Chapter 204 Interesting

"Good son-in-law?"

Facing God Lord Ziwei's son-in-law, Jiang Tong really didn't react.

Although he was a little flustered, Jiang Tong calmed down quickly relying on his own mentality. He looked at the Ziwei God Lord in front of him with a smile and explained: "God Lord, after the competition just now, the boy accidentally awakened the old Taiyin Emperor A senior from the same line, after learning about the changes in the Taiyin God Sect, the senior decided to go to the Taiyin God Sect to seek justice, and the junior followed him to see if he could help.

Now that I am done with my work, I will return to the Ziwei God Dynasty. "

The Taiyang Emperor's lineage and the Taiyin Renhuang's lineage have always been on good terms, and Jiang Tong's behavior is also expected by him. This was already guessed by the Lord Ziwei in the previous dialogue on the competition stage. It was just confirming his guess from Jiang Tong's mouth.

But when he saw Jiang Tong came back alone, and the remnant soul of the saint from the lineage of the Taiyin Emperor who was on the stage before had disappeared, he thought he had failed, so he came to Jiang Tong and patted him on the shoulder Comfortingly said: "My son-in-law, don't be discouraged. You are still young and you haven't practiced for a long time. It is normal that you are not the opponent of the Taiyin Sect."

When Lord Ziwei said this, he suddenly stood with his back to Jiang Tong and his hands behind his back. His words were full of confidence: "But don't worry, dear son-in-law, since you will become the consort of my Ziwei Dynasty, you will be a member of my Ziwei Dynasty.

After you and Yueshi get married, I will personally bring the troops of the God Dynasty to the Taiyin Sect to seek justice for you, and I will definitely not let you suffer wronged by the Taiyin Sect for nothing. "


Jiang Tong glanced at God Master Ziwei suspiciously and said, "God Master, did you misunderstand, just now we have wiped out the entire Taiyin God Sect, and asked all those servants who betrayed their masters to go to hell to apologize to His Majesty the Emperor. "


Lord Ziwei's face changed drastically when he heard this. What did he just hear?
The Taiyin Sect is the Supreme God Sect that has been passed down for millions of years. In the past, the lineage of the Taiyin Emperor was devoured by slaves. After changing the family, the Taiyin Sect not only did not decline like this, but became more and more prosperous. He is one of the most supreme sects in the Ziwei Emperor Star, even if he is the Ziwei God Dynasty who dominates most of the Dongsheng Shenzhou, he dare not say that he can easily destroy the Taiyin God Sect.

He quickly asked Jiang Tong again to confirm again.

Jiang Tong gave him a strange look, and replied as a matter of course: "Of course the door was wiped out, so what good can I do if I lie to you, if you don't believe me, send someone to the Taiyin God Sect to check."

Jiang Tong's swearing made the Lord Ziwei more convinced, but for the sake of caution, he called a soldier to the Taiyin Sect's residence to inquire whether Jiang Tong's words were accurate.

Soon the soldiers returned from the Taiyin Sect to the Ziwei Dynasty, and the Lord Ziwei confirmed the accuracy of the news from the soldiers. When he heard that the entire Taiyin Sect was empty, there was no trace of a disciple in the huge mountain gate. After finding none, he was shocked again.

He pointed at Jiang Tong with his trembling finger, with a look of disbelief on his face: "Did you do this alone?"

Jiang Tong shook her head quickly when she heard the words: "Your Majesty, how is this possible? I am only in the realm of the first heaven in Sendai. How can I have such strength."

"Yes!" Lord Ziwei breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't believe that Jiang Tong and the remnant soul could easily destroy the Taiyin Sect.

"My son-in-law, I don't know which great sect joined you to kill the cancer of the Taiyin God Sect."

Jiang Tong smiled confidently, and said with his hands behind his back: "Is it necessary to ask others for help to kill him?

As soon as my master stepped out and waved his palms, the entire family of the Taiyin God Sect was wiped out, and there was not even a slight disturbance. "

"So it is!"

Lord Ziwei nodded with understanding.

"No wonder the Imperial Master said that Yue Shi can protect the safety of our Ziwei Divine Dynasty by marrying this boy. It turns out that this boy's master is such a powerful person. The Taiyin Divine Sect is the supreme power that can rival our Ziwei Divine Dynasty. Grand Sect, since his master can easily destroy the Taiyin Sect, then destroying our Ziwei Divine Dynasty is just a matter of a few seconds. I, the Ziwei Divine Dynasty, must firmly hold on to this thigh."

