I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 217 Establishing the Dao Court, Teaching the Golden Core Avenue

Chapter 217 Establishing the Dao Court, Teaching the Golden Core Avenue
Li Ranxianyi stood floating on the top of the sacred mountain, with the clouds caressing his feet. He looked down at the many sect leaders below the mountain, his eyes calm and indifferent.

These leaders looked at Li Ran, who was standing on the ceiling, looking like a god, with bitter expressions on their faces. Now they were like pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board, unable to control themselves.

The fragmented ancestral dragon veins that have been beaten up in battles before the ages are now revived again. With the resurrection of the ancestral dragon veins, the whole Ziwei's inspiration naturally converges on Dongsheng Shenzhou. Dongsheng Shenzhou takes root with the ancestral dragon veins. At this moment It has already become the core of the entire Ziwei Emperor Star, and now the spirit energy of other major continents is gradually declining, and the earth vein dragon energy is continuously drawn to Dongsheng Shenzhou, and it seems that the prosperity of cultivation is about to cease.

Those great sect leaders who were born outside Dongsheng Shenzhou suddenly sighed. They understand that only the practitioners in the land of Shenzhou can continue to advance on the road of practice from now on. Unless the monks from other continents cross the sea to Dongsheng Otherwise, they can only endure the environment where the aura is getting thinner and live a hard life, and the difficulty of cultivation is more than a step higher than that of Dongsheng Shenzhou, which is everywhere in the blessed land of immortals.

If these great religions rooted in Ziwei Emperor Star want to continue to live in Ziwei and inherit the sect, they can only relocate the sect to Dongsheng Shenzhou as Li Ran wanted.

For Li Ran's method, the masters of Ziwei thought hard for a long time in their hearts, but in the end they only sighed, not to mention the great mana like Li Ran who can control the entire planet, the ancestor dragon veins after Li Ran's resurrection are not them These little Sendai monks can rival them.

They looked at Li Ran who was looking down on them as if he was looking down on ants in the sky high above the sky, with complicated and inexplicable expressions.

Seeing that it was a done deal, the leader of a great religion immediately gave up his original idea and chose to join Li Ran's camp. Once his thoughts changed, he suddenly felt that the world was vast. When he recalled Li Ran's previous methods, he felt like a god or a devil, immeasurable. , and then a surge of extreme admiration appeared in the heart of the leader, and he couldn't help but sigh: "It's really like turning your hands into clouds, turning your hands into rain, and the Ziwei Emperor Star is under his play in the blink of an eye. We have no choice but to be willing to be controlled by him. Such a person is a great talent. If we follow him, we may be able to enter an unprecedented glorious moment."

Now that I have such thoughts in my heart, the situation is naturally very different when I look back, especially when I look at the God Lord Ziwei, the Sun Leader and others who are standing not far from Li Ran, who are in the core position. There was only naked jealousy, and he wished he could replace it on the spot.

Lord Ziwei felt the dazzling gazes from under the mountain. These gazes were full of undisguised jealousy. Looking at the fiery and eager gazes in the eyes of the major sect leaders who were originally sitting and discussing with them, he was also excited in his heart. Unbearable.

At this time, he felt that betting on Jiang Tong was the most correct thing he had done since he became the God Lord of the Ziwei Dynasty. The Lord Ziwei looked at the cute and charming Princess Yueshi holding hands beside Jiang Tong, and in his heart Clap your hands and shout excitedly: "This bet is really right."

The Holy Masters of the Ice Demon Palace, who came to visit the Lord Ziwei after being beaten up by Li Ran, looked at Li Ran standing in the clouds and wished to give himself a hundred big-eared melon seeds, and sighed: "I didn't see the situation clearly in time earlier, and I hated this one. I'm afraid we will suffer in the future."

Not to mention the complex thoughts in the hearts of the leaders at the foot of the mountain. At this time, the sacred mountain has broken through the sky. Pointing at the mountainside, two golden and simple characters were erected.

"Not week!"

When the last stroke of "Buzhou Zhou" was written, the ancestral dragon veins emerged from the earth's veins, wrapped around Buzhou Mountain, made several circles, and swam all the way to the top of the mountain. Finally, they turned into mountain stone carvings. They raised their dragon heads and looked up at a certain area in the starry sky. .

In this way, Li Ran's last step has been completed. At the moment when the dragon's head looked up to the galaxy, a stream of dragon ancestral energy invisible to human eyes spewed out from the mouth of the dragon's head, rushing out of Ziwei Emperor Star.

