Chapter 189

"Is this really the only way?"

After learning the reason for the demise of the Shenchao from Li Ran, Ziwei Shenchao Guoshi stared blankly into the distance, his eyes dull and lifeless.

"This is a powerful divine dynasty that has been prosperous for more than [-] years. Now it has no choice but to give up Dongsheng Divine Continent in order to protect itself?"

Thinking of this, the Imperial Master felt only endless sorrow and pain in his heart. He had single-handedly revitalized and protected the divine dynasty for more than three thousand years, but in his last years, he could only watch helplessly as the divine dynasty was forced to evade the prying eyes of powerful enemies. Abandoning your homeland to avoid unknown disasters.

"Is there no other way for the saint to save my Ziwei Dynasty?"

After weighing it over and over again for a long time, the national teacher finally set his eyes on the sage who happened to stay in the gods in front of him again.

"The disciple asked the sage to teach the disciple the method of saving the gods."

Suddenly Ziwei Shenchao Guoshi was caught off guard and knelt down sincerely to Li Ran and asked for help.

Li Ran glanced at the other party in surprise, he really never thought that the old man in front of him could kneel down for help from a human race like him who didn't know his origin for the sake of Ziwei God.

Li Ran's thoughts turned around in his mind, and he gently stretched out his palm to Ziwei Shenchao Guoshi, and then a powerful and undeniable force forcibly helped the Guoshi up from the ground.

Li Ran fiddled with the fishing rod in his hand with a warm smile on his face: "Can you try to count it again?"

The Imperial Master looked at Li Ran in front of him in confusion, not quite understanding the meaning of his words. However, out of trust in Li Ran, he honestly laid out the three copper coins he carried with him and sat down on the ground to get up. Hexagram deduction.

As the copper coins fell to the ground, the national teacher looked at the direction where the copper coins fell, and he couldn't believe what he saw in his eyes. After interpreting the hexagrams he had raised, the national teacher quickly looked up at the sky. Prove that there is nothing wrong with your hexagram.

Ninety-two, see the dragon in the field, and see the lord.

The hexagrams show that after a hundred years, there will be a god baby to come to the world to prosper the crape myrtle dynasty!

Looking at the hexagram image that had changed for the first time in three years, the national teacher could hardly believe his eyes and hexagram skills, so he hurriedly made a new hexagram in another way.

On the ninth five-year plan, the flying dragon is in the sky.

"It's strange, it's still the same hexagram, and it's still the hexagram of the top!"

The national teacher has practiced the way of heavenly secrets for more than 3000 years, and for the first time he had doubts about his own practice. He raised his head and looked at the leisurely Li Ran in front of him, his face was full of doubts.

Li Ran saw that the national teacher who was at a loss and almost doubted his life did not explain too much to him, but instead signaled him to make a guess again.

The national teacher didn't dare to delay, he picked up the copper coin and concentrated on it, exerting all his life's Tao and deeds to start hexagram again, at this time the hexagram image changed again.

Although it still shows that a hundred years later, a divine child will come to the world and incarnate as the god of Ziwei Divine Dynasty to revive the divine dynasty, but this time the hexagram shows an extremely sinister sign. This is a rare hexagram, and the hexagram is the same as just now. Exactly the same, but the meaning of the hexagram has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"It has changed back to its original state, is it still an unbreakable deadlock?"

The national teacher fell into silence again. Today, he started hexagrams three times a day, and the final results of the three hexagrams were all different. This has completely surpassed the experience accumulated by the national teacher for many years. The hexagram.

At this time Li Ran stood up, walked leisurely in front of the national teacher, and stood with his back to him.

"The way of the secret, little Doyle, you are too obsessed with believing in the results of the deduction. You must know that there is never a static world, and there is never a constant future. Only the easy is not easy, and the easy is eternal.

Being too obsessed with the way of heaven and believing in the established future, although it allowed you to practice a thousand miles at the beginning, it has also become your current imprisonment, which is the root cause of your inability to become a saint. "

After listening, the Imperial Master understood what Li Ran meant. He knew that the human sage in front of him was trying to remind him, but what he urgently needed now was to find a way to avoid the collapse of the divine dynasty.

He is very grateful for Li Ran's suggestions and attention to him, but this is not what he wants most now.

After hesitating for a long time, the national teacher said again: "Thank you sage for pointing out the disciple, the disciple is also very grateful, but what the disciple wants to ask now is a way to save the gods, and please sage take pity on me for the sake of being a human race." The Ziwei God Dynasty, bestowed the method of escape and rescue."