Thinking of this, God Master Ziwei looked at Jiang Tong with a tinge of enthusiasm: "I have to catch such a good seedling, and I have to let Shi'er marry him quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

After thinking about it, the Lord Ziwei hurriedly grabbed Jiang Tong's hand and pulled him into the center of the gods. He pointed to the stunningly beautiful Princess Yueshi and said, "My son-in-law, you see that you and Shi'er are already big, we It is better to choose the day than to hit the day, you two will get married today."


Princess Yue Shi heard her father's ridiculous decision and looked up at him in shock. How could she get married so hastily?

Jiang Tong was also shocked by the words of the Lord Ziwei. The Lord Ziwei forcefully pulled him into the capital, and at the same time ordered his subordinates to start arranging the wedding. Seeing the situation, he really wanted to marry Princess Yueshi today. Jiang Tong never Without this experience, I suddenly panicked and didn't know what to do.

"Master, Master, are you there?"

So he secretly called Li Ran for help. Li Ran listened to Jiang Tong's call and immediately appeared in front of everyone.

Li Ran's silent appearance shocked Ziwei God a little. He looked at the elegant and elegant young Taoist in feather clothes, and he was still a little puzzled, just as he was guessing the identity of the visitor.

Imperial Master Ziwei had already spoken first, and he stepped past Lord Ziwei and Princess Yue Shi, and came to Li Ran. He first bowed to him respectfully with the disciple ceremony, and then said: "Senior, I didn't expect you. He even came in person."

Li Ran had a slight smile on his face, Yu Yi Jue Jue, he put his hands behind his back, looking calm and confident, as if he had the world under his control.

"My disciple is getting married today, how can I, the master, be absent?"

Master Ziwei was overjoyed immediately after hearing this, and hurriedly said: "It's really a lucky thing for me to be able to invite great sages like seniors to this wedding. Please rest assured, seniors, we, Ziwei Shenchao, will cooperate with you in this wedding." The court will definitely handle this matter carefully.”

"Master, this is Tong'er's master?"

Seeing this, Ziwei Guoshi hurriedly came to God Lord Ziwei, leaned down to his ear and whispered Li Ran's identity to him.

"Your Majesty, this is the master of your virtuous son-in-law. He is also the sage I met before."

"Is it true, this is the supreme powerhouse who single-handedly wiped out the entire Taiyin Sect?"

The Imperial Master secretly replied: "Senior's strength is unfathomable. I'm afraid he has already reached the realm of the Great Sage, and may even surpass it. With the strength of Senior, it might be possible for one person to destroy the Taiyin Sect." .”

God Lord Ziwei heard the words, he looked at Li Ran again, and found that he who seemed a little calm at first, now had a taste of inscrutability.

"Is this the demeanor of a strong man in the legend?

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a strong man who can teach such excellent disciples as Jiang Tong, and his reputation is really well-deserved when I saw him today. "

The Lord Ziwei couldn't help but sigh, and it reached Princess Yueshi's ears.

Her eyes were bright, and she couldn't help but look at Li Ran many times: "Is this the strong man who the national master divined can save our Ziwei Dynasty?

Doesn't it look any different from us? "

Just as Princess Yueshi was thinking about this, God Lord Ziwei suddenly pushed her secretly, pushing her towards Jiang Tong.

Caught off guard, Princess Yue Shi's whole body suddenly leaned forward, her feet stumbled and she almost fell to the ground.

Thanks to Jiang Tong's sharp eyes and quick hands, he reached out to support Princess Yueshi who was about to fall.

"Your Highness, are you alright?"

When Princess Yueshi was about to speak, suddenly another strong force appeared behind her, pushing her into Jiang Tong's arms, this force was extremely powerful, Princess Yueshi was not an opponent who could not resist, she could only watch helplessly. Seeing himself fall into Jiang Tong's arms.

"Daddy you!"

The moment she fell into Jiang Tong's arms, she angrily turned her head and looked at Lord Ziwei with a narrow smile on her face.

Seeing this, the Lord Ziwei sent a voice transmission to her quietly: "Take care of Shi'er. Although this kid is a little younger, he has excellent talent and aptitude, and his character is also good. Master is such a powerful Backer, it is indeed a good match for you to marry him.

Besides, whether our Ziwei Divine Dynasty can avoid this catastrophe in the near future depends entirely on your performance today. "

"Oh, okay." Princess Yueshi sighed when she heard the words, and lay in Jiang Tong's arms with peace of mind, wrapping her arms around his generous waist.

Jiang Tong was at a loss as he held the beauty in his arms. The warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms made him, a young man of twelve or thirteen years old, a little confused about what to do. At this time, bursts of orchid fragrance came from Princess Yue Shi's soft and beautiful body. Uploaded to his nose, Jiang Tong's heart palpitated frequently.

