Kingsman Agent in Film and Television

Chapter 419: The End of Li Lixing

In the living room, York, who was wearing pajamas, sat on the sofa with a glass of red wine in his hand. He looked at Li Lixing, who was wearing a Zhongshan suit, with a playful look and said nonchalantly:
"Mr. Li, I know you - so I'm curious, are you coming here to go fishing at night?"

“This might disappoint you!”

York spoke fluent Chinese and said contemptuously: "I don't know where you got the information from, but I can assure you that you can't take a penny from me!"

"Mr. York, you misunderstood." Li Lixing quickly explained: "I really want to cooperate with you."


York laughed: "Mr. Li, you've got the wrong person! I'm having a very pleasant cooperation with the Japanese, so you don't need to worry about it—"

After saying this, he held the glass close to Li Lixing, shook the red wine, and said in a mocking tone:

"Mr. Li, ideals are beautiful, but reality is very cruel. Do you think you can find a breakthrough with my intelligence or clues?"

"No! No! No!"

"You underestimate the friendship between me and the Japanese - they won't do anything to me just because I sell something to the resistance, yes, that's the word, they won't do anything to me just because I sell something to the resistance!"

The more arrogant and overbearing York acted, the happier Li Lixing became.

But the problem before him is how to convince this American!
Li Lixing imitated the story he had heard about Americans and said, "Mr. York, please give me 10 minutes!"

"Okay, I'm looking forward to what Mr. Li has to say!"

"Let me first tell you the reward I need - I need Mr. York to help me solve my American identity problem, and I also need Mr. York to send my family to the United States for refuge without alerting the Japanese."

"Very interesting," York laughed. "Then Mr. Li, please tell us what you can do!"

Feeling York's arrogance and disdain, Li Lixing took a deep breath and began to describe his situation.

Slowly, York's expression changed. He put away his disdain and arrogance, and there was a light in his eyes when he looked at Li Lixing. Only when Li Lixing finished explaining his situation and how he could still take advantage of his position, did York start to treat Li Lixing like a "relative".

He said:

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry for my attitude just now. Please forgive me for my intrusion just now. After all, your profession makes me feel uneasy."

The more York acted like this, the less suspicious Li Lixing became. After York apologized, he immediately talked about the clues his men had obtained today and promised that he could find a way to get this batch of goods from Global Trade out of Shanghai, which was under semi-military control. But in return, he hoped that York would agree to his conditions.

"Mr. Li, have you ever heard a saying?"

"Please go ahead, Mr. York."

York smiled evilly: "A friend of mine once said that the favorite thing for capitalists is to squeeze every last cent out of everyone - I can promise to send Mr. Li and his family to the United States without alerting the Japanese, but..."

"If you want to obtain legal status in the United States, not enough!"

Li Lixing understood that York was going to raise the price, but since he was at the mercy of others, he could only let York squeeze every last cent out of him.

"Mr. York, please give me your orders." Li Lixing did not show any dissatisfaction: "I will do my best to meet your conditions!"

"Conditions? No, no, no! This is not a condition. I think this should be mutual help between friends."

"Yes, we are friends." Li Lixing smiled.

"I need you to provide evidence that Mr. Doihara was the mastermind behind this arrest!" York's expression became indignant: "What Mr. Doihara did has seriously harmed the interests of every businessman in Shanghai!"

"It has also seriously harmed Mr. Li's interests! Therefore, I hope Mr. Li can provide sufficient evidence and disclose it in the newspaper!"

"We must let the Japanese know that the order in Shanghai cannot be disrupted! Once it is disrupted, there will be punishment!"

Under the Japanese's large-scale arrests, some foreigners and a large number of compradors in the concession could not escape the fate of being arrested, which seriously affected the entire business environment in Shanghai.

Li Lixing thought it was normal for foreigners to complain about this. The conditions proposed by York did not arouse Li Lixing's suspicion. After thinking for a while, he said:

"I will try my best to collect as much evidence as possible when I return, and will try my best to meet your requirements."

Li Lixing paused and said, "But I hope Mr. York will not break your promise!"

