Mystery: Days and Nights of Struggle with the Research Society

Chapter 165 The Great Detective Sherlock Moriarty

Chapter 165: Detective Sherlock Moriarty
Backlund, 15 Minsk Street, Jowood District.

Klein opened the curtains, looked out the window at the light-colored mist-filled sky with low visibility, and yawned.

It has been almost a week since he arrived in Backlund, but Klein is still not used to Backlund's bad weather, cold and humid environment, and food that is even more unpalatable than Tingen.

"I've already begun to miss Grandma Wendy's bread." Klein muttered, sorted out the newspapers scattered on the table, and sat in an armchair thinking about what he would do next.

His current identity is a private detective named 'Sherlock Moriarty'.

This identity and his current residence were provided by Su Ya, but the name was his own.

And his current situation is also very special. Klein sighed and couldn't help but think of the conversation he had with Suya after he recovered that day.

"Because you disappeared together with the 'unknown high-sequence intruder' during the Tingen incident, and you were also seen by Sika in the scene where your spirit body was pulled out by Ince. At that time, Atil and I were not the only ones present. , and Your Excellency Sesima, who is particularly impressed by you, so I can't hide your affairs at all when you haven't come back." Su Ya sighed.

"Under such circumstances, I couldn't keep it a secret for you for too long. In the end, I could only give you the identity of 'Cline Moretti' and report him missing. I originally thought that after you recovered, Leonard and the others could be there. I found you 'unconscious' near the Blackthorn Security Company, and I will make an excuse to say that the sealed artifact I lent you saved you. Although this will cause you to be examined under Chanis for a short period of time, it won't There are too many side effects.”

"But I didn't expect Atil to come over, so I couldn't use him as an excuse, and you never recovered."

As Suya said this, he scratched his head in annoyance. Although he had thought about how to transfer Klein to Backlund, he never expected that this would be the result now.

"Now that Atil has returned to Backlund, your disappearance should have been reported to the Holy Church. This matter will not be easy to deal with now."

Although the goddess must have made arrangements for this matter, Archbishop St. Anthony must have understood what was going on.

But Suya felt that the goddess would not order Klein to return to the church directly, and it would not be easy for him to operate in this situation - after all, he himself was not a formal member.

"Klein, at least now you can't go back to the Tingen Nighthawks team openly."

"But I have an idea." Suya said, "Come to Backlund. I can provide you with the identity of an informant of the Church of the Night, which will also make it easier for you to move."

"Sherlock Moriarty is a private detective who is good at handling various matters. He charges reasonable fees and strictly abides by the principle of confidentiality. He lives at No. 15 Minsk Street, Cherwood District."

Klein retracted his thoughts, looked at the small advertisement in the corner of the seventh page of the "Backlund Post" in his hand, and nodded with satisfaction.

This was a small advertisement that he spent a full 50 pounds on for a month in this popular local newspaper, which also reduced his wealth by one-tenth.Before I left Tingen, I originally had five pounds and three soli in cash, and then Miss Justice compensated Mr. Fool's Beloved with five hundred pounds. The total was five hundred and five pounds and three soli.

I spent 50 pounds to publish the detective advertisement, and a few sets of clothes, daily necessities, occult materials, and daily expenses totaled 20 pounds. I took on a few small tasks in the past few days and made a little money. I now have it in my hand. There are still 437 pounds 5 soli. Well, the money is really not spent.

This is because Suya prepared the ticket to Backlund, Sherlock Moriarty's identity certificate, and one year's rent at No. 15 Minsk Street for me, so there was no money spent on this part. I muttered in my heart, my thoughts were a little complicated.

Although classmate Shengun said that I am now his informant and should provide food and accommodation, I can't help him at the moment. Forget the previous ones, I will definitely have to find a way to increase my income next time. I can't rely too much on it. he.

Hmm. Judging from the degree of digestion of my Sequence 8 potions, I should also start preparing for the next sequence of potions. However, I don't know the formula of the 'Magician' yet.

From this point of view, my choice of 'private detective' was indeed the most appropriate.Klein thought.

For him, private detective is a career that combines making money and taking action. It allows him to contact people from various industries, and slowly discover Backlund's circle of extraordinary people, and maybe he can also find the 'Secret Order' from it. Or news about the 'Aurora Society'.

Of course, if he was lucky enough, he could even buy the Sequence 7 potion formula and main materials directly from some circles of Beyonders.

But the income of a private detective can at most maintain a middle-class life. If you want to have enough money to buy potion formulas and extraordinary materials, you must first go to Miss Justice, and secondly, look at the informant information and tasks Su Ya said here. , and thirdly, you can still make certain investments
Let's not talk about Miss Justice. If I want to invest, I still need some time to find out the news, but Su Ya feels more reliable.

I remember that my classmate, the magic stick, mentioned that if I could catch Lanervus, no matter whether he was dead or alive, I could notify him to exchange rewards with the church. Although Ince Zangwill is dead, Lanervus The guy is still alive and I should probably try to find out about him.

There is also the 'Hurricane Lieutenant General' Qilingos mentioned by Mr. 'The Hanged Man'. If I can intervene in this matter, maybe. Thinking of this, Klein suddenly stood up and sat up, came to the first floor, and started reading I bought various newspapers before and wanted to find some news from them.

"Tasok News". "The Archbishop of the Steam Church announced that new steam technology should be promoted nationwide." Well, I seem to have heard this mentioned by the captain before. It is said that it is led by a big shot of the Steam Church, but this should have nothing to do with me.

"Backlund Daily", "The New Party Proposes a 'Civil Servant' Policy!"The king publicly expressed his approval." Is this the civil service examination that I mentioned to Miss Justice before?Well, I hope Miss Justice didn't tell Mr. Fool that this policy was proposed by Mr. Fool. But maybe it would be fine even if Su Ya knew about it. After all, he always thought that Fool was an ancient god who was suspected to be related to our time travel.
"New Backlund Morning News", "The famous singer and drama actor Ms. Mireille White is coming to Backlund soon!" 》.With this tone, is he a big star in this world?Forget it. It has nothing to do with me.
dong dong dong-

Just as Klein was flipping through the newspaper, a rhythmic knock on the door came, interrupting Klein's movements.

 This chapter is related to several subsequent plots.

  Then I was really still writing, but I had less and less time to fish, so I could only find time to write. I could still write a little from Monday to Friday, but I had no time at all on weekends.

(End of this chapter)

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