I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 188 Ziwei Divine Dynasty

Chapter 188 Ziwei Divine Dynasty
Looking at the somewhat rough and unattractive bow, Jiang Tong's hands burst out with raging sun fire, and the golden fire wrapped the whole bow and arrow. After several refinements, a golden full moon bow finally appeared In front of his eyes, it was extremely beautiful and majestic, like a shooting star chasing the moon.

Jiang Tong looked at this divine bow, which was carefully made with fuso branches as the bow body and Dapeng demon tendons as the strings. Placed under the sun, the entire bow body had dazzling brilliance scattered in all directions, but after careful observation, , but he was not satisfied. He always felt that the divine bow he made was beautiful, but it lacked a soul. Although it was a divine weapon, it could not unite other people's bows.

After Jiang Tong sat on the ground and meditated for a long time, he accidentally noticed the corpse of the Miraculous Miraculous Bird beside him, and suddenly realized that he jumped in front of the corpse of the golden-winged Dapeng, fingering a flower, and murmured: " All the heavens came together, billions of ancestors, ghosts and bitter souls, all of them were saved and ascended to the palace of vermilion."

As Jiang Tong confided every word, the mysterious sound of the Great Dao was sung in the whole forest, and a faint golden light condensed in front of the corpse of the golden-winged roc, and Jiang Tong cast a spell on the corpse. The spiritual spirit of the winged roc that had dissipated in the world was recalled by him and appeared in front of the corpse.

Dapeng's spirit Yuanling had just been revived, and there was still a little confusion in his eyes, but when he saw Jiang Tong appearing in front of him, the scene when he was fighting Jiang Tong suddenly appeared in his mind, and everything soon came to an end. recalled by him.

The golden-winged roc looked at the enemy who had killed him in front of him, hatred appeared in his eyes. He looked at the enemy who killed him with blazing eyes. He fought against the sky, devoured all living beings, and the extremely unruly supreme divine will came from the gold. The spirit of Winged Dapeng emerged.

"That's right!" Jiang Tong finally showed a smile on his face.

"Come here for me!" He grabbed the newly condensed Dapeng Yuanling in his hand, and stuffed it into the divine bow he made.

This Dapeng Yuanling was stuffed into the bow by Jiang Tong, and he put a lot of seals on the outside of the bow, and then tempered it again with the sun fire, and finally the Yuanling was surrendered by him to become the spirit of the bow.

In this way, when Jiang Tong raised the divine bow again, an unruly and powerful momentum like a raging fire naturally appeared from the bow, overwhelming the monster creatures within a radius of ten miles to kneel on the ground, trembling and not daring to raise their heads. A satisfied look finally appeared on Hitomi's face.

"Let me give it a try!"

He let out a sea laugh and pulled up the bow string. At that time, endless divine light gathered on the divine bow. Jiang Tong used his strength again and pulled the divine bow like a full moon. As the divine bow was fully drawn, the infinite energy of heaven and earth gathered in one place. , and finally turned into a big arrow emitting golden divine light.


Jiang Tong searched for a long time in mid-air with his divine sense, and finally he found a target, which was a Golden Crow elder who was attracted by the movement between Jiang Tong and the golden-winged roc. Jin Wu, who checked the situation, showed a big smile on his face.

He aimed at Elder Jinwu's brow with a bow and arrow, and the moment the arrow shot out, the sky and earth were filled with thick sun fire. The elder was killed with one blow and nailed to an ancient tree with an arrow.

Jiang Tong walked in front of the Golden Crow elder who had been shot to death by him. The arrow hit him right between the eyebrows, and the soul at the Immortal Platform was burned to ashes by the hot true fire of the sun in the divine arrow.

Satisfied with the power of the divine bow, Jiang Tong laughed a lot. To celebrate, he lit a fire and picked up the golden crow and the golden-winged roc, skinned and deboned them, and enjoyed a delicious meal.

Just when Jiang Tong was practicing alone in Beiju Luzhou, Li Ranyao came to the boundary of Dongsheng Shenzhou. Dongsheng Shenzhou is the largest territory of Ziwei. It is full of spiritual energy and has many caves and blessed places, which is comparable to Beidou Zhongzhou. Give more.

Although Ziwei is mixed with humans and monsters, the human race in Dongsheng China is the well-deserved overlord of heaven and earth. Many great religions that have been inherited for hundreds of thousands and millions of years can still be found in the Divine Continent. The great religions in the holy land of all human races firmly occupy This resort in Shenzhou isolates foreign races.

And it is Ziwei's most powerful dynasty today, the Ziwei Divine Dynasty, that rules the vast and boundless territory in central China.