York said dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Li, do you understand the spirit of contract? As a great capitalist, respecting the spirit of contract is like respecting God to me!"

Hong Xiuquan is God’s own son!

Li Lixing complained in his heart.

The two reached an agreement that satisfied both parties, and Li Lixing immediately left York's mansion and began to prepare to fulfill the agreement.


Zhang Anping received a call from York, and after picking up the phone, York said in English:

"Dear Zhang, the fish is hooked."

“I believe Mr. York’s performance must be perfect!”

"Haha, dear Zhang, you really have a good eye. If Bianchi did this, it would definitely not be as perfect as mine!"

"Yes, Bianchi is definitely not as good as you in acting. I don't think I need to worry about the rest, right?"

"That's right, just leave the rest to me! Don't worry - Dear Zhang, I have a question."

The smile on Zhang Anping's face faded, but his tone did not change: "Oh? What's your question?"

"You are the district chief of the Military Control Commission, and you have shown your hatred for the underground party more than once. But I don't understand why you want to match this deal by paying for the goods first? And the price you offer is also very low. If this batch of goods is sold to your Nationalist government, I believe it will not be a problem to sell it for an extra 50,000 US dollars."

"You know, York, money doesn't mean much to me."

"Yes." York agreed with Zhang Anping's pretentious words, but his attitude of getting to the bottom of the matter did not change.

"What I care about is causing more damage to the Japanese. The New Fourth Army is doing well in this regard, at least better than the Zhongjiu Army."

"But that's different from the position you've expressed."

"My real position is to kill more Japanese."

"Well - I actually like the Communists better." York laughed on the other end of the phone: "I was concerned about your feelings before. I didn't want to have too much involvement with them. Since your position is to eliminate more Japanese, I don't have to worry about your feelings anymore."

"York, you know, in our area, political stance is very important, it is more important than what you do, so... I hope you did this."

"I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Anping was silent for a long time.

From the establishment of Global Trade to today, Zhang Anping has not provided any support to the underground party through Global Trade. The business dealings between the underground party and Global Trade were also initiated by the underground party hidden within Global Trade.

Small-scale businesses would never come to the attention of York and Bianchi, and the two would not personally participate in the approval process, so Global Trade would pretend to be unaware of the transactions and conduct business with the underground party. However, as long as the amount exceeded US$1, as long as someone came to participate in the approval process, the business would be stopped for various reasons.

As the number of incidents increased, it became difficult for global trade to do business directly with the underground party.

So Zhang Anping took this opportunity to send a signal to York - York had indeed improved countless times since they first met, and he made a promise in a joking way over the phone.

Zhang Anping achieved his goal, but he was not sure whether York had doubted his identity.

This move of his was a bit risky, but the Southern Jiangsu base was right next to Shanghai, and the Shanghai underground party obviously did not have the convenience of global trade in purchasing scarce materials. If global trade was still indifferent to the underground party at this time, it would mean that resources could not be used effectively.

So Zhang Anping used Li Lixing's case and took the risk of letting York and the underground party establish a trading channel.

The advantage of this is that global trade can provide supplies to the underground party in the future, but the disadvantage is also obvious. York, the person in charge, will question his identity.

York is trustworthy at the moment.

It was impossible for Zhang Anping to pin his safety on the word "trust", so he decided to increase the intensity of his interests with York and Bianchi.

[Now we can let Mo Yi take this opportunity to enter global trade. ]


Li Lixing never doubted York's position, not only because of York's performance, but also because he believed that it was impossible for the Chinese to become the "backers" of the American boss.

So, in the next few days, Li Lixing began to work "diligently", going out for inspections every day. Taking this opportunity, he also made a plan to transport supplies for global trade.

His plan was simple, which was to move the material warehouse at No. 76, citing the lesson learned from Zhengfeng Middle School.

So he chose a location for the new warehouse next to the base of the Fourth Restoration Division in the suburbs.

The supplies sold to the underground party by Global Trade were shipped out of Shanghai in the name of warehouse relocation, mixed in with the No. 76 transport team. The entire process was uneventful and did not arouse any suspicion from the Japanese.

This is the real secret transportation of supplies. If the whole process is exposed and the enemy is aware of any clues, then it will be a waste of time.

