I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 203 Alchemy as Treasure

Chapter 203 Alchemy as Treasure
Li Ran looked at Jiang Tong who was in the immortal platform and smiled slightly: "I have been teaching you for eight years, and I have never given you anything to protect yourself. Today, I will refine a magic weapon for you as a teacher. .”

"A magic weapon?" Jiang Tong immediately became interested when he heard it, and he looked at Li Ran expectantly: "Master, what kind of magic weapon is it?"

"Continue to look down, you will know!" Li Ran pretended to be unpredictable and smiled at Jiang Tong, and soon he closed his eyes tightly, and a deep demonic energy appeared, replacing the scorching sun in Jiang Tong's body Holy power.

"What a profound method of transforming vitality!"

Jiang Tong was shocked by Li Ran's lightly exposed hand. Under Li Ran's deliberate indulgence, his consciousness could clearly perceive that under Li Ran's control, the holy power of the sun was passing through his body. After a series of transformations that he couldn't understand, the properties of the divine power were magically changed, turning into the ghostly demonic energy in front of him that seemed to come from the Nine Netherworld.

Jiang Tong couldn't understand Li Ran's operation, but it didn't prevent him from writing it down first.

The demonic energy was as deep as the night, and its huge amount was like a flood that opened to release more and more. It soon turned into a dark cloud, covering the territory of the Taiyin God Sect, which was tens of thousands of miles in radius.

The deep night shrouded the earth, and one after another phantoms transformed from Li Ran's spiritual thoughts, turning into all kinds of strange monsters roaring in the world.

These monsters captured the souls of the disciples and elders of the Taiyin God Sect in front of themselves and turned them into favorite toys, putting them in their hands to play with.

At this time, Li Ran's body became bigger and bigger, and soon it was tens of thousands of feet in size. flow.

This is Li Ran's Nine Nether Body. It is a demon body that heaven and earth naturally evolved for him after he became more and more aware of the devil. It represents the dark side of heaven and earth. If one day Li Ran can survive in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths If he opens up the Nine Nether Demon Realm, then his demon body will naturally become the demon ancestor of the Nine Nether Demon Realm, the supreme being of the demonic path and the master of all living beings after death.

Even if Li Ran can't do this now, within the scope of his Nine Nether Demon Qi, where his Nine Nether Demon Body stands, he is the most supreme existence. At this moment, those Taiyin God Sect who originally died in his hands Disciples, those who hated Li Ran, at this moment naturally bowed before the master of their dead souls and surrendered to him.

"Master, what's the situation?"

Jiang Tong pointed at the disciples of the Taiyin God Sect who were prostrating themselves before Li Ran like fanatic believers. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Li Ran explained to him with a smile: "This is another way to practice as a teacher, so you don't need to make a fuss.

Let’s see what the teacher does next, study hard and don’t slack off. "

"Yes, Master."

Jiang Tong responded obediently and watched Li Ran use his magical power without blinking.

"Come, come, come!"

Under Li Ran's call, the bones of those elders who were disciples of the Taiyin God Sect and the strong men who were originally from the lineage of the Taiyin Human Emperor turned into black streams and rushed to Li Ran's palm under the tempering of the Netherfire.

A deep demon energy appeared in his palm and turned into raging flames to envelop the black water flow. The water flow was continuously tempered by the demon fire in his palm to drive out the impurities inside.

Li Ran suddenly lowered his head and glanced at Jiang Tong, with an inexplicable look in his eyes. This glance made Jiang Tong a little creepy, and he felt as if he had made some mistake. After a long time, Li Ran sighed quietly: "What I am always most proud of as a teacher is This is alchemy, but you kid has been studying with me for eight years, and you haven't even learned the essence. It's really a secret.

If it were anyone else, having an alchemy master like your master teach you how to make alchemy from the simple to the deep, you wouldn’t know how happy it would be. But you are still picky and too lazy to learn. Sometimes I really don’t want to admit it. I'll take you as my apprentice. "

"Hehe." After hearing this, Jiang Tong realized what Li Ran's look at him just now meant. He put his hand on the back of his head in embarrassment and lowered his head to laugh.

"Hmph, take a good look at what it means to turn decay into magic."

As Li Ran's words fell, the black divine water made from the bones of all the disciples of the Taiyin God Sect and the Taiyin Renhuang's lineage was refined by the raging demonic fire in his palm, and the Jiuyou emanating from Li Ran's body. The magic energy melted into one place and slowly turned into a black pill with a round bead body.

