Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 198 Malicious Gu and the Third Location Report

Chapter 198 Malicious Gu and the Third Location Report
"what's your name?"


"what are you?"

"Human, I am human."


"what's your name?"


"What is it?"

"Kang, I'm Kang!"


"what's your name?"


"what are you?"



"what's your name?"

"Conqueror Kang!"



"what's your name?"


"what are you?"

"Your faithful servant, Kang."


"what's your name?"

"Your faithful servant, Kang."

"You are... forget it."


"what's your name?"

"The Devourer, Kang."

"what are you?"

"I am your faithful servant, the Devourer, Kang."


"What are the three laws of Kang the Devourer?"

"First, the master's life is above all else. Any crisis that threatens the master's life must be actively eliminated."

"Second, on the premise of not violating the second law, obey all orders of the master."

"Third, protect yourself without violating the first and second laws."


"Kang, kill me."

"Master, do I need to terminate myself?"

"No, no need."

"I can't hurt my master, I can only choose self-termination."

"Ignore that command."

"Yes, Master."



Seeing Kang standing in front of him respectfully, Zhou Ming let out a soft breath.

After several hours of hard work, the first stage of Kang's transformation was completed.

The original Kang, the Devourer, was double strengthened by the gourmet cells and the gluttonous bloodline, and the two forces clashed violently, causing the original gourmet demon to be swallowed by the gluttonous will in his blood, and replaced him, and materialized into a new gourmet demon .

Therefore, in fact, his soul is protected by a powerful force, which is very difficult to deal with. If he directly rewrites it with Hell's Soul Cleansing Sutra, he will inevitably be counterattacked by Taotie's will.

Kang the Devourer does indeed have some luck in his body. The conflict between the two forces in his body not only activates the gluttonous blood, but also replaces the gourmet demon with the gluttonous will that is highly compatible with himself, which greatly improves his strength and potential. a notch.

And Zhou Ming also spent a lot of thought on how to reform him.

He tore Kang's soul into two halves with the technique of splitting the soul and splitting the soul. This action immediately awakened the gluttonous demon sleeping in Kang's soul, and blatantly launched a counterattack.

But it's useless, Zhou Ming has already arranged everything, Kang's physical body can't be used at all, how much damage to Taotie's will and soul can hurt Zhou Ming?
Once there was twice, and the soul split in half was torn again into four.The third time it was torn into eight pieces, and the fourth time it was torn into sixteen pieces...

Several times in a row, although Zhou Ming suffered several attacks from Taotie's will, Kang's soul was already in pieces, and Taotie's will was also divided accordingly, and it was evenly distributed to each broken soul, and its strength became weaker and weaker.

Afterwards, Zhou Ming began to transform every broken soul.

Although during this process, the gluttonous will in the transformed incomplete soul was still stubbornly resisting, but its power could not shake Zhou Ming at all, and was easily suppressed by Zhou Ming, who forcibly rewritten the incomplete soul with the Hell Cleansing Soul will and memory.

In this way, Zhou Ming tirelessly repeated the work of transforming the incomplete souls one by one. After all the incomplete souls were rewritten by the Hell Cleansing Soul Sutra, Zhou Ming led these incomplete souls to devour each other.

In order to prevent the souls devouring each other from accidents, Zhou Ming guided the whole process precisely and "glued" the fragmented souls back together bit by bit with his own hands.

This process also benefited Zhou Ming a lot, and he had a deeper understanding of the soul.

The reunited soul is no longer the original Kang the Devourer. After being edited, debugged, and revised by Zhou Ming again and again, the new Kang has become Kang's loyal servant.

The gourmet demon in his body—the gluttonous will finally lowered its noble head to Zhou Ming, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

Zhou Ming, who had completed the initial transformation, was not relieved. He still followed his plan and used slave Gu on Kang.

The double enslavement of will transformation and slave Gu, this is already the level of Zhou Li at that time.

But this was still not safe enough. Zhou Ming planted parasitic vines in Kang's body again. The vines, which were as thin as a spider's silk, entangled the blood vessels in his whole body, spread along the muscle texture, covered his internal organs, and covered every part of his body. .

As such, Kang's every action fell under Zhou Ming's control. No matter if he had any abnormal actions or destroyed the parasitic vines in his body, Zhou Ming could know immediately.

This is still not enough.

Finally, Zhou Ming used Malicious Gu again, generating a wave of malice, which was stored in Kang's mind, monitoring the changes in Kang's consciousness all the time.

