Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 352 Beiyuan Zombie Alliance

Chapter 352 Beiyuan Zombie Alliance
Beiyuan, the giant city of Yinliu.

This is the headquarters of the Northern Plains Zombie League. The entire giant city is black and black, like a prehistoric monster, quietly entrenched on the ground.

It was sunset and there was still light.

But in the huge city of Yinliu, thick darkness spreads from every brick and every tile, rendering the surrounding area thousands of miles into darkness.

Especially the closer to the center and closer to the giant city of Yinliu, the darker the darkness becomes.

In the midst of this blackness as thick as ink, on the square at the southeast corner of the Yinliu City, a dark green beam of light suddenly fell down.

The stream of light swept across the square, reflecting the green surroundings.The strong wind blew, and the iron cage street lamps in the square kept creaking and swaying.

The stream of light quickly dissipated, and two figures appeared in the originally empty square.

"If you are a foolish friend, this is the Great City of Yinliu." One of them, with a dry body like a mummy, and a skin like black iron, said to the other with a smile.

That person was also an immortal zombie, but he was wrapped in a black robe, covering himself in the robe, it was Zhou Ruoyu who took the initiative to transform himself into an immortal zombie.

Now that Heisheng has achieved rank seven, he also followed the plan and took the initiative to contact He Fang, an immortal from the Beiyuan Zombie Alliance, and asked him to introduce him to join the Beiyuan Zombie Alliance.

With the help of the unique teleportation method of the North Plains Zombie League, the two were directly teleported into the Yinliu giant city from hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The two walked forward in the city, and there was no sound along the way, and no one was seen along the way.

Street lights are erected every few hundred steps on both sides of the long street.But these street lamps all emit dim and weak firelight, and can only illuminate a distance of dozens of steps.There is a long stretch of darkness between street lamps, making the huge city even more dark and empty.

The huge Yinliu City seems to be an empty city.

But faintly, there will still be some noisy sounds coming from the bottom of the giant city.

"This is the base camp of our zombie alliance in Beiyuan. It is as huge as a mountain. There are seven floors. The bottom five floors are the residences of mortal Gu masters, which are very lively. The upper floor is populated by people who are somewhat related to the immortal zombies. . On the highest floor, there is the meeting hall, where three Rank [-] Immortal Zombies are stationed all the year round." He Xiangfang briefly introduced Zhou Ruoyu.

Zhou Ruoyu nodded, Zombie League is not an organization with only immortal members, but covers mortal Gu masters.

It's just that most of these Gu Masters take secret paths to raise corpses, exorcise corpses, and even transform into zombies.

Zhou Ruoyu didn't care much about these mortals, nor the immortal zombies in the Zombie Alliance, nor even the three rank-[-] immortal zombies. The only one who deserved his slight attention was the leader of the Beiyuan Zombie Alliance.

However, the Rank [-] Immortal Zombie named Burning Sky Witch left Beiyuan decades ago and went to the headquarters of the Zombie Alliance in the East China Sea. Currently, she has not had much impact on Zhou Ruoyu's plan.

The two walked for a while without seeing anyone, and came to the door of a large hall.

"Come and push the door." He Fang stepped aside and said in a deep voice: "As long as you can push the door open, you are qualified to join the Zombie Alliance."

Zhou Ruoyu stretched out his arms silently, put them on the door, pushed a crack in the door with a light push.

Immediately, three eyes shot towards Zhou Ruoyu along the crack of the door.

Zhou Ruoyu narrowed his eyes, then took a deep breath, pushed hard, and pushed the door open completely.

He Fang laughed, and patted Zhou Ruoyu on the shoulder: "If you can push this door open, it proves that you are from Beiyuan. Come on, I will take you to get your identity token first, and then go to see the task list to get familiar with it." The business of our alliance."

Zhou Ruoyu opened his mouth and smiled, followed He Fang into the gate.

There is something magical about this door of the council chamber, and he has naturally known it for a long time.

It is said that this gate was made by the sage who once founded the Beiyuan Zombie Alliance. The name of this sage has not been verified, but the method used is indeed ingenious.

The gate is covered with various Dao marks, and some people even speculate that it is the use of expendable Immortal Gu.

Only the Immortal Zombie of Beiyuan can get the approval of this door and can easily push it.