"Oh, dead wood can't be carved!" Li Ran couldn't help sighing when he saw that the other party didn't understand what he meant at all.

"Since the future is changing at any time, the catastrophe of your Ziwei God Dynasty will naturally not necessarily happen. It all depends on how your Ziwei God Dynasty responds to this matter. I have said so much, but you are completely It’s really disappointing not to understand.”

The national teacher suddenly realized that he had fully understood the meaning of Li Ran's words, but how to find out how to dispel the peeping and coveting of the future strong man from the Ziwei Dynasty, the national teacher thought for a long time and still had no way.

He thought hard for a long time, and finally his eyes lit up when he looked at Li Ran's figure in front of him.

The cultivation base of the sage in front of him is far stronger than he originally imagined. He thought that the other party might be nothing more than a saint or a saint king at most, but now it seems that it is far more than that. With the other party's way, this It is not impossible for him to be at least the realm of the pinnacle of the great sage, even the legendary quasi-emperor.

If you want to preserve the incense of the gods under the eyes of a powerful existence, you can only rely on another powerful existence to seek the protection of the other party. In the eyes of the current national teacher, this mysterious human sage in front of you is Very suitable.

He was overjoyed, and quickly knelt down to Li Ran again: "Thank you saint for giving me the way to save me, this disciple has fully understood what you mean."

"Well, not bad." Li Ran put his hands behind his back and looked at the other party with a satisfied smile on his face.

But soon the smile on his face froze, and the national teacher still knelt in front of him, and said again: "My god dynasty has stood on Ziwei Emperor Star for more than ten thousand years, and all kinds of rare treasures in the god dynasty Invincible, the disciple is willing to support the saint with the power of the court on behalf of the god, but the saint has orders, and we dare not obey the gods, I only hope that the saint can stay in my Ziwei and protect the safety of my god."


Li Ran was stunned, and he helped to come up with a solution. Why did this matter have something to do with him? He just wanted to refuse, but soon he realized that this was a good opportunity. As Ziwei Ancient One of the most powerful forces in the star not only occupies the largest dragon vein in Dongsheng Divine Continent, but is also powerful. With the help of the Ziwei Divine Dynasty, he can gather the entire ancient dragon vein of Ziwei to form a star formation at a faster speed. many.


There was a smile on Li Ran's face, he thought about it, and turned his back on Ziwei Shenchao Guoshi, deliberately showing a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Pindao is a person from the mountains, and he can't bear this world of mortals the most. It is absolutely impossible to stay in Ziwei, but I see you sincerely, and the Ziwei Dynasty is indeed one of the long-standing forces of our human race. Seeing the collapse of such a god dynasty that has been passed down for more than [-] years, Pindao couldn't bear it in his heart.

In this way, I will teach you a way to rescue. "

"Thank you saint!" The national teacher was overjoyed when he heard this.

Li Ran said leisurely to the Imperial Master of the Ziwei Divine Dynasty: "I heard that the current Divine Lord of your dynasty has a beautiful and fragrant daughter, who is said to be the second most beautiful woman in Ziwei. Is this possible?"

When the national teacher heard the words, the figure of Princess Yueshi appeared in his mind. He looked at Li Ranfeng's handsome young face, and thought to himself: "Could it be that the sage is interested in that girl Yueshi?"

Thinking of this, the national teacher couldn't help leaning on his body, put his hand on his chin and thought: "Exchanging a princess for the protection of a peerless powerhouse, this deal is quite a bargain."

Li Ran has already practiced the Dao of Heart Demons to an unfathomable level, and every word that the national teacher thinks in his mind is clearly seen by him. Seeing the other party arrange himself in this way, Li Ran was shocked Anger: "Master Ziwei, why is poverty so unbearable in your heart?"

Ziwei Shenchao Guoshi was shocked when he heard the words. He looked at Li Ran in horror, and another thought turned in his heart: "Could it be that the supreme supernatural power of his mind really exists?"

Li Ranpi looked at Ziwei Shenchao Guoshi with a smile on his face, playing with taste: "Guoshi, do you think this supernatural power exists?"

Li Ran's words confirmed Ziwei Shenchao's national teacher's guess.

"It seems that senior really understands my Taoist supernatural powers and his heart!" Ziwei Guoshi thought to himself, he was shocked, and he didn't dare to speculate on Li Ran's thoughts in his heart.

