Chapter 234

In the deserted universe, a golden light flew across the ground, flying from one star field to another in an instant.

Jin Guang flew in the universe for a long time, and suddenly stopped on an uninhabited ancient star, revealing Li Ran's figure.

He was panting slightly and his face was flushed. The uninterrupted continuous flight consumed a lot of his mental energy and made him exhausted. Just when he had just landed on a desolate mountain on the ancient star to rest for a while, the next moment crisis suddenly came. Li Ran looked up at the sky, and saw a colorful divine light rushing from the depths of the universe towards the ancient star where he was.

He looked at the five-colored divine light coming straight towards him, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, he sighed, and kicked his feet down. The next moment, he left this ancient star and once again headed towards the depths of the universe ahead. Fly away.

When Li Ran left the ancient star's front and back legs, a huge phoenix nest descended on the planet where he had just settled along with the colorful divine light.

The Immortal Empress came out of the Phoenix Nest, looked at Li Ran who had disappeared again, stomped on the Phoenix Nest angrily, and she trampled a few of the fiery red parasol branches on the Phoenix Nest.

"Keep chasing, this bastard must be caught today."

The Immortal Queen stood on the phoenix nest, looking at the depleted ancient star below, curling her lips slightly, and shot a divine light at the ancient star, and then a huge explosion sounded in the desolate universe the next moment.

Li Ran saw a huge bright firework rising behind him. Among the gorgeous fireworks, the Immortal Queen drove a glorious divine nest and came towards him.

"What a dog skin plaster, I can't get rid of her no matter what."

He sighed deeply, shook his head and continued on his way.

Ever since he secretly lurked and took the opportunity to attack and kill a general under the Undead Queen in front of the Human Race Pass, the furious Undead Queen never let him go, and led a group of people along the vast and boundless cosmic starry sky. Chasing after him, he did not know how many star fields he had passed through on this journey, and he had no idea where he was now after being hunted down by the undead queen. In this universe, there is an ancient land of human life. It is getting rarer and rarer, and all that can be seen is the desolate and dilapidated star. The ruined and magnificent buildings on the planet tell the story of their former glory.

As the starlight he could perceive became increasingly scarce, Li Ran even wondered whether he had been hunted to the edge of the universe.

He repeatedly set up ambushes on the path where the Immortal Queen was pursuing, hoping to repeat his feat in front of the human race. However, the Immortal Queen, who had already taken precautions, never left him a chance. He tried several times. He could never find an opportunity to kill another god general under the Immortal Queen.

And all his previous taunts seemed to have aroused the anger in the Immortal Queen's heart. Once he stopped for a moment, before he could take a moment to breathe, the Immortal Queen waved her huge God's Nest and came directly to kill him.

Under the powerful aura of the Immortal Empress Zhundi Jiuchongtian, Li Ran couldn't think of any counterattack at all, so he could only choose to turn around and run for his life.

But he knew in his heart that it was not a good idea to keep running for his life like this. Although his mana was strong, if he never got a chance to replenish it, he would be consumed by the undead queen one day.

Thinking of this, Li Ran took out an elixir from his arms and put it into his mouth. After his body received a little nourishment, Li Ran's feet flashed with golden light, and he flew forward again, pulling down a large section of the Immortal Queen who was chasing behind him.

"The Immortal Killing Sword, you four brothers, were personally crafted by Lingbao Tianzun. It is an extremely valuable weapon used to kill true immortals. Is there any good way to help me escape from this predicament?"

Under Li Ran's inquiry, a golden light emerged from the sword body of the Zhuxian Sword and penetrated into his mind on the Immortal Platform. The god of the Zhuxian Sword stood far above the clouds in Li Ran's Immortal Platform, with his hands on his back. There was a calm look on his face.

Li Ran looked at the appearance of the Zhuxian Sword God, and suddenly became angry. His Yuanshen shouted angrily at the Zhuxian Sword God in the immortal platform: "The situation is so critical now, so don't pretend to be aggressive here, after all! Is there any good way."

Zhuxian Sword God lowered his head and glanced at Li Ran Yuanshen, and said with a disdainful smile: "I want you to be so mean, but to mock the Immortal Queen. It's not that you don't know that this woman is always narrow-minded, and you are so mean-spirited." It's comfortable, but now it's good, it's been missed by others.