There is a saying in the art of war: Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements.

Because a true master solves the problem without waiting for the situation to develop to the point where a heavy attack is launched, instead of waiting until the two armies confront each other, and then painstakingly deploying troops, cutting off food supplies, launching sneak attacks, and engaging in a decisive battle.

In this covert operation, supplies worth hundreds of thousands of dollars were quietly shipped out from Shanghai right under the noses of the Japanese, shocking the New Fourth Army responsible for receiving the supplies.

So blatant?

Some underground party members participated in the entire transportation process, and afterward they couldn't help but wonder:
"Could this Li Lixing be our comrade?"

Of course he couldn't be an underground party member.

York fulfilled his promise. After the supplies were successfully transported out of Shanghai, he sent away Li Lixing's wife, second concubine and children first. York was reluctant to do this at first, because it would easily make the Japanese aware of Li Lixing's rebellious intentions.

But under Li Lixing's strong request, York had to agree and warned Li Lixing:
If you notice something is wrong, please move to the concession immediately.

He thought that Li Lixing would need at least seven or eight days to collect what he needed, but he didn't expect that Li Lixing would find York after only three days.

York said unhappily, "Mr. Li, I really don't recommend sending your family away so early, but there is no turning back now. I don't want you to come to me just to tell me that the Japanese have found out!"

"My wife must have sent me a telegram, Mr. York?"

York frowned: "Mr. Li doesn't trust me?"

"I dare not! I dare not!" Li Lixing said he dared not, but he did not show any sign of retreating. York snorted and pushed a telegram in front of Li Lixing:
"Received this afternoon - Mr. Li, you don't have much time!"

Li Lixing smiled and said nothing. He picked up the telegram and started reading it.

The telegram was sent from the ship his wife was on. Li Lixing breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the content.

It contained the secret words he and his wife had agreed upon - the thing he was most worried about did not happen, at least the Americans did not do anything weird during the three days when his wife and children were gone.

After reading the telegram, Li Lixing took out a bunch of keys from his pocket:
"Mr. York, everything you need is in the car. Please send someone to get it from the car."

York looked at Li Lixing suspiciously: "Including the previous three days, Mr. Li collected what I needed in just six days?"

"Of course it's more than six days, but I've been preparing for it for a long time." Li Lixing smiled and said, "You can't just put a knife to your neck before preparing to fight back, right?"

"I've learned a lesson!" York was filled with emotion and admired Zhang Anping even more in his heart - the magical Zhang had said long ago that Li let his wife and children go first not to protect them, but to verify whether he had been deceived.

Facts proved that Zhang's guesses were all correct. Li already had what he wanted, but he deliberately let his wife and children go first. His purpose was too obvious.

York sent someone to get it, and Li Lixing reminded:

"It would be best to send four people."

York was skeptical and didn't believe that Li Lixing would prepare so many things, but he still sent out four bodyguards.

When the heavy documents were brought in by four White Russian bodyguards, York was really shocked:
"so much?"

Li Lixing stood up and pointed at the data, and began to introduce: "These are the various backup data I left behind since I took over No. 76."

He picked up a folder containing photos:

"These are the information I sent to infiltrate the Military Control Commission and the underground party members."

"These are the materials related to the Matsumuro Agency."

"These are various materials related to the large-scale arrests - including photos of various orders issued by Doihara."

After Li Lixing introduced them, he said frankly: "I think these things can win you enough benefits in the intelligence market, right?" "Mr. York, I hope you can keep your promise!"

York was amazed. He didn't expect Li Lixing to show so much sincerity. He was so embarrassed that he even didn't inform Zhang Anping.

"No problem! Are you leaving tonight, Mr. Li?"


"Mr. Li is indeed an intelligence officer. Both the collection of this information and the time of his departure were very unexpected. A ship will leave the dock in an hour. Should I send someone to take Director Li there now?"

"it is good!"

When Li Lixing turned to leave, York shouted again:

"and many more!"

Li Lixing turned around and saw York smiling and saying, "Director Li, you are not welcome on board with explosives tied to your body."