If it weren't for the person who ascended to the immortal in Beiyuan, the world of immortal aperture contains the energy of heaven and earth from other regions, and it is estimated that it will be shaken out as soon as the hand is put on it.If it's just the Northern Plains Gu Immortal, but not Immortal Zombie, this gate will be heavier than the mountains, and it won't be able to push through even a single gap.

Even the Rank [-] Almighty Medicine Emperor, who had used extremely high-level methods to disguise himself as a zombie and deceived everyone in the Zombie League at that time, was still blocked in front of this door and could not enter through it.

In the end, Yao Huang couldn't come in, so he laughed, withdrew his methods, and confessed the truth.

Although he deceived everyone first, his prestige is extremely high and his cultivation base is extremely solid, no fairy dares to make trouble for him.In the end, he politely sent him back.

This is also the reason why Zhou Ruoyu must really become an immortal zombie.

Although Zhou Ruoyu is from Zhongzhou, he ascended to immortality in Beiyuan, and now he is a genuine immortal zombie, so this gate cannot hinder him.

Otherwise, Zhou Ruoyu would have no way to bypass this gate and sneak into the Northern Plains Zombie League.

When the two entered the gate, they were faced with the scrutiny of three wills. Zhou Ruoyu pushed the door open just now, and the three gazes that swept over were issued by these three wills.

"He Fang pays homage to Yin Liugong, Yacha Longshuai, and Huangquan Weng." He Fang greeted first.

Zhou Ruoyu also hurriedly said: "I pay my respects to Yin Liugong, Yecha Longshuai, and Huangquanweng."

These three wills are the three Rank [-] Gu Immortals in the North Plains Zombie League, whose status is second only to the leader. Now that the Burning Witch is not in Beiyuan, it is the three of them who preside over the overall situation of the North Plains Zombie League.

However, they also have their own affairs, and it is impossible to stay in the Yinliu giant city all the time. Usually, they leave their own wills. Once there is any problem, the main body can immediately know and rush over.

The Three Wills inspected Zhou Ruoyu, interrogated him briefly, and then accepted him. This was not because the Northern Plains Zombie League had a loose structure, but because Zhou Ruoyu passed through that gate, which itself was the most powerful investigative method of the Northern Plains Zombie League. .

The three Rank Seven Immortals encouraged Zhou Ruoyu a few words, and then ordered He Fang to take him to complete the following procedures.The two left, Zhou Ruoyu followed He Fang to another hall, and received the Zombie Alliance token.

This token not only represents identity, but also records Zhou Ruoyu's personal contribution to Zombie League.

In addition to the tokens, there is also a set of channel mortal Gu, which is used for communication and delivering important information about the alliance's mission, member joining, member quitting, or member's death.

He Fang smiled and said: "In ordinary times, we can issue or receive some ordinary tasks through tokens, check our contributions, and exchange our contributions for what we want."

"At the same time, we will also hold regular meetings within the Zombie Alliance. In each meeting, we will discuss recent major events, release and assign some more important tasks, and the contribution value of these tasks is usually relatively high."

Zhou Ruoyu refined the token, his will penetrated into it, glanced roughly, and couldn't help frowning: "Aren't there any tasks related to gutter black oil?"

He Fang couldn't help laughing and said: "The task of collecting gutter black oil is a task that has to be fought for every meeting. How could it be possible to see it in normal times?"

Zhou Ruoyu was dumbfounded, and immediately nodded to express his understanding.

The Yinliu Giant City is located above the entrance of a huge trench. It guards here with the largest force of the Zombie Alliance. Every year, it collects a large amount of black oil for its own use and sale.

Black oil is very helpful to Xianzhu.Sprinkling black oil on the blessed land of death aperture can delay the disintegration speed of the blessed land.In the outside world, for other Gu Immortals, it is also an extremely versatile Gu refining material with a huge market.

Although the Zombie Alliance sells a large amount of black oil every year, there are regular sellers.The goods are scarce and the demand is high. It is a seller's market, and it is the main business item of the Zombie Alliance.

And every time the immortals go deep into the ditch to collect black oil, in addition to the handed-in share, they will always keep a share that belongs to them alone.The income of this task is recognized as the best among immortal zombies.

