I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 233: A White Rainbow Piercing the Sun and a Comet Hitting the Moon

Chapter 233: A White Rainbow Piercing the Sun and a Comet Hitting the Moon

The closer you get to the depths of the starry sky, the denser the Tianjiao powerhouses come and go. In front of the Human Race Pass, Ditian stands on the top of the city, looking at the bright galaxy in front of him, his brows are furrowed, and he remains silent.

Groups of strong men worshiped at his feet, with a kind of admiration and admiration in their eyes. They looked at his figure and regarded him as a god.

After leaving the secret realm of Lingbao Wheel Sea, Ditian and Fairy Qingshi traveled together. Along the way, he worked bravely and defeated countless opponents. Many strong enemies who were his enemies saw Ditian's strength. , chose to follow him, and wanted to witness the brightest pearl in this life rising, arriving in the nine heavens and ten earths, and making all races in the universe surrender.

Fairy Qingshi has been walking with Di Tian for who knows how many days. She can roughly see what Di Tian thinks on weekdays. Now she can see the depression in Di Tian's heart, so she carefully He comforted his chosen companion: "Ditian, why are you still so unhappy? Are you still thinking about the Taoist you met in the first level?

In the imperial struggle, being the first step is nothing. There are no flowers that will always be bright. The Taoist man can laugh for a while, but he will not laugh forever. History has already told us that those who run at the front may not laugh last. With you now With your strength, as long as you continue to persevere, I believe that the throne in this life will be yours. "

After hearing Fairy Qingshi's comfort, Di Tian's frown was not relieved. He still looked at the galaxy outside Di Pass without saying a word, as if something was heading straight here.

Ditian was silent for a long time, then suddenly turned his head to look at Fairy Qingshi beside him and said, "Go and find the guardian envoys, and let them gather their staff as soon as possible, something big is about to happen!"

"What's the big deal!" Fairy Qingshi asked, but the silent Ditian didn't tell her the reason.

But Fairy Qingshi could tell from Di Tian's frown that this matter was urgent, so she didn't dare to delay. She hurriedly got off the city and went straight into the city. Soon, a group of powerful human warriors came to Fairy Qingshi. Under the leadership of the police, they rushed to the city.

"Something big is going to happen in Di Tian, ​​​​for you to call us here so urgently!"

Ditian turned his head and saw an old man with an extraordinary bearing among the guards. This is a top powerhouse in charge of the ancient human starry sky road. His strength has reached the quasi-emperor third heaven realm. The family background of the town.

Di Tian looked at this powerful old man and said in a deep voice, "Old Li, a great enemy is coming to pass here!"

The old man named Li frowned upon hearing the words, as if he didn't believe Ditian's words. His consciousness had been covering the nearby star field, and he didn't find any powerful enemies heading towards the front of the pass. Come.

However, Ditian is the leader of the younger generation of the human race. In Li Lao's view, even if Ditian fails to prove the Tao in the end, he can still become a quasi-emperor and the supreme powerhouse of the Nine Heavens. Such a character is enough to protect him in the future The human race in the universe has been safe for thousands of years, so he couldn't directly refute Ditian's words, so he looked at Ditian and asked, "Ditian, where did you get the news from?"

Di Tian pointed to his eyes emitting black divine light and said, "I see it with these eyes."

As soon as Di Tian said these words, the strong men guarding the pass laughed loudly: "Young man, even Mr. Li can't see the enemy coming, but you can see it. Isn't it ridiculous?"

The old Zhundi also had a look of disbelief after hearing it, but he didn't directly deny Ditian's words, but said with concern: "Ditian, have you encountered any problems in your cultivation recently? If you have any doubts, you can ask me, old man Know everything."

As soon as the old man said this, all the people present looked at Di Tian with admiration. To be favored by a quasi-emperor and give him careful guidance was a great thing that they could not even imagine. Never thought that the young man in front of him, who had just stepped into the realm of a saint, would have this opportunity.

Fairy Qingshi also had a proud expression when she heard the words, she stared at Ditian's handsome face seriously and thought to herself: "As expected of the man I fancy!"

Ditian glanced around, everyone didn't believe his words, he sighed helplessly, still looked firmly at the old man Zhundi and persuaded: "Old Li, this time it's an unimaginable supreme... Strong man, with our current cultivation base, we are no match for her at all, you should hurry up and order them to raise the protective formation, maybe you can avoid a catastrophe."

