Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 251 Anyone who dares to lie to us will die.

Chapter 251 Anyone who dares to lie to us will die.
Kang, who was chased all the way by the giant beast, fell from the sky and threw the pioneer in his hand to the ground, knocking the frail alien to pieces. His four upper limbs twitched and his mouth screamed. .

"I just rushed over, and I saw this guy at first sight. The sky-high crown on his head is too conspicuous. If you don't grab it, you will be sorry for his big head." Kang said to Zhou Ming with an expression of asking for credit.

"Good job." Zhou Ming was not stingy with words of praise. He stretched out his finger, and a green light flew out, which exploded in mid-air and turned into a vine rope, tightly binding the captured pioneers.

One end of the vine grew, and quickly solidified after touching the ground, becoming the supporting end, lifting the hapless pioneer in the air.

"Hey, you can speak the language of the earth, do you have a name?"

Zhou Ming patted the thick exoskeleton crown on its head, making a dull "knock-knock" sound.

Pioneer struggled violently, his small, crab-like eyes rolled quickly, as if he had been humiliated, he roared at Zhou Ming one after another.

"Very good." Zhou Ming nodded, and popped out a slave Gu again with his fingers.

The slave Gu exploded, turning into a ball of yellow light and shadow, falling on the pioneer.

However, the slave Gu, which has always been invincible, did not achieve the expected effect this time.

The yellow light and shadow enveloped Pioneer, but there was no further change. Pioneer didn't react at all, and Zhou Ming didn't suffer any struggle backlash, just like using this Rank [-] Gu worm in the air.

The yellow light group gradually disappeared, and finally dissipated.

"Does the pioneer race have no soul?"

Zhou Ming was a little surprised, but he didn't find it incredible. After all, the world is so big, full of wonders, and creatures without souls that rely purely on biological brains to maintain their thinking, naturally exist.

But in this way, some methods against the soul will not be available, and even the Soul Swallowing Alchemy cannot be used on the pioneers.

"Then try consciousness again!" Zhou Ming called the imperial Gu worm, which spawned a lot of falsehoods and poured them into the pioneer's mind.

But immediately, he felt the demise of those fakes.

"There is no soul, and there is no basic soil for consciousness to reside. This kind of creature is interesting!"

Zhou Ming thought of capturing a few more pioneers and imprisoning them in his blessed land of fairy apertures to increase the diversity of species.

"But in this case, how to communicate with it and obtain information?"

Originally, Zhou Ming thought that with the level of civilization development of the pioneers, the language should not be an obstacle, but he didn't expect that the pioneer in front of him didn't even have a language translator.

Is it really necessary to communicate with the pioneers through "synaesthesia" as in the movie plot?
"Luo Song, make a synesthesia device." Zhou Ming ordered.

"The synaesthesia instrument is easy to make, but boss..." Luo Song hesitated: "The pioneer civilization has a gestalt-like consciousness. If you want to synaesthese, you are likely to face the overall will of the entire civilization. This risk is still very high. Big one, should we be more cautious?"

Gestalt consciousness, or hive consciousness, means all members of an entire civilization who are psychologically, spiritually or physically a whole, or can be described as a "gestalt" whole made up of "separate wholes".

For example, bee colonies, ant colonies, and even the Zerg that appear more and more in many literary works.

Pioneering civilizations also have such characteristics. They have a connected system similar to the "brain network" and have a strict division of superiors and subordinates. The whole of their consciousness is the entire pioneer civilization.

In the original plot, a doctor on the earth who specializes in monsters, based on the principle of human beings connecting with stance mechs through consciousness, managed to get a living monster brain. After connecting himself with the monster brain with an instrument, he successfully communicated with that brain. things that exist in.

However, this is a trap set by the pioneer civilization, because the monsters are created and bred by the pioneer civilization using its own genes as the blueprint, and the behavior of the monsters is also controlled by the pioneers.

The isolated monster brain of Dr. Synesthesia is actually the pioneer civilization of synesthesia. It was directly brainwashed by the pioneer civilization, and instead leaked all the information in its own brain, causing mankind to suffer a big loss in the next big war. .

Even later, the doctor was directly brainwashed and controlled by the pioneers, which almost caused a catastrophe.

"Just do what you want, I will use it very carefully." Zhou Ming said.