Therefore, it is competed by almost everyone.

Many times, in order to seize the quota for the task of collecting black oil, Gu Immortals not only do not receive any contribution points, but also pay hundreds of additional contributions to the stalemate alliance.

From this we can see how rich the black oil is.

However, Zhou Ruoyu's question was not because of the black oil, but because the secret treasure he wanted to find was in this ditch.

If it is to collect black oil as an excuse to go deep into the trench, it is undoubtedly a good excuse and will not arouse suspicion.

However, it doesn't matter if there is no such reason. There are still many tasks related to the trench in the Zombie League. Zhou Ruoyu can choose another task and mix into the trench.

Zhou Ruoyu thought about it, and heard He Fang say: "My dear friend Ruoyu, if you really want to win the mission of Heiyou, it's not impossible, seven days later will be the day of the regular meeting, you can try to win it at this meeting. "

"Of course that's good." Zhou Ruoyu nodded with a smile.

The two exchanged a few words, and He Fang said goodbye and left because he still had a mission.

Zhou Ruoyu was not in a hurry to leave, but looked at all the tasks displayed in the token again, selected a task that was not too troublesome, took it, and walked around the Yinliu Giant City, and then left to do it The mission is gone.

He decided to wait a few days until the meeting was held, from which he got a suitable assignment and went into the trench.

So before that, it's natural to do enough acting, and show the appearance that a rank-six fairy zombie who has just joined the Zombie League should have.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Ruoyu returned to Yinliu Giant City on time. In the meeting hall, there were already more than 20 figures, either Immortal Zombie himself or a will.In this spacious meeting hall, it seems quite scattered.

Yin Liugong, Yasha Longshuai, and Huang Quanweng, three Rank [-]s, are also not real people here, and the three wills started to hold a meeting when they saw that people were almost here.

After discussing the necessary things and reporting the missions to each immortal zombie, it came to the link of publishing missions that Zhou Ruoyu was interested in.

I just listened to Yin Liugong posting missions one by one: feeding the ancient desolate beast half-moon unicorn, collecting Ruyi bacteria, purchasing glazed soil and drilling soil, capturing herds of beasts, regulating the medicine field, and the most popular among Gu Immortals. The task of collecting black oil and so on.

Zhou Ruoyu wanted to compete for the task of collecting black oil, but unfortunately he did not contribute enough, so he had to give up with regret.

However, he also discovered another mission, which was to go deep into the ditch to collect the saliva of earth snails.

The difficulty of this task is not well judged, it is somewhat difficult for rank six Gu Immortals, and the same is true for rank seven Gu Immortals.

Crust snails are desolate beasts that live in the deepest trenches and are only suitable for living there.

The earth crust snail has a docile temperament, and it is not difficult to approach it. You can even stand on its back and attack it slightly without making this wild beast angry.

The danger is that crustal snails are not the only creatures living in trenches.

The deeper the trench, the more ferocious beasts, weird plants, and wild Gu insects can be found everywhere.

The trench is unfathomable, and the place where the crustal snails live is at least thousands of miles away from the surface.Around the crustal snails, there are many powerful and ferocious beasts, wild beasts in groups, and even ancient wild beasts are not uncommon.

These beast plants are the main threat.

Therefore, if you are lucky and don't encounter threatening beast plants, then the difficulty of this task is very low. If you are unlucky and encounter an ancient wild beast, the level six Gu Immortal will have to narrowly escape death. Only then can one escape with one's life.

It is precisely because of this that this task makes the immortal zombies worry, and the competition is not fierce.

Zhou Ruoyu acted decisively immediately and took over the task.

There were two Rank [-] Immortal Zombies who accepted the task with him, Zhou Ruoyu didn't care, as long as he could enter the ditch smoothly, other problems would be easy to solve.

Another three days later, Zhou Ruoyu and the other two Rank [-] Immortal Zombies who accepted the mission, crossed the entrance and went deep into the ditch according to the Zombie Alliance's arrangement.

Ditches are not unique to Beiyuan. In fact, ditches exist in all five regions.

The earth is split into ravines, some of which stretch for tens of thousands of miles, and some are as deep as millions of feet, bottomless. They are one of the most majestic natural wonders in the world of Gu Masters.

