Kingsman Agent in Film and Television

Chapter 420 Mingjing Kneeled Down, It's Done!

(Please don't skip the chapter, skipping one chapter is equivalent to skipping three chapters!!!)

The "gulp" sound on the sea is too far away from Shanghai, so far that when the director of No. 76 died and his body was thrown into the sea with stones, no one heard or saw it.

People are more concerned about their own responsibilities, or...their own beliefs.

Just like Minglou at this moment.

He knew that Li Lixing was probably dead by now, but he was in no mood to say farewell to this damn traitor.

Because Zhang Anping passed him a note.

The note only had four words:

Take a gamble.

Taking a gamble, of course, was not the "gamble" on pornography, gambling or drugs, but rather agreeing to a suggestion he had made before, a suggestion that concerned 2176 lives.

After Minglou's "exploitation" operations over the past period of time, there are only 2176 people left in Longhua Camp and Zhonghe Camp.

The bail for these people is 158 yuan per person - the lowest bail level set by Minglou himself.

But in such a huge city like Shanghai, where countless people live a life of luxury, the relatives of these people cannot afford 158 yuan.

As a result, they became the "nail households" in the two camps.

Matsumuro Yoshitaka gave Minglou three days to come up with a plan to deal with these people, and tomorrow is the last day.

2176 people, 2176 lives. Minglou didn't want them to become laborers for the Japanese, and he didn't want the old, weak, sick and disabled among them to be shot by the Japanese in the name of resistance elements.

So he approached Zhang Anping yesterday:
"We must save them!"

2176 people, with bail of 158 each, the total amount is: 343808.

Ming family, sell some of your property and you can save them!

Zhang Anping asked back: "How to save him?"

"The Ming family pays."

"Then what? Let the Japanese investigate the Ming family? Nothing is foolproof. Once the Japanese focus their attention on the Ming family, they will be able to find countless evidence that the Ming family is a resistance group!"

Zhang Anping's eyes turned bloodshot when he said this.

He...has been trying to find a solution.

Minglou was silent.

From the moment the Japanese invaders set foot on Chinese soil, he had been prepared to destroy his family and endure the disaster. It would not be a pity if the Ming family's property was destroyed, but what if he was destroyed but still could not save these people and he was also killed?
After a long silence, Ming Lou sighed, "I'm sorry, I can't just stand by and watch."

"I can't do it either." Zhang Anping clenched his fists: "I have two plans, help me check them."

Minglou's eyes lit up.

Like a glowing light bulb.

Zhang Anping held up a finger:
"The first plan is for the underground party and the Military Control Commission to join forces and pull out the teeth from the tiger's mouth! Break the Longhua and Zhonghe camps right under the noses of the Japanese."

Can you do it?

Hard to say.

Because the Japanese were waiting with their knives sharpened - around the two camps in Zhonghe and Longhua where the arrested were detained, not to mention a battalion of Japanese troops deployed, within two hours, a regiment of Japanese troops could form a siege here!

With a meticulous plan, the Songhu Detachment, the Songhu Guerrillas, and the mobilization of thousands of people from other areas, it might be possible to do it, but then they would have to face pursuit from enemies several times their number, and it would be very likely that they would be surrounded if they could not withdraw from the Songhu area.

The prerequisite for this is to establish a sound linkage mechanism, so that there will be no situation where the Loyal Rescue Army turns around and betrays the New Fourth Army and the guerrillas - but even if a new general is replaced in command, this situation cannot be prevented!
Minglou sighed.

They were clearly joining hands to fight against Japan, but the gap between the Nationalist government and the Chinese Communist Party’s armed forces was like a chasm, and it was extremely difficult to join forces on the battlefield!
He asked, "What about the second one?"


Zhang Anping closed his eyes and whispered the second plan.

After hearing this, Ming Lou made his choice without hesitation:


However, Zhang Anping, the person who proposed the plan, was not as decisive as Minglou.

"Let me think about it - I'll give you an answer tomorrow night at the latest."

"Comrade Anping, I am a member of the Communist Party of China, and so is my eldest sister! Even if she finds out later that she was used by her brother, she will never be angry! No matter how much it costs, she will not have the slightest complaint."