"Okay." Luo Song saw that Zhou Ming had no intention of changing his mind, so he had no choice but to start, directly modifying the nano armor on his body, and quickly created a simple set of equipment connected by a silver wire. There are two silver metal patches on each end, a control button in the middle of the silver wire, and nothing else.

"Time is limited, so I won't optimize the shape." Luo Song chuckled, unfolded the thing that looked like a lie detector in a funny movie, and stuck the metal patch at one end on the pioneer's head.

Zhou Ming stuck the other end on his temples on both sides.

"Get ready, I'm going to turn it on, three, two, one!"

As Luo Song pressed the button, a strange force acted on Zhou Ming's consciousness, trying to extend his consciousness to an unknown place.

This kind of power is not strong, and Zhou Ming's consciousness can easily block it, but of course he will not resist.

Empty Thought Gu activates, translucent thoughts continuously appear in the mind, like bubbles, replacing Zhou Ming's own consciousness into this connection.

Empty Thought Gu is a fifth-level Gu that can produce blank thoughts without any information. It is generally used by Gu Masters to read information or to prevent other Gu Masters from investigating.

The collision of the consciousnesses of the two parties is a process of mutual communication and exchange, and both parties will leak the information in their own consciousnesses.

When the volume of consciousness of one party is far stronger than the other party, this party will occupy a dominant position, can obtain more information from the other party, and at the same time can disclose less information about itself, or guide it consciously, so that the other party can get What you want to show the other person.

The pioneer civilization has a long history of colonization. It has dealt with different intelligent creatures on different planets, and there are not a few people who have synesthesia with the pioneer civilization.

Even this time, the pioneer civilization is looking forward to the synesthesia with Zhou Ming. From him, the pioneer civilization has seen another completely different evolutionary path.

However, the result of this synaesthesia was not what they wanted to see.

No, it should be said, they saw nothing!
Obviously established a sympathy with the other party, obviously the other party has accepted the impact of his massive information, and obviously there is no problem in the information exchange process, why didn't my side see anything?Is there nothing but a blankness in consciousness?
Could it be that the person who communicated with him is an ignorant vegetable?No, even a vegetative person also has brain signals and the generation of information.

Why didn't any information come out of the strange human being who communicated with his side?Could it be that he has evolved to the point where he can freely control the existence of his own consciousness?
No!This is so unscientific!

While the pioneer civilization was snoring unscientifically, the empty thoughts in Zhou Ming's mind continued to expand, and a large amount of information from the pioneer civilization was stored in it, which was ingested and read by Zhou Ming at will.

There were constant empty thoughts that were slow to absorb information and were taken back by Zhou Ming, and new empty thoughts were constantly being spawned to supplement them. The pioneer civilization over there was at a loss, while Zhou Ming was very busy here.

At this moment, a blank thought that was building synaesthesia suddenly exploded with a "bang".

Then, one after another, blank thoughts exploded, crackling, and rang out in Zhou Ming's mind.

"Good guy, this is because I can't see any information, so I'm going to use the absolute advantage of a civilization's collective consciousness to forcibly brainwash me."

Zhou Ming knew it well, and immediately removed those thoughts that had already carried enough information, and at the same time continuously produced empty thoughts for the pioneer civilization to consume at will.

"At the same time as the internal brainwashing, the external offensive should also be coming. It's difficult for them to wait so long before taking action."

With the technological level of the pioneer civilization, it would definitely not take much time to directly press the powerful armed forces in front of Zhou Ming and the others.

The reason why it has been delayed until now is entirely to overwhelm Zhou Ming consciously and control Zhou Ming.As a result, not only did they fail to achieve their goals, but they lost a lot of money. Naturally, it is impossible for them to have no response.

Since you can't conquer you with consciousness, let's transform you with physical methods!
With this idea in mind, the pioneer civilization began to show its true power.

Level [-] and level [-] giant monsters appeared from all directions, and the number was close to three digits. If such a huge number flooded into the earth, the earth would have changed its master long ago, but unfortunately it couldn't.

The theory of wormholes has an upper limit on the passing energy level. If the upper limit is exceeded, it will not be able to pass through. If you force it, it will cause the wormhole to collapse and everyone will die together.

