Chapter 250
In a distant galaxy that is not known how far away from the earth, there is a planet that appears yellow when viewed from space. There lives a kind of advanced intelligent creature, which was later called "pioneer" by the people on earth.

When the earth was still in the Triassic period, the pioneers discovered the earth for the first time and came to the earth through the "wormhole", but the earth's environment at that time was not suitable for their survival, so they finally shelved their plan to occupy the planet.

Time has passed, and 5000 million years have passed. From the birth of human beings to the development of industry on the earth, although it is only a blink of an eye in the long years of the entire earth, the vigorous development of industrial civilization has changed the earth's environment more than the past tens of millions of years. Sum.

Carbon emissions, water pollution, forest reduction, oxygen content reduction... Human beings themselves have gradually transformed the earth into a planet suitable for pioneers to live, so the pioneers' actions also began.

On August 2013, 8, Pioneer opened a wormhole in the depths of the Pacific Ocean and released the first monster "Axe", which began the war between humans and Pioneers.

So what does an alien creature like the Precursor look like?

"Uh... If you ask me like this, I can only say that I ate too fast just now, and I really don't have much impression."

Kang wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, licked his tongue, and said insatiably.

"You damn Zhu Bajie is eating ginseng fruit!" Luo Song couldn't help but hold his forehead and sigh.

The current time is an hour after they entered the wormhole.

The pioneers set up exclusive access permissions for the wormholes they opened, that is, only the monsters they created can freely travel to and from the wormhole when they are alive. Hole.

The Fangyuan team who captured the fourth-level monster Weilishu only need to open a hole in Weilishu's body and hide in it, so they can use the body of Weilishu to pass through the wormhole.

They succeeded.

Aside from the bizarre scenes when traveling through the wormhole, the strong dizziness and nausea after the shuttle made Luo Song swear that he would never try it again in his life.

"Compared with the main god's teleportation, this so-called wormhole is just a bunch of excuses!" Luo Song, who had just been teleported and was vomiting, cursed endlessly.

Zhou Ming took a leisurely look at the surrounding environment.

In the sky is a round of stars emitting yellow light, with a distorted red spot in the center of the star, as if its life has come to an end.

Seen from here, its size is very huge. It is more than a thousand times larger than the sun when viewed from the earth. It is as if two planets are touching each other. However, the star does not have much temperature to give the sun under its feet. piece of land.

Desolate, vast, cloudy, with no green shadows, this yellow land seems to be born dead.

There are many wonder-like buildings erected all around, shaped like giant towers. There is a reactor-like core on the tall tower. The blue arc is entangled on the giant tower, illuminating the dim surrounding environment.

Instead of huge towers, there were various strange-shaped buildings, and some even more strange-shaped creatures appeared on them.

They are the masters of this planet, the pioneers.

Their height is generally about 3-4 meters, and they walk upright on two feet, but they have four upper limbs, and there are wings attached between the upper limbs, as if they evolved from something like a bat.But there is also a layer of exoskeleton growing on their body surface, which looks like the evolution of insects such as grasshoppers, which is very strange.

They generally have huge crowns on their heads, the difference is that some are bigger and some are bigger, and judging from their standing positions and mutual postures, the size of the crowns may symbolize their grade division.

Before Zhou Ming took a closer look, the pioneers caused a commotion because of the invasion of alien creatures from the wormhole, followed by an attack.

It is a pity that the pioneers themselves are not very powerful, and their technology tree seems to be a bit crooked. They have obviously achieved extremely high achievements in biotechnology, but they have not taken the path of transforming themselves; they obviously have the technology to open wormholes. The offensive weapons on his home planet are so... poor.

Zhou Ming did not want to use this word to describe a civilization with a very high level of technological development, but perhaps the pioneers firmly believed that no one could rush in through the wormhole in the opposite direction, or perhaps Zhou Ming and the others were too fast and did not give the pioneers any reaction at all. Chance.

In short, from when the pioneers thought of launching an attack, to when Zhou Ming ordered Kang to attack, to when Kang grinned and bit off the head of a pioneer, Zhou Ming had already seen the result of this battle.