"I don't doubt Comrade Mingjing's awareness." Zhang Anping shook his head: "But I also need to be responsible for my comrades. Give me some time to think about it, okay?"

Ming Lou took a deep breath and said firmly:

"Okay! But if there is no choice, I am still willing to take the risk! No matter how high the price I have to pay, I am willing to bear it!"

At that time, Zhang Anping did not answer, but just stared at him with a look that Minglou could not describe.

And now, Zhang Anping's reply came.

Take a gamble.

These four simple words, but they were said with great force. Ming Lou thought:
When Comrade Anping wrote these four words, he must have made a very big decision.

After taking a long breath, Minglou began to implement Zhang Anping's second plan.

Minglou bent over his desk and wrote a messy "Draft of the Measures for the Handling of Detainees". In the measures, Minglou mentioned that young and strong people could be used as laborers and work in exchange for work, and would be released after earning enough bail of 158 yuan (you can never earn enough...).

The old, weak, sick and disabled people in the two camps were detained as resistance elements (which was impossible).

After finishing the draft, Minglou copied a neat draft report, and threw the messy draft on the desk, waiting to be discovered by his elder sister.

Before going to bed, he sneaked up on Mingcheng:

"Tomorrow, you will wake me up in front of my elder sister and ask me why I look like I haven't had enough rest. Got it?"

Ming Cheng understood clearly that his elder brother was going to "trick" his elder sister again!

Before the "Lone Wolf" entered the Ming family, the two brothers used this obscure way to let their eldest sister Ming Jing obtain some information that needed to be passed on and then passed it on to the organization. That is why the "Lone Wolf" remained quiet for a while after arriving at the Ming family.



In the morning, after Mingjing prepared breakfast for the three brothers, her face turned black. Then she began to bang on the table angrily, notifying the three brothers to come down to eat and then get out - she hated the Japanese devils and traitors, but the result now is that the eldest and second brother work at No. 76, and the third brother, whom she loves the most, is now working under the big spy Matsumuro Yoshitaka.

In the past, she called the three lazy bums in annoyance, but now... she just ignored the three bastards.

But breakfast never stopped.

Mingcheng rushed out of the house first, then called out to the third brother miserably. After pulling up Mingtai, he found that the eldest brother Minglou had not moved. He had no choice but to shout through the door. When Minglou opened the door, he asked in surprise:

"Brother, you have such dark circles under your eyes? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Ming Lou said vaguely:

"I prepared the Draft Measures for the Treatment of Detainees last night. I worked on it for most of the night and finally finished it. Ah, you guys eat first. I'll wash my face and come down later."


Mingcheng went downstairs with an honest look on his face. When he saw the eldest sister sitting at the dining table, he greeted her respectfully:

Ming Jing snorted coldly and ate his own portion.

Mingtai came down lazily a few minutes later, and greeted the elder sister lazily after seeing her at the table:


Mingjing's cold face thawed, but he did not answer, just nodded slightly.

Mingtai didn't care, he picked up the bread and started eating. When his elder sister wasn't paying attention, he glanced at Mingcheng:

Taking advantage of elder sister again?
Mingcheng replied with his eyes:
The boss did it.


You deserve to be banished to the cold palace by your elder sister.

Mingcheng: ...

I eat!
Minglou yawned as he came downstairs. When he saw Mingjing, he greeted her:


Mingjing turned around and didn't even look at this guy.

Mingtai smiled secretly and thought: Big sister is still the best to me.

The three brothers were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, but Mingjing was unhappy. He snorted coldly, glared at each of the three brothers, then got up and left.

The three brothers looked at each other, continued to communicate with their eyes and blamed each other, and when they had almost finished eating, they "ran away" tacitly, fearing that whoever was the last would be left behind and severely criticized by the eldest sister.

Ming Lou and Ming Cheng, who were sitting in the Cadillac, watched Ming Tai drive away. Ming Cheng started the car and asked:
"Brother, do you want me to intervene? Specifically..."

Ming Lou touched his face instinctively: "It's better for you not to know, so as not to be exposed when dealing with it."

After seeing his elder brother's actions through the rearview mirror, Ming Cheng thought:

I think I guessed it.


Longhua Camp.