Immediately, in front of a dark and desolate star field in the starry sky, a Taoist slowly opened his eyes. In front of the Taoist, a sky-reaching nine-color fairy fire was burning fiercely. In the fairy fire, two emperor corpses filled with imperial aura Ups and downs are uncertain, even the blazing celestial fire cannot burn the two emperor corpses 01:30.

The Taoist has been refining the emperor's corpse for a full ten years, and there is still no gain to this day. Although the immortal fire is terrifying, it cannot shake the body of the most powerful person who has practiced in nine heavens and ten places. Every cent.

However, the Taoist's face was calm about this, and it could even be said that his expression was composed, with a somewhat leisurely feeling in it. He urged the fairy fire to sit cross-legged in the void and melted the emperor's corpse slowly. Suddenly, the Taoist looked up to the sky and smiled. , looking at somewhere behind him with a glimmer of light in his eyes.


After the words fell, a stream of dragon-shaped energy broke through the ancient and desolate cosmic starry sky and rushed to the Taoist. The Taoist saw the dragon-shaped energy coming straight towards him and stretched out his hand to take it into his palm.

Then a dao map suddenly appeared in the void, and there were 360 ​​five dim star points on the dao map. The Taoist patted the dragon-shaped energy in his palm into the dao map, and then one of the dim star points suddenly It lit up, and then an inexplicable force poured from the Dao Diagram into the Nine-Color Immortal Fire, and the fire suddenly became brighter.

The emperor's corpse, which had been motionless under the fairy fire, finally changed, and the outermost body began to melt bit by bit. Although the melting process was very slow, it finally had a start.

And Li Ran was on Ziwei Emperor Star, and after sensing the movement of Yuanshen clone, a smile appeared on his face: "This move is really useful. According to the calculation, I only need to gather the power of 360 four planet dragon veins to help me. Completely refine the two emperor corpses and achieve the Golden Elixir, then the Primordial Spirit and True Immortal will naturally be achieved."

Li Ran looked happy. Now that he has a promising future, he only needs to follow the steps to reach the top. But for him now, there is still one thing that needs to be considered.

Li Ran lowered his head and stared at the Ziwei Ancestral Dragon coiled around Buzhou Mountain, feeling a little worried: "If the dragon's veins are damaged before the emperor's corpse is refined, I'm afraid the road to alchemy is still far away.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to build a strength to look at this great dragon ancestor. "

Thinking of this, Li Ran suddenly flew down from Mount Buzhou, and landed in front of the various leaders. He said coldly: "After this day, I will establish a Taoist court, with this mountain as the foundation, and all the people, monsters, ghosts and demons of Ziwei will be killed." You need to enter my Taoist court to listen to the order, and those who violate it will be punished immediately!"

Li Ran's voice burst with divine power, causing the harmony of the avenue to spread to other major continents at a speed that was difficult to catch up with.

Hearing this, some leaders showed joy on their faces, some had doubts, and some even had anger in their eyes, and immediately expressed their vows to die, and all kinds of people had all kinds of thoughts for a while.

However, Li Ran has no intention of ruling these people. He just needs to unify all the Ziwei Emperor Star Great Sects, let them know the benefits of the existence of this great dragon's ancestral vein, and make them willing to protect this dragon vein for him.

But these words cannot come out of his mouth directly, so someone needs to stand up and assist.

Li Ran looked down at the sun leader who had already stepped down the mountain, and secretly transmitted a few words to him. The sun leader nodded immediately when he heard Li Ran's instructions.

"Excuse me, senior, what are the rules and regulations of this court?"

When the major leaders heard this, their eyes immediately fell on Master Sun. When they saw that the person asking the question was the father of Li Ran's disciple Jiang Tong, they all looked at Li Ran expectantly, wanting to know what he meant by Tao Tong. Why?

Li Ran laughed loudly when he heard this, and said loudly: "Everyone who enters my Taoist court is my Taoist disciple, and disciples are not allowed to attack each other at will, and those who dare to violate the order will die!

Anyone who joins the Taoist sect must relocate the mountain gate to the vicinity of Buzhou Mountain, and those who dare to violate it will die!

All disciples of the Dao Court must not betray the Dao Court, and those who dare to disobey will die!

There is an elders' house, and all the masters of Ziwei's holy places need to enter the elders' house. On weekdays, the elders' house discusses together and decides important matters in the Taoist court! "

"It's gone?" The sun leader was puzzled when he heard the words, and couldn't help but look at Li Ran, but Li Ran nodded at him, indicating that it was indeed only what he said.

The major leaders below were overjoyed when they heard this. They did not expect that the organization established by Li Ran to unify Ziwei would be so loose. This was beyond his expectation.

"It seems that it is not impossible to join this Taoist court."

