Chapter 138 Azik’s joining
Early the next morning, Klein left home an hour early and got on the public carriage.

"Before Mr. Azik went on a trip, he wrote to me and told me that he would be back this week, but he didn't mention the specific date. But since my classmate Shengun reminded me that I could go over and take a look today, then Mr. Azik should have already Are you back?" Klein thought.

I need to tell Mr. Azik about Baron Ramd. This may be a clue to the past that he has forgotten.

After a few minutes, he stepped out of the carriage, came to the door of Mr. Azik's house, and pulled the rope at the door.


The rope pulled the bell in the house, making a crisp sound. After a while, the door opened.

Azik, who had soft features and a bronze complexion, appeared in front of Klein. Because at home, he was only casually wearing a white shirt, a brown vest and brown trousers, and looked at Klein standing at the door gently.

"Klein?" Azik looked at his student and invited him in, "I just got home last night."

Klein walked into the room. He took off his top hat and took a deep look at the small black mole under his right ear. Once again, Mr. Azik's appearance overlapped with the portrait of Baron Ramd.

He sighed softly, not intending to hide this, "Mr. Azik, I found clues to your past."

"Oh?" Azik's expression was a little moved, but he didn't show too much excitement, but his indifferent eyes, which always had a meaning of vicissitudes of life, had lost their usual calmness at this moment.

At this moment, he once again remembered the conversation last night.

"So, you don't really know me, and you don't have exact evidence or clues, but you know a lot about me?" Azik kept his emotions calm, but his eyes were always staring at Suya, without any Move away and speak softly.

"That's right." Su Ya poured herself another cup of tea, sipped it as if no one else was watching, and answered calmly.

"I can't understand. Who are you? What do you want to do?" Azik frowned tightly, looking at Suya with a little unobvious irritability and confusion.

"Mr. Azik, you can regard me as a 'prophet'." Suya put down the teacup and spread his hands.

"Of course, it's not impossible to be a magic stick." He smiled and joked to himself.

"After all, in the eyes of the world, there is not much difference between the two."

"Prophet?" Azik didn't pay attention to Suya's self-deprecation, but chewed these two words silently, seeming to think of something.

It seemed to be a gorgeous and splendid room, but compared to the living room in front of me, it was more accurately a palace.

In the palace decorated with gold, gems, spices, and feathers, someone was sitting opposite him, looking at him with calm and indifferent eyes.

"Azik Eggers, do you really want to know this prophecy?" The voice of the person opposite, which was ethereal, calm and indifferent, and as clear as the collision of clear springs, sounded in his ears, with a faint sigh in the voice.

"I'm sure." Azik heard his own replying voice, but the voice seemed particularly cold and did not seem to contain any positive emotions that humans should have. He was in a daze for a moment, and he couldn't believe that this was really what he could say. The sound comes out.

"Your Excellency 'Prophet', you once said that fate is not static." The cold voice said with a respectful tone.

"I respect fate, but I won't be afraid of it. You don't have to hide it."


"Mr. Azik? Are you listening?" The clearer and softer voice of the person opposite came, interrupting Azik's somewhat dazed thoughts.

"I'm fine, I just suddenly remembered something." Azik blinked in confusion, pulling his thoughts out of the memories that had just suddenly surged out of the depths of his mind, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"So it's the 'Prophet'. So, what fragments did you see related to me?" Azik stretched out his fingers and rubbed his temples, sighed softly, and asked.

"Is it the past or the future?" He looked at the surprise in Su Ya's blue eyes hidden behind the snow-white mask, and nodded slightly, "It seems to be both."

"I see. It seems that in the course of fate, you, Klein, and I will have a lot of intersections, and perhaps there will be some regrets." Azik observed the emotions in Suya's eyes and guessed.

"It seems that you don't need any more explanation from me?" Su Ya glanced at Azik silently and said helplessly.

He had just figured out how to explain his behavior to Mr. Azik and get close to him, but the other party had already guessed the whole thing.

It seems that Mr. Azik must have dealt with the Extraordinaries of the Destiny Path in the past. His understanding of the Extraordinaries of this path surprised Suya.

But he wasn't particularly surprised.

After all, in the fourth era when extraordinary people traveled everywhere, true angels could always be in the war between gods. As the de facto consul of the Southern Continent and the son of Hades Emperor Salinger, Azik Eggers understood these completely It's normal.

But how much memory has Mr. Azik recovered now? He remembers so much knowledge. Suya muttered to himself.

"If it's the path of fate, I can indeed understand." Azik nodded slightly, looking at Suya with a much gentler look.

Although the other party's behavior was somewhat mysterious and mysterious, Azik, who had already remembered something at this time, had no doubt about it - judging from the performance of the Extraordinaries on this path in his memory, this style In fact, it is their habit and standard configuration, and has no other meaning.

".Since you can understand, it's easy to handle." Su Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and he was very happy that he didn't have to bother explaining his purpose to Azik.

“In the future I see, the key points connecting our destiny are Klein and Ince Zangwill,” he said.

"More specifically, Ince Zangwill is suspected of killing Klein for promotion and stealing the skull of your former child as a ritual sacrifice." Suya noticed that Mr. Azik sank. With a look on his face, he explained quickly.

"And I am planning to change all of this. Mr. Azik, would you like to give us some help in this matter?"

Back to the present. "It seems that the kid is right." Azik led Klein to the living room on the first floor and placed two cups of coffee on the coffee table. The aroma was mellow and rich.

"Add sugar and milk yourself." Ards put down the small silver plate and said, pointing to the milk jug and sugar cube box.

