Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 197 Insatiable Hunger

Chapter 197 Insatiable Hunger

"Ah, the boss is back!"

"Captain, Captain, are you alright, Captain!"

Looking at the figure approaching quickly on the horizon, the members of Wangtianya Team rushed to greet him.

What they saw was their own team leader with a blank expression on his face, and the team leader of Fangyuan team carrying an unconscious person with a smile on his face, followed by the iceberg beauty of team Fangyuan team.

Looking at his teammates who came up after the battle, and seeing how the two of Fangyuan's team were in focus and Meng Meng was in focus, Wu Sheng felt angry.

"What are you all doing here? Nothing to do!"

Wu Sheng gave his team members a hard look, waved his hand, and left first.

The members of the Wangtianya team looked at each other, shrunk their necks one by one, and followed dejectedly.

Soon, a group of people left here.

"If the Wangtianya team doesn't make changes, Wu Sheng will be dragged to death by this group of people sooner or later."

Looking at the backs of the group of people who were drifting away, Zhou Ming suddenly spoke softly.

"Want to rely on your own strength to support an entire team? Be a glorious hero who protects a team with one person? Of course you can, but that requires a strong potential. In any setbacks and crises, you can become more and more courageous and become stronger quickly. , It's a pity that Wu Sheng doesn't have such a talent."

"I feel that those members of the Wangtianya team are also very strong." Qin Wumeng said.

"Strength and weakness are one thing, but being able to work together is another." Zhou Ming smiled and said, "If you can't fight side by side, even if you are ten times stronger, you will still retreat when you encounter a strong enemy. What's the use?"

At this point, Zhou Ming sighed softly and lost interest in continuing this topic. He picked up the prisoner in his hand, shook it, and said: "I want to retreat. You can guard it for me. No one is allowed to enter before I leave." my room."

"Don't worry, Captain, anyone who wants to disturb you will have to step over my body." Qin Wumeng said seriously.

"You don't need to fight so hard, your life is very important to me." Zhou Ming caressed Qin Wumeng's cheek lightly, some ambiguous movements made Qin Wumeng's cheeks blush slightly.

Zhou Ming laughed and withdrew his hand: "Let's go, find a place first."

The two found an empty space, Zhou Ming released the Rank [-] Tree House Gu, and after walking in, closed the House Gu, the defense of the Rank [-] House Gu was enough to withstand the attack of powerful damage.

Putting the reincarnation in his hand on the ground, Zhou Ming first activated the ground grass Gu. This kind of Gu can make creatures fall asleep instantly.

After covering the grass on the ground, Zhou Ming activated the blood-sucking vine Gu. The slender green vines quickly covered the body of the reincarnation lying on the ground, piercing his skin and greedily sucking his blood.

Then he used the Flower Gu, and conspicuous flowers grew from the vines, blooming all over his body. The pollen shook off, making the reincarnator fall into a deeper dream.

After that, Zhou Ming used several methods one after another to weaken the reincarnator's power step by step, restrict his actions, and push his already low state to no lower level.

In this way, Zhou Ming can relax and take out a Gu worm.

Soul path Gu worm, rank five soul search Gu!

Soul search Gu can search other people's souls, and search part of the memories contained in the souls.The higher the number of Gu insect revolutions, the clearer and more organized the memory will be.

However, every time the soul is searched, it will cause mental harm to the soul being searched, and at the same time, the user will also be confused by the memory of the soul being searched.

However, Zhou Ming didn't care about these. He used Soul Search Gu just to counterattack just in case.

In the previous battle, Zhou Ming used Soul Swallowing on this reincarnation, but he was counterattacked by the huge gluttonous will in his consciousness. Not to mention the failure of Swallowing Soul, he himself was also backlashed, and his soul suffered a certain loss.

Therefore, Zhou Ming wants to use the soul-searching Gu as a medium, even if he encounters the gluttonous will in the consciousness of the reincarnator again, the soul-searching Gu can bear its backlash, and Zhou Ming himself will not be harmed.

Zhou Ming himself possesses the Hell Soul Cleansing Sutra, which has the function of searching for souls, but he still prepared this Gu insect on his body, just to prevent this from happening.