The old man Zhundi didn't perceive the danger Ditian said, so he didn't believe it at all. It was extremely energy-intensive to activate a protective formation. To confirm the affiliation of what Ditian said, he would not order people to open the big formation easily.

Seeing that the old man Zhundi didn't believe what he said, Di Tianwei kept shaking his head, his eyes continued to stare at the depths of the starry sky, the worry on his face became more and more intense, until finally his handsome face was almost wrinkled into a leather boot .

Finally, at a certain moment, Di Tian lowered his head and sighed slightly: "Here she is!"

As Ditian's voice fell, the cosmic winds and clouds gathered, and the auspicious atmosphere turned into colorful clouds of smoke and shrouded the dark starry sky, followed by a five-color god's nest shaped like a star approaching the Human Race Pass from a distance, at the top of the god's nest , a beautiful woman wearing a five-color phoenix robe sits leisurely.

Di Tian stared at the stunning beauty coming straight to the Human Race Pass and whispered: "The Immortal Queen!"

"What is she here for?
The Immortal Emperor is now dead, and today's era is no longer the world of her ancient clan. Why does this Immortal Queen come to our human race in front of the gate with such swagger? "

At this time, Mr. Li also noticed the immortal queens who were constantly arriving. He felt the auras of the statues on the Phoenix Nest that were far more powerful than himself. Mr. Li was silent. Only then did he realize that what Di Tian had just said was true.

Looking at the Supreme Phoenix Nest that was constantly overwhelming, Mr. Li shouted loudly behind him: "Hurry up and start the big guard formation, there is a big enemy coming."

The guardian envoys nearby took out a jade pendant and threw it into the starry sky, but it was too late now, and the Immortal Empress had already rushed to the front of the pass in front of the Phoenix Nest. , almost face to face with Di Tian and the others.

The Immortal Queen sat on the huge phoenix nest and looked at the dense crowd below and said softly: "I came here just to borrow a way. I don't want to kill anyone today. I hope you will take care of yourself."

After Li Lao heard the comparison of the strength gap between his side and the Undead Queen's side, he was silent for a while. He knew that the stunning beauty in front of him was not something he could fight against.

So he turned his head and looked at a guardian envoy behind him and said, "Go over and see what the other party wants. If it's not too much, we'll open Guancheng and let them pass."

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing this, the guardian envoy set out generously with a determination to go and never return, and came to the Phoenix Nest outside the city, looked at the beautiful woman sitting above her head, and said, "Excuse me, what else do you have besides clearing the customs?" Require?"

When the Immortal Queen heard this, her thoughts moved, and she pointed at the quasi-emperor third-level divine general beside her and said, "That guy Li Ran is full of tricks. Although I have marked him so that he has nowhere to escape, he is You are too cunning, go over and negotiate with those people and ask them to cooperate with us in searching for traces of Li Ran on the planet below."

"Subordinates obey!"

After hearing the words, the god general bowed respectfully to the Immortal Queen, and immediately flew down from the phoenix nest, and came in front of the guardian envoy of the human race who came over.

"We have a key criminal that we have captured. He may be hiding in the ancient stars below you. My queen hopes that you can send someone to help us search for that key criminal."

The human race guardian looked at the tall ancient god general in front of him and asked: "Is that man from my human race?"

God will nod.

The guard of the human race immediately frowned when he heard the words. He thought for a long time, and said to the general: "I can't make a decision on this matter. I need to go down and report it."

"Go ahead!" The god general raised his head proudly, his eyes not falling on the human guardian in front of him at all.

The guardian envoy looked at the ancient who had no manners at all, and was not angry, but immediately flew down, came to the old man Zhundi, and repeated what the ancient told him just now.

After hearing the words, Mr. Li kept silent for a long time. He didn't want to agree to the other party's request, but when he saw the staring eyes, it seemed that there was a big disagreement and he was going to make plans for the Immortal Queen. The ancient star's life was overwhelmed.

Finally he nodded and said: "For the sake of the overall situation, agree to their request!"

The guardian envoy was a little surprised when he heard the words. He looked at Mr. Li in front of him and was silent for a while, then lowered his head and said, "Yes, I'll go right away!"

Then the guardian came back to the general, and he replied unwillingly: "My lord agreed to your request. I don't know the name and appearance of the person you want to arrest. We need this information to help Find someone!"

"Hmph!" The God General looked at the guardian in front of him and laughed disdainfully, and said loudly: "He is indeed a cowardly human race. He can't even hold on for a moment."

