Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 351 Zhou Ming’s Dream (6) Ascension to Immortality

Chapter 351 Zhou Ming’s Dream (6) Ascension to Immortality

This is an unremarkable mountain.

Zhou Ming took dozens of children and climbed step by step from the foot of the mountain to the top.

The mountain breeze gently caressed my cheeks, bringing with it a hint of coolness.

In the lonely night sky, there are sparse stars shining.

As if it is summer, the warm wind blows slowly, bringing the fragrance of lush trees in the mountains and forests.

The sound of the gurgling mountain stream, the rustling sound of the wind passing through the mountains and forests, and the singing of nightingales are mixed together to form the sound of nature that does not need to be modified by any words.

Standing on the top of the mountain, feeling the fresh fragrance of grass and trees in the mountain breeze, even though these children were exhausted and sweating profusely, they could not help but feel relaxed and refreshed at this moment.

"Ahead is the starboard chess game set by Master Yuanshi Immortal himself." Zhou Ming looked at the group of children, his voice still cold.

"You are all saved by me from the orcs, and you have the qualifications to practice. I brought you here. I hope you can get the personal teachings of the Immortal Master, learn stronger skills, and avenge your dead relatives. .”

The children who were swept by his gaze tensed their bodies unconsciously, with solemn faces, looking at him seriously and excitedly.

Zhou Ming's eyes finally stayed on the face of a girl with a beautiful face, pursed lips, and a calm expression for a few seconds, and then moved away.

This girl was one of the group of children he rescued from the orcs last time, and she was also the one he felt the most extraordinary.

Since Yuanshi Xianzun created the sect system and established the heavenly court, he has set up astrolabes in many places to announce to the world that as long as there are people who can walk six steps in a row on the astrolabe board, they can become his direct disciples.

This is not the first group of children Zhou Ming sent up the mountain to play chess games. He has gone through many foreign forces in the past few years, saved many human races, and sent up young children with Gu master qualifications again and again. No one can walk past the chess board.

After rescuing the children last time and meeting the girl, Zhou Ming suddenly had a hunch in his heart that maybe the girl was the one who could walk through the Star Board chess game.

So not long after, Zhou Ming took these dozens of children to the top of the mountain again.

"Go ahead, you all go up and try."

As Zhou Ming pointed out, the children looked around and saw the famous star board chess game.

The chessboard game is engraved on a large, flat-faced boulder.

On the stone surface, there are lines, which are either cut horizontally, split vertically, or inserted diagonally.

Whenever the breeze blows, traces of blue stars will flash on these lines.

The children looked at the mysterious chessboard, and boarded the chessboard one after another with some fear and anticipation.

Suddenly, the stars on the astrolabe appeared directly through their eyes and appeared in their minds.

Those star lines suddenly expanded into streets.The children are surrounded by stars and have become chess pieces, suspended in the intertwined network of these stars.

Soon, some children stopped moving forward, and some even fainted on the spot.

But there are still children who are struggling to support themselves and take a step forward with difficulty.

More than half of the children fell down from just the first step.

In the second step, [-]% of the remaining children fell down again, and only three children were left standing.

In the third step, the other two children passed out, leaving only the little girl that Zhou Ming was optimistic about. Although she was sweating profusely, her hair was disheveled, and panting, she still stood and tried her best to take another step.

One step, one step, another step.

When the little girl took the sixth step, everyone fell silent, and even the mountain wind seemed to have stopped at this moment.

On the contrary, the little girl, after walking six steps, all the pressure disappeared without a trace, she looked up at Zhou Ming somewhat at a loss.

"Success, success!"

I don't know which child shouted first, and then more cheers sounded.

"You succeeded! You really succeeded!"

"Great, you can learn the real skills from Master Xianzun as your teacher!"

"Study hard, become stronger, and take revenge!"

The children cheered and couldn't help but jump and scream to celebrate the little girl.

Zhou Ming was also very happy. He sent so many people up, and finally one person succeeded, which made him happy.

They waited on the mountain for several hours before Yuanshi Immortal Lord arrived. Since the Immortal Lord could set up a starboard chess game, of course he could also sense when someone was passing by.

He accepted the little girl as his disciple on the spot, and at the same time he wanted to take everyone to the Heavenly Court.

Zhou Ming hopes that Yuanshi Immortal Lord will bring the other people he rescued to Heaven. Of course, it is impossible for all those people to follow and live in the settlement established by Zhou Ming.

However, he himself declined the invitation of Xianzun.

The Immortal Lord was curious and asked Zhou Ming why. Zhou Ming couldn't answer and just said: "I have my own way to go."

In fact, Zhou Ming himself really didn't know why he rejected the Immortal Venerable, but he had a faint resistance to Heaven in his heart. He didn't even know where this resistance came from, he just chose to follow his own heart.

The Immortal Venerable did not force him, he took everyone away, and left Zhou Ming a summary of Ascension to Immortal, which was written by the Immortal Venerable himself. He hoped that Zhou Ming could successfully pass the tribulation and become an Immortal, change his mind, and join the Heavenly Court.

Bringing the Minutes of Ascension to Immortal, Zhou Ming left the deserted settlement.

He continued to travel around, killing aliens, saving humans, encountering alien masters several times, and narrowly escaped death, and his strength continued to improve. As long as the alien Gu Immortals did not take action, he would not be without the ability to fight back.

He also always studied the Immortal Ascension Minutes left by the Immortal Lord. This Immortal Ascension Minutes was indeed written by the Immortal Lord himself. It not only recorded in detail the three steps of the Gu Master's ascension to immortality, but also the situations that may be encountered in each step. Key points, as well as many answers to questions and answers on spiritual practice, it can be said that it is a high-level guide, every word is precious, and it is of great value.

Year after year, Zhou Ming continued to overcome difficulties in his cultivation, his cultivation gradually improved, and he finally reached the peak of rank five.

Standing at the pinnacle of mortals, with a perfect rank five Gu worm, he gained a great reputation in bloody battles with his own swordsmanship.

Even many Gu Immortals knew Zhou Ming's name, even some Gu Immortals of different races wanted to deal with him personally because their juniors or valued people were killed by him.

But in the end, these Gu Immortals either didn't take action due to some reasons, or they did take action but encountered an accident and encountered the help of human Gu Immortals, or Zhou Ming escaped death by luck because of the favorable location and the right time.

When Zhou Ming was 70 years old, he finally felt that he had no progress. Both his realm and combat power were limited by his cultivation. He had reached the limit of what he could achieve, and he was also fully prepared to overcome the calamity and ascend to immortality. .

So, one day, on the top of a bare, short mountain, Zhou Ming resolutely broke his body and began to ascend to immortality.

 The title is wrong and can’t I change it? ()
(End of this chapter)

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