"Let me see what's in your memory!"

Zhou Ming activated the Gu insect and pressed it on the reincarnator's head.

White light lit up from Zhou Ming's palm, and it became more and more intense, and a painful look gradually appeared on the face of the reincarnated person. Even in the deep dream, the damage caused by the soul-searching Gu still made him react.

After a moment, Zhou Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and the black pupils disappeared, turning into pure white.

Then, a lot of memories poured into his mind.

That is the life experience of the reincarnated person in his hand, which was gradually traced back to the past from the recent past, and was extracted by the soul search Gu.


Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat!eat!eat!

"The world is so big, what if I take two bites!"


"I'm not like you, who have so many great ideals, to conquer the world, to be the king, to sublime your life, to achieve righteousness..."

"For me, nothing in this world is more important than eating. Everything I do is to be full, just to be full. What a simple desire?"

"You all stop me just to eat?"


"Why can't you eat it? Everything in this world should be edible."

"When you are hungry, why do you care about what is delicious or not? As long as there is something to eat... Yes, as long as there is something to eat and something to eat, you can eat."

"It's this bloodline, Taotie, who can eat and digest anything, now I don't have to worry about going hungry anymore..."


"You know, I hate people who waste food the most, because such bastards don't deserve any food at all."

"I'm grateful for any food because it fills me up and relieves my hunger."

"Since you don't know how to appreciate food, then become food and experience the feeling of making food!"


"It's so good, there are endless food, and the gourmet cells that can be strengthened just by eating constantly, this place is simply paradise!"


"Listen, all of this will be my domain from now on, you old fellows have already been eliminated!"

He grinned ferociously, and shot the so-called godfather of the gang in front of him to death with a single shot, and behind him were countless gangsters who were fighting.


"You... just for these few pieces of bacon..."

The man in front of him was holding his chest where blood was constantly pouring out. His eyes of disbelief gradually dimmed, and he was expressionlessly grabbing a piece of bacon and chewing it.


"Thief, dare to steal our biscuits!"

"Kill him, kill him, he's still eating!"

During the punching and kicking, he stuffed all the stolen biscuits into his mouth, mixed with blood and saliva, and swallowed vigorously, even if he was choked up, he was unwilling to spit it out.


In the ice and snow, he hid in a leaky room, wrapped himself in the only tattered quilt, shivering from the cold...


"Kang, you have to live, you have to live until the end of the war, until you can eat and eat as much as you want!"

The father died, and the mother also died. The three-year-old sister died first, because her young body was too delicate...


Cold, so cold...hungry, really hungry...

Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry!Hungry!Hungry!

He heard that war broke out in the country, but he didn't feel much because he was just an eight-year-old child and did not need to go to the front line or work.

Moreover, his family itself was not wealthy, and the war had the most direct impact on the upper class. For people at the bottom of society like him, it was just that the school announced the suspension of classes and he switched from working at school to working at home. .

However, it wasn't long before he noticed changes happening around him.

The continuous wars have consumed a lot of the country's supplies, the frontline battles are tight, and the successive victories of the enemy countries are forcing the country to continue to squeeze the flesh and blood of the people.

Soon, the shortage of materials led the country to implement a rationing system. For children from poor families like him, there were no other materials to ration. The only intuitive change was that they ate less and less.

In the beginning, children like him could get a piece of bread as big as a fist every day, but as time went by, the supply became less and less. When the cold winter came, the food he could get every day was not even half of what he had before. .

How would you describe the hunger you experienced?He has no culture, but he described this feeling extremely accurately in his own consciousness.

At first it was anger, then anxiety. After a few days, even walking became difficult, and even thinking became very difficult. Emotions and feelings became a burden. The mind and body gradually separated, and death would come at any time.

For him as a teenager, witnessing death is a daily routine in his daily life. He saw his family members starve to death one by one, and he also saw countless people dying of starvation on the side of the road.

Passers-by's attitude towards corpses was just like his, numb to the extreme, because people were so hungry that even having emotions was a luxury, let alone burying the dead.

And later, when the heavy snow lasted for a whole month, those corpses finally became less and less, until not a single one was seen on the street all day—this was of course not because those corpses were buried by the heavy snow, but because they had already been returned. The living devour it.