There was a great turmoil in the Ziwei Dynasty 3000 years ago. The turmoil spread so widely that it almost involved the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou. The turmoil perishes, but fortunately, a peerless celestial master was born at that time, and his cultivation base has penetrated the heavens and the earth at a young age, reaching the realm of great power.

This celestial master assisted the Lord Ziwei at that time to bring order out of the chaos, conquered from east to west, and quelled the turmoil one by one, thereby re-stabilizing the divine dynasty and never perishing in the turmoil.

After the turmoil was calmed down, in view of the great achievements of the Celestial Master, the divine master at that time named him the national protector of the country, and built the Tianji Tower for the national master to practice in order to protect the future of the divine dynasty.

In the blink of an eye, 3000 years have passed, and the peerless national teacher at that time is now very old, with gray hair, and has entered the twilight years of his life.

But even so, the national teacher still cares about Ziwei Shenchao, the family that gave birth to him and raised him, but at the end of his life, the national teacher is full of worries.

"why why!"

Upstairs in Tianji, after another fortune telling, the Imperial Master held his head and screamed in pain.

In front of him were three bronze coins scattered but regularly.

"I've been calculating for three years. Why do the results every time show that my Ziwei Dynasty will perish in the near future? Could it be that my Ziwei Dynasty is really hopeless?"

The most painful thing in life is this. In the twilight years, I know that the things I cherish the most will be destroyed in the near future, but I am getting old because of my short lifespan, so I can only watch helplessly. destroy.

If there is another chance, the Imperial Master really doesn't want to know the news of the demise of the Divine Dynasty. He was born here, grew up here, and dedicated his life to this place. The Ziwei Divine Dynasty has already become a part of his bloodline in these 3000 years. , inseparable from him.

There are too many of him here, too many relatives, old friends and memories.

There was a painful look in the eyes of the national teacher. This is the third time he has done divination today. Every time the divination is exactly the same as the previous day. There are no exceptions. Sometimes he really hates his power to reach the sky. The practice of Tao is so deep that fortune-telling never makes mistakes, but the world has never had ifs.

The Imperial Master sighed and got up from the ground. His old body wandered to the window, looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance without saying a word.

"How can I save the Divine Dynasty?"

In deep thought, the national teacher was frowning, and suddenly he looked at the sky, and found that there was a majestic purple atmosphere in the east filling the sky.

The Imperial Master looked horrified, and his trembling body almost couldn't hold up due to his shocking discovery. He shouted: "The arrival of the Purple Qi from the east is the arrival of the saint!"

The national teacher shouted and rushed down the Tianji Building, his expression was excited, his old and weak legs were so vigorous at this moment. "The sage came to Ziwei, I will meet him in person."

Master Ziwei followed Ziqi's direction with her bare feet, completely ignoring the surprised eyes of passers-by on the road.

Finally he found Li Ran who was fishing by the river near a big river outside the capital.

The moment he saw Li Ran, the national teacher's eyes were almost pierced by the majestic purple aura on Li Ran. In his eyes, Li Ran seemed to be the incarnation of Tao, and the truth of heaven and earth filled every part of his body. corner.

"I heard that Dao will die in the evening. Disciple Zi Tianji pays homage to the saint!"

"Get up!" Li Ran's eyes shifted from the fishing rod in his hand to the national teacher. He glanced at the national teacher lightly, then turned back quickly, and his eyes fell on the fishing rod again.

"The supreme master of the Ziwei Dynasty, do you have anything to ask me for?"

The Imperial Master was so frightened by Li Ran's words that the Supreme Imperial Master immediately fell to the ground and did not dare to get up.

He looked at Li Ran with trepidation and said: "The disciple is a dead man, how dare he be arrogant in front of a saint."

"Get up! Is Mr. Li such a narrow-minded person in your eyes?"

After hearing this, the national teacher got up from the ground, patted off the dust on his clothes, straightened his clothes, and walked respectfully to Li Ran to perform the disciple's salute.

"When the disciple saw the saint's arrival, he came here in a hurry and asked for the saint's forgiveness."

"It doesn't matter. Did you come here to see me for anything?" Li Ran's tone was still calm.

Zi Tianji was overjoyed when he heard this. He was worried about the future of the Ziwei Dynasty because of his fortune-telling. Then when he saw Li Ran's purple luck, he was overjoyed and hurried over to ask a question. Ask the sage how to solve it.

After Li Ran saw the appearance of Imperial Master Ziwei, he only made some calculations in his mind and understood the reason why he came.

"But are you worried about the future of the Ziwei Dynasty?"

When Ziwei Guoshi heard this, he was immediately surprised, and then he was overjoyed: "The Saint is indeed unpredictable, and the old man already knows his thoughts before he expresses them. It seems that our Ziwei Divine Dynasty can be saved."

