Chapter 139 The Plan Begins

After bidding farewell to Mr. Azik, Klein once again took the public carriage to the Blackthorn Security Company.

"Good morning, Klein." Roxanne greeted with a bright smile and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Good morning, Roxanne, you seem to be in a good mood today?" Klein walked in the door, took off his hat and said hello, and glanced at the overly bright smile on Roxanne's face with some curiosity.

"Is it so obvious?" Luo Shan raised her hand to cover her face and said, "The new civilian staff is here, and my bad skin condition will finally be saved!"

"Congratulations, Roxanne, the goddess heard your prayer." Klein was sincerely happy for the other party.

"However, there is something more joyful than this." Roshan glanced at Klein, rolled her eyes, showed a smile that looked like a good show, and said, "This matter is also related to you, Klein, you can first Go meet the captain."

Is it related to me?Could it be that the special application I submitted was approved? That is indeed good news, but hasn't Roshan always cared little about the affairs of the Beyonders? Well, I can’t say for sure. After all, Luo Shan was one of the first to know about the gossip about the magic stick classmate last time. Obviously no one can match her in terms of gossip.
Klein was a little puzzled, but he didn't think much about it. He and Roxanne nodded, and under each other's bright eyes, they walked to the partition outside the hall and knocked on the door of the captain's office.

"Please come in." Dunn's mellow voice came out.

Klein pushed the door open and saw Dunn sitting up straight, looking at him with deep gray eyes.

Klein was in a daze. For a moment, he felt that the scene in front of him was particularly familiar, as if he had already experienced such a thing once, and he could even guess what the captain would say to him next.

"Klein? You came at the right time. I need you for something." Dunn's familiar voice seemed to overlap with another equally mellow voice in his mind. Klein watched his lips open and close, but he could always find his way before Dunn. You guessed what he was going to say before he said it.

What's wrong with me? Klein blinked blankly, a little confused. He subconsciously touched his cuffs. After feeling the familiar cold touch of sapphire, he calmed down and stopped being distracted. He listened carefully to Dunn's words. .

"The person in charge of this examination is Creste Sesima, one of the nine senior deacons of the Nighthawks. The church attaches great importance to you." Dunn Smith crossed his hands and rested his chin, looking at him with gentle eyes. Klein, who seemed a little confused as he hadn't reacted yet, shook his head in amusement.

He straightened the collar of his shirt and said in a low voice: "Your Excellency Crestel Sesima is very easy to get along with. He has not entered the realm of 'demigod and half human' yet. You don't need to be too afraid of him."

Indeed, although the 'Goddess Sword' may seem a little cold at first glance, he is actually quite gentle and easy to talk to, and he doesn't like to embarrass others.

Klein subconsciously thought about it, but he quickly realized that something was wrong - I remember that I had never met this senior deacon, His Excellency Crested Sesima. Why did I suddenly have such an idea? I always felt that something was not right. ah.

Such thoughts only existed in his mind for a short moment, and were quickly squeezed out by other more important things and completely forgotten.

"By the way Klein, Old Neil has something to give you. After you go to see Lord Sesima, you can go to the data room to meet him." Dunn clasped his hands and glanced at Klein, the corner of his mouth He raised his head slightly and said in a good mood.

"Mr. Neil is back?" Klein's eyes widened in surprise when he heard the sound, and he said in great surprise.

At this time, he had already realized what the surprise that Roxanne had just secretly concealed - since Old Neil could be allowed to return to the team with Sir Sesima, the senior deacon, then the problem with him should be Almost all of them have been eliminated, which is a surprise for the entire Tingen Nighthawks team.

"Rosanne didn't tell you?" Dunn was stunned for a moment, then shook his head in amusement, obviously not surprised by this, "Old Neil came back yesterday and arrived in Tingen with Sir Sesima. "

"According to Sir Sesima, he is recovering very well. As long as he does not continue to actively listen to the voice of the 'Hidden Sage' and reduce the use of ritual magic and extraordinary abilities, there will be no more problems." Dunn was simple and direct. explained.