Seeing that the Imperial Master Ziwei was completely shocked by him, Li Ran smiled slightly and continued: "I just made a calculation. Your Princess Yue Shi of the Ziwei Dynasty has a destiny, and she is destined to have another one that was made for her that day. Half of them will help your Ziwei Dynasty solve this catastrophe one day in the future, and protect your Dynasty's peace for thousands of years."

"This!" Ziwei Guoshi couldn't help but said to Li Ran immediately after hearing the words: "Senior, there are more than hundreds of millions of human races and monsters in this huge Ziwei ancient star. The one who found my princess among so many people , isn’t it as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, and I ask senior to give me the whereabouts of my princess’s husband-in-law, so that the two beauties can form a good relationship as soon as possible.”

After hearing this, Li Ran suddenly showed a strange smile on his face, and he said lightly: "The one who has the strength to protect your gods for thousands of years is naturally not an ordinary mortal, you go and arrange a martial arts competition in the middle school Invite relatives, invite all the heroes from all over the world to participate in this recruitment, and then defeat all powerful enemies, and the one who will be the first one will be the good son-in-law of Princess Yueshi."

"That's right." The national teacher suddenly realized, he thought of what Li Ran said just now, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

If we can really find this person, we can not only find a lover who will accompany Princess Yueshi for a lifetime, but also ensure the safety of the Ziwei God Dynasty for thousands of years in the future. This is really a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. , also died without regret.

In order to find this person who can protect the Ziwei God Dynasty as soon as possible, the national teacher didn't want to delay any longer. After bidding farewell to Li Ran in a hurry, he flew to the capital to discuss the matter with the current god master.

Li Ran looked at the Ziwei Shenchao national teacher who Hua Feihong left, with his hands behind his back, looking at a certain place in the north with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Little Tong'er, I have prepared a good marriage for you as a teacher. If the second most beautiful woman in Ziwei Emperor Star is your wife, you will make a lot of money."

When Li Ran arranged this matter, Jiang Tong couldn't help but sneezed in Beiju Luzhou. He held a roasted fragrant three-legged crow in one hand, rubbed his nose with the other hand and said strangely: " I have cultivated to the level of dragon transformation, how can I still sneeze like a mortal, maybe someone is talking about me."

"Could it be Master?" Jiang Tong thought about a possibility, he looked at the empty square and shouted: "Master, where are you, are you looking for Tong'er.

Come out quickly, Tong'er is here. "

Just as Jiang Tong was yelling, suddenly there was a voice that disgusted him deeply.

"Boy, your master is gone, but we are here!"

As Jiang Tong looked over, several golden crows with extremely powerful auras appeared in the sky not far away.

Jiang Tong looked at each other and said with disdain: "You followers are chasing very closely. It wasn't long before the young master got rid of you. I didn't expect to catch up again so soon."

There is a Golden Crow in the sky, and his aura is the most powerful among the chasing Golden Crows. He has reached the peak of the first level of Xiantai, and may break through to the second level of immortality at any time.

This Golden Crow came to the front arrogantly, and looked at Jiang Tong contemptuously as if looking at a dead person: "Human boy, you are a mere dragon-turning realm, and you dare to provoke my Golden Crow in the Luzhou boundary of Beiju. You are really alive!" Impatient, I am ordered by the elders to take the head of your little son!"

"Oh, take my head?"

Jiang Tong laughed loudly, waved his hand to make a knife, chopped off his own head and held it in his hand.

"Is that right?"

Jiang Tong's head was held by his hand, and he looked at the golden crow with a scornful smile.

"you wanna die!"

After Jinwu saw Jiang Tong's actions, he immediately understood that he had been tricked by the human boy in front of him again. He yelled angrily and said to several tribesmen behind him: "Kill him!"

As the words fell, these Golden Crow tribesmen from the Immortal Realm instantly flew out and surrounded Jiang Tong. They waved their wings, and the true fire of the sun connected into a huge fire ring. The center of the fire ring was Jiang Tong.

"Boy, you can't use your magic bow now!" The leader Jin Wu laughed triumphantly.

Jiang Tong saw a solemn look on his face when he saw the Golden Crows surrounding him in an instant.

"It's hard to do now!"

Now his greatest reliance is the Divine Bow of the Roc that he carefully refined not long ago, and now he is fighting these Jinwu personally, he has the Divine Bow in his hand but cannot use its power.

With his current level of cultivation, it is still a bit difficult to fight against so many Golden Crows in the Immortal Stage realm.

Jiang Tong looked gloomyly at the golden crows in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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