A trace of anger suddenly appeared on the guard's face when he heard the insults of the ancient tribe in front of him. He wanted to teach the other party a lesson, but after thinking of what Mr. Li had just said, he finally bowed his head unwillingly.

"Please bring the portrait of the person you want to arrest first, otherwise we will not be able to help you search for him!"

Hearing this, the general's face became even more contemptuous. Using the clouds in the sky as ink, he drew a handsome young Taoist in mid-air.

The guard watched for a while and remembered the portrait in his mind, but he still took a step forward and came to the general. He seemed to have some doubts in his heart that he wanted to express.

"How did this person offend you and make him worthy of all your efforts?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? You cowardly humans just search for people. Don't be too curious. Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

"Yes Yes!"

The guardian envoy hurriedly bowed his head when he heard the words, and after the god general asked him not to ask, he really didn't ask any more questions.

The god general looked at the performance of the weak human race in front of him. He nodded with satisfaction at the other person's understanding. He couldn't help but step forward and patted his shoulder and said: "Don't worry, we will leave after we find the person, and we won't be with you." Stay here for a moment longer, but all this requires your full cooperation, otherwise be careful of this ancient star below you."

The god general laughed out loud after he finished speaking, and all the aura of the quasi-emperor poured out all over his body, impacting on the guardian envoy.

The guardian envoy did not expect that the ancient clan in front of him who was docking with him turned out to be a quasi-emperor powerhouse, and his face turned pale in shock. Under the opponent's powerful momentum, he shrank his head and tail, and did not dare to raise his head.

The god general looked more respectful in front of him, and the guard who didn't even dare to look up at him made his heart full of complacency, and the complacent smile on his face couldn't be concealed at all.

"Work hard, you have found the person we are looking for, maybe my queen will reward you with some treasures to help you break through your current realm!"

The guardian envoy was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he seemed to be unable to believe his ears, and he asked dubiously: "Is that so, if I can help you find the person you are looking for, it can really help me break through the current practice. For confinement?"

When the god general saw that the human race in front of him dared to question himself, he was immediately unhappy. He clasped his hands behind his back and said leisurely: "Who is my queen? She would deceive you, a little great saint?"

The god general let out a soft sigh, and all the breath in his body immediately vented on the guardian in front of him, so frightened that he quickly knelt down, and apologized to the god general: "Yes, yes, my lord is right, the villain is talking too much, please cut it off, my lord." Don’t blame the villain for being rude.”

When the God General heard this, he pretended to be generous and helped the guard up from the ground, and said loudly: "Do things well, and it will benefit you!"

At this time, the guard just got up from the ground, and his eyes met the general's eyes. There was no cowardice in his eyes at all, but a murderous intent was revealed in his eyes.


The god general screamed, realizing that the situation was wrong, he just wanted to let go and escape, but at this moment, the guard in front of him had firmly grasped his shoulders with both hands, and did not give him any chance at all.

The next moment, an incomparably bright golden light pierced from the guardian envoy's eyebrows, and a fierce sword energy full of godless power, accompanied by a dazzling sword light, directly pierced into the god general's eyebrows. The general god killed the Sendai primordial spirit.

Then a daoist in feathered clothes stood proudly in the air with a sharp sword in his hand. He looked at the Immortal Queen who lived on the phoenix nest with contempt, and the blood slowly flowed from the sword.

"Queen, are you looking for me?"

As soon as Li Ran said this, the whole audience was shocked. Emperor Tian looked up in horror at Li Ran, who had just powerfully killed the eight divine generals of the Immortal Queen and was facing her from a distance. His face was full of surprise and doubt. He had no idea at all. He thought that the person who attracted the Immortal Queen was actually the Taoist he met in the first level of human race.

The guard just now was holding his head and fell back into the crowd in a daze. It was obvious that he had not recovered from the shocking change just now.

The Immortal Queen angrily looked at Li Ran who suddenly appeared in front of her, and shouted angrily: "What a trick, Li Ran, I really underestimate you.

Looks like I'm really getting serious now! "

Li Ran looked at the Immortal Queen and smiled softly, and said seriously: "Beauty, please be more serious, otherwise I will be really boring."

After the words fell, Li Ran smiled lightly, and disappeared in the same place again, leaving only the Immortal Queen jumping unwillingly and angrily on the Phoenix Nest.

(End of this chapter)

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