This is a debt you incurred yourself, and I won't help you. "

Hearing this, Li Ran looked at the leisurely smile on the face of the god Zhu Xianjian, and suddenly became anxious, but Zhu Xianjian made it clear that he didn't want to speak, and he couldn't pry his mouth open. Just when he was anxious, Li Ran's eyes rolled. The child turned around suddenly, and the anxiety on his face caused by the pursuit of the Immortal Queen disappeared.

He deliberately turned his head away, and said briskly: "Then there is no way, it is nothing to send my life here, but it is a pity that the divine egg that is pregnant with Lingbao Tianzun on the ancient star of Tianbing will also be with me I have fallen into hell, and I don’t know when the next chance for Lingbao Tianzun to be resurrected will be."

Upon hearing Li Ran's words, Zhuxian Sword God's calm and calm face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a panic flashed in the corner of his eyes, he looked down at Li Ran and said, "Didn't you already refine that divine egg?" ?
Is there something wrong here? "

Li Ran took the initiative away from the Zhuxian Sword at this time, and now he had a relaxed and calm expression on his face. He looked at Tiandao nonchalantly: "Then I don't know, but I am helping by refining elixirs." Lingbao Tianzun gathers his consciousness, and I need to personally take charge of the overall situation at the last moment when the elixir is completed, otherwise the elixir may be destroyed at any time."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, looked at the Zhuxian sword god above his head and said: "But this is nothing to you, it is just that the pill destroys people and regenerates the consciousness of Lingbao Tianzun, you are immortal Emperor Sword, it is not a big deal to wait for hundreds of millions of years."

Hearing this, the God of Zhuxian Sword suddenly showed a flustered look on his face. He flew up to Li Ran and shouted: "No, millions of years have passed, and it's hard to see the chance of the master's resurrection. We must not wait until the next day!" once."

Hearing the words of the Immortal Killing Sword God, Li Ran showed a smile on his face: "You don't want Lingbao Tianzun to be unable to be resurrected, right? Then tell me, is there any way to escape the pursuit of the Immortal Queen?"

It was only at this time that Zhu Xianjian realized that he had been fooled by Li Ran. Although he was very angry in his heart, he really did not dare to bet on whether the Lingbao Tianzun would be able to resurrect smoothly after an accident happened to Li Ran. , It is too difficult to find another reliable helper like Li Ran.

He looked at Li Ran and replied: "Although our four brothers were refined by the Master to make the Emperor's Sword of Proving the Tao, the four swords are integrated into one, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation can kill the True Immortal. If we have the opportunity to put down the Zhuxian Sword, Formation, not to mention a small quasi-emperor of the Nine Heavens, even if a true universe supreme comes, we can make it impossible for him to come back."

Li Ran felt excited when he heard it, and quickly asked: "Then how should I set up the Immortal Killing Sword Formation?"

The God of the Zhuxian Sword now showed a frustrated look on his face: "It's impossible. In order to set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation, in addition to the four of us, we also need the cooperation of the master's formation. Without the formation, we can only rely on the formation. The four of us cannot exert the maximum power of the Four Swords of Zhuxian."

When Li Ran heard this, the joy that just arose in his heart was immediately poured with cold water.

"What's the use of talking about things you don't have? It's a waste of my feelings!"

After saying that, Li Ran suddenly sighed, feeling a bit gloomy about his future.

"If I really can't escape the pursuit of the Immortal Queen, I can only use the real dragon clone to change my body and be reborn."

However, in Li Ran's opinion, this is the next strategy. If he really uses the real dragon clone to escape, he needs to abandon the main body in front of him, which will cause great damage to his primordial spirit. It will take more time to restore the primordial spirit, which will cause unexpected changes in his various plans in the future.

Just as Li Ran was weighing whether he needed to give up his master's life experience, the Immortal Sword God spoke again: "But don't worry, our four brothers are also the master's peerless imperial swords after all. If the Immortal Emperor comes, we may still be helpless, but now The one who came was just a woman from the ninth level of the quasi-emperor.

When necessary, we will activate the true power of the Imperial Sword and use the master's life-long blow to help you escape. "

When Li Ran heard this, a hint of joy appeared on his face.

At this time, the Zhuxian Sword sighed softly: "This will cause great damage to our sword bodies. It is best to get the help of the Zhuxian Formation. The four of us will work together to perform the Zhuxian Sword Formation. At that time, these people behind us will He's just a clown, not worth showing off."

Before Zhu Xianjian finished speaking, another young-sounding voice appeared in Li Ran's mind.