The trench of the Zombie League has always been strictly controlled by the Zombie League.When the Burning Witch is not in Beiyuan, at least one of the three Rank [-] Immortal Zombies, Yin Liugong, Yacha Longshuai, and Huang Quanweng, will be dispatched to guard the entrance of the ditch.

The trench is rich in resources and there are many wild beasts. The reason why the Yinliu City was built in this place was to occupy the rich resource point of the trench.

Therefore, other forces or Sanxian cannot enter this ditch at will, otherwise, once discovered, it will be regarded as an invasion of Zombie Alliance.

The zombies inside the Zombie League also need to be approved to enter the trench. According to the arrangement of the Zombie League, they can enter the trench through the entrance of the Yinliu giant town.

The giant ditch is like the bloody mouth of an evil beast, opening silently in the thick darkness.

The three of them plunged into it, and the gully gradually expanded, dozens of times, hundreds of times.

After flying down for half a stick of incense, the inside of the ditch has become so wide that it can hold seventy or eighty underworld giant cities.

Deep darkness, only shimmering light.

Most of the cliffs on both sides are bare and steep, with only a few needle-prickly plants dotted on them like sesame seeds.

How deep this trench is, no one knows.

Even the immortal zombies who have controlled this place for so many years, no one has ever explored the real bottom of the trench.

Although the trench is rich in resources, there are so many desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts, which is shocking to hear.The North Plains Zombie League branch does not have more strength to advance, so it can only do its best to control the area closest to the surface of [-] feet.

The three of them gradually went deeper, and the trench showed a huge space, which contrasted with the smallness of the three of them.

When we got here, we were already thirty thousand feet away from the surface.Even the mountains can't fill the trench here, and the endless darkness quietly swallows everything.

The three of them remained silent, using their own investigative methods to detect the dangers around them.

After another period of silent diving, suddenly there was an undercurrent surging ahead, and waves of dark breath came over.

The expressions of the three people all changed, and they saw a Yaksha octopus in front of them, staggering closer.

The Yaksha Octopus is half man, half beast.The upper body was that of a majestic man, his muscles were bulging, his skin was pitch black, as hard as steel.The lower body is composed of dozens of octopus tentacles, replacing the role of legs.

The ordinary Yaksha octopus is a wild beast, and its combat power is very powerful and should not be underestimated.

The two Rank Six Immortal Zombies were careful, they knew that Yasha octopuses mostly live in groups, and if they mess with one, a group will come running over.Rank seven Gu Immortals dare not easily provoke them, let alone these three little rank six Gu Immortals.

Zhou Ruoyu secretly thought that there was a good chance, and he quietly resorted to a secret trick of wisdom to attract the attention of the yaksha octopus and arouse its ferocity, making him notice his side and rush towards this side immediately.

"Oops, how could it be..." This is the startled words of one of the immortals.

"Retreat quickly, don't attack it..." This is the exclamation of another immortal zombie.

But it's too late.Zhou Ruoyu pretended to be flustered, and threw a killing move at the Yasha octopus that bumped into him.

The yaksha octopus was caught off guard, and immediately let out a cry, and became fierce, attacking the three of them.

Now, the two immortal zombies had no time to hide and could only be forced to fight, but they felt a strong sense of crisis in their hearts.

Soon, the three of them felt a commotion in the distance, and saw a school of octopuses rushing towards this side, there were eight wild beast octopuses, and an octopus king, with the combat power of a rank seven Gu Immortal.

The faces of those two immortals changed with fright, and they gave Zhou Ruoyu a hard look. One of them shouted, "The situation is dangerous. Even if the three of us work together, we won't be able to stop it. We'll all die here. Why don't we split up?" Spread out and run away, let's live and die in peace!"

After all, that immortal zombie left without hesitation.

Seeing this, the other immortal zombie was stunned for a moment, and then immediately turned around and fled without even saying a word to Zhou Ruoyu.

Naturally, Zhou Ruoyu would not stay here waiting to die, and immediately chose a direction completely different from the other two immortal zombies, and fled quickly.

"Finally we got rid of the two of them, now we can start to act."

After a period of chasing and fleeing, Zhou Ruoyu, who used several immortal killing moves in a row, finally got rid of the group of yaksha octopuses, quietly approached his target.

(End of this chapter)

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