Chapter 252 Zerg
In the sky, a huge monster shaped like a bat flitted by. Behind the three pairs of fleshy wings, there were countless red streamers wriggling like snakes. Its flat mouth was opened, and invisible infrasound waves were released from its mouth, like a sharp arrow. , and rushed straight to Zhou Ming in front of him.

Infrasound has a long propagation distance and strong penetrating power. When its frequency is close to the target, it will cause terrible resonance, causing deformation, displacement, and even rupture of the target, thereby achieving the purpose of killing.

Especially when it is used from the mouth of a fifth-level monster as its killer ability, the energy level of this infrasonic wave is so high that it is a truly destructive sonic weapon.

The moment the infrasound wave swept past Zhou Ming, he spat out a large mouthful of blood. Even with the protection of the Sword Clothes Immortal Gu, the infrasound wave still penetrated the surface of his body, destroyed his internal organs, and left his body completely destroyed.

Fortunately, there was no Dao mark left in the attack of this world. Zhou Ming's healing method was immediately activated, and the internal organs in his body were quickly repaired.

"The penetrating power is so strong that Immortal Gu can't prevent it. It's amazing! When the laws of different worlds collide, there will always be various unexpected sparks. It's wonderful, it's so wonderful!"

Even though he was injured, Zhou Ming still had a smile on his face, and with a backhand sword, the giant bat monster dodged sideways, but the sword light suddenly bent, drew an arc, and cut off a fleshy wing of the bat monster.

Suddenly, the giant bat that lost its balance rolled over to one side and fell obliquely towards the ground.

On the ground, like a hill, a monster that looks like Magnaton beaten to death by Jack Altman is running wildly, and every foot will leave a deep footprint on the ground.

Its tail is like a mace, with many black spikes, and several red spikes of different lengths on its body. The two longest ones grow on its head, like long horns.

No matter the spikes on the tail or the spikes on the body can be shot out, it has a very strong penetrating power and is also very poisonous.

Just when the giant bat was temporarily kicked out of the team chasing him by Zhou Ming, the monster that looked like Magnaton flicked its tail, and the black spikes on its mace-like tail shot out rustlingly, with extremely fast acceleration. Stab at Zhou Ming.

It's a pity that compared to the invisible infrasound waves, the spikes can be seen, and the speed is too slow, it is impossible to hit Zhou Ming.

"Level [-] monsters, the speed that can catch up with me has not yet appeared, and their attacks are not many that can hurt me, unless I stand still and resist the damage."

The flying spikes flashed by, Zhou Ming didn't even look at the Magnaton monster on the ground, thinking about it in his heart.

"After all, the purpose of the pioneer civilization to design these giant beasts is to invade and destroy. They have caused great damage to the city, and their defenses are also very strong, but they are powerless to deal with a target like me!"

"However, if I have to deal with so many monsters with my own strength, the consumption is really too great. Not to mention, this power is simply a drop in the bucket for the pioneer civilization, and it can be replenished immediately after killing them all. According to synaesthesia The content seen in the movie, the true power of the pioneers..."

"Since this is the case, there is no need to procrastinate. First complete the mission of the main god, and then return to Earth from the wormhole. To fight against one civilization, it is natural to use the power of another civilization."

With certainty in his heart, Zhou Ming's speed increased again, and he had already used the Aurora Immortal Sword Gu, but instead of continuing to charge forward, he turned back and rushed into the group of monsters.

Thousands of Swords Return to the Sect!

For a moment, the long river of sword light reappeared, and erupted mightily among the monsters. The overflowing sword energy swept away the wilderness, and it was like rain, killing fiercely.

The monsters are not Gu masters, they don't know how to use defensive methods, they can only rely on their own bodies to resist. Except for a few monsters with strong defenses, the other monsters were pierced by sword lights in a blink of an eye, and their huge bodies were cut to pieces. It is riddled with holes, and its vitality is rapidly passing away.

Maintaining this ultimate move, Zhou Ming's immortal energy was consumed rapidly, but he didn't care, and let go of his hands and feet, killing with great joy.

Compared to fighting with Gu Masters and Gu Immortals, various offensive and defensive methods emerge in endlessly, and the tactics are labor-intensive. The strange Gu insects and ultimate moves are hard to defend against. The battle at this moment is more like a killing game. You only need to swing the sword and activate the ultimate move , Consuming immortal yuan, you can deal tons of damage, and reap full, most essential and simple happiness.