Malicious Gu is a Wisdom Dao Gu worm, its function is to generate malice.

Wisdom and Dao, there are thoughts, intentions, and emotions, and the three are inherited in one continuous line.

Wisdom Dao has been passed down from ancient times, and at the beginning of its creation, it was a school in which Gu masters devoted themselves to pursuing wisdom.

When a person thinks, ideas pop up in his mind one by one.These ideas collide with each other, or merge, or cancel each other to form new ideas one by one, which is the result of thinking.

These ideas are divided into different categories, different from each other, and each has its own characteristics.

Among them, the most famous is obsession.

The obsession of the Gu Immortal when he is about to die will combine with the mighty power of heaven and earth to form an earth spirit in the blessed land.

Based on these thoughts, Gu masters created countless related Gu insects, such as Empty Thought Gu, War Thought Gu, Divine Thought Gu, etc.

Some ideas are condensed together to form "yi".

As the saying goes: it can only be understood, not expressed.

Meaning cannot be expressed in words, and the rhyme of meaning has surpassed the limit of expression in words. It can only be experienced with heart and human spirit.

In the beginning, what the Wisdom Dao Gu masters created was Heaven's Will Gu.Use this to comprehend the mysteries of the operation of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and further comprehend the truth of Heaven and Earth, so as to promote your own practice.

Later, it gradually developed, and gradually there were killing intention Gu, random Gu, wishful Gu, triumphant Gu, malice Gu, painting intention Gu and so on.

Among them, the most famous one is the legendary accident Gu recorded in the human ancestral biography.

With the development of Wisdom Dao, generations of Gu masters continued to explore, and they discovered that several "intentions" were entangled together and turned into "emotions".

Estrus Gu, Tenderness Gu, Poetry Gu, etc. all belong to this way.The magic way is derived from it.

The most famous one also comes from "The Legend of Human Ancestors" - Love Gu.

Thoughts, intentions, and emotions together constitute the wisdom path and are also the structure of human consciousness.

Thoughts are used to think, such as evil thoughts Gu, used to think about conspiracies and tricks, and to calculate others, and the efficiency will be doubled, which is much more powerful than other thoughts.

Although the will is made up of thoughts, it is not used for thinking. It is usually separated from the body by the wise way Gu master, and can act freely.

For example, the malice produced by the malicious Gu can be hidden in Kang's consciousness, monitoring Kang's thinking changes for Zhou Ming himself.

Once Kang has any thoughts that are not conducive to Zhou Ming, he will be immediately discovered by this malice.

Like the parasitic vine Gu, once the malicious intent is eliminated, Zhou Ming will immediately sense it and he will immediately become wary of Kang.

The Malicious Gu in Zhou Ming's hand was purchased from Treasure Yellow Heaven. Wisdom Dao Gu insects are generally expensive. Zhou Ming can only buy a Rank [-] Malicious Gu at a price four or five times higher than ordinary Rank [-] Gu. .

As for the Gu prescription of Malicious Gu, don't think about it.

Zhou Ming did see from Treasure Yellow Heaven that a Gu Immortal sold Evil Thought Gu and Malicious Gu recipes, which belonged to a wisdom path inheritance, but the price they offered was so high that Zhou Ming once wondered if the Gu Immortal was poor and crazy.

In any case, that's the end of the first phase of Kang's transformation.

Although there are still hidden dangers, such as the gourmet demon gluttony, this cannot be solved in a short time.

And now, almost twelve hours have passed since the last time the location of the reincarnation was reported.

The third reincarnation position report is coming soon.

The last time it was reported during the day, but at that time Zhou Ming was busy rewriting Kang's consciousness, so he just glanced at them and saw that there were no reincarnations around them, so he ignored them.

Zhou Ming opened the door of the Gu House, and saw that the sky was full of stars outside, and the sky and the earth were open. With a glance, he saw Qin Wumeng leaning against the wall of the Gu House in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

The sound of Zhou Ming opening the door startled Qin Wumeng, she turned her head and met Zhou Ming's gaze.

"Captain." She called out and stood up.

"Come in, let me introduce you to a newcomer." Zhou Ming smiled and waved to Qin Wumeng.

Qin Wumeng was stunned, followed Zhou Ming into the Gu house, and saw Kang standing there motionless, breathing without any movement, like a robot in a dormant state waiting to be activated, t800 worse than t800.

"This is Kang, our... temporary new teammate." Zhou Ming briefly introduced, and then said: "You can rest for a while, and I will watch the night for you."