The whole body of Danwan was dark, and Jiang Tong looked at it for a long time, but didn't see any magic in it.

Li Ran glanced at him silently, and then threw the pill in his hand into the sky. In an instant, the sky and the earth were filled with a myriad of phenomena and thunder.

Tens of thousands of Xuanyin divine thunder struck down at the same time and struck on the pill. Miraculously, the pill was not damaged at all in the thunder. Instead, it became more mellow and delicate after being refined by the thunder.

The sky and the earth turned into a melting pot, and the power of thunder was used as fuel, and the endless resentment energy between the sky and the earth was continuously attracted, and injected into the pill to complete all the materials needed for alchemy.

Under the continuous refinement of the power of thunder, the pill body gradually becomes transparent, allowing people to see the situation inside the pill pill.

But at this time, the inside of the pill was in chaos, and nothing else could be seen except black.

At this time, Li Ran took action. He suddenly opened Jiang Tong's body with a knife and forced out nine drops of golden divine blood essence from his heart.

After these nine drops of golden divine blood left the body, Jiang Tong's face turned pale to the naked eye, and his breath became a little weak. Even though Jiang Tong was just a bystander at this time and his body was not under his control, he His spiritual consciousness can also feel a sense of weakness coming from the deepest level.

"Master, what is this?" Jiang Tong's consciousness was a little puzzled, unable to understand Li Ran's actions, Li Ran glanced at him again, and said, "Hold on, it will be to your benefit."

He reached out and tapped lightly on the pill in the sky, and nine drops of Sun God's blood rushed into the pill in the sky uncontrollably.

The pill, which was originally full of yin energy, was greatly stimulated after it came into contact with the divine blood of the sun body of Zhiyang Zhigang. The nine drops of divine blood inside the pill changed with the pill's vitality, gradually becoming eighteen layers of hazy. A looming world appears inside Danwan.

"go with!"

At this time, Li Ran suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the souls of the disciples of the Taiyin God who had been played by the monsters, and stuffed them into the pills. Even those who had died in the Taiyin God's sect were resurrected by Li Ran using the method of summoning souls. The dead souls call back.

The moment these dead souls fell into the pill, they were clearly divided into [-] parts and fell into the world layer by layer.

Following that, the most terrifying instruments of torture in the world appeared in every layer of the world.

These instruments of torture are blessed on the bodies of these dead souls, automatically imposing various horrible punishments on them.

All of a sudden, there were groans everywhere, and the miserable cry fell into the ears of Jiang Tong who was guarding the Xiantai through Dan Wan. The sound was so miserable that people couldn't bear to listen.

"This is eighteen layers of hell, and each layer contains the most terrifying punishment in the world. It is too kind for these Taiyin gods to let them die like this. These shameless people who betrayed the Taiyin Emperor A disciple should accept the most terrifying punishment in the world life after life, and never be freed."

"Master is so ruthless, is this the reason why Master is so powerful?" Jiang Tong felt that he had opened the door to a new world and learned new knowledge.

After the dead souls of the disciples of the Taiyin God Sect fell into the world inside Danwan, these worlds were filled with all kinds of dead souls, making the world seem a bit noisy and chaotic.

Li Ran looked at all this and suddenly frowned. He held his forehead with one hand and thought carefully, and soon he came up with a solution.

He summoned the souls of the descendants of the Taiyin Empress, and whispered something to them.

Because Li Ran's voice was too soft when he spoke, Jiang Tong couldn't hear clearly even though he listened carefully.

He only saw that after Li Ran spoke for a while, these dead souls suddenly nodded at him, even floating in the void, kneeling to the ground to thank Li Ran.

"The benefactor avenged our Taiyin Divine Sect and allowed us to regain our freedom from the never-ending drive. Even if we don't have what the benefactor promised, it is still necessary to serve the benefactor."

Jiang Tong suddenly saw the figure of the saint's remnant soul in the crowd. This sight made Jiang Tong very excited. He came out of the immortal platform excitedly and came to the saint's remnant soul.

"Senior, it turns out you are not dead."

The remnant soul of the saint was originally listening to Li Ran's teaching quietly, but the sudden appearance of Jiang Tong, a little friend he had known for only a day, also made him very happy.

"It's you, little child of the Sun God Sect, thank you very much, without you, my clansmen would be enslaved by those bastards forever, and their bones would never be at peace."