So, a "eating" began.

With a radius of tens of miles, all the pioneers in the surrounding buildings were eaten up by Kang, not even a fingernail was left.

"It's delicious." Kang narrowed his eyes happily, wiping his saliva and savoring the aftertaste.

"Especially their brains are simply the best in the world, hey, boss, you really should..."

Zhou Ming glanced at Kang indifferently, and the coldness in that indifferent gaze immediately made Kang put away his complacency after eating, and chose to shut up.

"You devoured them all, what about my information? Take it out of your brain?" Zhou Ming said coldly.

A stream of cold sweat dripped down Kang's cheeks, he stood upright solemnly, and said, "I am willing to open the way for the team, and I will not eat anything from now on!"

"Then you go, head east, catch the first pioneer and bring it back to me." Zhou Ming pointed in a direction casually.

"Yes!" Kang yelled, flew up and flew towards the direction of Zhou Ming's finger.

As for whether that direction is the east?Who the hell cares!

After finishing his mission, Zhou Ming turned to Luo Song: "Where's the environmental analysis?"

"The analysis has been completed, boss." Luo Song handed over the display screen with a smile on his face.

"This place is obviously different from the one in the movie. There is no monster processing factory, and the surface heat is not high. Sure enough, the movie only has a certain reference value."

"The surrounding environment is very bad. There is a lot of carbon dioxide and methane. It is hell for humans. Fortunately, we are not ordinary humans."

"This planet is dying, getting old, and its resources are depleted. The pioneer civilization has developed too high and is squeezing this planet too hard. The limited resources are exhausted, and they can only choose to expand."

"But their technological development is too scientific. They have space technology that can open wormholes, but they don't even have the ability to transform the planet's environment and develop sustainably."

"It's not even possible to collect resources from other planets in the galaxy for expansion and development, as one of the future development directions of human beings on Earth."

"Moreover, even though their biotechnology is so advanced, their bodies are still as fragile as potato chips. They are like glass cannons. It is simply unbelievable."

Luo Song introduced and expressed his own views.

"It's like their civilization... didn't develop naturally?" Qin Wumeng suddenly added at this time.

"That's right!" Luo Song's eyes lit up, and he nodded, "That's how I feel! If it's a movie, then I won't say anything, after all, it's impossible for a movie to perfectly write the evolution history of an alien race. But This is a real civilization, and I can't even imagine how this partial technology tree developed."

"It seems that the answer still needs to be found from the pioneers themselves." Zhou Ming looked at the distance he pointed earlier, "But before that, we must give the pioneers enough deterrence, let's start by destroying their vanguard. .”

Qin Wumeng and Luo Song followed Zhou Ming's gaze, and saw several huge figures slowly approaching in their direction.

The huge bodies towering into the clouds, like skyscrapers, shook the ground with every step they took. As they continued to get closer, the vibrations became more and more intense and obvious.

In front of those huge monsters, Kang was flying at full speed. He was also carrying a four-meter-long pioneer in his hand. There were three straight upward branches on its crown. It was tall and long. Looking at its status, Just very high.

As for the monsters chasing frantically behind Kang, the intensity of energy emitted from the surroundings alone far exceeds that of the squirrels and turtles not long ago. He could only bring them to Zhou Ming.

When they found that they could not catch up with the little thing in the sky before he merged with the three equally small humans on the ground, a monster that looked like the Assassin Super Beast Baraba suddenly began to gather energy from the sharp horns on its forehead.

The blue light was instantly dazzling, the energy vortex caused the surrounding atmosphere to swirl, and the destructive wave was already revealed before it was released.

"Is the target of the attack us?" Zhou Ming chuckled, mobilized the Immortal Jade Sword Gu and the Aurora Immortal Sword Gu, and more than 60 Mortal Gu, and immediately constructed an immortal ultimate move.

"Immortal ultimate move - Aurora Sword Rainbow!"

A long rainbow of sword light pierced the sky, illuminated the land that had been dark for a long time, and pierced the monster's head with precision.