"Thank you." Klein nodded gratefully and added three sugar cubes and a spoonful of milk.

Azik didn't add any spices to his coffee. He sat on the soft sofa, looked at Klein, and said with a sigh.

"As expected, the clues about my past were brought to me by you, Klein." His eyes when he looked at Klein were particularly gentle, and there was a hint of sadness that he had already guessed the answer.

"Is it really me?" Klein was stunned for a moment, and then quickly thought of what was most likely to happen to Mr. Azik.

"Mr. Azik, you and Suya?"

What did Mr. Azik say to Mr. Azik? Why does he look like this? Klein couldn't find a more specific adjective, but he just felt that the expression on Mr. Azik's face seemed familiar.Just like when he saw himself in the mirror every time he missed his hometown, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy.

"We met last night." Azik looked at Klein with a gentle voice.

"I guess you already know that the 'Destiny' path has a certain chance of foreseeing some futures."

Klein nodded.

He does know this feature of the 'destiny' path, and he also knows that compared to other extraordinary people of the same sequence, the spiritual intuition and foreseeing ability of the students are stronger, and they can see more, but they are also more vulnerable because of this. It’s easy to see things you shouldn’t.

For this reason, Shengun students even have to cover their eyes in a specific way when they come to Huiwu for a meeting to prevent them from accidentally seeing something and losing control.

So, did Mr. Azik see the future this time?Will their relationship be good in the future?
Klein guessed and looked at Azik with some curiosity.

"Suya told me that he saw some things about me, and one of them was about you." Azik leaned forward slightly, and the expression on his face fluctuated greatly, with a pair of gentle and calm eyes. He stared at Klein and refused to look away for a moment, "He said that you will bring me important clues about my past."

Sure enough, it's you, my awesome fellow.

But since you saw it, can't you tell Mr. Azik yourself?You have to wait for me to come. Although I know you have good intentions and don't want to take my credit, it still feels a bit embarrassing.

Klein was a little helpless, but he had already started thinking about how to tell Mr. Azik about this when he was on the road, so he was not panicking now.

"That's it." Klein organized his words and said, "I recently accepted a commission and went to the abandoned castle outside the town of Ramd to get rid of a resentful spirit."

"Ramde" Azik repeated the name in a low voice, frowning a little.

This name does sound familiar. Is it related to the dead child Su Ya said?A few vague shadows of his child Azik flashed quickly in his mind, but they quickly disappeared from his mind without leaving many traces.

Azik didn't force himself to think about it. He looked at Klein, waiting for him to say more.

"During the process of removing the resentful souls, we discovered something, so we went to the town to conduct an in-depth investigation." Klein looked at the other party's expression, slowed down his speech, and said cautiously: "A town citizen claimed to own the first generation of Ramd. The Baron tried to sell me the portrait. I looked at the oil painting curiously and found that except for the hairstyle, the facial features of the person in the portrait were very similar to yours, Mr. Azik. Even the black mole under the ear had the same appearance. location and same size.”

"Under my interrogation, the townsman confessed that the oil painting was made more than 40 years ago, but the object of the imitation did come from the abandoned castle, and it was indeed an ancient portrait painting dug out there."

Klein said truthfully, "I think your past may have some connection with Baron Ramd."

Klein even had an even bolder guess—Mr. Azik was the so-called first Baron Ramd.

But he didn't dare to confirm this idea, because if Mr. Azik was really the Baron, wouldn't it mean that Mr. Azik had lived in this world for at least 1000 years?You know, the first Baron Ramd was a man from 500 to [-] years ago.
When he first discovered this, Klein had guessed that Mr. Azik had turned into an undead creature, such as a vampire, for some reason, and had lived from ancient times to the present. However, after attending several Tarot sessions, After a small class on the extraordinary knowledge of 'Wheel of Fortune' and 'Justice', he gave up this outrageous speculation.

On the one hand, it was because when he was getting along with Azik, he could clearly feel his body temperature and the blood flowing in his body. He also knew that Mr. Azik was not afraid of the sun, and had once braved the scorching sun to fight with others. teachers team up for rowing.

On the other hand, it was because he knew the true face of the Vampire Clan—and the fact that it was actually a sequence of potion pathways.

And even if you are a vampire, if you want to live as long as Mr. Azik, your ranking will never be low.

As for now, Klein is more inclined to Mr. Azik because the sequence he is in is rather special and is likely to be similar to the reincarnation in the myth of his previous life.Considering the completely different dreams that Mr. Azik described to himself before, Klein felt that this guess seemed more reliable, and he was more inclined to this guess.

"Baron Ramd" Azik leaned forward to listen. He whispered to himself, clasped his hands, and did not speak for a long time, always maintaining wordless silence.

He tried hard to search for his memory, but the harder he tried to think, the more blurry and difficult it was to find everything in his memory. It was as if there was a thick barrier between those memories and himself, and he couldn't recall even a single bit of it for a while.

"Your description didn't make me recall anything more." After five or six minutes, he breathed out and said, "Maybe I should go to the abandoned castle you mentioned in person to take a look later. .Maybe that will remind me of something.”

He smiled slightly and thanked Klein, "Thank you, Klein."

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to find clues about the memories I lost in the past on my own."

"Perhaps you would like to take me there to see you when you are free in the future?"

"It's my honor." Klein nodded and replied in advance, "But I'm afraid I have to go to the company first today. Well, I'll come visit you after I finish work this afternoon?"

"No problem." Azik stood up and sent Klein out the door, who was about to go to work.

He stared deeply at Klein's leaving back, then glanced back slightly and lightly snapped his fingers.

"Kleon, I will ensure your safety."

(End of this chapter)

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