Hunger and death have made people lose their last bit of humanity.

hell?Compared to here, hell at least has the warmth of flames!
At the age of ten, he could not understand what was happening in the world. The only thoughts in his mind could not be simpler: to find food and fill his stomach.

Stealing, cheating, robbing... A sense of morality has no effect on a hungry person, he is willing to do anything that can get food.

Later, when the war was over, supplies gradually became abundant, and a full meal was no longer a luxury. However, what surprised him was that the feeling of hunger did not disappear, but became more intense.

Always hungry, never satisfied.

Therefore, before entering the space of the Lord God, he used all legal and illegal methods to continuously grab what he wanted. Being a thief, a robber, and a gangster, to him, these are just means, as long as he can achieve The purpose doesn't matter what the means are.

And after entering the space of the main god, after going through a series of plot worlds, his greedy behavior of devouring everything also gave him a brand new name: Kang the Devourer.

"Hiss!" Zhou Ming held his head and let out a cry of pain.

Swallowing souls is completely different from using Soul Searching Gu to obtain memories. The comparison of comfort between the two is equivalent to that of Zhou Ming sitting on the domestic high-speed rail and squeezing the train in India in his previous life, and still waiting for a ticket.

"This guy is simply a complete lunatic."

Zhou Ming looked at Kang who was lying on the ground, his expression gradually became calm after the soul search, and rubbed his head with some headaches.

After experiencing war, turmoil and famine, the real Kang had already starved to death on that snowy winter night, and those who survived were evil spirits from hell, infinitely filling his eternally hungry stomach and insatiable desires.

Before he exchanged for the blood of Taotie, he was already a Taotie in human skin.

"Such paranoia, such madness, perhaps, is not a bad thing."

Feeling that the headache had eased, Zhou Ming put down his hand, and a ghostly light flashed in his eyes.

He raised his hand again, running the Hell Cleansing Soul Sutra, and a misty soul power bloomed in his palm, and he landed on Kang's head.

"Let's try it first."


After a short rest, the resistance army is ready to leave here.

The battle that ended with the explosion of the Skynet base was a complete victory for the Resistance Army.

But they will never be satisfied with this victory. For them, the ultimate goal of victory is to eliminate Skynet, allow human beings to rebuild civilization, and live freely on the earth.

Before that, there was only one non-stop battle after another.

In front of the tree house Gu, Qin Wumeng sat cross-legged quietly. The power of her mind made her seem to be sitting on the ground, but in reality there was a distance of a few centimeters from the ground.

For her, this is also an exercise in controlling the power of thoughts.

Not long ago, John Connor came and invited them to leave together, but Qin Wumeng refused.

John Connor had no choice but to leave Qin Wumeng a set of communication equipment, and then left with the resistance army.

Wu Sheng also came here, and after learning that Zhou Ming was retreating, he didn't say anything else. He also left a communicator behind, and then led the members of the Wang Tianya team and left with the resistance army.

As time passed, this wilderness gradually became quieter. The endless wind blows sand and dust, the withered grass roots are sparse, and there are occasional birds in the sky. Other than that, there is silence and desolation.

A few hours later, Qin Wumeng took out the food and had a simple lunch.

A few hours later, the sun gradually set towards the west, and the orange-red fire clouds were intertwined with the last brilliance, and the sky was getting darker.

Qin Wumeng finished his dinner, leaned against the wall of the tree house, and looked up at the gradually brightening starry sky in a daze.

The moon is rising higher and higher, the starry sky is bright, and the sky and the earth are lonely.

But Qin Wumeng didn't feel lonely.

Behind her is the tree house, and there is Zhou Ming in the tree house.

"Did you see..."

She raised her palm, raised it to the top of her head, and placed it in front of her eyes, and the starlight fell from between her fingers.

"I'm not alone now."

"Your spirits in the sky, it should be hard to see it, right?"

"By the way, I almost forgot that this starry sky is not the starry sky of the world you used to exist in. Even if there is a spirit in the sky, you can't see it. What a pity, heh..."

(End of this chapter)

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