Kingsman Agent in Film and Television

Chapter 418: The End of Li Lixing

Li Lixing, the scapegoat, was very panicked at this time.

As the number of detainees in Longhua and Zhonghe camps decreased rapidly, Li Lixing realized that the day of being cooked for a living was approaching.

He was panicking!
He wanted to run away.

But these days, the Japanese seemed to be determined to keep an eye on him, forcing No. 76 to go out on the streets to catch resistance members all day long. As the director of No. 76, he had to stay inside No. 76 and listen to his subordinates complaining:
"Director, we just arrested a few resistance fighters, but they showed us their bail certificates from the Zhonghe Camp—the Japanese won't let us arrest them!"

"Director, we can't live like this anymore. The Japanese asked us to arrest resistance fighters. Okay, I will! But they want us to release them after they arrest them. Why? Because they have the bail certificate from the Longhua Camp!"

"I won't do this anymore! This job is impossible! If I catch one, I have to let one go! If I catch a pair and let a pair go, how can I do the job?!"

What can Li Lixing do?

He could only appease his subordinates and let them continue working.

As a result, just as he had appeased his subordinates, the Special High Section's consultant stationed at No. 76 came running over angrily:
"Director Li, do you still want to work at No. 76? If you are asked to arrest resistance elements, you should just go and arrest a few with bail certificates to fill in the numbers! Then you can hang out in teahouses and pubs, and come back when it gets dark to report that all the resistance elements you arrested have bail certificates, so you have to let them go!"

"If I hadn't been keeping an eye on them and witnessed them go out to gamble in the teahouse in the morning and come back to report in the evening, I would have believed it!"

The Japanese consultant was so angry that he even spoke in Japanese.

What can Li Lixing do?

He could only appease the consultant, and then promised to educate and punish these ignorant subordinates. After tricking the Japanese consultant away, he roared in his heart with a dark face:
You little Jap devil, your knife is about to chop off my neck, and now you still won’t let me live in peace!
Li Lixing was furious and continued to think about how to break the impasse.

But... what the hell!
Doihara wanted to make him a scapegoat, Matsumuro Yoshitaka wanted to make him a scapegoat, these two Japanese devils fought each other, but they both wanted to use him as the scapegoat. He could not break the game at all!
[I can only run! Where can I run? ]

[Hong Kong? No, not only does the Military Control Commission have influence in Hong Kong, but the damn Du Yuesheng is also in Hong Kong! If I go to Hong Kong, I will be walking into a trap!]

[Japan? Even worse! ]

[Where are you running to…]

Li Lixing was extremely worried.

Just as he was thinking about where to run, the door was knocked again. Li Lixing wanted to pick up the documents on the table and throw them at the door - Damn, can you let me think about where to run? Can you give me some time!

Then, he could only suppress his negative emotions and speak as usual:

His subordinates are all spies. Their abilities in dealing with resistance elements are unknown, but they are all top-notch experts in observing people's words and expressions. If he shows any emotion on his face, his subordinates might guess it and sell him to the Japanese for a reward - Li Lixing understands this point very well!

A middle-level manager stepped into the office after getting permission.

"If you want to talk about bail, forget it!" Li Lixing gave a warning: "Bail is the golden signboard of the Imperial Army. I don't have any tricks!"

"Director, that's not it!" The spy looked outside furtively and carefully closed the door. Then he walked up to Li Lixing and said mysteriously, "Director, I found a big fish!"

"Big fish? How big?!" Li Lixing asked lazily.

"It's so big that it will burst the sky!" The spy looked around stealthily and said in a low voice: "I think if we take action, we will definitely reap a lot! Then the Japanese will definitely be very happy!"

Li Lixing thought:
Did you discover the smuggling of Okamoto Company? If it were so, it would be a big deal - you would be killed without a complete body!
He said impatiently, "Hurry up and tell me!"

"Global trade! Director, you know about global trade, right?"

"I know! The biggest customers of the company founded by Americans are now the Japanese!" Li Lixing answered impatiently.

Global trade has a lot of economic ties with the Japanese, because they can provide materials at lower prices, so they are deeply relied upon by the Japanese.

"I discovered that Global Trade is going to sell a batch of supplies to the Communist Party!"

The spy finally whispered his discovery: "These supplies are stored in the third storage area of ​​Huangpu Wharf on Qinhuangdao Road. There are guns, bullets, and medicines!"

Li Lixing's expression became serious: "How do you know it was sold to the Communist Party? The largest customer in global trade is the Japanese!"

"I heard their conversation today when I was wandering around the concession! The Communist Party wanted Global Trade to ship the goods out of Shanghai, but Global Trade said that the Japanese were checking very strictly and they were unwilling to ship the goods! The two sides argued and talked a lot."

