I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 218 9 Coffins of the Gods (There should be 1 more tonight)

Chapter 218 The Nine-layered Coffin of the Gods (there should be another update in the evening)
"Are we just leaving?"

Outside the Ziwei Star Territory, Yan Ruyu sat on the back of a green bull and asked Li Ran beside her with a smile.

Li Ran sat on the back of the bull and looked at the eternal starry sky in front of him: "The child will eventually grow up and face the world alone. He has been taught everything that needs to be taught. The rest is up to him to deal with."

"Then where should we go next?" Yan Ruyu turned around and asked.

Li Ran looked somewhere in the starry sky, a complicated look flashed in his eyes: "Let's go to the ancient planet. I'm very curious about this planet."

The two of them sat on the green bull and set off towards the starry sky again.

The upper and lower directions are called the universe, and the past and the present are called the universe. Even though Li Ran has walked in this universe for ten years, he still can't help expressing emotion when he sees this vast and endless galaxy.

This universe is really too big. In the vast and boundless universe, there are only a few ancient living stars that are populated by people. After Li Ran left the Ziwei Star Territory, he encountered several small ancient living stars on the way. According to the practice in Ziwei, descend to these sources of life, take down the great religions that rule these ancient lands one by one, condense the dragon veins, and activate the dragon energy of the entire star field to penetrate into the Zhoutian Star Chart that refines the emperor's corpse, and then leaves behind The forbidden formation protected the dragon's veins, and then stepped into the sky again and went to the starry sky.

In this way, another ten years passed. During these ten years, Li Ran didn't know how far he had traveled, but only knew that he was on his way, but what he could feel was that he was one step closer to the ancient star.

However, on this day, Li Ran and Yan Ruyu saw a strange scene in the desolate universe.

An ancient darkness suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and there was an endless void, which represented death and silence.

From this darkness, Li Ran felt a familiar wave.

"It's the smell of the Dao of Void." Li Ran said to Yan Ruyu who was beside him after feeling it for a moment.

Yan Ruyu also looked up after hearing the words, using her spiritual mind to carefully feel the darkness ahead. Sure enough, the strong power of void in the darkness felt familiar to her. This was very similar to the fluctuation when Ji Haoyue activated the void mirror in Donghuang. , but the power of the avenue is more profound and mysterious.

She looked at Li Ran and said: "The power of the void is so strong and powerful. I wonder which senior of the Ji family is meditating here to practice."

“You’ll know when you go up and take a look!”

Li Ran kicked the green bull under him, who slowly stood up and walked towards the dark abyss ahead. In the desolate starry sky, a faint light rose from Li Ran's hand and turned into a bright halo of light. light dark.

When approaching the darkness, Yan Ruyu let out a scream, and what he saw was a huge and broken spaceship. The spaceship was thousands of feet long, majestic and huge, exuding powerful holy power.

"That spaceship turned out to be a holy weapon!"

Yan Ruyu was shocked. Even a strong saint who spent his whole life might not be able to refine a complete holy weapon. She never expected that in this lonely universe, she would be lucky enough to see it.

Li Ran was not as surprised as Yan Ruyu, but his face was not relaxed either. He looked at the broken and huge spaceship in front of him with a solemn face. His cultivation level was far higher than that of Yan Ruyu, and he saw far more than Yan Ruyu.

Behind this spaceship is a large steel jungle, with huge battleships stretching in succession. These spaceships are in dilapidated condition, including holy spaceships and even more powerful Great Saint spacecrafts. Now I don’t know what big changes have happened. An entire fleet died here, floating alone in the starry sky like a ghost, together with the dust.

Li Ran handed the chaotic green lotus to Yan Ruyu's hands, and carefully instructed: "This place is very unusual, and it may be dangerous. Take the emperor soldiers well, so as not to be overwhelmed by the danger."

Li Ran told the Great Sage Qingniu to take good care of Yan Ruyu, then got up from his back and jumped into the darkness one step at a time.

Li Ran felt very familiar when he saw the group of battleships running rampant in the universe in front of him. After a long time, he remembered that it was said that the Eternal Star Territory had an extremely glorious history 10 years ago. At that time, the Eternal Star Territory was rampant for nine days. In the ten lands, they went on an expedition and conquered countless powerful sources of life.

Then, during a certain expedition, they encountered the coffin of the Void Emperor. The entire fleet was wiped out and buried in the eternal void.

"Perhaps these are the battleships of the Eternal Star Territory."

It's just that Li Ran hasn't been to many places since he came to Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. Apart from the Big Dipper, there are only a few ancient life stars like Ziwei Emperor Star, so he doesn't know what the battleships in the Eternal Star Field look like, but He knew that in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, there were not many star fields that focused on technology for cultivation, and the most famous and powerful one was the Eternal Ancient Star.

Looking at the desolate and broken battleships in front of him, Li Ran's eyes suddenly flashed with light, and he thought to himself: "If it is really the Eternal Star Battleship, then the Void Emperor's coffin must be not far away, go and take a look. "

Li Ran chuckled, the divine rainbow continued under his feet, sensing the direction where the power of the void was strongest, he strode across the heavy battleships.

Finally, in the deepest part of the battleship group, Li Ran saw the ancient coffin of nine layers of gods pulled by four warships the size of [-] zhang.

"Void Emperor Coffin!"