"Senior, these are all things I should do. Besides, I can't help much. Everything is solved by my master." Jiang Tong said, bowing her head in embarrassment.

The remnant soul of the saint looked at Jiang Tong who lowered his head kindly: "How can I not thank you? If it weren't for you, how could you, the Demon Ancestor, be willing to take action?"

After saying that, the saint's remnant soul looked at Jiang Tong and said patiently: "Little boy, you are very lucky to have such a master. You must practice hard and don't let down your destiny."

"Yeah, I will." Jiang Tong nodded heavily.

After the sage's remnant soul finished speaking, he fell into the [-]th floor of hell in Danwan along with other clansmen under Li Ran's control.

After entering the eighteenth level of hell, they became the underworld pawns in hell. Their original clothes turned into pieces of mysterious underworld armor, and whips and instruments of torture appeared on their hands.

The remnant soul of the saint transformed into a solemn king wearing a dragon robe and sitting in the center of the No. 18 Hell. He punished the disciples of the Taiyin God Sect for their crimes and arranged for the underworld soldiers to send them to each layer of hell to receive punishment. .

As the presiding officers of the eighteen levels of hell took their respective positions, the pill was finally completed. It floated in the sky and was erratic, emitting streams of extremely vital lunar power.

Li Ran took the pill and sent it to Jiang Tong's dantian, holding one place with his six-turn golden pill, and they revolved around the dantian.

The moment the black pill entered his body, Li Ran's divine sense let go of his control over Jiang Tong's body and came out of his body.

Jiang Tong took over the control of his body again, and the black pill continuously emitted streams of pure and mysterious Taiyin holy power in his dantian. The new strength tempered his body and advanced his cultivation.

"It's so magical. Master, is this the magic weapon you mentioned?"

Li Ran nodded slightly: "This is a golden elixir I refined for you. It is both a elixir and a magic weapon. There are [-] levels of hell in it. These disciples of the Taiyin God Sect will continue to help you Provide the most pure lunar holy power. The properties of the solar power produced by each layer of hell are different, and the benefits to you are also different. You will gradually realize this later.

It can also be used as a magic weapon. When you attack your opponent, you just need to place it above your head. Standing there will be as if you are standing in the Nine Netherworld. There are eighteen layers of worlds to block your opponent's attacks. It can be called a magical weapon. It is an extremely powerful protective treasure.

It has many uses, you will slowly experience it later. "

Li Ran's face was a little pale as he spoke. After controlling Jiang Tong and destroying all the sects of the Taiyin Sect, his divine sense consumed too much power.

So he turned his head and glanced at Jiang Tong: "You kid, be careful and don't cause any more trouble that you can't handle. Let me come out and clean up the mess for you.

My real body has not yet arrived, this is just a mere divine thought, the power contained in it is limited, and it will really be gone when it is used up, when your kid gets into trouble, I will not even be able to collect your corpse. "

"Oh, good Master!"

Jiang Tong responded honestly. At this moment, he thought of what Li Ran had just said, and suddenly raised his head and asked curiously: "Master, how long will it take for your true body to reach Ziwei?"

Li Ran saw through Jiang Tong's careful thoughts at a glance, and he glanced at him. Jiang Tong knew that Li Ran had seen through her thoughts, so she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"There are still about a year and a half. You should be careful. When my true form arrives, this crape myrtle will be as big as you want."

"Ha, ha, ha!" Jiang Tong couldn't help laughing when he heard that there was still a year and a half left.

After cleaning up the Taiyin Sect, Jiang Tong was urged by Li Ran to return to the Ziwei Divine Dynasty. Only then did Jiang Tong remember that he had won the first place in the competition and had not gotten back the reward for his victory.

So he used his magical powers to travel across the world, and after traveling hundreds of thousands of miles, he finally returned to the capital of the Ziwei Dynasty.

As soon as Jiang Tongfang appeared, a large number of monks from the Ziwei Dynasty surrounded him and cheered.

"My son-in-law, my son-in-law, my son-in-law is back."

Some soldiers even flew to the palace to report the incident to Lord Ziwei.

Lord Ziwei learned that Jiang Tong had returned to the Ziwei Dynasty, and immediately came to Jiang Tong with Ziwei Guoshi and Princess Yueshi.

"My dear son-in-law, where did you go just now, and why did it take you so long to come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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