Minglou handed over the "Draft Measures for the Handling of Detainees" which he had drafted overnight to Matsumuro Yoshitaka.

After reading the draft, Matsumuro Yoshitaka smiled and said:

"Mr. Ming is really soft-hearted."


Ming Lou could naturally hear the sarcasm from Matsumuro Yoshitaka, and said without changing his expression:
"Director, do you think this is feasible?"

"It's feasible!" Matsumuro Yoshitaka nodded in approval, and then said, "Advisor Ming, you have really worked hard during this period!"

"Serving the Imperial Army is not hard."

"Then handle it as you wish."


Minglou accepted the order without changing his expression. After he left, Matsumuro Yoshitaka picked up the documents that were piled up on his back.

This is the investigation report submitted by Yukihei Mizuno.

He secretly investigated some of the people on the suspicious list and found more than a dozen people who were suspected to be resistance elements - among these dozen resistance elements, there were both members of the Military Control Commission and underground party members.

In terms of proportion, there is no problem.

After taking another look at the "Draft Measures for the Treatment of Detainees" submitted by Ming Lou, Matsumuro Yoshitaka shook his head and said to himself:
"I might be overthinking it."

When Matsumuro Yoshitaka said to himself that he was overthinking, Mingjing "exploded".

She came to Minglou's study and found a draft entitled "Draft Measures for the Handling of Detainees". In this draft, she saw the cruelty of her brother.

There are more than two thousand people, and behind them are more than two thousand families!

Just because he couldn't come up with a mere 158 yuan bail, his own brother had to send these people to work as laborers, and even detained the elderly, the weak, and the disabled among them as "resistance elements" - was the Japanese detention real?
What they are best at is solving problems with bullets!

After reading this document, Mingjing was almost furious, and squeezed out two words from his mouth with gritted teeth:

"Ming! Lou!"

She slammed her fist on the table in anger, but the piercing pain was nothing compared to the heart-breaking pain her brother caused her.

"Prepare the car! I want to go to Longhua Camp!"


In the Longhua camp, Minglou was carefully checking the conditions of the arrested persons. Whenever he put a "check mark" after a name, Japanese soldiers as ferocious as wolves and tigers would come forward and drag the person corresponding to this name out of his cell.

They...are the old, weak, sick and disabled.

After working for more than an hour, the selection of more than 800 talents was completed. Just as they were about to switch to the next batch, a subordinate came in to report:
"Director, Chairman Ming wants to see you."

Here she comes! Big sister is here!

Ming Lou touched his face as if nothing had happened and asked, "Is my sister okay?"

"Chairman Ming didn't say anything," the subordinate glanced at Ming Lou carefully, "but she seemed very angry."


Ming Lou instantly turned into a fierce protector of his sister. He stuffed the document into his subordinate's arms and said angrily, "Who dares to make my sister angry? I'm tired of living!"

After saying that, he left the prison area angrily.

When he went over, Mingcheng had already hurried to Mingjing, but no matter what Mingcheng asked, Mingjing ignored him. Mingcheng tried to beg his elder sister to go to the office area in Minglou, but Mingjing still ignored him. Mingcheng had no choice but to accompany his elder sister to bask in the sun.

Fortunately, the temperature in Shanghai in late May is not very "familiar", unlike the temperature next door.

Ming Lou came over quickly. After seeing Ming Jing, he hissed softly, then hurried over, gritting his teeth as he ran:
"Big sister, who made you angry..."

Before he could finish his words, he just walked in front of Mingjing and saw a shadow flash by, followed by a crisp sound.

Although Ming Lou was prepared, the slap really hurt. He looked at Ming Jing in a daze:


Mingjing shouted angrily: "Kneel down!"

Ming Lou looked around and said in embarrassment: "Sister, this is..."

Ming Jing said coldly: "Director Ming, then I will kneel down for you!"

Minglou knelt down without saying a word.

Minglou was in a kneeling position, which made it easier for him to be slapped, and sure enough, he was slapped three times.

"Minglou, are you still a human being?"

Mingjing was so angry that he was shaking all over:

"More than 2,000 people! More than 2,000 families! Director Ming, you are so cruel that you actually want to send them all to work as laborers!"

