Chapter 166 Moran Watson
The bells jingled and jingled, and the bells pulled by the rope kept shaking, spreading the sound throughout the spacious but relatively empty living room.

Klein, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, stood up, briefly adjusted his white shirt and black vest, and strode towards the door.

Is it the client who comes to the door at this time?It doesn’t feel like it. The previous orders were quite simple, such as finding cats, dogs, and catching rapes. Generally, most of these orders come to the door in the morning, and few people choose this time to come to the door.
Alas, but I can't always wait at home, waiting for missions to come to me. I still have to investigate Lanervus's affairs, and I also have to find a way to contact Backlund's circle of wild Extraordinaries, and find a way to find what I have written down. Potion recipes and ingredients
Klein thought as he walked to the door. Without going through the peephole, the image of the visitor outside naturally appeared in his mind:

Standing at the door was a young man wearing a white shirt, a black vest and black tights. He looked about 28 or nine years old. He had a pale face, slightly messy brown hair, and there seemed to be some malice hidden in his brown eyes. , but it seems that he has restrained it so well that it is not obvious, but it also intuitively gives people a sense of depression.

What surprised Klein was that this man who seemed not to be trifled with and looked like a powerful Beyonder was holding a dark, furry creature whose appearance he could not clearly see in his arms.The soft, shiny dark hair was balled up in the young man's arms, making it difficult to tell what it was.

Is it some kind of extraordinary creature?Klein murmured in his heart, and hesitated for a few seconds whether to open the door or not - this man's characteristics were very obvious, and he could recognize him at a glance as an Extraordinary of high rank. He always felt that if he really received him It will be very troublesome.

But people have already come to the door and he can't pretend that he's not at home.
Before the young man felt impatient and was about to ring the bell at the door again, Klein sighed, turned the handle, opened the door, and greeted with a smile:

"Good afternoon, sir, it's a nice day today, isn't it? At least we can still see the sun for a little while now."

This is a popular conversation topic in Backlund for hundreds of years - talking about the weather. If you want to talk to someone but can't find a topic, it's always right to talk about it.

The young man looked at him with strange eyes, but did not answer. He just asked in a slightly hoarse voice, as if confirming something, "Are you Detective Sherlock Moriarty?"

"Yes, do you have anything to entrust? Sorry, please come in. We can talk on the sofa."

Klein turned sideways, moved out of the way, pointed to the reception area, and said politely and gently.

"No, no need." The young man looked at him and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "I was asked to deliver a letter and a gift to you. Since you are Sherlock Moriarty, then I will I can hand it over to you.”

"Gift? It?" Klein was a little confused, but he immediately noticed the most important pronoun, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Yes, that's it." The young man in a white shirt and black vest pursed his lips, nodded affirmatively, and then stuffed the unknown black furry creature in his arms as quickly as possible. Klein said with relief in his arms.

"His Excellency the Viscount asked me to give this to you. You can read this letter for specific questions." As he said that, he threw an envelope sealed with exquisite fire paint to Klein, completely ignoring the question marks on Klein's face. , with an expression that seemed to want to ask something else, he took a few steps back. "Farewell." The young man nodded perfunctorily to Klein, turned around and quickly walked away from here at a speed that made Klein a little stunned. He quickly walked out of the street and disappeared, leaving only Klein. The man stood at the door with a bewildered face, holding the unknown creature that had been stuffed into his arms, at a loss.

"Meow-" The unknown black furry creature moved, revealing its round and small head, and shook its ears happily.It looks to be only a few months old, and has not completely shed the soft down of a kitten. It has a pair of round brown cat eyes and looks very cute.

And this cute little kitten didn't seem to care that it had changed places. It was minding its own business and stretched out its paws in Klein's arms. Its tail was raised high and wrapped around his arm. A purring sound came from the throat.

"It turns out to be a cat." Klein closed the door and returned to the living room. He looked at the fluffy and round kitten in his arms. After a long time of effort, he couldn't get it out of his arms, and he didn't dare to go too far. Using force, for fear of hurting this little thing that looked like a kitten, I had to hold its body with one hand, and then freed the other hand.

Who would suddenly send a cat to me, an unknown detective? Although I help people find cats, it doesn't mean that I can raise cats, okay?Klein thought with some sadness and anger.

Wait, did that person just say His Excellency the Viscount?Klein suddenly realized something. He silently moved his eyes to the letter that looked very fancy and familiar. He opened it with one hand with difficulty, revealing the familiar words on it.

"To Dear Detective Sherlock:

I heard that you are worried about your detective career recently. Although I trust my friend's ability, I still decided to help you out of friendship.

For this reason, I have to reluctantly send Mr. Moran Watson to you as your detective assistant. Believe me, he is a qualified 'detective'. I think you will get along very happily, and he will also lead It will be of great help to you.

Don't thank me, this is what I should do as a friend.

Your friend, Surya.

ps: Although the man who delivered the letter, Maric, seems not to be trifled with, he is actually a trustworthy friend. If you have any difficulties and need help, you can also go to him. "

I knew it was you, fellow student!
Klein grinded his teeth silently, not knowing how to complain about Su Ya's letter.

Did you help me by finding someone to give me a cat?And what the hell is Moran Watson? !Because my name is Sherlock Moriarty, did you also find Moran Watson to cooperate?This name sounds fake. Where should I find this Moran Watson?
Alas, what is Su Ya going to do again?
But Mr. Maric does look special, but since Su Ya said he can be trusted, maybe I can give it a try. But he ran away after delivering the cat and I don’t know the contact information at all.
(End of this chapter)

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