Li Lixing laughed awkwardly when he heard this: "I am judging others by my own standards."

York laughed and watched his men and Li Lixing leave.

When Li Lixing was introducing the information just now, whether intentionally or unintentionally, he revealed the explosives tied under his clothes.

Standing at the window and watching Li Lixing get on the car, York immediately called Zhang Anping:

"This fox is more cunning than you think. He will leave tonight."

"Have you prepared everything you need?"

"They've prepared everything, even the nails in my hand - they're called nails, right? They've even prepared the materials for the nails. In addition, they've also prepared intelligence information about the Matsumuro Agency and photos of Doihara's various orders."

Zhang Anping on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds and then asked: "Arrange someone to take me to the ship."

"You do it yourself? Zhang, there's an old Chinese saying that a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall!"

"Since he is an old friend, we have to see him off."

York couldn't persuade Zhang Anping, so he laughed and said, "Zhang, are you doing your utmost to be kind or to kill someone?"

Zhang Anping did not answer. After hanging up the phone, he quickly went out to meet the person arranged by York and sent him to the dock.

Li Lixing defected from the Communist Party to the Central Bureau of Investigation, and then from the Central Bureau of Investigation to the Japanese. It is impossible to count how many crimes he was involved in during this period.

How could he let such a person leave this land that he had let down alive?

On the boat, Li Lixing watched the freighter set sail, and his heart finally settled down.

I finally broke through!
Looking at the dock that was about to distance itself from him, and gazing at this intoxicating city from afar, Li Lixing smiled knowingly.

From now on, you no longer have to worry about being killed by a bomb while riding in a car, no longer have to worry about being shot while walking, no longer have to look at the faces of the Japanese, and no longer have to rack your brains to think about how to curry favor with the Japanese!

Go to hell with the Special High Class!
Go to the fucking Matsushiro Agency!

Fuck the Military Control Commission!

Fuck the underground party!
After braying loudly towards the city that was getting farther and farther away, Li Lixing felt relaxed all over. After a loud laugh, under the strange looks of the American crew, he walked towards the cabin and the lounge that he had bought from the captain.

He is not a person who is hard on himself, so of course he has to live comfortably during this period of his trip.

He opened the door of the lounge, turned on the light and took off his coat with a refreshed feeling. He hung it on the clothes rack and walked towards his soft bed. When he was about to lie down, he was shocked to see someone lying on the bed, looking at him lazily.

The eyes... so familiar!

A deep sense of uneasiness suddenly spread throughout my body.

Li Lixing suppressed his uneasiness and spoke like a normal customer: "Sir, have you come to the wrong place?"

A familiar voice came from the person lying on his bed:
"I suggest you don't even think about drawing your gun. There are probably few people in this world who can draw their guns faster than me."

This sound?
This sound is...

Zhang Anping? !

Li Lixing's pupils dilated several times in an instant.

"Aren't you dead?"

Zhang Anping looked at Li Lixing and said dimly, "Yes, I died, so I later used Zhang Shihao's vest."

Zhang, Zhang Shihao?

Li Lixing's hands trembled involuntarily. Zhang Shihao, this name was like a nightmare that he could never forget!

"Are you Zhang Shihao?!"

"Zhang Shihao died again. I have no choice but to call myself Zhang Xiao now."

Li Lixing's body went limp and he collapsed onto the ground, leaning against the wooden wall.

Zhang Anping, Zhang Shihao, Zhang Xiao!
Three names that always put me in the shadows.

In other words, since he arrived in Shanghai, the person in front of him has always been his shadow and nightmare!

"We are old friends. How can you leave so quietly? Don't you think so?!" Zhang Anping smiled happily.

After being shocked, Li Lixing noticed the blind spot and asked with a gasp:
“What does global trade have to do with you?”

"It's a bit harsh to say that he's the mastermind behind the scenes, so let's just call him... the big boss behind the scenes!"

Li Lixing stared at Zhang Anping with wide eyes. After a moment of silence, he asked incredulously amid the whistling sea breeze:

"You... since you have such a fortune, why do you want to take risks?"