"What are you afraid of with the Zhuxian Sword? With the four of us joining forces, we can easily take down the garbage behind us even without the formation map.

At worst, I'll take the lead and you guys will follow. "

As the words fell, a young man's figure appeared in Li Ran's Immortal Platform, standing not far from the Immortal Killing Sword God and spoke.

After Zhu Xianjian saw the person coming, his face seemed a little surprised: "Slaying Xianjian, why are you free? Don't you hate coming out to communicate with people the most on weekdays?"

Killing Immortal Sword raised his head and said: "I'm tired of listening to you talking here and there. If you want me to say, what are you afraid of? With my sword here, who in the world would dare to disobey it?

I killed him all over the house. "

Li Ran only listened to a few words on the side and could feel the murderous aura from the Immortal Killing Sword so thick that it almost rushed to his face.

He secretly said: "No wonder some people say that the Immortal Killing Sword is the most powerful among the four swords of Lingbao. It is rumored that Lingbao Tianzun once said that the day when the Immortal Killing Sword was made was when he entered the immortal realm. Now it seems that this The words are true.

Just by looking at the leopard from this word tube, you can see a bit of the charm of the Immortal Killing Sword. "

At this time, Killing Immortal Sword suddenly lowered his head and looked at Li Ran and said: "Boy, why don't we show our hands? Although your killing aura is a bit less, the sword heart and sword bones in your body cannot be concealed. You are a sword wielder." The good seedlings are barely worthy of using me."

The words of Killing the Immortal Sword made Li Ran's heart itch. Ever since he succeeded in cultivation, the opportunities to practice swordsmanship have become less and less. Now it is a joy in life to have such a divine sword to cooperate with him, allowing him to perform swordsmanship to his heart's content. What's the matter, besides, he was already tired of the endless pursuit and killing, so he might as well give it a go instead of running for his life in dismay.

Thinking of this, Li Rang just wanted to agree, but the Immortal Killing Sword on the side blocked the figure of the Immortal Killing Sword and stopped him: "Don't listen to this kid's nonsense. The Immortal Killing Sword is the last magic weapon refined by the master in his later years. On the day it was refined, the master started with him, and our three swords cooperated to kill a residual immortal who had stayed in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the past. He was truly stained with immortal blood. The residual immortal from back then still remains in his body. The unwilling resentment, with your current cultivation level, if you want to pick up the Immortal Killing Sword, you will not be able to resist the invasion of that resentment."

While persuading the Immortal Killing Sword, he also called the gods of the Immortal Sinking Sword and the Immortal Killing Sword into Li Ran's immortal platform, and stopped Li Ran and the Immortal Killing Sword who were about to try.

After much talk about the Zhuxian Sword, Li Ran finally gave up the idea of ​​fighting back.

"Li Ran, don't worry. Although you are exhausted and in a bad state now. You have been being hunted with no chance to stop, but the Immortal Queen is definitely not much better now. Both of you are in a critical state now. It just depends on who can't hold on first.

If you keep persisting, maybe things will turn around. "

Under Zhu Xianjian's persuasion, Li Ran continued to focus on running for his life.

The God of the Killing Immortal Sword has also been helping him keep an eye on the Immortal Queen who is chasing him behind him, and blocking the various deadly magical powers of the Immortal Queen for him.

Finally, when the elixir in Li Ran's body was exhausted and the vitality in his body was almost exhausted, Zhu Xianjian showed a surprise smile on his face.

His god appeared in Li Ran's fairy platform and pointed to Li Ran's primordial spirit, pointing to a place in front of him, and kept shouting.

"Li Ran goes over there. I felt the aura of the Zhuxian Formation there. Let's go over there. As long as we can find the Formation and get its help, the Immortal Queen will no longer pose a threat to us.

At that time, we will capture that little girl and let you take revenge and vent your anger, so as to relieve the anguish of being hunted down continuously these days. "

"is it?"

Suddenly hearing the unexpected good news from Zhu Xianjian, Li Ran smiled with surprise on his face. His spirit was suddenly shaken, and all the fatigue from the past few days seemed to disappear at this moment.

He accelerated and rushed towards the direction of the Zhu Xian sword's finger, wanting to find the Zhu Xian formation map a moment earlier.

As the golden light continued to travel through, Li Ran gradually came to a huge ancient star. The ancient star in front of him was full of aura, surrounded by avenues, and emperor patterns were hidden in the starry sky outside the ancient star. An extraordinary piece of ancient land of life.

(End of this chapter)

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