Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 385 Expansion

Chapter 385 Expansion
Qingshan City, three hundred miles west of Seibu City, was in chaos at the moment.

Countless half-fish, half-worm monsters crawled out of the Qingcang River outside the city, rushed into this city with a population of tens of thousands, and started massacring, or hunting, all living creatures in the city indiscriminately.

Although this city is still the territory of the Great Zhou in name, it is actually under the occupation of King Wei.

There is an army stationed here under King Wei's command, which is used for actual rule. The combat effectiveness of this army is beyond doubt.In addition, there are many martial arts masters in this green mountain city, some are exposed to the bright side, and some are hidden in the dark.

But all this is useless in the face of the monster army that invades the city!
Those half-fish, half-insect monsters not only have an exoskeleton structure that is so hard that it cannot be hurt by a sword, but also have a strong vitality that can survive for a short time even if their heads are blown. They also have powerful attacks, agile actions and reactions, and are completely fearless. Death is fierce.

The most important thing is the desperate number.

The King Wei's garrison in Qingshan City is no more than a thousand, and the total number of people in the city is only more than 20, but what about those monsters?One hundred thousand? 30? [-]?

Much more than that!

"It's over, it's over..." On the city wall, guarded by numerous sergeants, Dou Weide, who is in charge of the army, has despair in his eyes as he looks down at the fighting and bloody scenes that are happening everywhere in the city below.

There was already a one-sided massacre inside the city, and the outside of the city was completely surrounded by those monsters. It was impossible for them to break out of the encirclement.

The only ending is death? !
of course not!

Dou Weide's eyes suddenly turned pitch black, and his whole body's momentum changed drastically at this moment.

The last moment he was just an almost desperate mortal general, but now he is an indescribable existence as deep as an abyss and as vicious as prison!
There was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "It seems that that kid has already seen through. In order to deal with me, did he not hesitate to kill all the people in the world? Hehe, it is quite courageous."

"Yuanlian... Is this what you want to see?"

He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the void forward, an invisible suction force grabbed a monster that was fighting with soldiers in the distance and flew towards him.

The monster's whole body was stiff, like a bug sealed in amber, without any movement at all.

In the surprised eyes of the soldiers around him, the monster was photographed in front of him by Dou Weide. He stretched out his hand, grabbed the monster's head, and launched his method.

In an instant, he plunged his own soul into the weak soul of this monster, trying to forcibly transform the opponent's soul, making the opponent obey him from the soul level.

However, the moment he connected with the monster's soul, he used this monster's soul as a transit point to come into contact with another grand and mysterious consciousness.

No, it can't be called a consciousness, but a dense cluster of consciousness!

The dense dots of consciousness are linked together by invisible "threads", forming a widely distributed and closely communicated consciousness network.

This network is not a flat spreading network, but a hierarchical network with strict upper and lower levels.

The upper and lower layers of the pyramid-like network are absolutely unified from top to bottom, forming a whole of consciousness.

To use a word he didn't know, call it Gestalt consciousness!
"The structure of this group consciousness..." His soul was shaken, and he seemed quite shocked. Even though he was well-informed, he was eye-opening at the existence of this form of consciousness that he had seen for the first time.

And at this moment, his intruding consciousness that does not belong to the whole consciousness, while invading a monster's soul, has spread throughout the whole body, making all monsters discover him.

The most important thing is that the top one, the only and absolute ruler, discovered his existence and instantly realized his identity.

"Found another one, Ghost, you are really like a cockroach, you can't kill it no matter what..."

The fluctuations from the topmost consciousness instantly spread throughout the entire consciousness network.

The various emotions contained in it are also perfectly transmitted to every individual in this network, naturally including Dou Weide, or the ghost of the demon king, who invades this consciousness network.

"Tsk, look at you, ghost, your avatar is as weak as an ant. Do you want to brainwash my offspring into your offspring? Hehe, you can deal with my offspring, but you Can't deal with this whole network of consciousness. And actually they are consistent."

"The mother body is me, and every daughter hatched by the mother body is also me. I am not an individual consciousness like you humans, but a unity of group will."

"I am the swarm!"

In an instant, all the monsters in the entire city rioted collectively. They identified Dou Weide's direction and launched an even more crazy attack.

After 10 minutes, there was no living creature other than these monsters in the entire city, including that weak, ghost clone.

The bugs ate up all living things that could absorb nutrients and energy. Many bugs transformed into another form on the spot and began to burrow into the soil, transforming the surrounding environment and concentrating nutrients.

The other part of the bugs continued to expand outwards with Qingshan City as the center.

Ten minutes later, a mother nest was established in Qingshan City. With the continuous transportation of nutrients, a steady stream of insects was transported from it, continuing to provide troops for the expansion of the insect swarm.

When the swarm was raging, another storm was breaking out in Seibu City three hundred miles to the east.

The huge Prince Wei's mansion was already filled with blood.

In addition to the power in his hands, the king of Wei himself is also a first-class master in the world, but at this moment, this first-class master is sitting on the ground, looking up with a bloodless face, looking up at the figure standing in front of him .

Bending slightly, leaning down, and looking down at King Wei, such a simple action increased his sense of oppression by tens of thousands out of thin air.

Ji Yangzi, who looked at King Wei like this, asked with a faint smile on his face: "Your Majesty King Wei, is there any misunderstanding between us?"


The bloody smell kept impacting the nostrils, the surrounding corpses were spread all over the floor, and the hand supporting his body was pressing into the slowly flowing pool of blood. Hearing Ji Yangzi's words in his heart, King Wei couldn't help but feel ruthless. Twitched hard.

Before he could figure out what kind of expression he should use to deal with Ji Yangzi, Ji Yangzi who was overlooking him suddenly raised his body, and his eyes returned to condescending indifference.

"It seems that there is not. Then, you can lend me your identity as the King of Wei."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Wei Wang violently.

"Wait..." King Wei only had time to utter a word before Ji Yangzi's hand grabbed his head, his face contorted, and he trembled for a while before he calmed down.

Ji Yangzi withdrew his hand, King Wei immediately knelt down and said, "See my lord!"

"Yeah." Ji Yangzi nodded, looking tired.

After all, he is not the real ghost demon, he does not have the soul background of the ghost demon, and Ji Yangzi himself came from the house, not the one who was personally transformed by the ghost consciousness like Luo Song, and he can't be like a manipulator. Degree.

Moreover, he had divided his soul several times before, transformed his soul, made clones, and weakened his soul background time and time again. If it hadn't been for devouring a lot of soul supplements in the middle, his soul background would have been too weak for a long time.

Moreover, the consumption of transforming ordinary people is completely different from transforming a master like Wei Wang.Now taking down King Wei in one go has reduced Ji Yangzi's soul heritage to a precarious point.

"However, after taking down King Wei, he can already use his power to do more things."

"At least, let's set up a few rounds before Zhou Ming calls."

"Hmph, that boy Zhou Ming is so strict with me, I want to see if he can really slaughter all the creatures in this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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