Zhang Anping looked at Li Lixing mockingly: "Isn't it good to be alive? Why did so many people shed their blood on the battlefield of Songhu? Why did so many people fall on the battlefield against the invaders?"

Li Lixing was speechless.

"Give me a chance to live! What I leave behind... can buy my life."

"Many people died." Zhang Anping stared at Li Lixing, who was begging for his life. "They had ideals, they were young, but... they are all dead."

"The murderer is number 76."

Upon hearing this, Li Lixing suddenly roared, "I have never killed a few members of the Military Control Commission!"

The Military Intelligence Bureau...hid too deeply, or was too good at fighting, so No. 76 didn't kill many of their members.

"Yes." Zhang Anping nodded in acknowledgement, but then he said coldly: "But many of my comrades were shot on your orders!"

"The specific number is... 174 people!"

"Traitor, he's even more ruthless towards his former comrades than the Military Control Commission!"

Li Lixing's eyes widened like bells and he looked at Zhang Anping in disbelief.

“Are you a Communist?”

He couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Zhang Shihao, a big spy of the Military Control Commission, is a Communist? A big spy of the Military Control Commission is actually a Communist!"

He seemed to have heard a huge joke.

Zhang Anping looked at him indifferently.

Laughing seemed to have drained all his energy, and he leaned against the wall helplessly:

"Zhang Anping, what's so good about the Communist Party? You... are a big spy of the Military Control Commission and the big boss behind Global Trade. How can you be a Communist? How can you be deceived by the Communist Party?"

Traitors are often more brutal toward their former comrades than their enemies.

Because they need to prove that their betrayal of faith is a move from darkness to light.

This was Li Lixing's mentality at the time.

"Bewitched?" Zhang Anping smiled: "I have seen the true light, so I know there will be light."

“They haven’t seen it, but they believe in the light more than I do.”

"They... should have been able to see a bright future, but they, 174 lives, all fell..."

The sudden sound of gunfire interrupted Zhang Anping's words.

The person who fired the shot was Zhang Anping. A hideous bloody hole appeared on Li Lixing's right arm. After his right arm hung down weakly, a pistol fell from behind him with a clang.

"I told you that there are few people in this world who can draw their guns faster than me. Why don't you believe me?"

Zhang Anping chuckled and leaned forward. With a click, Li Lixing's left arm was removed.

"Now, we can continue our conversation."

Li Lixing, sweating profusely, endured the pain and said, "Don't bring harm to my wife and children."

"Do you know how many wives and children No. 76 has brought disaster to? Don't worry! I will definitely bring disaster to my wife and children!"

"Zhang Anping, are you still a Communist?!"

Zhang Anping laughed: "What do you think?"

Seeing Li Lixing's distorted expression, Zhang Anping continued:
"After you go down, please say hello to Chen Moqun, to Minami Yoko, to Fujita Yoshimasa, to Kiuchi Kagesa, to Jin Bihui... and to all the Japanese and traitors who died because of me."

"Let them wait in the underworld obediently. After I, Zhang Anping, go to the underworld, I will... send them off again!"

Li Lixing growled weakly: "You... are a devil."

"No, I feed on demons... Shura."

Zhang Anping shot bullet after bullet into Li Lixing's body. After emptying the magazine, Li Lixing, who was not fatally injured, was still alive and well.

"Give...give me...give me one..."

Zhang Anping did not answer, picked up Li Lixing's pistol and started the second round of shooting.

If possible, he would like to end his life with 174 bullets.

Unfortunately, there are only two guns here.

The last bullet hit the heart, and Li Lixing finally fell to the ground as he wished.

It was not until the other party fell silent that Zhang Anping said leisurely:
“I am a member of the Communist Party of China!”

He is a member of the Communist Party of China, so he...cannot bring harm to his wife and children. What he said just now was just to make Li Lixing more miserable.

After looking at the fallen body, Zhang Anping slowly stood up and left the cabin.

Outside, it was still dark.

[There are still... six years! ]

He recorded many, many people who deserved to be killed, but why was time passing so slowly?
(Sorry, only one chapter. My neck can’t take it anymore. I have to move around after typing a few words. Woohoo, I really can’t last long...) (End of this chapter)

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