Suddenly, the blue energy ball it was staring at exploded out of control, and the rich destructive energy escaped everywhere. The plasma-like blue energy covered several miles. The first person to be harmed was itself, and then the surrounding ones. Other monsters...

At this time, Zhou Ming also urged another immortal ultimate move at the same time.

With the Immortal Killing Sword Gu as the core, supplemented by Eye Sword Immortal Gu, Aurora Immortal Sword Gu, Sword Edge Immortal Gu, and hundreds of mortal Gu, the immortal killer move - Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect was unleashed.

Following the direction of Zhou Ming's sword, the bright sword light once again illuminated the dark land, and the sky was suddenly blocked by dense sword edges.

Countless sword lights gathered, like a cloud of swords. When the cloud of swords fell, it turned into a rain of swords, which was endless and overwhelming.

The sound of the sharp blade slicing through the body was heard for a while, and all the monsters chasing Kang were drowned by the huge rain of swords and enjoyed the wonderful treatment of being cut to pieces by a thousand cuts.

When Zhou Ming drew back his sword fingers together, the roar of the earth disappeared.

For each monster, their flesh and blood have been removed cleanly, leaving only their strangely shaped skeletons standing there quietly in the last posture before death.

And their flesh and blood are piled up under their feet in an orderly manner, forming a piece of blooming flowers of flesh and blood, reflecting the bones of the body, echoing each other, completely natural.

Such a strange and beautiful picture almost stopped Qin Wumeng's breathing.

Oh, by the way, there is almost no oxygen in the air here, and Qin Wumeng's breathing has almost stopped.

Luo Song opened his mouth wide, and it took him a long time to hold back two words: "Awesome."

It's not that he is uneducated, but that he has no other words in his mind at this time to describe such a powerful picture.

Feeling the deep reverence of his two teammates, Zhou Ming clenched his fists somewhat dissatisfied.

"These two ultimate moves are still not perfect enough. The Aurora Sword Rainbow ultimate move is developed on the basis of the mobile ultimate move 'Aurora Sword Flash'. The speed of the sword light is faster, but the attack power is slightly insufficient. Against Defense Immortal Gu, or a Gu Immortal with a good mortal defensive ultimate move, I'm afraid they won't be able to cause enough damage."

"Even though the Wanjian Jue is like using your arms and fingers, it requires too much Immortal Gu to activate it, takes a long time to prepare, and consumes too much immortal energy. If you use it once, you won't get enough gains. It's really a disadvantage."

"Sure enough, true knowledge comes from practice. Although I deduced it in my last life, I never applied it in actual combat. Now that I have used it, the problem has naturally been exposed."

Zhou Ming received the memory of his own will in the main god's space, and also got those killer moves he deduced before being reversed by Spring Autumn Cicada.

However, Zhou Ming had not perfected the practice of those killing moves.

Developing a killing move requires a lot of time and cost. Every time it is activated, immortal energy is consumed. An ordinary level six Gu Immortal can deduce one or two immortal killing moves and perfect them through continuous activation practice. It's already an amazing thing.

Zhou Ming relied on his master's level of swordsmanship to perform so many immortal killing moves in one breath. He had to practice and perfect each one, even if he was bankrupt.

Therefore, he can only choose a few more important killing moves first, use them according to the occasion, and see if there is any problem with them.

For example, now, to kill those monsters, there is no need for two consecutive immortal ultimate moves. Even if Zhou Ming wants to save his immortal yuan, he can only rely on the mortal ultimate move and spend a few more times.

However, what does that mean to Zhou Ming?

The tasks in this world are very limited, killing monsters will not get extra rewards, if you want more gains, you can only find a way by yourself.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to perfect the Immortal Killing Move was just incidental. Zhou Ming's original intention was more to shock the Pioneers and see how the Pioneer Civilization would respond after he showed such powerful combat power.

Should we send out more powerful monsters and continue to fight them to the end without hesitation, or should we soften our attitude, negotiate compromises and even...cooperate?
(End of this chapter)

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