"No! You even want to shoot the old, weak, sick and disabled among them! Minglou, dig out your heart and see if it's black!"

Ming Lou argued quietly: "They are not shot, they are imprisoned..."


Another slap in the face that leaves no room for excuses:

"You treat them as resistance fighters, but you just want to shoot them, right?"

After saying this angrily, Mingjing slapped him again.

Mingcheng saw that his elder sister was shaking violently and knew that she was very angry, so he quickly advised her: "Sister, can we wait until we get back..."

Ming Jing glared at Ming Cheng with bloodshot eyes, angrily: "Kneel down!"

Mingcheng didn't dare to refute and knelt obediently beside Minglou.

Ming Jing raised her arm to slap him, but stopped abruptly when her palm was about to reach Ming Cheng's face:
"Ah Cheng, you have no opinion, it's the boss who led you astray. I won't hit you, I won't hit you, just get out of the way!" "Ming Lou, I was wrong just now, I shouldn't have hit you..." Ming Jing squatted beside Ming Lou and said quickly: "Let them go, I admit my mistake, I kneel down for you! I beg you, please let them go, they are all innocent, each of them has a family behind him!"

"Without them, more than two thousand families will be ruined! Please!"

Mingjing was about to kneel down to Minglou, and Minglou was frightened. He quickly knelt down and took a step forward to support her, but was pushed down by Mingjing. Seeing that Mingjing was about to kneel down, Mingcheng simply lay on the ground and let Mingjing's knees fall on him.

Ming Lou turned over and knelt again: "Big sister, let's go back and talk, can we go back and talk?"

"Just let them go, please? I beg you!"

"Sister, can we go back and talk about it?" Minglou pleaded in a sad voice.

But Ming Jing also pleaded: "Ming Lou, Director Ming, Director Ming, I beg you, can you give them a chance to live?"

The human cushion made a pitiful sound:

"Sister, let's go back..."

"Shut up!"

Ming Jing glared at Ming Cheng, frightening him so much that he dared not say a word. Then she grabbed Ming Lou's arms tightly with both hands and said, "Brother, I beg you!"

"Sister, I...I really can't make the decision!"

"Money, isn't it just money? I'll go and raise the money now. I'll give you as much money as you want, okay? I can sell the Ming family to raise enough money, okay? Please!"

"Sister! This is not about money!"

Ming Lou was speechless, but Ming Jing obviously didn't want to listen to his explanation. After using both hard and soft methods, he started the hard method again...


Yoshitaka Matsumuro was holding a telescope and watching what was happening outside.

The secretary came in to report: "Director, the dispute between Chairman Ming and Consultant Ming is that Chairman Ming wants Consultant Ming to release the detained person..."

"No need to explain, I know the reason." Matsumuro Yoshitaka interrupted the secretary: "I want to know how she knew this!"

"I don't know."

Matsumuro Yoshitaka chuckled and made arrangements: "Send someone to check Mingjing's character immediately."


"Also, send someone to invite them to the conference room."


After the secretary left, Matsumuro Yoshitaka continued to watch the "big show" outside with interest, but the doubts in his heart grew stronger and stronger.

Is this acting?
Not long after Ming Jing, Ming Lou and Ming Cheng were "invited" into the conference room, the secretary came back:

"Director, according to feedback, the Shanghai business community's evaluation of Mingjing is that it is honest, straightforward and kind. The employees of Ming's enterprise are paid slightly higher than their peers."

"There is another thing - last year, Wang Manchun, the intelligence director who died in No. 76, also arrested a large number of people. The then deputy director Zhang Anping proposed a bail system to make money, and it was Mingjing who paid for the bail of those people."

"Also... Section Chief Tsukamoto once detained Ming Jing for a period of time, but later released her because there was no evidence."

The Special High Police is a hell for the Chinese. No matter who you are, no matter whether you are a resistance element or not, once you are in the Special High Police, the only way to get out is to lie down and be carried out.

Mingjing was one of the very few people who was able to leave the Special Higher Police safely.

"A simple businessman?"

Yoshitaka Matsumuro made a guess, but he was not sure. His identity as an agent made him have serious doubts about the identity of every Chinese!
Matsumuro Yoshitaka stood up and said meaningfully: "Got it, I'll go meet this Chairman Ming!"


meeting room.