This upper limit is the lowest at the beginning. Later, as the wormhole stabilizes, develops and expands, the upper limit gradually increases, so the monsters that invade the earth will become more and more powerful.

But now, on the pioneer's own land, the pioneer without any restrictions, immediately took out such a huge skill as the giant monster army, in order to show his absolute power.

"Wow! There are so many!" Feeling the violent tremor of the ground under his feet, and watching the waves of giant monsters approaching like hills in the distance, Luo Song was frightened for a while.

"It's still too small to fight against an entire civilization with the strength of the four of us, especially such a civilization that colonizes across the stars."

"I said, why don't we retreat first, fighting guerrillas is much more likely to win than confronting head-on!"

Luo Song tremblingly suggested to his two teammates.

Qin Wumeng bit her lip lightly, took out the Nine Yin Xuantian Sword, and was ready to fight.

The Nine Yin Xuantian Sword, this divine sword from the Sword Realm, has never been brought into the Gu Realm by Zhou Ming and assimilated into Gu insects.

He already has enough Sword Dao Immortal Gu in his hand, and the characteristics of this sword are really good, Zhou Ming can't use it, and Qin Wumeng can also exert its power when he controls it, and it makes up for Qin Wumeng's far strength and near weakness. a major disadvantage.

In the past few years of hard training in Shuibo Fudi, after the targeted strengthening of Shuibo Diling, Qin Wumeng's swordsmanship is no longer blank, and he has been able to exert the power of the Nine Yin Xuantian Sword to a very strong effect.

"I'm going to die." Seeing Qin Wumeng draw his sword, Luo Song couldn't help but feel tight in his heart. This woman was simply the captain's die-hard fan. She didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup the captain had fed her. She was even more blindly obedient than that idiot Kang. Captain Yu.

Seeing her like this, she knew that unless Zhou Ming woke up at this time and gave the order himself, she would not move even half a step even if the monsters plowed the land back and forth.

As for Kang?Not to mention that kid, if the captain told him to rush into the herd of giant beasts to die, he would have no brains to rush, let alone fight here.

"Why don't I just disconnect the connector!" Luo Song felt frightened, but he didn't dare to do this, he was afraid that Qin Wumeng would chop off his arm as soon as he stretched out his hand.

Seeing that the herd of giant beasts is getting closer and closer, and after those third- and fourth-level herds, there are several giant beasts that are much taller, 100 meters, 150 meters, and even 200 meters high, " The five-level fluctuation was detected" sound kept ringing in my ears, and the high-tech equipment all over my body reminded myself that the high-energy reaction here was violent, and the danger level continued to rise, so I almost ran away with Luo Song.

"Boss, I beg you to wake up quickly, boss, stop playing around..." The fight was a dead end, but he didn't dare to run, and Luo Song wailed in his heart.

As if hearing the muttering in his heart, Zhou Ming, who had not moved since the synaesthesia started, suddenly stretched out his hands and tore off the silver metal plate attached to his temple.

"Let's go!" Zhou Ming didn't even explain anything, and directly opened the portal of the fairy aperture: "You all come in, even the pioneer, I will take you away, hurry up!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the three teammates grabbed the bound pioneer and entered the fairy aperture. Zhou Ming closed the portal of the fairy aperture and urged the sword escape Gu to soar into the sky.

"With the strength of the boss alone, he must be able to escape if he can't beat him." In the blessed land of Xianqiao, Luo Song said cautiously.

The other two glanced at him, but neither spoke.

Luo Song laughed awkwardly, trying to ease the atmosphere, but the pioneer who was tied up suddenly burst out laughing.

A voice suddenly sounded in the minds of the three of them: "Finally found a chance! Three of you, none of you can leave!"

"He really can speak human language!" Luo Song shouted, pointing at the pioneer with his mouth wide open.


With a blank expression on his face, Kang punched the pioneer hard on the stomach, causing it to scream in pain.

"You used to communicate in this way before, so you were really deceiving us by pretending to be dumb just now!"

Qin Wumeng's eyes were indifferent, and he raised his sword across the pioneer's neck.

Luo Song took the opportunity to go up and kick him twice, and shouted, "Yes, anyone who dares to lie to us is dead!"

 Thanks to the dolphin boss for the reward!

  The update has really been weak in the past few days. After passing this hurdle, it will be restored soon. Thank you for your support, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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