came to kill him again. He waved his claws again and grabbed his head, intending to crush his head with one claw.

"Tianpeng Divine Form!"

Seeing the young man with unrivaled power, the Golden-winged Dapeng took a deep breath. The five secret realm powers poured into his body, and a huge Dapeng god shape emerged in the sky. This was the innate magical power of his Dapeng clan, and it was extremely powerful. It is terrifying. He only uses this move when facing a powerful opponent who cannot match him. Because this move is extremely powerful, if he uses it carelessly, it will harm others and himself, so he has always been very careful. Use this trick sparingly.

Today, this young man really frightened him and almost drove him to a dead end.

The young man's gaze focused on the Tianpeng divine form that was used by the golden-winged roc, and he could feel a strong sense of oppression from the powerful momentum of the Tianpeng divine form.

The boy's figure immediately changed. He drew back a pair of sharp claws and flew into the sky, diving straight down. A sharp tooth was at the front of his body. His body became smaller and smaller, and finally became almost the same as a bamboo pole. The friction of the teeth with the air creates powerful sparks.

In the eyes of the golden-winged roc, the boy turned into a unparalleled sharp sword and stabbed at him. From this divine sword, the golden-winged roc felt an invincible sharpness.

But out of confidence in the divine form, the golden-winged roc directly beat the boy's transformed divine sword.

So when all the dust settled, a red dot appeared between the golden-winged roc's eyebrows, the smile stopped on his face, his breath dissipated, and his huge body floated in the sky supported by the wind.

The young man transformed from the golden-winged roc back into human form. He shook his head and looked regretfully at the divine bird in front of him that he had killed with one blow. He stretched out his hand to grab his back and break open the monster body.

Then a dragon vein muscle as thick as a python was pulled out by the boy. The boy wrapped the dragon vein muscle taken from the golden-winged roc around a branch surrounded by the true fire of the sun, and soon a crude and crude bow appeared.

"Using this divine bow to send those damned Golden Crows to the underworld is also their blessing."

The young man looked at the big bow he had painstakingly crafted in his hand, and finally a big smile appeared on his face. Suddenly, the young man thought of something again, and suddenly became sad.

"I just don't know where Master is now. He has left me here for a year and he doesn't even care."

(End of this chapter)

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