Qin Wumeng shook his head, and said stubbornly: "The third location report is coming soon."

"Okay, then wait for the third position report." Zhou Ming smiled and did not force Qin Wumeng to rest.

The two sat down on the chairs in the Gu house, waiting for the last time to pass.

Soon, the voice of the Lord God sounded in consciousness.

[Announce the current location information of all reincarnators! 】

The virtual map appeared again, with light points pointing out on the map. Some stayed in place, while others were moving.

"There are a lot fewer people than in the first briefing." Zhou Ming swept his mind and found the difference.

"Many reincarnations have dispersed, and the total number of reincarnations has decreased by nearly one-third."

"Hey, there is a reincarnated person who is alone, less than two hundred kilometers away from us."

"Did the team break up? Or did they use themselves as bait on purpose?"

Zhou Ming rubbed his chin and said to himself.

"Shall we go over and have a look?" Qin Wumeng stood up.

"Don't worry, wait until the notification is over." Zhou Ming said calmly, "If you leave now, you will be discovered by that reincarnation immediately."

"But he is moving away from us right now." Qin Wumeng frowned slightly as he watched the spot of light in his consciousness move continuously.

"It's not fast, it's not escaping, it's just in case." Zhou Ming said leisurely: "We have stayed here for more than twelve hours, and we have stayed here the last time we notified our location."

"Other reincarnations would be aware of this if they would notice and record the location."

"What does it mean that the position has not been moved twice? This will not only let the lonely reincarnation relax, because he thinks we will not chase him. It will also arouse the interest of the powerful reincarnation team, such as us The team to the northeast."

Qin Wumeng looked at the virtual map in his consciousness, and saw a team of nine in the northeast direction, approaching their direction at an extremely fast speed.

However, they are relatively far away from here, about [-] kilometers, and judging by the speed of this team's movement, it may take nearly two hours to get here.

"They deliberately slowed down, trying to test our reaction." Zhou Ming said quietly: "A team dares to directly chase another team without hesitation, and they would not do so unless they have great confidence in their own strength. of."

"Then this team is definitely hiding their clumsiness. With a moving speed of [-] kilometers per hour, they still want to chase other teams? It's almost the same as eating ashes behind others."

Qin Wumeng nodded thoughtfully, and asked again: "The team will speed up to chase us after the position report is over. Should we set up an ambush on the spot or go after the reincarnation?"

"Go after that reincarnation first, catch him and set up an ambush on the spot. That team definitely has a tracking method that can find our movement traces, hmph, just right..."

Zhou Ming didn't say anything later, just sneered, stood up, and put away the house gu.

After the location notification ended, the virtual map in the consciousness of several people disappeared immediately.

"Let's go." Zhou Ming looked to the southeast direction, which was the direction where the lonely reincarnated person fled.


Luo Song is panicking now.

The Blood Owl team he is in is a team with a seven-star overall rating.When entering this plot world, there were eight people in the team.

According to the comprehensive evaluation of the team's think tank, the seven-star team is already at the upper-middle level among the ten reincarnation teams in the plot world.

Therefore, even if ten teams participate in the team killing mode, the mentality of the team members is not tense. They have all experienced fighting among reincarnations, and even destroying a team of reincarnations.

But now, he is the only one left alive in the whole team.

Skynet's Terminator army submerged them like an ocean, and five helicarriers soared in the sky. Such a terrifying picture is still imprinted in Luo Song's mind until now, and has not faded in the slightest.

"And that team of reincarnators, how did they cooperate with Skynet?"

Thinking of the mysterious team that descended from the sky on a reaper, and one of the reincarnators severely injured the extremely powerful captain in Luo Song's eyes with just one blow, Luo Song became more and more terrified.

If he hadn't had a life-saving item obtained from the previous plot world, which allowed him to teleport himself away at a critical moment, I'm afraid he would have become a dead body like his teammates now.

However, the glaring minus seven points not only told Luo Song that his teammates were all killed, but also like a sharp sword hanging above his head, always reminding Luo Song that the footsteps of death were fast approaching him.

Even if he survived to the end, a minus seven points would mean deducting [-] bonus points.

How can he have so many reward points to pay?

If he didn't have enough reward points, he would be wiped out, and he still couldn't escape death in the end.

Such a result made Luo Song despair, and even had the idea of ​​giving up on himself for a while.

However, the fear and desire to survive in his heart drove him to keep running away, even though he didn't know where to run.

(End of this chapter)

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