Chapter 8 Combat
"Sulia, step back." Al waved to Suya to signal him to step back, cleared his throat, and a melodious and quiet melody sounded in the narrow alley:
"Ah, the threat of fear, the hope of crimson!

At least one thing is true: this life flies by.

One thing is true, the rest is a lie,
After the flowers bloom once, they will die forever..."

The deep and soothing poetry has the power to relax and stabilize people. The Extraordinary on the opposite side shook his body and looked in a trance. Simon took advantage of this opportunity to rush out, his flexible body hung upside down on the roof, and his arms hugged tightly. the opponent's neck.

"Bang! Bang!" After four gunshots fired at the same time, Suya and Ms. Loretta, who had acted in tacit agreement, looked at each other. At the same time, they put away the revolver in their palms and moved toward Simon Le, whose limbs had been broken. The fainted 'madman' walked over.

"Don't worry, I've confirmed that he has no ability to resist." Simon watched as Sulia carefully poked the prisoner lying on the ground with his cane to check, and spread his hands.

"Prudentness is an excellent quality that every nighthawk should possess." Al glanced at Simon and patted Suya on the shoulder with appreciation, "You have grown up very quickly. It seems that you are already an excellent nighthawk. , Surya.”

"Thank you for your help, especially the captain and Simon." Su Ya blinked at Simon, her blue eyes filled with a smile.

"Hi, it's nothing." Simon waved his hand indifferently.

"But why do the recent low-sequence members of the Rose School keep drilling into Backlund." He complained, kicking the unconscious man's back and yawning, "I haven't been able to sleep well for several days. I’m not a sleepless person.”

Ms. Lolotta, who also had dark circles around her eyes, nodded in agreement.

If it weren't for their regular shift changes during this period, the captain is 'Nightmare' who doesn't need sleep very much, and there is a newcomer, Surya, to help, then they will definitely be overwhelmed.

I have to say that Backlund's Nighthawk team has a very reasonable configuration. There is Simon in divination and flexible sneak attacks, Rila in ritual magic and frontal combat, Ms. Lolotta is a sharpshooter, and the captain is in control. Offensive ability, Borgia is a pharmacist and can also communicate with animals to obtain information.

Such an Extraordinary team, although the sequence is not high, is fully capable of handling ordinary extraordinary events that do not involve high sequences. If it encounters a higher-level event, it can also report it to other teams stationed in Backlund or even the Red Army at any time. Gloves for help.

Suya spread his hands towards Simon, and together with him, he stepped forward to tie up the unconscious Extraordinary, preparing to take him back to the church for interrogation.

Although it was a bit busy during this period, the experience was still very interesting for Suya.

Almost a week has passed since he was taken away by Captain Al. During this week, he was learning extraordinary knowledge from Simon, who is the 'divineer' Path Sequence 8, while receiving firearms training from Ms. Loretta. Rayla's fighting learning.

During this process, Su Ya accepted the strong body and experience brought by his predecessor through knight training, plus the simple life-saving skills he learned as a war correspondent, and was taught by Rila unreservedly.

The 'monster' and 'machine' potions gave him precise control over his body, as well as a significant enhancement of all aspects of his physical qualities, which enabled him to show outstanding talents in the fields of 'fighting' and 'shooting' , and soon showed that his combat effectiveness was not inferior to others.

Coupled with his luck that amazed many Extraordinaries, Suya rapidly grew into a qualified Sequence 7 Extraordinary in just one week.

In Su Ya's own opinion, if he can get one or two suitable sealed items, then his level of performance should not be worse than that of the original Klein in the same sequence.

After all, he was really lucky.

Su Ya thought about what she had encountered this week, and felt from the bottom of her heart that the way of destiny was really fragrant.

Whether it is ritual magic and making amulets without failure, or the side effects of sealed items will not work on him most of the time, or the fact that he can hit 100% with a gun for the first time, it fully reflects his status as a Lucky's outrageous level of luck.

Even when drawing materials. Su Ya glanced at the panel and looked at the high-sequence materials lined up in a row in the warehouse. Although he didn't recognize most of the materials, they looked like the real soul of a predator in the spiritual world. Body', '100 milliliters of Fulgrim's dog's blood', and 'Wisdom Dragon's blood', you can tell at a glance that they are only materials used by high-sequences.

In addition to the high-sequence material of the Seer mentioned in the original book, the Dragon of Wisdom is not the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" or the blood of an angel, right?

Su Ya, who experienced the feeling of the European Emperor for the first time in his life, felt very good. No fortune teller or sleepless audience could compare to the fragrance of Destiny Path.

However, while being really fragrant, Su Ya still had some doubts about his unusual luck. He always felt that the character of Sequence 7 was not worthy of his level of 'luck'.

"By the way, Suya." Captain Al helped Simon put the prisoner into the prison underground of the church. He clapped his hands and waved back to Suya, gesturing for him to go to the office to talk with him.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Su Ya looked at Captain Al curiously and asked.

"You have joined us for a week, Surya." Captain Al gently stroked his pipe, without lighting it, just holding it in his hand out of habit.

"You have performed very amazingly this week. My judgment of you is that you are already a qualified Sequence 7 Beyonder."

"According to the previous discussion with His Excellency Attil, you can now leave the ranks of the Nighthawks and return to your normal noble life." Having said that, Elton paused, stroked his pipe again, and continued opened the mouth.

"Of course, if you are willing to stay, well, if you want to become a real Nighthawk, we, I mean, Simon and Rila will welcome you." Al coughed a little uncomfortably, "Okay, Compared to the luxurious and comfortable noble life, becoming a Nighthawk is not a very good choice for a Viscount Well, I just want to say, maybe you can stay here until next week?"

"Next week we have a mission to escort the sealed artifact to Tingen. The recent situation in Backlund only allows us to take up to three people. I think with your luck, we can at least reduce some of the dangers we may encounter on the road."

 I finally figured out how to use the author's backend, and I still want to read more!

(End of this chapter)

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