Minglou was extremely nervous.

He knew that this matter would definitely attract the attention of Matsumuro Yoshitaka, and if he couldn't pass this hurdle, these suffering compatriots would never be able to leave safely.

Next comes the most challenging moment.

But can his elder sister handle it?

Success, these two thousand plus compatriots will be safe!

If he loses, he will be put on the suspect list by Matsumuro Yoshitaka!
Minglou glanced at his elder sister secretly and found that she was still angry. He panicked and regretted not informing his elder sister - but if he had really informed his elder sister, how could she bear to slap him in the face!

"Ming Lou, I don't care how difficult it is for you!" Ming Jing was on the verge of exploding at this moment:
"You have to let these people go!"

"The Ming family has been in Shanghai for 47 years and has never done anything so shameful! If you don't let them go, I, I, I..."

Ming Jing kept saying “I, I, I” for a long while, and finally gritted her teeth and said, “I will die in front of you!”

"Big sister!" Minglou and Mingcheng were obviously panicked. The two kneeling men rushed over and hugged the big sister's legs.

At this time, Matsumuro Yoshitaka's fluent Chinese voice appeared along with his footsteps:

"Chairman Ming, calm down, calm down."

Mingcheng was worried and quickly reminded: "Big sister, this is our chief, Chief Matsumuro."

Mingjing snorted, but her anger was obviously restrained. After a few heavy breaths, she said, "Chief Matsumuro, this is my family matter."

"I know, I know," Matsumuro Yoshitaka said calmly, "I'm just worried that Chairman Ming will get sick from being angry. Consultant Ming, quickly pour Chairman Ming a glass of water!"

Minglou looked at his elder sister timidly, and only stood up quickly after Mingjing snorted coldly. He also pulled Mingcheng with him before getting up in embarrassment. This scene made Matsumuro Yoshitaka feel very strange.

He asked tentatively:
"Chairman Ming, why are you so angry? Can you tell me?"

Ming Jing became even more annoyed after hearing this. She searched in her handbag angrily. Her hands were shaking with anger and she took out two pieces of toilet paper several times before she slapped them on the table and cursed:
"What a black-hearted bastard!"

"Doesn't he know whether the people he arrested are resistance elements? More than 2,000 people, and he forced them to work as laborers to earn bail money!"

"What a bastard! Doesn't he know that these people are the backbone of their families? What is he trying to do? What is he trying to do!"

At this time Minglou just came over with tea. Mingjing, who was furious, stood up angrily, picked up the tea bowl and threw it out while Minglou exclaimed "Sister, be careful, it's hot."

Matsumuro Yoshitaka saw clearly that Mingjing had intended to hit Minglou on the head, but when he was about to hit him, his hand deviated and hit the ground.

Minglou and Mingcheng had already rushed over to check if the eldest sister's hands were burned, but Minglou was slapped again. The crisp sound made Matsumuro Yoshitaka twitch his mouth.

Really...use more effort!
Looking at Minglou's face that looked like a monkey's butt, Matsumuro Yoshitaka almost laughed out loud.

"Chairman Ming, don't be anxious! Don't be anxious!"

Matsumuro Yoshitaka threw away the draft - it was full of wrinkles, as if it had been crumpled up and then unfolded.

"What you see here is a draft. In fact, Consultant Ming has changed the plan after discussing it with me."

Ming Lou quickly responded after hearing this. Ming Jing looked at Ming Lou suspiciously, then looked at Matsumuro Yoshitaka, and his expression softened a little:

"Really, it's more real than real gold - Counselor Ming decided to cut the bail in half."

"Half? Even half is not something these people can do!" Ming Jing said angrily: "In the final analysis, it's all for money!"

"Ming Lou, don't you want money? Don't reduce the bail! I'll pay for all their bail!"

Ming Jing pointed at Ming Lou's nose and yelled, "You threw my father's face to the ground and crushed it!"

"You don't want to do good business, but you are doing crooked things! Don't you love money? Don't you want money? Don't you just want power? Fine! Then I will sell off the Ming family to satisfy your ambitions!"

Ming Lou was shocked and said, "Sister! You are crazy!"