When the last monster fell down, Zhou Ming swung his sword light, wrapped around a monster whose body had been cut off in half, and purposely spared its life, put it into his blessed land of fairy apertures, turned around and left.

Ahead, illuminated by the huge orange-red star, the wormhole that maintained its unfolding state looked extremely deep.

Zhou Ming opened the portal of the fairy aperture, flung out the half-dead monster, and cut another gap in the monster with a swipe of his long sword.Zhou Ming fell down and watched the monster's "identity verification" fall into the wormhole.

In front of my eyes, countless bizarre scenes flashed continuously. Everything was in a state of weightlessness, but under the pull of an unknown force, it continued to fall towards the other end of the passage.

Suddenly, the unknown force disappeared, replaced by a strong thrust, and then gravity returned, and huge pressure squeezed Zhou Ming from all directions.

A sword sliced ​​open the monster's body, and Zhou Ming flew out of it, surrounded by sea water, with fiery red trench wormholes beneath his feet.

"came back!"

Zhou Ming opened the portal of the Immortal Aperture again, and released Qin Wumeng and the three of them.

As for the captured pioneer, let him stay in the blessed land for the time being. This is the bottom of the sea. If he comes out, he may be crushed into a meat pie by the huge water pressure.

"Boss, that guy can speak human language!" Luo Song impatiently complained to Zhou Ming as soon as he came out of Fudi.

"It was trying to control us just now, and it can actually communicate with us directly! Boss, to be honest, I don't think this move is like, it doesn't seem like..."

"It's not like artificially modified biotechnology, is it?" Zhou Ming added for him.

"Yes, that's right!" Luo Song nodded again and again: "There is no trace of artificial modification, and there is no material basis for synaesthesia between it and us! Unless their biotechnology can break through the physiological limitations of species."

"Because it is indeed not just biotechnology, there is another kind of power in it." Zhou Ming said with a smile: "Phantom energy, psychic energy, or spiritual power..."

Qin Wumeng next to him was slightly startled, then shook his head: "It's not spiritual power."

Qin Wumeng's strengthening attributes are quite complicated, among which is spiritual power, and her spiritual chain is also a kind of spiritual link.

In Zhou Ming's Immortal Aperture, when the captured pioneer suddenly got into trouble and tried to communicate with the three and brainwash them, it was Qin Wumeng who immediately used the mental whipping skill to give the other two time to react.

Therefore, she can be quite sure that the attribute of the power of the pioneers is not spiritual power.

"Then it must be some other power. The important thing is, where does this power come from." Zhou Ming rubbed his temples, and the information he got from the Pioneer Clan emerged in his mind, and he slowly spit out two words.

"... Zerg."

"Zerg!" The three friends said in unison, their faces full of surprise.

"That's right, Zerg." Zhou Ming said, "It's the kind of natural disaster Zerg that you want to eat wherever you go, multiply crazily, adapt to evolution, and roam the interstellar."

"Ah, is the Pioneer clan a branch of the Zerg clan? Is the water in this plot world so deep?" Luo Hao scratched his head in disbelief.

"It's not a branch. The pioneer race is a brand new race that evolved under the influence of the Zerg."

Thinking back on the information he had received about the origin of the Pioneer Clan, Zhou Ming spoke eloquently.

"When the pioneers were far from evolving into intelligent creatures, they were still just a kind of aquatic insects, and no truly intelligent life had been born on that planet. Just like before humans appeared on our earth, according to normal evolution, they were always There will be a group of people that slowly evolves, eventually gives birth to wisdom, and grows stronger."

"But on a certain day, an alien creature fell from the sky. It was a bug. It was about a hundred meters high and could be called a huge monster. It was ferocious and ferocious. Its existence itself was a powerful biological weapon. But Before it entered the planet's atmosphere, it was already destroyed to pieces, on the verge of death, and after falling on this planet, it survived only a few tens of seconds before dying."

"After that, its corpse was gradually eaten by nearby creatures, and then the creatures in this area began to evolve at a rate ten thousand times faster than the natural evolution, fighting fiercely with the remaining flesh and blood of the alien bugs."