"If nothing else happens, when this inspection is over and Sir Sesima leaves, Old Neil will be able to come back and continue working as a civilian."

"You were on vacation yesterday, so I didn't notify you specifically, but Mrs. Oriana has already made a reservation at the Oldville restaurant for tomorrow night. We can celebrate together then." Dunn Smith's mellow voice was full of smiles, "Not only to welcome Old Neil back, but also to celebrate your promotion."

An indescribable feeling arose in Klein's heart. He should have been happy about this - Old Neil returned to the Blackthorn Security Company intact, and he was about to be promoted to the long-awaited Sequence 8. Teammates There are also celebrations prepared for this, no matter what they are, they should make him happy.

But at this moment, he didn't know why, but an emotion that was close to panic welled up in his heart, making him a little confused and at a loss.

what's wrong with me?
Klein muttered silently to himself, and with a head full of confusion, he walked down the stairs that snaked deep into the ground, step by step, towards the direction of the underground alchemy room.

"Good morning, Adil."

Suya sat on one side of the long table in the restaurant, cutting a piece of bacon and fried eggs, while saying hello to Adil who walked over lightly without raising his head.

"Good morning, Su Ya. Why did you get up so early today?" Atil paused and stepped softly so as not to wake up his younger brother. He stood at the door of the restaurant and looked at his younger brother who was preparing a piece of browned toast, and was a little surprised. raised an eyebrow.

For Atil, although he doesn't need much sleep like those 'sleepless ones' in the church, he has become accustomed to getting up early every day.

This was a habit he had developed since he was sent to the Holy Church in Cold Winter County for training and study when he was a boy, and for a Sequence 5 like him, he did not need to sleep as long as ordinary people.

However, when he is at home on weekdays, Adil takes care of the schedule of his younger brother and others, so he usually does not leave the bedroom too early after waking up. When there is a task, he will try to get up as quietly as possible and try not to disturb other people. sleep.

Although he just returned from a business trip to Dixi County yesterday, the reason why he was recalled early this time was that he had other tasks, so he will be very busy recently.

In order not to disturb other people in the family, Adil even considered staying directly at St. Samuel's Church recently, but Suya personally came to pick him up yesterday. Adil, who hadn't seen his brother for a long time, My mind got hot and I followed him back without even thinking about it.

"Early to bed and early to rise are good for your health." Su Ya said casually. When Atil nodded without any doubt, he couldn't help but shake his head helplessly.He now knows his brother's character very well.

Although Artil has been trained by the church since he was a child, he is highly skilled and intelligent. Outside, he is a high-level member of the Church of the Night who can stand alone. He is feared by many secret organizations and wild extraordinary people.
But this guy has a fatal flaw - he trusts his companions and relatives too much.

Companions whom he recognizes and relatives who are connected by blood, these two types of people can be completely trusted by Atil. He will hardly have any suspicion or wariness towards them, even if he has faced them once. After the betrayal of 'companions'
And Adil's unconditional trust is especially obvious when facing Su Ya.

Su Ya now knows that the brother in front of him has most likely guessed that he has been promoted to Sequence 6 without telling them - otherwise he would not have secretly prepared the main materials of Sequence 5 for himself before restarting.

But Atil didn't tell anyone about this, and even actively cooperated with him to pretend to be stupid. This complete trust really made Suya a little unable to resist.

Sometimes when Suya looked at the way Adil looked at her, he would even have visions of a large dog called a golden retriever in the old days.Adil is just like a golden retriever. He is as gentle and tolerant, and as easy to trust others.

But this is good, at least he doesn't have to think of ways to explain some of his actions.

"Adil, do you have any tasks today?" Suya put the last piece of toast into his mouth, held a cup of black tea without any extra condiments, and asked casually.

"Yes." Atil nodded and said, "It's a mission related to the demigod Fusac you met last time."

"Because the Heart of Steam suspects that this matter is related to the Extraordinary who broke into their church, this is a joint action by the three major churches, and Loen officials have to be notified." At this point, Artil paused. Somewhat helplessly, "Originally, His Excellency the Archbishop was going to leave this matter to Crestel, but that guy took on another task and hid in Tingen yesterday."