"I'm just crazy! I have three brothers and three dogs, why wouldn't I be crazy?! Since you are all like this, what's the point of keeping the Ming family? What's the point!"

Mingjing looked like a madman, and this metaphor even made Matsumuro Yoshitaka's face turn dark.

Ming Lou wanted to apologize to Matsumuro Yoshitaka, but Ming Jing shrilly ordered him, "Kneel down!"

Minglou knelt down and begged Mingjing to stop talking. Mingcheng, who was standing beside him, carefully explained to Matsumuro Yoshitaka, but Mingjing heard him after he whispered a few words. After an order, Mingcheng had to kneel on the ground.

【Crazy woman! 】

Matsumuro Yoshitaka cursed inwardly in annoyance and lost interest in continuing to test him - he thought Mingjing would be afraid of him, a major general of the Imperial Army and the person in charge of the Shanghai Secret Service, but he didn't expect that this woman would dare to say anything when she got angry.

He then stood up and said, "Advisor Ming, I hope your family affairs won't affect your work!"

After that, he turned and left.

As soon as Matsumuro Yoshitaka left, Minglou felt relieved. He was afraid that his elder sister would be exposed in front of Matsumuro Yoshitaka. He didn't expect that his elder sister would act so...

He secretly looked at Mingjing, only to find that the elder sister who had just angrily scolded him had softened and was about to fall to the ground. Minglou rushed over and hugged the elder sister:

"Big sister—quickly call a doctor!"

There was a special Japanese military doctor in the Longhua Camp, a short and skinny military doctor. Mingcheng carried him to the meeting room. However, when he was seeing the patient, he found that he had forgotten to take the medical box with him, so Mingcheng quickly ran to the infirmary to get it.

After examination by the military doctor, it was confirmed that Mingjing had fainted due to anger, and the two brothers finally put their minds at ease.

Minglou then arranged for Mingcheng to send his eldest sister back.

As soon as Mingcheng left, Matsumuro Yoshitaka went to Minglou again.

Minglou could only keep apologizing.

"Mr. Ming, what should we do with the next group of people? If it doesn't work, then..." Matsumuro Yoshitaka sighed and said, "If it doesn't work, just let them go! Anyway, Mr. Ming has made outstanding contributions to the empire, so this little bit doesn't matter."

Ming Lou gritted his teeth and said, "No! Chief, I'll solve this according to our previous discussion!"

After saying that, Minglou went to the prison area angrily.

Looking at Minglou's back, Matsumuro Yoshitaka's eyes flickered.

Maybe, I am overthinking it?
In the afternoon, Mingtai was hurriedly sent to Longhua Camp by Mingcheng.

When he saw Ming Lou, Ming Tai complained: "Brother, why didn't you answer the phone!"

The busy Minglou said impatiently:
"Talk about something!"

"Sister has woken up, but she still refuses to take medicine or eat, and she won't answer when asked! You..."

Before Mingtai could finish his words, Minglou left him and ran away.

Soon, Matsumuro Yoshitaka received the news that Minglou was "absent from work". Matsumuro Yoshitaka did not say a word, but his eyes became sharp.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, he called Mizuno Yukihei over and brought a few guards with him.

"Go to Ming's house!"

Ming family?

Mizuno Yukihei hesitated: "How about I give Director Ming a call?"

"No! Let's go now."

Seeing that Matsumuro Yoshitaka was so determined, Mizuno Yukihei stopped asking questions and the three cars drove towards Ming's house.

When they were almost in front of the Ming family villa, Matsumuro Yoshitaka gestured for them to turn off the lights and walk out of the car with him. Mizuno, who was becoming increasingly confused, had no choice but to follow.

When they were almost at the Ming family, Matsumuro Yoshitaka signaled one of his men to inform the Ming family guards around not to make trouble - it was obvious that there was a spy secretly developed by Matsumuro Yoshitaka among the Ming family guards.

The Ming family originally had no guards, but because they had been attacked once, Ming Lou hired guards. However, Ming Jing disliked these people, so they were arranged outside the villa.

After arriving at the gate of the Ming family, Matsumuro Yoshitaka stopped Mizuno from knocking on the door. After glancing at the villa with the lights on, he signaled his men to climb in and control the gatehouse before letting them in.