After the spy finished speaking, he said with a drooling face: "Director, does this count as a great achievement?"

"Okay!" Li Lixing took out an envelope from the drawer and handed it to the spy: "I will find a way to investigate this matter now. I will reward you part of it first, and then give you more rewards based on the situation later. You know the rules, right? If the news leaks out..."

Li Lixing's expression turned cold, and the threat was obvious.

"I understand! I understand! Don't worry!" The spy took the envelope happily. Feeling the thickness of the envelope, the corners of his mouth were almost cracked to his ears.

"Go down!"

After sending away the spy who brought the news, Li Lixing began to tap on the table and think.

Global trade is an American company...

It's normal for them to do business with the resistance...

But now, they seem to be in trouble?
【This is an opportunity! 】

A bold plan emerged from Li Lixing's mind:

What if I help global trade?

For such a large company, it shouldn't be difficult to help him obtain an American citizenship, right? With such a large scale of global trade, there are ships returning to the United States every day. If they can send me to the United States...

Li Lixing's heart was burning with excitement. This matter seemed to have a future!
The solution to break the impasse has arrived!


Seeing Zhang Anping casting the bait, Sister Qian couldn't help but wonder:
"Anping, are you sure Li Lixing will take the bait?"

Honestly speaking, Sister Qian had seen all kinds of fancy moves by Zhang Anping, but, but... using the enemy to complete the transportation of supplies, no matter how she looked at it, she felt it was unreliable.

Who is Li Lixing?
Director of No. 76!

From the time this guy came to power until now, how much blood of anti-Japanese patriots has No. 76's hands been stained?

Can he really transport this batch of supplies for the New Fourth Army?
"Do not worry!"

"It's hard to let go of this." Sister Qian said helplessly: "This is more than 100,000 US dollars worth of supplies!"

Zhang Anping laughed: "It's okay, I haven't paid yet anyway."

Sister Qian was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

You are a major shareholder of Global Trade, don't you feel bad? After a few jokes, Zhang Anping told the reason for his visit this time:

"Sister Qian, we don't have a dedicated external publicity channel, right?"

Sister Qian didn't understand what Zhang Anping meant:
"Propaganda agency? We have one!"

"I'm talking about propaganda agencies targeting foreign countries. In this batch of supplies, I have prepared another 500 cameras. I hope the organization can set up a propaganda agency specifically targeting foreign countries." Zhang Anping expressed his idea:
"Here's what I'm thinking. We can take more photos of the battle against Japan and have the propaganda department compile them for external propaganda."

"This..." Sister Qian fell into deep thought. Will this be useful?
Zhang Anping explained: "Sister Qian, do you think foreign forces will support our war of resistance?"

"Yes!" Sister Qian answered decisively: "As far as I know, during the Battle of Wuhan alone, the number of Soviet aid workers in China exceeded 5,000."

"I mean countries like the United States."

"I don't think so." Sister Qian shook her head. "During the Battle of Songhu, the captain hoped that the League of Nations would intervene, but what happened? Instead, it caused several missed opportunities and even had a great impact on the retreat."

"I think so!" Zhang Anping said, "Because they don't want Japan to swallow up China."

"But the iron must be strong itself! If we ourselves are a bunch of useless mud, these foreigners will certainly not support us with practical actions."

"But we stopped the Japanese attack! Although we lost a lot of territory, we stopped the Japanese attack. It is precisely because we stopped the Japanese attack that these powers believe that we are qualified to gain their support."

"They also hope that the Japanese will be deeply involved in the Chinese battlefield so as not to damage their interests in other Asian countries!"

"I think starting this year, these powers will want to support us."

After hearing what Zhang Anping said, Sister Qian was really moved.

In fact, even if no support is obtained because of this, the establishment of such a propaganda organization can also let the world know that in China's War of Resistance, there were the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the guerrillas affiliated with the Communist Party of China!
Zhang Anping continued: "Even if this doesn't attract the attention of the great powers, it will definitely let overseas Chinese know of our existence!"

"Even so, we can still achieve our goal, what do you think?"

"You're right!" Sister Qian agreed with Zhang Anping's suggestion: "I will report to my superiors when I return."

The purpose of Zhang Anping doing this is actually to prepare for a rainy day.

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the United States began to provide military aid to China, but the recipient of the aid was the Nationalist Government. Everyone knew what kind of person the Nationalist Government was, so how could it allow the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army to have a share of the pie?
In real history, it was not until 1944 that Stilwell discovered that the Eighteenth Army (Eighth Route Army) was the only one missing from the ranks of recipients of U.S. aid. However, the Eighth Route Army's performance on the battlefield was obvious to all, so in his memorandum to the Military Commission, he questioned why no military aid was given to the Eighth Route Army, and requested the China Theater Logistics Command to provide assistance to the Eighth Route Army.