Currently, in Backlund, he is the only church leader who is qualified to participate in the joint operation and has nothing else to do. He cannot escape at all.

Well done, Lord Sesima.Su Ya silently gave Creste Sesima a thumbs up in his heart.

Although this mission sounds very difficult, at least in Backlund, the three major churches are jointly operating. If Atiel participates in this mission, then he will not suddenly abandon the mission and run to Tingen. Life safety can be guaranteed
Although I feel somewhat sorry for His Excellency Creste Sesima for thinking this way, Suya really felt that Atil might have had a conflict with Tingen, twice in a row.
Even after Crestel Sesima faced the aura of the 'True Creator' and had a fight with Ince Zangwill, nothing serious happened to him.

Su Ya thought silently, finished the cup of tea and personally sent away Adil, who was about to go to the Steam Church for a meeting, and sighed leisurely.

Next, his task will not be easy either.

Su Ya took out the copper whistle he got from Mr. Azik yesterday from the inner pocket of his shirt, rubbed it gently with his fingertips for a moment, and sighed secretly.

He knew very well that once he really found Mr. Azik as a foreign aid, he could no longer ask Archbishop St. Anthony for help at the same time - it was even better not to let Mr. Azik be seen by Crested Sesima. arrive.

Others may not recognize Mr. Azik's identity. As a senior member of the Church of the Night who has a sworn enemy relationship with the 'God of Death', he must have some feelings for the Death Consul who once took charge of the Balam Empire in the Southern Continent for the Underworld Emperor Salinger. understand.

Although you may not recognize it at first glance, the sudden appearance of such a large angel from an adjacent path will definitely arouse the vigilance of the Church of the Night.

Su Ya doesn’t want to trap Mr. Azik into the Chanis Gate because of this. Although the goddess must know about Mr. Azik, the true God and the church are not completely in the same position. If he really wants to get to that point, he will have to take Azik with him. Ke and Klein ran away with the bucket. If this were true, Artil would definitely cry to him.

Alas. Su Ya sighed, turned around, put on his coat and went out alone.

He changed his route several times, finding an opportunity to change clothes at the corner of the street, and finally quietly appeared in the single-family house in the North District in the same image as when he met Azik before.

Su Ya stood in the spacious living room, holding the gleaming armchair with one hand and the exquisite, ancient copper whistle with the other.

He raised his right hand, put the copper whistle to his mouth, puffed up his cheeks, and blew hard.

The copper whistle made no sound, but Suya's spiritual intuition keenly noticed that the surroundings suddenly became colder. He did not look back, but just threw a piece of paper back.

The illusory and huge white bone monster lowered its head slightly, swiped its giant palm, and held the note firmly, and then the white bone messenger turned into white bones and collapsed behind Su Ya.

Tens of seconds later, Su Ya felt a gust of wind suddenly blowing in the closed living room.

He turned around and saw Mr. Azik, who was wearing a long black dress and a half-high silk hat, with soft features and a serious look, appearing next to him.

"Kleon just left my place. Shall we start now?" Azik looked at Suya and asked. He stretched out a hand and put it on Suya's shoulder, holding him tightly.

"Klein's side should have already started." Suya calculated the time in his mind, roughly estimated the progress of Klein's side, nodded and replied.

"Okay." Azik nodded.

The next moment, a scene with rich colors suddenly appeared in front of Su Ya's eyes, like a spice plate being knocked over. Various colors were superimposed on each other, forming a strange 'oil painting world'.

And he was carried by Azik like this, walking towards the depths where various rich colors were superimposed. Everything around him was like a phantom, with rich colors, overlapping and adding up, and quickly retreating.

Soon, the surrounding red, yellow, white, black and other colors quickly faded. Suya opened his eyes again and found that they were already standing in a very comfortable study room, and Azik Eggers was standing in front of him. Beside him, he looked at himself with slight concern.

(End of this chapter)

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