Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 384: Pure Sword Light and Extreme Space

Chapter 384: Pure Sword Light and Extreme Space

When Zhou Ming was within a hundred miles of the imperial city, he was immediately noticed by Demon Emperor Yang Lin.

That pair of dark eyes looked in Zhou Ming's direction. Although they didn't see his figure, the gazes of both sides seemed to have penetrated the void and collided heavily.

"Crack, click, click, click!"

The ceiling, walls, and floor of the main hall seemed to be under unimaginable pressure and began to crack and shatter.

And this pressure is still spreading outward, affecting more and more buildings, and even seems to trigger the ground veins, causing the entire land to vibrate with Yang Lin as the center.

Demon Emperor Yang Lin stretched out his hand, and the billowing demonic energy gathered and condensed into a dark long bow.He stretched out the bow string with his fingers, and the demonic energy naturally gathered into the bow and arrow, pointing to the horizon in the distance.

"Whoosh!" The finger loosened, and the bow and arrow cut through the air, like a pitch-black shooting star, leaving a long black line in the void, a distance of a hundred miles in an instant.

"This kind of boring test trick." The shadow of the arrow tip getting closer and closer was reflected in his eyes. Zhou Ming spoke indifferently and flicked his finger.

The white sword energy was like an upturned sky river, instantly drowning the incoming arrows. Its momentum continued unabated, and washed out a void corridor a hundred meters wide and dozens of miles long, extending to the front of the palace. The arrows dropped from the sky were The torrent of demonic energy blocked it.

The collision of the long river of sword energy and the billowing demonic energy formed a billowing tide, and the turbulent waves rushed towards all directions, destroying everything they passed, creating a rapidly expanding blank space.

The huge imperial city was completely destroyed in the aftermath of the first confrontation between the two sides.

It's just that the entire imperial city was silent, without crying or screaming, as if this was an abandoned dead city, and there was no living figure.

Yang Lin, who became the devil emperor, eroded everyone in the entire imperial palace, and the subsequent spread of demon energy turned everyone in the entire imperial city into his own puppet, and he could no longer be called a living thing.

Another boundless sword energy fell down, chopping on the demonic energy covering the palace. The mighty power tore through the demonic energy and swung down suddenly. Large areas of buildings in the palace collapsed and shattered. The eunuchs, maids, The imperial guards and the beauties of the harem couldn't even scream, and they were all smashed into pieces by the sword energy, leaving almost no casualties.

Roar!Ho ho ho!
The deafening roar of the dragon resounded through the sky, and the billowing demonic energy exploded. The entire palace was razed to the ground. The black demonic energy swept into the sky and turned into a ferocious dragon. It stretched out its body that was a hundred meters long and moved towards Zhou Ming. growled in the direction.

"Using power to overwhelm people?" Zhou Ming sneered, "In terms of majesty and majesty, the way of air is the most suitable."

He raised his right hand, about to launch the immortal killing move, but his palm stayed in the air and did not fall.

"Tsk, there is no Qi Dao Immortal Gu." He almost confused the dream and reality. The Qi Sword killer move that combined the Qi Dao and the Sword Dao in the dream did not have enough conditions to be used now.

"Then..." His eyes suddenly lit up, a sharp light lit up from his eyes, he consumed each immortal essence, and unleashed another immortal killing move.

The sky suddenly lit up, and the dark cloud with devilish energy was cut open, and the brilliant sword light cut down from the nine heavens, majestic and majestic, washing away the filth of the world, and sweeping away the universe in all directions!
The sword light cuts down the demonic dragon!

Immortal killer move - pure sword light and extremely empty space!
When you have reached the Grand Master level in the way of swordsmanship, you can lift things with ease and understand everything by analogy. All content in the way of swordsmanship can be inspired by a steady stream of thoughts with just a little thought. Mortal poison recipes and mortal killing moves can be created in an instant, even immortal killing moves. , Immortal Gu prescription is also extremely easy to deduce.

Not to mention, Zhou Ming's research and experience in the way of swordsmanship is extremely rich and profound, and there are many untested formulas of immortal Gu and ultimate moves of immortal way, which are the solid cornerstones of his achievements in the way of swordsmanship.

This technique of purifying the sword light pole boundary space was not created from scratch, but Zhou Ming improved it based on the Aurora sword rainbow, combined with several major killing moves such as Wan Jian Guizong.

Its intentions are not very far-reaching, and its core is not too complicated. The only thing it pursues is majestic power!
A sword sacrifice is to make the world clean, to make the whole world empty, to kill him fucking! The vast expanse of whiteness is so clean!
A sword fell, the world was silent, the roaring dragon froze in the air, lost all sound and movement, the majestic sword light did not stagnate at all, passed through the dragon and slashed on the ground, and disappeared at the very far end.


The earth trembled more violently, and a crack slowly appeared, then expanded to both sides and extended far away.

The frozen demon dragon in the sky suddenly split into two parts in the middle and separated towards both sides. At the same time, countless demonic energies flew out, making the two halves of the demon dragon's body become more illusory.

The lingering demonic energy converged towards the center, turning into a huge face, showing the appearance of Demon Emperor Yang Lin, who glared at Zhou Ming, opened his huge mouth, and his voice rumbled like thunder.

"As long as the demonic energy is exhausted, my body will never be destroyed! You can't kill me!"

The two halves of the demonic dragon's body suddenly exploded, turning into countless demonic energies and forming a thick black demonic cloud again.

The rolling black clouds condensed into countless weapons of all kinds, like a unique rain of weapons. The next moment, the violent storm was about to come.

But Zhou Ming just smiled disdainfully and raised his fingers lightly.

"You don't think this sword is that simple, do you?"

The earth dragon turns over!The earth roars!
The deep ravine that extended into the distance suddenly collapsed, the ground veins uplifted, and hundreds of millions of tons of earth and rocks were lifted into the sky. The imperial city that bore the brunt was completely buried in an instant. The ruins of the buildings were mixed with earth and rocks 100 meters and 200 meters underground. Together, everything within a radius of a hundred miles turns into chaos!
Light!Endless sword lights shot up into the sky from the earth rocks like boiled porridge. The endless sword lights pierced the sky, shredded the black clouds, shattered everything that could be broken, and stirred everything into a paste, and then Shattered into ashes, and finally completely annihilated!
When all the dust settled, the hundred miles of land turned into a vast plain again, and all traces of human existence were washed away.

The sun shines on the loess land, the blue sky is like washing, clean and cloudless.

All the darkness, filth, evil spirits, ghosts and ghosts have all disappeared.

There is a wind blowing, bringing a clean smell of earth, as if this land has been like this since ancient times, who can believe that there was a world-shattering battle here not long ago?

Only the four Heavenly Demon Stones floating in Zhou Ming's hand proved that the battle not long ago actually happened.

"Not dead?" Xue He asked beside him.

"As the final BOSS of this plot world, of course he will not be killed so easily." Zhou Ruoyu glanced at the blood river, "If the Demon Emperor dies, won't we return?"

"Let's go." Zhou Ming put away the four Heavenly Demon Stones.

"Go and meet the remaining reincarnations."

(End of this chapter)

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