The moment he saw the ancient coffin, Li Ran burst into laughter. He indeed guessed that the Void Emperor's coffin was here.

But soon he stopped laughing. From the Void Emperor's coffin, there were three avenues of gods spreading outwards. The three avenues of gods were different and seemed to come from three different strong men. They were intertwined with each other, and two of them were The Taoist gods continued to exude murderous intent and attacked around the void avenue in the middle.

Li Ran was shocked and lost his voice: "It's the corpse of the Great Emperor of the Void that is fighting with the Supreme of the Immortal Mountain after his death."

Facing the three powerful emperors who were still fighting each other after death, Li Ran had some doubts about himself, but the battleship group of Eternal Ancient Star had already set a precedent for him.

He moved his big hand outward, and the Great Sage Qingniu and Yan Ruyu, who were guarding outside the darkness at this time, were grabbed by him.

Yan Ruyu had just landed next to Li Ran, and before she could calm down, the Chaos Green Lotus in her hand was taken away by Li Ran and placed in front of the three of them. Li Ran activated the power of the imperial soldiers and stared in front of him as if facing a formidable enemy. .

"What happened to Li Lang!"

It was the first time that Yan Ruyu saw Li Ran showing such a trembling attitude, walking on thin ice.

Li Ran pointed to the emperor's coffin in front of him with a solemn expression: "We are lucky enough to encounter the emperor's coffin of the Void Emperor. In front of us are the remains of the Tao left by the Void Emperor's battle with his former enemies. I want to help him."

Yan Ruyu and the Qingniu Great Sage were shocked when they heard this and looked up at the vast ancient coffin of the gods in front of them.

The Great Sage Qingniu lost his voice and said: "I heard that the Great Emperor of the Void is the most brutal emperor in the history of the human race. He has been fighting against the rioting Seven Forbidden Lands since the day he became enlightened. Even the peak emperor's life is only a mere few thousand years." time.

I never thought that I would be lucky enough to meet this legendary emperor today. "

Yan Ruyu also looked forward to it with beautiful eyes and a brilliant light: "The Emperor of the Void is the most admirable emperor in the history of Beidou. It is just the right thing for my husband to help him."

Li Ran held the Chaos Green Lotus in his hand and moved the Qingniu Great Sage and Yan Ruyuping behind him.

"You two stand down, and I will inspire the power of the Chaos Azure Lotus Emperor."

As Li Ran spoke, Yan Ruyu and the two men immediately retreated behind him. Facing the emperor who once ruled the world, they did not dare to provoke him easily even if he was dead.

Li Ran raised the Chaos Green Lotus above his head, and a sparkling golden elixir slowly appeared in his body, circling around the Green Lotus. Under the power of the golden elixir, a clear light appeared in the Chaos Green Lotus, and the Qinglian Nine The leaves tremble and cast endless light.

A powerful imperial energy emerged from the green lotus and rushed into the ninth-level emperor coffin under the guidance of Li Ran.

As soon as Emperor Qifu rushed into the coffin, he rushed towards the two Dao gods who were attacking the Void Emperor. Seeing this unfamiliar imperial law, the Void Emperor rushed into the emperor's coffin to help him deal with the others. After two opponents, he suddenly became distracted, and together with Chaos Qinglian, he fought back against the opponent who was originally suppressing him.

At this time, Li Ran also stepped into the coffin. He held the nine-leaf green lotus and broke through the eight-layer ancient coffin one after another. He came to the last layer of the ancient coffin of the gods. Here, the three forces attacked each other most fiercely. The Void Path and the other two The Great Emperor's Principles are fighting to the death, and the Divine Power Principles fluctuate most frequently. Thousands of moves can be made in the blink of an eye.

Li Ran looked at the dark ancient coffin in front of him with a gloomy look in his eyes. He knew that in the last layer of the ancient coffin, there were three emperor corpses intertwined with each other, fighting each other.

He took a deep breath, and the clear light of the Chaos Green Lotus in his hand shone brightly, and the supreme divine power of the ancient emperor emerged. At this moment, the ancient coffin of the god was constantly shaking. Under the full burst of the power of the Chaos Green Lotus, the two people inside The power of the Supreme Lord of the Immortal Mountain was like a formidable enemy, and at this moment the Great Emperor of the Void's magical power of law also fully exploded, and the powerful and mysterious power of the void continued to impact within the emperor's coffin.

After a clear light blasted into the ninth floor of the ancient coffin, the coffin was opened, and two majestic corpses fell out. The broken imperial soldiers turned into several huge fragments and fell out of the ancient coffin stained with the emperor's blood.

"The eternal blue gold that can create a complete imperial weapon!"

Li Ran looked at the fragments of the imperial weapons that rushed out of the ancient coffin, with a flash of fire in his eyes. He waved his hand to expel the remaining imperial laws in the fragments, and then took these fragments of the imperial weapons into his hands.

"This time it can be regarded as a big profit." Li Ran thought secretly.

Then another emperor soldier fell out. Li Ran wanted to do the same to accept this other emperor soldier safely, but this emperor soldier was much more complete than the previous one. The gloomy light was mysterious, Li Ran glanced at it for a few times, the greed in his eyes finally dissipated, and he put down the raised Qinglian Emperor Soldier.

With the master of the imperial soldier by his side, he dared not gamble. At the moment when he was stunned, the imperial soldier turned into a streamer and flew into the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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