The Imperial Master then hurriedly replied: "It is indeed as the sage said, I came here just for the future of the divine dynasty. In the past three years, I have repeatedly deduced the hexagrams, and every time I saw the scene was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The final result I obtained The result is that the divine dynasty is destroyed, with no chance of survival.

This kind of hopeless hexagram image exhausted the disciple's energy, but no matter what method the disciple tried, he couldn't change the possibility of deduction of the hexagram image. Disciple a way to save the gods.

The disciples and gods were all grateful. "

After speaking, Imperial Master Ziwei bowed to Li Ran three times in a very sincere manner.

Li Ran didn't want to pay attention to this matter. The purpose of his trip to Ziwei was to train Jiang Tong and perfect the Nine-turn Mysterious Technique he had deduced, and to gather the dragon veins of Ziwei to prepare for the formation of the starry sky. Where? He had no time to pay attention to these mundane matters, but when Ziwei Imperial Master saw that he did not agree, he knelt down to Li Ran's forehead with his three thousand-year-old body and asked Li Ran for a way to save the Ziwei Divine Dynasty. Even though No matter how hard it was for Li Ran to melt his heart, he finally had to be moved by the sincerity of Imperial Master Ziwei.

"You come with me!"

Li Ran pointed at Master Ziwei's eyebrows, and instantly brought his soul into a fantasy.

Here, Ziwei Guoshi saw the Ziwei Dynasty hundreds of years later. At that time, the pressure of the Qing Emperor disappeared, the heaven and the earth recovered, and the ancient stars of life in the nine heavens and ten places showed their inspirations. Sheng Sheng, under such circumstances, the Ziwei Dynasty, the Supreme Dynasty built on the Ziwei Emperor Star, is also becoming more and more prosperous, and the Dao Slashing Realm, which was impossible to break through in the past, has been easily broken through for those geniuses.

In the Shen Dynasty, there are constantly talented people born. These characters are enough to be the mainstay of the Shen Dynasty in the future. The entire Shen Dynasty is full of vitality and prosperity.

"Saint, is there any problem with this?"

Ziwei Guoshi saw the prosperous appearance of his god dynasty, and a smile appeared on his face. He didn't understand why Li Ran would show him such a picture.

"Don't ask, keep looking down." Li Ran didn't explain to Master Ziwei, but motioned him to keep looking down.

As the aura of heaven and earth became more and more abundant, the entire cultivation environment of Ziwei Emperor Star almost returned to the ancient times, and all kinds of Taoism flourished. At this time, cultivation is extremely easy. All kinds of rare geniuses and special physiques that were unimaginable in the past were born one after another. In this golden age of fighting for the throne, another supreme emperor who has ruled the nine heavens and ten lands for tens of thousands of years is about to appear.

Finally, the cultivation environment of Ziwei Emperor Star continued to return to the ancient times, and the Ziwei Dynasty became more and more prosperous. This place finally aroused the prying eyes of outsiders. On a certain day, a majestic and supreme divine spear came from outside the territory and stabbed In the territory of the Ziwei Dynasty, this divine gun was so powerful that it destroyed the Ziwei Dynasty, a dynasty that had been established for more than [-] years, with just one blow, and all the people of the Shen Dynasty died under the gun.

"Saint, is this the reason for the destruction of my Ziwei Dynasty?" Ziwei Guoshi seemed to be a little unbelievable in the picture he saw.

Li Ran nodded immediately after hearing this: "Weakness is the original sin. You Ziwei God Chaokong occupies this huge sacred land. Naturally, there will be no top powerhouses born to fight for it in difficult times, but in the golden world of the future, once sealed There are countless strong people, and one day there will be strong people who will fancy your god dynasty and want to occupy him, and then it will naturally be the time for your Ziwei god dynasty to perish."

"We have no enmity against the strong man. Is it a sin just because we are weak?"

Imperial Master Ziwei was furious. He pointed at the scene frozen in the picture and was so angry that he could hardly speak.

At this time, Li Ran waved his sleeves and swept over, leading Master Ziwei to leave the illusion and return to the outside world.

Li Ran sat on the bank of the river again and started fishing again leisurely.

"I don't believe that this straight hook really can't catch fish."

At this time, he noticed that Ziwei Guoshi, who was still in front of him with dull eyes, had a smile on his face: "You have already got the answer, why don't you leave.

If you disband your so-called divine dynasty as soon as possible and give up the divine land of Dongsheng Divine Continent, you will naturally not be peeped by interested people and lead to the collapse of the divine dynasty. "

(End of this chapter)

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