But the matter was ultimately left unresolved - because how could the Nationalist government possibly give American aid to the Eighth Route Army?

Yu Feipeng from the Logistics Command at the time even said:

"Do you listen to the Chairman or Stilwell? This is ridiculous! Chinese people just like to listen to foreigners. They are born to be slaves of a conquered country. If you are so foolish next time, I will report you to the Chairman and charge you with colluding with traitors."

Zhang Anping knew that the Eighth Route Army would not get any share of future US military aid, but with a cheater like him around, how could he do without trying out American equipment in advance?
That is why there was a suggestion to organize the establishment of an external propaganda agency, to make preparations early and let the Americans know more about the contributions and advantages of the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army and the guerrillas on the battlefield behind enemy lines, so that when the Americans come to provide military aid, we can get a share of the pie directly from the Americans.

It is no exaggeration to say that if we, Lao Li, were given a regiment of American equipment, how could the Japanese in northwestern Shanxi have the right to speak?
Once the guerrillas, who are all equipped with American weapons, complete their training, the Imperial Army and the Class B Japanese Army will all hide in the city and tremble in fear!

(It’s not that the author looks down on the Nationalist Army. The Korean War has proved that if the Eighth Route Army had the equipment of the Nationalist Army, it might not be easy to push into Japanese territory, but it is definitely not a dream to recover Northeast China in the first year of the War of Resistance!)

"Well... Sister Qian, since you think it's right, then I'll give you my next suggestion." Zhang Anping looked like he was getting more aggressive, and Sister Qian said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:
"If you have something to say, just say it!"

"I hope that the supplies sent to the New Fourth Army this time will not be distributed separately, but will be equipped separately to a battalion-level combat unit."

In fact, the Shanghai underground party has been continuously supporting our army. Since the fall of Shanghai, countless supplies have flowed into the base through Shanghai, but in terms of equipment (weapons), it is the New Fourth Army that has gained the advantage.

It's close.

But faced with the growing strength of the New Fourth Army, these equipments were just a drop in the bucket, and the equipment was not focused on equipping a single combat unit.

"Why? If we do this, other comrades will have opinions!" Sister Qian was puzzled.

Just think about it, if Kong Jie's new regiment changes into all-American uniforms, even if it's a low-profile version, what will happen to the independent regiment next door?
"With such a comparison, we can list it separately in future publicity, so that people can be more clearly aware of our army's powerful combat capability!" Zhang Anping's face was full of excitement. He never doubted the combat effectiveness of our army, and he also knew that the only thing that restricted our army's combat capability was equipment.

"I can't guarantee this, but I can make a suggestion to the chief."

Sister Qian somewhat agreed with Zhang Anping's idea. After agreeing, she said unhappily:
"You've said so much, but it's all based on the condition that the equipment can be delivered! If something unexpected happens..."

Zhang Anping patted his chest and promised: "There will be absolutely no accidents! I guarantee it with my life!"


The reason why Zhang Anping dared to make such a guarantee was naturally because he knew Li Lixing too well.

If Zhang Anping really did become a traitor, this person was a colleague who could be "comparable" to him - the way the two of them swore to each other to work together and stick together through thick and thin, and then ran off to tell tales was so synchronized that it was enough for Zhang Anping to control Li Lixing to death!

Facts proved that Zhang Anping's understanding of Li Lixing was not exaggerated. That very night, Li Lixing secretly sneaked into York's mansion in the concession.

Li Lixing, who was arrogant at No. 76, said respectfully to the doorman of York:

"Please tell Mr. York that I am Li Lixing from No. 76. I have something important to report to him."

He even used the word "report".

After York received the call from the security guard, he looked through the window at Li Lixing, who was standing outside the gate like a dog under the light at the gate, and said to the security guard:

"not see!"

The guard shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sir, I won't see you. I told you long ago that a gentleman like Mr. York is not someone that anyone can see."

Hearing the thick mockery in the words, Li Lixing did not even dare to show his anger. Seeing that the guard ignored him and was about to return to the gatehouse, he immediately used his ultimate move:

"Please tell Mr. York that I can solve his current transportation dilemma!"

The guard came back and asked, "Really?"

You think the doorman cares about Mr. York's business? No, no, no, the reason he came back was because he heard the sound of the dollar.

Sure enough, when I got closer, I saw Li Lixing waving some fascinating US dollars!

"I hope you're not deceiving a very important gentleman!"

The guard took the US dollars skillfully and went into the room again to call York.

This time, Li Lixing really got the chance to meet York.

Upstairs, York, in his pajamas, put down the phone and spoke to himself in fluent Chinese:

"My dear Zhang, you are indeed Zhuge Liang reborn. The fish has taken the bait." (End of this chapter)

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