Before everyone's discussion was over, Li Ran said again: "I am very happy that the Taoist court is established today. I will give a lecture for three months to share the joy with all the disciples of the Taoist court."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard that, although Li Ran's actions were domineering and domineering, which made people unhappy, they had to admit that he was a strong man who had gone a long way in his cultivation, a man they couldn't even keep up with. For the strong, it is really a rare good thing for them to have the opportunity to hear such a strong man preach.

Li Ran flew to the top of Buzhou Mountain, and sat cross-legged on a big rock. The disciples of the various sect masters picked up steps one after another, and sat around Li Ran one by one, with a respectful and serious attitude.

When Li Ran saw this, a smile appeared on his face and he said: "Today I will not talk about the secret method, but the golden elixir avenue I created. If you are interested, you can listen carefully."

"Golden Core Dao, is it because of the method of alchemy?" After hearing this unfamiliar vocabulary, everyone except Jiang Tong and Princess Yueshi was talking about it, and they didn't understand the Golden Core Dao that Li Ran said. What means.

For everyone's doubts, Li Ran had no intention of explaining. He directly talked about building foundations to gather energy, condensing talismans to form pills, and talking about the achievement of primordial spirits, and even the follow-up Tao of Immortals, which he had no clue about. The cultivation skills of the realm are revealed one by one.

This lecture is full of hype, dragons and tigers meet, everyone didn't take it seriously when they first heard it, they were not interested in this kind of cultivation method that is very different from the current cultivation method, but soon under Li Ran's eloquent narration, they gradually Discovered the mystery of this other method of cultivation.

Especially when Li Ran was preaching, he practiced and presented all kinds of great principles in front of them one by one in a magical way. Even if they had never practiced this kind of method called Jindan Dao, they could still benefit a lot from it , which can confirm their cultivation of secret realm methods, so soon everyone was obsessed with Li Ran's sermons.

Unknowingly, March time passed. On this day, Li Ran suddenly stopped when he was talking about the most exciting part. He looked up at the sun, confirmed the time, and then said leisurely: "March has passed, everyone leave. Bar."

All the leaders in the audience woke up from their ecstasy. They looked at Li Ran and had no other thoughts. They only had the word obedience in capital letters in their hearts. They had never seen such a knowledgeable and magical person, especially Li Ran. It was what Li Ran said at the end that the heavenly path to immortality was similar to the immortality they had been pursuing all their lives.

This is the first time they really feel that they have a chance to touch the wonderland.

Suddenly, a leader kowtowed and bowed to Li Ran, with tears on his face, he looked at Li Ran as if he was looking at the supreme god: "Taoist, please talk a little longer, the disciple finally got to see the road to immortality. Dao, please be sure to finish the lecture for those of us poor people who are struggling to find longevity on the road of cultivation."

Li Ran shook his head silently when he heard the words: "Three months have passed, I won't talk about it again, besides, I'm still in the process of perfecting this method. I don't know how to get through the way of immortals, so you don't need to ask again."

After Li Ran got up from the stone platform, he waved at Jiang Tong and led him away from the top of Buzhou Mountain.


Jiang Tong opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with a satisfied smile, and he obviously benefited a lot from the sermons in March.

Seeing Jiang Tong who was laughing unceasingly, Li Ran didn't answer, he looked at Jiang Tong quietly, his expression calm and scary.

Looking at Li Ran's expression, Jiang Tong paused and had a bad thought in her heart. Sure enough, Li Ran spoke soon.

He looked at Jiang Tong and said: "The task of being a teacher in Ziwei has been completed, and we will continue to leave soon."

"Master, take me with you to set off."

Li Ran tilted his head firmly: "Tong'er, this dragon vein of Ziwei Emperor Star will be of vital help to my master's next journey. You can't follow me yet. I need your help to watch here. Don’t let those holy places destroy the dragon veins that Master has finally recovered.”

Jiang Tong was silent after hearing this. After hearing the importance of Ziwei Dragon Vein to Li Ran, although he was very reluctant to give up, he had to leave everything behind to protect the Ziwei Emperor Star for his master.

Seeing the determined expression on Jiang Tong's face, Li Ran showed a satisfied smile on his face.

He stretched out his hand into the void and grabbed the great sage of the Golden Crow clan in front of him: "As a teacher, I won't let you stay alone. This Golden Crow is quite good. I have already cast a spell to control him." , he will obey your orders in Ziwei from now on, I hope you can protect this place."

"Master, don't worry. This disciple will take good care of Ziwei and won't let this place receive any damage." Jiang Tong responded seriously after hearing the words.

(End of this chapter)

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