"Finally, in this competition, the ancestors of the pioneers stood out. At this time, the characteristics of the Gestalt civilization, their 'brain network' has also appeared early, which makes them have a unity and cohesion that other races do not have. Relying on this characteristic to win the final victory, and after occupying the flesh and blood, obtain a faster evolution rate, ending this evolutionary competition."

"When the flesh and blood of that alien bug was exhausted, the evolutionary speed of the pioneer ancestors also slowed down, but they already possessed simple wisdom, language, and even writing, which came from the creatures at the top of that planet's evolution. Great strides toward a more civilized society began."

"As for the alien bug that fell from the sky, it was regarded as the god of primitive worship by the pioneer ancestors who had initially developed wisdom."

"The most important point is that they got an unhatched egg in the body of that alien bug."

"The appearance of the egg is extremely hard, and all the creatures that eat the corpse of the insect cannot destroy it, so it survived at the beginning. Later, when the pioneer ancestors gave birth to the 'brain network', the egg showed amazing The activity of the brain once affected the 'brain network', making the evolution of the pioneer ancestors greatly accelerated."

"Later, the ancestors of the pioneers mastered more and more knowledge through continuous communication with worm eggs, synaesthesia, biotechnology, wormhole technology... The technology trees of the pioneers are crooked because they did not develop naturally from the beginning , with strong outside intervention.”

The three of them were dumbfounded by Zhou Ming's narration. They couldn't imagine that there was such a background story behind this plot world.

"It seems that this background is completely out of touch with the plot of the movie." Qin Wumeng murmured.

"The original plot itself has little reference value." Zhou Ming said indifferently: "The Lord God Space is not a playground, and I fully believe that the original plot will only die faster."

"Good guy, so there really are Zerg species in this universe! Could it be that the human race has been quiet for a long time? In fact, the advanced civilizations in the universe are already at war with each other."

Luo Song couldn't help complaining, thinking about the horror of the Zerg, he couldn't help shivering: "Boss, was that bug egg hatched later? If we fight with the pioneers, will we attract real Zerg later? "

"When the Zerg race comes, I'll feed you to the bugs first." Zhou Ming glanced at Luo Song with a half-smile, and said, "I don't know what the real Zerg race is like, and what's going on now, neither do the Pioneers. After all, the information they get through the eggs is limited."

"As for that worm egg... Hehe, the pioneers are not stupid. They don't know what will happen to the worm egg after it hatches, so they choose the safest way, using the biotechnology they learned from the worm egg, to treat the worm egg The egg has been subjected to developmental inhibition treatment to keep it in the state of an egg. After so many years, although it has remained active, it has never hatched."

"It's okay, okay, at least there won't be any interstellar Zerg intruding." Luo Song just breathed a sigh of relief, but Zhou Ming's next words made Luo Song's heart ache again.

"The pioneers didn't dare to use it. It's a waste of money. Let such a good research object be silent for so many years. We shouldn't have this kind of shrinking mentality, so I decided to grab it and let it shine in my hands. benefit society!"


PPDC, Shattered Dome Headquarters.

The black general stood in front of the big screen, staring at the faces of different skin colors and ages on the screen, and remained silent.

"General, I think you should also be aware of the seriousness of this incident. Since the method of the codename "Outsider" is temporarily unknown, I can only ask you to rest and wait for orders temporarily. This is for the future of mankind. I hope you can understand."

An individual on the screen is a representative of each country.

Although due to the monster's attack, all countries had to unite and gather forces to establish PPDC, but it does not mean that this organization is above all countries.

In fact, PPDC is often hindered by the order of the so-called parliament in front of it, and even reached the point of almost disbanding.

For example, they once felt that the damage rate of mechas in the battle with monsters was too high and the consumption was too high, and the manufacturing speed of mechas could not keep up with the speed of the increase of monsters, so they passed the plan of building a defensive wall around the sea to resist monsters. At the same time, the mecha project was terminated, and the financial support to PPDC was cut off.

Then, they were severely slapped in the face by reality. The sea-encircling defense wall, which had cost a lot of manpower and material resources to build, was easily destroyed by a level four monster. It didn't even last for 2 minutes and almost caused a devastating blow to the city behind it.

If the mecha that had not yet been canceled arrived in time and killed the level four monster, the death toll in that city would probably have reached an astronomical figure.

And now, they held a meeting again to attack the black general because of the breach of the "Broken Dome".

(End of this chapter)

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