Seeing this, Mizuno pulled out his gun, but was stopped by Matsumuro Yoshitaka:

"It doesn't work."

As expected, the doorman was controlled by Japanese agents, and the group easily entered the Ming family's house.

After entering the Ming family villa from the yard, the group went straight to the house on the second floor where the lights were still on. When they reached the door, Mizuno Yukihei pushed the door open at the signal of Matsumuro Yoshitaka.

Everything in the house appeared in Matsumuro Yoshitaka's sight:
Several cups filled with water, medicine and a bowl of porridge were placed on the table beside the bed. Mingjing was lying on the bed with her back to the bed. The sound of knocking on the door startled her. She turned around and was obviously frightened when she saw a group of Japanese at the door. She wanted to scold them harshly but stopped talking when she saw clearly that it was Matsumuro Yoshitaka. Then she cast an annoyed look at them.

The three brothers of the Ming family were kneeling in front of the bed at this time. When they heard the unusual noise and turned around to see that it was the Japanese, they stood up one after another. However, because they had been kneeling for too long and their blood circulation was blocked, they fell to the ground in unison.

"Advisor Ming!"

Matsumuro Yoshitaka cried out and rushed over, seemingly supporting the three people, but his eyes were carefully examining the carpet, studying the places where the three people had knelt. After seeing several irregular depressions on the carpet, he confirmed that these three unfortunate guys had indeed been kneeling for a long time.

Their pale faces also showed that they must have been kneeling for a very long time.

Not acting!

Matsumuro Yoshitaka finally got the answer he wanted.

"Advisor Ming, I'm really sorry. Your sister misunderstood you today. I was worried that Advisor Ming's family was upset, so I came here after finishing my work. I'm very sorry!"

"Head, you are too polite. This is not the place to talk. Can you please move to the study?"

"Excuse me, it's my fault!"

Matsumuro Yoshitaka apologized and turned to leave. Mingtai hurriedly said:

"I'll go with the chief."

Ming Jing screamed: "Ming Tai!"

Mingtai stopped and looked embarrassed.

As soon as Matsumuro Yoshitaka walked out of the house, he heard Mingjing's angry voice:

"Your Majesty!"

Two plops were heard.

Minglou, who came out with Matsumuro Yoshitaka, could only smile awkwardly.

After entering the study, Ming Lou sighed and said:

"Excuse me, Chief. We three brothers were all raised by our eldest sister. An elder sister is like a mother! Excuse me, Chief."

Matsumuro Yoshitaka said with a fake smile:
"Advisor Ming is truly filial."

After chatting casually with Minglou for a while, Matsumuro Yoshitaka stood up to say goodbye. Minglou politely asked him to stay a few times and then sent him to the door and watched him leave.

【so close! 】

Ming Lou was already covered in cold sweat at this time. If he had not revealed his identity to his elder sister from the beginning to the end, this time... he would be doomed!
After getting on the bus, Matsumuro Yoshitaka said to Mizuno Yukihei who was full of doubts:
"It seems that I overthought it - I thought this was a play, but I didn't expect that there really is such a confused woman in this world. Ha, it's just me. If someone else dared to do this, Consultant Ming would be in trouble!"

Yukihei Mizuno pretends to be taught.

He now understood Matsumuro Yoshitaka's intention.

"Chief, you really are Zhuge Liang reincarnated!"

Although Minglou was extremely tired at this moment, he felt extremely relaxed in his heart - tomorrow, he would be able to "show his cards" to Matsumuro Yoshitaka!
Three hundred thousand. Given Matsumuro Yoshitaka's greed, he will definitely release these people.

This's time to end!

Director Ming, who was extremely relaxed, opened the door of the eldest sister's room:

"Sister, please drink the medicine..."

"Your Majesty!"

With a plop, Director Ming knelt down without saying a word.

Although Director Ming knelt quickly, his expression was unusually relaxed. Ming Cheng and Ming Tai understood what was happening: done!
Phew, it was worth kneeling for so long.

"Sister, why don't you have a bite..."

(I took seven days off this month, but I really worked hard in the last ten days and wrote 17.5 words!)
(This is the last hour, don’t waste your monthly ticket.) (End of this chapter)

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