In the eight or nine years since his debut, he has been fighting in the wilderness or practicing with great concentration on the sun. Except for his mother and his own sister, he has never had such intimate contact with a third woman. The change made him panic, and he couldn't stand it.

But the beautiful body of Princess Yueshi is indeed very comfortable to hold. Jiang Tong hugged her for a while, but she didn't want to let go, but felt embarrassed, and the fragrance of Princess Yueshi also made him angry. An unstoppable heat surged all over his body, making his whole body unbearably hot. He seemed to vent the anger in his heart, but he didn't know how to vent it.

Jiang Tong faced this kind of situation for the first time in his life. He had no experience at all and didn't know how he should deal with it. He looked at Li Ran with a red face, hoping that his master would give him some advice.

But Li Ran looked at him playfully, without any intention of alleviating his embarrassment.

"What an interesting boy."

Princess Yueshi looked at the young and helpless Jiang Tong in front of her, and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing: "Little color embryo, is it comfortable to hold?"

"Comfortable!" Jiang Tong nodded immediately after hearing this.

"Then do you want to continue hugging?" Princess Yueshi put her small mouth next to Jiang Tong's ear, breathed lightly, and raised her hands from her waist to wrap her arms around Jiang Tong's neck.

Jiang Tong was a little confused by Princess Yueshi's bright gesture, her face became redder and she faltered and couldn't speak.

On the contrary, Princess Yue Shi had been taking the initiative to pull Jiang Tong to talk to him. Gradually, as the exchange between the two deepened, Jiang Tong gradually eased the embarrassment in her heart and gradually adapted to Princess Yue Shi's bold display of love.

Seeing the two people getting closer, the smile on the face of the Lord Ziwei grew wider, and he came to Li Ran and said respectfully: "Senior, I think the two of them are also in love with each other, just now the national teacher has the final say, today is a rare Good day, I think how about arranging for the two of them to get married today?"

Li Ran thought about it for a moment and asked, "Is it a bit rushed to get married today? Can you prepare for it?"

Lord Ziwei saw that Li Ran had no obvious objection, and was secretly happy. He quickly patted his chest and made a promise: "Senior, this is a trivial matter. Please rest assured, I will definitely arrange this wedding properly. You will never let your seniors down."

"That's good. I'll trouble Your Majesty about this."

At this time, in the Sun God Sect, the leader of the sun is teaching his daughter Jiang Xian to practice.

Under the guidance of his father, Jiang Xian practiced a boxing technique that has been passed down in the teachings for a long time. The boxing technique is majestic and majestic, and Jiang Xian, a daughter of his family, used it with vigor and majesty, without any femininity at all.

The sun leader watched his daughter perform boxing, with a look of satisfaction on his face from time to time. He pointed out the omissions in Jiang Xian's boxing from time to time. Under the guidance of the sun leader, Jiang Xian became more and more proficient in boxing.

But suddenly, the Sun Cult Master sighed slightly.

"Father, do you miss Tong'er?"

After Jiang Xian finished a set of punches, she took out a white towel to wipe off the hot sweat left by the punches, and came to the Sun Cult Master.

"Yes, it has been seven or eight years since Tong'er practiced with Senior Li, and there is no news about him. I don't know how he is doing now, whether he is stronger or not."

The more the leader of the Sun talked about it, the deeper he missed his youngest son. Suddenly he said angrily: "This boy is the same. He doesn't know how to go home and visit his parents after so many years. He is such an ungrateful boy."

Jiang Xian looked at his father with an angry face, understood that this was what he missed, and quickly comforted him: "Father, Tonger is also for our entire Sun God Sect. The ten-year agreement is approaching. If the time comes, Tonger We haven't cultivated to the level where we can protect our sect, and when the Golden Crow clan strikes, we are afraid that we will inevitably be destroyed again."

"I know too, I just miss this guy a little bit."

Just as Master Sun was sighing, a disciple suddenly came outside the door. After this disciple came to Master Sun, he quickly bowed to him: "Master, Ziwei Divine Dynasty has sent an invitation and wants us to go to the capital of God to participate in the moon festival today." The Wedding of the Poet Princess.”

"Princess Yueshi is my Ziwei's second most beautiful woman. I don't know which family's son-in-law is lucky enough to marry such a stunning beauty."

The sun leader couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Hearing the words, the disciple suddenly had a strange look on his face. He looked at the Sun Hierarch for a long time before replying hesitantly: "To the Hierarch, I heard that it seems to be His Royal Highness Son."


The sun leader was shocked when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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